A FILM FOR PEACE FESTIVAL MEDEA - ARA PACIS MUNDI THIRD EDIZION - 20 July 2008 CATALOG © November 2008 Windcloak Film Production www.unfilmperlapace.it [email protected] INTRODUCTION I am particularly proud to write these few lines in or- der to introduce the catalogue of the third edition of the film festival “A Film For Peace” and I want to thank Enrico Cammarata, author of the Festival, the Windcloak Film Production for the work carried out since the first edition, the province of Gorizia espe- A FILM FOR PEACE cially for the strong political support to the project, the foundation of the Cassa di Risparmio di Gorizia for the economic support. Principle of the festival is that a film should increase the spiritual growth of man, providing information and messages such as to promote the culture of peace, tolerance and respect for all living beings and should ban all action of an useless violence. Medea is the place where this event was born be- cause in Medea, in Ara Pacis Mundi, the ideals of peace, tolerance and reconciliation between men and women in all over the world are enclosed and where sods, withdrawn in the cemeteries of war, and the memory of millions of dead and missed soldiers in all the wars are saved, they who have stained with blood the world in the past century. The young players’ participation at the Festival has given to them the opportunity to make their work known, especially required today from those who do not have financial means to promote their own works by themselves. The Festival is therefore an increasing project, more TERZA EDIZIONE 2008 THIRD EDITION 2008 and more plenty of qualified participation coming from all over the world. It is an important cultural event, fitting with the program to re-launch and en- hance Ara Pacis Mundi meaning, by exalting the val- ues here containing. A FILM FOR PEACE Alberto Bergamin indaco di edea S M THIRD EDITION 2008 INTRODUCTION The province of Gorizia, for a long time crossroad of languages and nationalities which still cohabit on its territory, has known in the past century all the trag- edies of ethnic and ideological conflicts: two World Wars, the oppression of the fascist period, the Cold War and the border. In order to prevent it will not A FILM FOR PEACE repeat again, we have undertaken a path founded on dialogue, cohabitation, policies of cooperation sup- ported by a strong Europeanist spirit. In 1993 the Province of Gorizia has been declared “Province for the peace” with the entrance in the Na- tional Coordination of Local Governments for Peace, in order to promote and widespread a renewed cul- ture of peace and human rights, against all forms of violence and intolerance. That is why we have joined with enthusiasm the Film Festival “A FILM FOR PEACE”, promoted from the Municipality of Medea and the Windcloak Production Film. An initiative born like many others, in the common attempt to draw inspiration from Ara Pacis Mundi and the memory of victims of all the wars, in order to revive, with stronger conviction and engagement, an active policy towards peace like a primary good for progress and humanity survival. The choice to put into effect this engagement through cinema and video instruments has been an indeed happy idea. TERZA EDIZIONE 2008 THIRD EDITION 2008 The visual communication is today very strong among young people, whom we look at with special atten- tion, also involving them actively in the selection of the works in contest. The Festival becomes thus a window on the world in order to know and to interpret the worldwide dimen- sion, the hope of a fairer and united world, from one A FILM FOR PEACE side, and abuse, violence and exploitation conditions (which still tear humanity) on the other side. Many works coming from several countries, propos- ing different readings of these topics, sometimes in an informative and documentary way, other times with the writer’s personal approach. All of them are an important instrument of knowledge and thinking, in order to live with awareness the nowadays times. Therefore we will engage ourselves in order to make the festival growing more and more and to promote in a right way all the works in contest, through the “Mediateca Provinciale” where to realize a collection of “films of peace” to put at disposal of schools, as- sociations and single citizens. Marko Marinčič COUNCILLOR TO THE PEACE PROVINCE OF GORIZIA THIRD EDITION 2008 SUMMARY Introduction 105 Preface 111 Admitted Works 115 Data sheet of films 123 A FILM FOR PEACE TERZA EDIZIONE 2008 THIRD EDITION 2008 THIRD EDITION 2008 A FILM FOR PEACE PREFACE The aim of “A film for peace” Festival is to promote and increase the value of all those films regarding the topic of peace in the world. I mean for “peace” the refusal of vio- lence like instrument for the solution of human conflicts between States, ethnic groups and persons. Therefore, the notion of peace here adopted is much more wider includ- A FILM FOR PEACE ing, among subjects been involved in the phenomenon, different groups up to reach the controversies among single ones, discharging, thus, the problems of justice in the peace concept. Accordingly, the pacifism, limiting the concept of peace only to human groups, is only an aspect of the widest phenomenon of general peace. After having defined the meaning of peace I want to ana- lyze which the foundations and means would be to put an end to the conflicts. To speak about foundations it is to speak why it is neces- sary to wish peace. Well, only two are the reasons to the foundation of peace: one is of Ethics and the other of Pragmatics. The first one tells us that peace is well, the other one that peace is con- venient. The means of the peace are all those instruments, activities that can cancel or decrease violence and the conflict itself. They are: diplomacy, demonstrations, treaties and the right of the single States. After having summarily told about the phenomenon of peace, I want to speak about the war Right, the Human Rights and the public justice that are some of the means for the human conflicts resolution. A world-wide regula- tion has been achieved recently in war field. As a matter of fact, an important source of the war Right is the conven- tion of the AIJA of 1899 and 1907. The war victims receive a special protection thanks to TERZA EDIZIONE 2008 THIRD EDITION 2008 the convention of Geneva of 1949 that is a fundamental source of the humanitarian Right. A mention deserves the Declaration on the Right of People to Peace adopted from the UN in 1984 that however does not have legal nature but only a purpose of program. The human Rights are the most important instrument for the protection of the single human person. A FILM FOR PEACE The norms aim to the safeguard of the fundamental goods of the person that are constitutional and essential to hu- man being. Between the goods, receiving protection, must be mentioned the individual liberty, the right to life, the right to self-determination, the religious freedom, the right of social security. Important sources of human rights are the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, the Genocide Convention of 1951, International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of 1969 and The Statute for International Criminal Court of 2002. They are agreements among States. Also the single States have, in their own legal order, norms to protect the human person. In Italy, they are found in the Constitution of the Civil and Penal Code. It must say that in the last five years, the existing conflicts have caused in all over the world ap- proximately 8 million of victims in more than 30 interna- tional conflicts of war and ethnic nature. The last aspect I would like to treat is the statual justice. There is no doubt that no State is in a real true peace. Also inside the single States, citizens often enter in conflict be- tween them in an endless struggle to fulfill their selfish pur- poses which do not care about the rights of the others. In the struggle there is always violence meant like duress of a subject to another, forcing the passive subject to do actions that otherwise he never would have done. The conflict, or contrast of interests, is settled down either by Ethics, meaning that the active subject recognizes sponta- THIRD EDITION 2008 neously that his own behavior is not good and he stops it, or by Right meaning that who suffers a wrong, hauls up the subject who puts into effect the violence, in front of the judge for the final resolution. It could be said that the Right, as a group of coercive means, is also violence, but we must say that it is often the smaller evil compared with the greater one of a society left by itself, without rules and in courts of law where conflicts A FILM FOR PEACE would be solved only by the survival of the fittest. Better to know to be equal, opposite to all the other citi- zens, except the State endowed with superior power, than to know of being at the mercy of any other citizen’s vio- lence, who would make, by force, an uncontrollable and warlike society. Light of the previous, necessary considerations on the phenomenon of peace, I must spend some words on the modality of the festival, first of all on the film selection.
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