Grand Master's Page A Second Chance I am in San Antonio as a guest of the Imperial Potentate of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine for North America. Yesterday the delegates to the 119th Imperial Council Sessions voted overwhelmingly to stay in the Masonic family. The proposal to change the By-laws to do away with the prerequisite of being a Knight Templar or a 321 Scottish Rite Mason needed a two-thirds majority to pass - It received about 31%. For the second time in as many months, the attacks upon the structure of the Fraternity have been defeated. It is hoped that we will profit by some of the criticism that was laid at our feet and draw closer together as Masons. Several of the delegates who spoke in favor of the proposal to change the prerequisite for Shrine membership had leveled charges of non-cooperation between York/Scottish Rite bodies and their Temples. I am sure that these charges were not lightly made! It is hoped that the Leadership in our Grand Commanderies will "go the extra mile" to see that their constituent Commanderies are not refusing to confer the Degrees and Orders of the York Rite in timely manner. The Shrine needs new members - and so do we. We, too, must act as if we are also a part of the Masonic family and cooperate with the Chapters and Councils in our jurisdictions to justify our good faith as a prerequisite Body, and we should cooperate with our local Shrine Temple. Earl R. Little, K.G.C. The Executive Committee has approved the appointment of Sir Knight Earl R. Little, R.E.P.G.C. (LA) and a Past Department Commander, to fill the unexpired term of Sir Knight Sam E. Hilburn as a trustee-at-large of the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. Sir Knight Hilburn, by virtue of his office as the Right Eminent Treasurer of the Grand Encampment, assumes the office of Treasurer/Trustee of the Eye Foundation. William H. Thornley, Jr, G.C.T. Grand Master August 1993 2 Knight Templar "The Magazine for York Rite Masons - and Others, too" AUGUST: The Knights Templar Eye Foundation announces The Golden Chalice Award. (The Chalice is featured on our August cover.) An article about the Chalice by Grand Master Thornley and pictures of presentations start on page 5. A mostly forgotten Brother, William T. Adams, is remembered by Sir Knight Walther, starting on page 7. This month we have news from all over the nation, provocative essays galore, and a wonderful poem to keep your inspiration alive during the long summer. And we hope it is an enjoyable summer! Contents August 1993 Grand Master's Page Volume XXXIX Number 8 Grand Master William H. Thornley, Jr. - 2 Published monthly as an official publication of the Grand The Golden Chalice Award Encampment of Knights Templar of Grand Master William H. Thornley, Jr. - 5 the United States of America. Brother William T. Adams - Author and Teacher William Henry Thornley, Jr. Grand Master and Publisher Sir Knight Peter C. Walther - 7 3080 South Race Street Knights Templar Eye Foundation News - 11 Denver, Colorado 80210-6331 Holy Land Pilgrimage - Letters from Ministers - 19 Charles R. Neumann Grand Recorder "The Knights Templar" and Editor Sir Knight James C. Taylor - 20 Joan B. Morton Beyond Mere Words Assistant Editors Sir Knight Karl J. Krayer - 21 Grand Recorder 5097 N. Elston Avenue, Suite 101 Unity in Masonry Chicago, Illinois 60630-2460 (773) 777-3300 Sir Knight J. Nelson Deakin, Jr. - 23 Fax: (773) 777-8836 On the Origins of the Ineffable Name Mail magazine materials and correspondence to Editor, 57 N. Sir Knight E. K. Edwards, Jr. - 24 Elston Avenue, Suite 101, Chico, I1- 60630-2460. Presidential Masons - Part II Material for the Grand Brother Anthony W. Keefer - 27 Commanderies’ two-page supplement is to be directed to the Grand Commander's, Grand Master's Clubs – 18 respective Supplement editors. August Issue – 3 Address corrections from members Editors Journal – 4 are to be sent to the local Recorders Recipients: Grand Encampment Membership Jewel - 13 Highlights from the Masonic Family - 14 History of the Grand Encampment - 16 In Memoriam – 18 Knight Voices - 30 August 1993 3 Announcement: The Grand Encampment Grand Recorder, Grand Encampment, has begun a program of Honors, which has Knights Templar, 5097 N. Elston Avenue, two levels: Knight Grand Cross of the Suite 101, Chicago, Illinois 60630-2460. Temple and Knight Commander of the Dungeon, Fire and Sword: The Knights Temple. This program gives the Grand Templar in the Crusades. This long- Encampment a way of honoring Sir Knights awaited history of the Knights Templar by who have distinguished themselves in their author and medievalist John J. Robinson, fields of endeavor. It does not limit itself to author of the much-acclaimed Born in Blood: Masonry alone, but to qualify, a person must The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry is now be a Knight Templar. The recipients receive available from the Grand Encampment. This a beautifully engraved Patent and a jewel. dramatic history charts the Templars' shifting The jewel may be worn on the uniform or on fortunes against a rich tapestry of adventure, a tuxedo. The recipients may also use the intrigue, suppression, and virtual extinction letters KGC or KCT after their names; they at the hands of King Philip of France and should be introduced along with the Knights Pope Clement V in the 14th century. Copies Templar Cross of Honor holder. are $20.00 each, plus $3.00 shipping and Announcing: The Widow's Pin - to handling. commemorate those who were active The Unseen Journey, a Masonic Templars: The Most Eminent Grand Master, videotape, is available from the Grand William Henry Thornley, Jr., has authorized Encampment: A professional one-hour the design and manufacture of an attractive videotape telling the story of Masonry has Red Templar Cross pin for widows of Sir been made for the Mason and non-Mason by Knights who held office below the rank of Fratres of a professional audio/visual Past Grand Commander (this includes company, under the supervision of the Commanders. Past Commanders. and grand Grand Lodge of Illinois. This exciting and officers.) informative tape employs the highest You will certainly want to take this production standards. Copies are on sale opportunity to honor your widows at regular here for $29.95 plus $3.00 shipping and programs of your Commandery. Order in lots of handling. Send check to the Grand 10 at $5.00 apiece from Sir Knight Herbert Encampment, 5097 N. Elston Ave., Suite Fisher, Honorary P.D.C., 553 Caren Drive, 101, Chicago, IL 60630-2460. Virginia Beach, VA 23452. Complimentary for Widows: Widows of Born In Blood: The exciting book by John J. Knights Templar are eligible to continue to Robinson about the Lost Secrets of receive our magazine as long as they desire. Freemasonry and their relationship to the To retain or reinstate the mailing, simply Knights Templar is available at the price of instruct your local Recorder or the Grand $16.00 Please make checks payable to the Encampment of your wishes. Grand Encampment, and send them to the August 1993 4 August 1993 5 The second Golden Chalice was presented M.E.G.M. by Grand Master Thornley on May 22, 1993, Grand Master Thornley presented the third in York, Pennsylvania, at the Annual Grand Chalice at the Southeastern Department Commandery Banquet. Accepting the Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 26, Chalice on behalf of the Marie Keese LeLash 1993. It was presented to Sir Knight Ray Foundation was Sir Knight Garett L. Rutledge, Eminent Grand Captain General of Anderson, Past Commander and Treasurer the Grand Commandery of Alabama. Sir of Gettysburg Commandery No. 79, K.T. Knight Rutledge was representing the York Pictured below are, left to right: David E. Rite Bodies of Jasper, Alabama. Alcon, the then-R.E.G.C.; Sir Knight Garett L. Anderson and William H. Thornley, Jr., August 1993 6 Brother William T. Adams Popular Author and Teacher by Sir Knight Peter C. Walther Horatio Alger, Frank Merriwell Buffalo Bill, published and met with a ready sale. Eleven Tom Swift: these names conjure up years later, at the request of his publishers memories of much of the favorite reading Lee and Shepard, he resigned his teaching matter from the era of our fathers and post after twenty years of experience and grandfathers. devoted his efforts to full-time writing. As However, William T. Adams, known in his editor of at least three periodicals, Sunday time as Oliver Optic," was the forerunner and School teacher and superintendent, well- precursor of these famous literarians and set known traveler and lecturer, politician, the trend for much of the popularity of "boys member of the Boston School Board, and books" in general during the last half of the author of well over 125 books, William T. nineteenth century. His stories, although largely Adams served with distinction and honor in forgotten today, wielded influential strokes whatever cause he undertook. His death in among his faithful boy public and kept a well Boston on March 27, 1897, occurred only a respected publishing firm in Boston solvent for few months short of his seventy-fifth well over a generation. And besides his birthday. He was survived by a daughter and massive literary output, W. T. Adams was a two grandchildren. loyal and active Mason. Union Lodge, Boston, was organized in W. T. Adams' life was a long and an 1796 after having received a charter, signed active one. He was born in Medway, by Brothers Paul Revere and William Massachusetts, on July 30, 1822.
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