BSBI News INDEX to Nos 121 – 130 September 2012 to September 2015 Compiled by GWYNN ELLIS ISSN 2397-8813 1 GUIDE TO THE INDEX ABBREVIATIONS AEM Annual Exhibition Meeting Illus. Illustration AGM Annual General Meeting Infl. Inflorescence ASM Annual Summer Meeting Lvs Leaves cf. confer (compare) photo © photo copyright holder congrats congratulations Rev. Review CS Colour Section Rpt Report del. delineavit (drawn) s.l. sensu lato (broad sense) Descr. Description s.s. sensu stricto (narrow sense) Diag. Diagram v.c. vice-county Exbn Exhibition v.cc. vice-counties Exbt Exhibit (♀) female parent Fld Mtg Rpt Field Meeting Report (♂) male parent Fls Flowers ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The compiler wishes to thank David Pearman for much helpful advice and for scrutinising the final text. However, responsibility for checking the index and its final form rests solely with the compiler. BOOKS et al. are italicised as are Periodicals and scientific names COLOUR PAGES: In the index all colour page numbers are distinguished by being underlined with the cover pages enclosed in square brackets [ ]. The front cover and inside front cover are numbered [i] and [ii] respectively while the inside back and back cover pages are numbered according to the number of pages, thus with an issue of 76 pages the inside back cover is [77] and the back cover [78]. Colour Section plates are numbered CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4. Photographers are now indexed by name with the qualification (photo ©) COMPILATION: Using the original text on computer, the entries for each issue were generated by deleting all unwanted text. After checking, the entries were then sorted into alphabetical order, condensed, and finally output as pdf files for the Printer. DESCRIPTION (Descr.) refers to any descriptive data, however scant. HYBRIDS are given either as the hybrid name or as the hybrid formula, which is not inverted, in alpha- betical order of the parents, except where the gender of the parents has been specified when the female (♀) parent is given before the male (♂). ISSUES No. 121 — Sep. 2012 [72pp] No. 126 — Apr. 2014 [56pp] No. 122 — Jan. 2013 [64pp] No. 127 — Sep. 2014 [68pp] No. 123 — Apr. 2013 [88pp] No. 128 — Jan. 2015 [76pp] No. 124 — Sep. 2013 [72pp] No. 129 — Apr. 2015 [92pp] No. 125 — Jan. 2014 [68pp] No. 130 –– Sep. 2015 [68pp] QUALIFICATIONS are in brackets in alphabetical order followed by vice-county numbers (in bold) in the order v.c.1 – 112, v.c.H1 – H40, v.c.113. Vice-county names follow the list on the inside back cover. SURNAMES of contributors are in SMALL CAPITALS. Where a person’s name and initials appears in more than one way in the text of BSBI News Nos 111-120 it has been standardized in the index to the one used most frequently. Gwynn Ellis May 2020 2 INDEX BSBI NEWS Numbers 121 to 130 Abram, Mr K. – Report of death of, 125 63 – Wanted: Rusty Slender Hare’s-Ear (Request) 121 Acaena ovalifolia (v.c.13) 129 57 62, [ii] Acer spp. – grazed by Muntjac 123 36 Ainsworth, Dr A.M. – Bupleurum tenuissimum (photo ©) Acer campestre (v.c.17) 130 20, 21 121 [ii] Acer platanoides (v.c.17) 130 20 – Pulsatilla vulgaris infected by Urocystis pulsatillae Acer pseudoplatanus (v.c.17) 130 20; (photo) 129 [93] (photo ©) 123 CS4 – Heterophylly (photos) 123 38, CS3 Aira caryophyllea (v.c.59) 124 35; (v.c.73) 128 13 – Histology 123 38, CS3 Aira praecox (v.c.59) 124 35; (v.c.73) 128 12, 13 – showing visible ozone damage to leaves 129 [93] Albrecht Penck Medal 2012 – awarded to Charles Turner – ‘Switching on’ of purple colouration: chromo- 123 77 plasts, heterophylly and other genetic aberrations Alchemilla glabra (Descr.) 123 25 123 38, CS3 – & A. wichurae, specimens requested 123 25 Acer pseudoplatanus ‘Atropurpureum’ types 123 38, CS3 Alchemilla glaucescens (v.c.81) 123 44 Acer pseudoplatanus f. pseudoplatanus – Heterophylly in Alchemilla wichurae (Descr.) 123 25, [90] (photo) 123 CS3 – Alchemilla glabra and, 123 25 Acer pseudoplatanus f. purpureus – Heterophylly in – Teesdale (v.c.65)(photo) 123 [90] (photo) 123 CS3 Alien ferns, A trio of unusual, [Dryopteris] beside – Mesophyll chromoplasts (photo) 123 CS3 Bishops Parkway, near Wells, Somerset (v.c.6) Ackworth plant list, An, 122 45 128 54-55, CS3 Adams, K., (v.cc.15 & 16) – VCR for 40 years 127 56 Alien, Invasive, – Pentaglottis sempervirens (Green – ‘Key to taxa of Chara and Nitella (Exbt 2012) 122 57 Alkanet) 121 58 Adams, Mr L.G. – Report of death of, 128 59 Aliens 121 58-60; 122 37-44; 123 64-67; 124 49-55 Administration and Important Addresses 121 72; 122 64; Alisma lanceolatum (v.c.17) 130 19 123 88; 124 72; 125 68; 126 56; 127 68; 128 76; Alisma plantago-aquatica (v.c.17) 130 19; (v.c.63) 129 92; 130 68 124 10 Administrative Officer/Company Secretary, From the, Allen, D. –At long last: the buried story behind the 125 3-4 collapse of the BSBI’s semi-ancestor 123 49 Adoxa moschatellina (v.c.64) 121 21; (v.c.81) 124 23; Alliaria petiolata (v.c.38) 122 12 (v.c.100) 127 24 Allium species and Ficaria verna, Request for UK mate- Adventives & Aliens News 1. 125 42-45; 2. 126 24-25; rial of, 130 53 3. 127 41-43; 4. 128 41-43; 5. 129 57-59; 6. 130 Allium ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum (Descr.) 125 45-48 26, 27; (v.c.6) 125 26 (v.c.H6, H12) 125 27, [ii] – Artist sought 126 25 – Bannow Bay (v.c.H12) 125 [ii] Aegopodium podagraria (Map)(v.c.81) 124 23 – flower head at Sand Bay (v.c.6) 125 [i] Aesculus spp. – grazed by Muntjac 123 36 – in Britain, A new site for, 125 26, [i], [ii] Agapanthus sp. (v.c.1a) 124 52 – (Wild Leek) in S.E. Ireland 125 27-28, [ii], CS1 Agastache rugosa (v.c.H39) 127 42 Allium ampeloprasum var. babingtonii (Descr.)(v.c.H9) Agri-environment schemes 127 30 125 27, CS1 Agrimonia eupatoria (v.c.81) 129 34 – Rahaniska (v.c.H9) 125 CS1 Agrostemma githago – (photocopy) 121 47 Allium carinatum (v.c.73) 123 78 Agrostis (bents), Points arising from Flora Gallica (1):, Allium oleraceum (v.c.38) 126 29, [57] 128 5-6 – bulbils on road verge A3400 (v.c.38) 126 [57] Agrostis capillaris 128 5; (v.c.17) 130 20; (v.c.59) 124 35 – fresh aerial bulbils (or bulbs) wanted 130 53 – group (Descr.) 128 5 – Habitat management project: progress report (v.c.38) Agrostis capillaris ‘Astoria bent’ (Descr.) 128 5 126 29, [57] Agrostis capillaris ‘Colonial bent’ (Descr.) 128 5 – site cleared by Camille Newton and partner Alex, Agrostis capillaris ‘Highland bent’ (Descr.) 128 5 road verge (v.c.38) 126 [57] Agrostis capillaris × A. castellana 128 5 Allium paradoxum 129 34; (Map) 124 23; (v.c.73) 123 Agrostis capillaris × A. stolonifera 128 5 78; (v.c.81) 124 23 Agrostis castellana 128 5 – & A. scorodoprasum – fresh aerial bulbils (or bulbs) Agrostis ×fouilladeana 128 5 wanted 130 53 Agrostis gigantea (Descr.) 128 5 Allium scorodoprasum (v.c.73) 123 78 Agrostis gigantea × A. stolonifera 128 5 Allium subhirsutum (Descr.)(v.c.10) 128 41-42 Agrostis ×gigantifera 128 5 Allium trifoliatum (Descr.) 126 24; 128 41; (v.c.10) 128 Agrostis ×murbeckii 128 5 41; (v.c.14) 126 24 Agrostis stolonifera (Descr.) 128 5; (v.c.8) 128 20; Allium vineale – fresh aerial bulbils (or bulbs) wanted (v.c.17) 130 20; (v.c.59) 127 7, 22; (v.c.85) 122 40 130 53 – group (Descr.) 128 5 Alnus glutinosa (v.c.17) 130 21; (v.c.59) 127 6 Aihe, Dr P I – gender corrected to female 126 39 Alonso, Jose Luis Benito – Wild flowers of Ordesa and – Report of death of, 125 63 Monte Perdido National Park (Spanish Pyrenees) Ainsworth, Dr A.M. – Pulsatilla leaf smut: only one (Book Notice) 127 62 British site? (Request) 123 74, CS4 Alopecurus aequalis (v.c.17) 130 18 3 Alopecurus Alopecurus ×brachystylus (A. geniculatus × A. pratensis) – request for photographs and information (2013) 123 85 (v.c.17) 130 18 – Flora of Cold Regions Conference and, 122 53-57 Alopecurus geniculatus (v.c.17) 130 18 – London 2013– Notice of 123 68 Alopecurus geniculatus × A. pratensis (A. ×brachystylus) Annual General Meeting – Beaumaris, Anglesey, (notice (v.c.17) 130 18 of meeting, 2013) 121 63 Alopecurus magellanicus (v.c.65) 121 54, (v.c.69) 55 Annual Report and Accounts, BSBI, 31st March 2015 130 3 Alopecurus pratensis (v.c.17) 130 18, 19 Anoda cristata var. brachyantha (Descr.)(v.c.63) 126 24 Althaea officinalis (v.c.25) 123 14 Anstey, F. – Beginners’ workshops 130 50-51 Altitudes, Highest, of British and Irish vascular plants: Antennaria dioica (v.c.64) 121 21; (v.c.73) 123 79 recent work in Perthshire (Tables) 129 52-56 – Welsh priority target species 2014 126 52 Altitudinal limits – methodology in Perthshire 129 52 Anthoxanthum odoratum (v.c.17) 130 20 Amaranthus albus (Descr.) 130 47; (v.c.13) 128 42 Anthriscus sylvestris – grazed by Muntjac 123 35 Amaranthus blitoides (Descr.) 130 47 Anthropocene [current geological age], Foraging in the, Amaranthus graecizans 130 47 130 40-41 Ammi majus (v.c.95) 125 44 Anti-virus software 123 85 Ammophila arenaria (v.c.73) 123 79; (v.c.110) 130 27 Antrim, Co, (v.c.H39) – Adventives & Aliens News 3. Amphlett, A. – Distance from recorder’s home as a source 127 42 of bias in plant recording (Graphs) 124 61-63 Apera interrupta (v.c.25) 123 14 – Plant extinction rate in Banffshire (v.c.94) 124 27-29 Aphanes arvensis (v.c.8) 128 20 – Plant recording in the Cairngorms National Park in – and Aphanes australis (Request) 123 75 2014 (Map) 129 9-12 – material requested 123 75 – Recording precision 1950 - 2014 (Graphs)(Tables) Aphanes australis – material requested 123 75 129 75-81 Apium graveolens (v.c.59) 128 22; (v.c.73) 123 78 Amsinckia?, Nonea or, 128 41 Apium inundatum (v.c.17) 130 18 Anacamptis laxiflora (v.c.113(G)) 130 9 Apium leptophyllum (v.c.14) 130 47 Anacamptis morio
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