557 QlA €>ik.fhOlM IL6of 1987-1 ll^tHOIS 6E0LQQ*Q«L 8URVEY LlBRAi<Y GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ; STATE 3 3051 00007 0221 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology 1987 Selected from Publications Indexed in GeoRef in 1987 Open File Series 1987-1 Illinois State Geological Survey 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, IL 61820 GeoRef Information System American Geological Institute 4220 King Street Alexandria, VA 22302 IfcWNOIS GEOLOGOTi. SURVEY LICR \ ;Y BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF ILLINOIS GEOLOGY SERIALS LIST AAPG Bulletin. Tulso, OK: Americnn Association of Petroleum Geological Survey Bulletin (Washington). Reston, VA: U.S. Geologists. ISSN: 01491423, CODEN: AABUD2. Geological Survey, 1 949-. ISSN: 03644510, CODEN: XDIGAS. Abstracts - International Bryozoology Conference. [s.l.J: Liter- Geological Survey Circular. Reston, VA: U.S. Geological Sur- national Bryozoology Association. vey, 1950-. ISSN: 03646017, CODEN: XICIA5. Abstracts of Papers - American Chemical Society, National Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper (Washington). Res- Meeting. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1937-. ton, VA: U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, ISSN: 00657727. 1908-. ISSN: 00831131, CODEN: XTWSAX. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. Geology (Boulder). Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America. ISSN: 00167592. Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America, 1973-. ISSN: 00917613, CODEN: GLGYBA. CODEN: GAAPBC. Geotimes. Falls Church, VA: American Geological Institute, AEG Newsletter. Dallas, TX: Association of Engineering 1956-. ISSN: 00168556. CODEN: GEOTAJ. Geologists. ISSN: 05149142. Gluckauf (Essen). Essen: Verlag Gluckauf GmbH: Slechert-Haf- American Journal of Botany. Lawrence. KS: Botanical Society ner Service Agency. Inc., 1865-. ISSN: 03407896, CODEN: America. 14-. ISSN: 00029122, CODEN: AJBOAA. of 19 GLUEAJ. Annual Meeting - Association of Engineering Geologists, fs. Ground Water. Urbana, IL: National Water Well Association, I.]: Association of Engineering Geologists. ISSN: 0375572X, Ground-Water Technology Division. ISSN: 00 17467X. CODEN: CODEN: CAGPAV. GRWAAP. Archives des Sciences. Geneve: Societe de Physique et d'- Series - Geological Survey. St. Paul, Histoire Norurelle de Geneve, 1948-. ISSN: 00039705, CODEN: Guidebook Minnesota ASGVAH. MN: Minnesota Geological Survey, University of Minnesota.ISSN: 01926268, CODEN: MGLGAB. Bulletin - Oklahoma Geological Survey. Norman, OK: Oklaho- ma Geological Survey, 1980-. ISSN: 00784389, CODEN: IEEE Transactions on Geosclence Electronics. New York, NY: OKGBAL. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963-79. ISSN: 00189413, CODEN: IEGEAO. Bulletin of the Illinois Geographical Society. DcKolb, IL: Il- linois Geographical Scoiety, 1955-. ISSN: 00192031, CODEN: Illinois Mineral Notes. Urbana, LL: Illinois State Geological Sur- BIGSAH. vey Division, Illinois Institute of Natural Resources, 1972-. ISSN: 00949442. Bureau of Mines Information Circular. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1925-. ISSN: JGR. Journal of Geophysical Research. B. Washington, DC: 00961914. CODEN: XIMIAL. American Geophysical Union, 1978-. ISSN: 01966936. des Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences = Journal Canadien Journal of Geology. Chicago. DL: The University of Chicago Research Sciences de la Terre. Ottawa, ON: National Council of Press. 1893-. ISSN:' 00221376. CODEN: JGEOAZ. Canada. 1964-. ISSN: 00084077. CODEN: CJESAP. Journal of Glaclology. Cambridge: International Glaciological Environmental Geology Bnd Water Sciences. New York-Ber- Society, 1947-. ISSN: 00221430. CODEN: JOGLAO. lin, etc.: Springer- Verlag. ISSN: 00990094. Journal of Paleontology. Tulsa, OK: Society of Economic Environmental Geology Notes. Urbana, IL: Illinois State Paleontologists and Mineralogists. 1927-. ISSN: 00223360. Geological Survey. 1965-. ISSN: 00735086. CODEN: IEGNAH. CODEN: JPALAZ. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. Washington. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. Tulsa, OK: Society of DC: American Geophysical Union. ISSN: 00963941, CODEN: Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists. 193 1-. ISSN: EOSTAJ. 00224472. CODEN: JSEPAK. Field Trip Guide Leaflet - Illinois State Geological Survey. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Norman, OK: University Giompaign, EL: Department of Energy and Natural Resources, State 1-. 02724634. Geological Survey Division. of Oklahoma, 198 ISSN: Geochimlca ct Cosmochimlca Acta. Oxford: Pergamon Press, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. New 1950-. ISSN: 00167037, CODEN: GCACAK. York, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers. ISSN: 07339496, CODEN: JWRMD5. Geological Society of America Bulletin. Boulder, CO: Geologi- Meteorite Studies. Arizona cal Society of America, 1890- . ISSN: 00167606, CODEN: BUG- Mctcorltlcs. Tcmpe, AZ: Center for MAP. Slate University. 1953-. ISSN: 00261 1 14, CODEN: MERTAW. Bibliography SERIALS Mining Engineering. Littleton, CO: Society of Mining Engineers Reports of Investigations - Illinois State Museum. Springfield, of AJME, 1949-. ISSN: 00265187, CODEN: MffiNAB. IL: Illinois State Museum, 1948-. ISSN: 03600270, CODEN: IS- RJTBK. NASA Technical Memorandum. Washington, DC: U.S., Na- lionnl Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1959-. ISSN: Rocks and Minerals. Washington, DC: Heldref Publications. 0499932Q, CODEN: NATMA4. ISSN: 00357529, CODEN: ROCMAR. NUREG/CR (United States. Nuclear Regulatory Commission). Sedimentary Geology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientific Publish- Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of ing Company, 1967-. ISSN: 00370738, CODEN: SEGEBX. Nuclear Regulatory Research. ISSN: 02781670. Soil Science Society of America Journal. Madison, WI: Soil Oil and Gas Journal. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Publishing Co.. Science Society of America, 1976-. ISSN: 03615995, CODEN: 1910-. ISSN: 00301388, CODEN: OIGJAV. SSSJD4. (United States Geological Survey. 1978). Open-File Report Special Paper - Geological Society of America. Boulder, CO: Reston. VA: U.S. Geological Survey. ISSN: 01961497. CODEN: Geological Society of America, 1934-. ISSN: 00721077, CODEN: XGROAG. GSAPAZ. Organic Geochemistry. Oxford-New Yoik: Pergamon Press, Special Publication - Maryland Geological Survey, Department 1977-. ISSN: 01466380. of Natural Resources. [Baltimore, MD]: Maryland Geological Palaeontographica, Abteilung B: Palaophytologie. Stuttgart: E. Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1985-. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nagele u. Obermiller). Special Report - Indiana, Geological Survey. Bloomington, DS: ISSN: 03750299, CODEN: PABPAD. Indiana, Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, Palaeontographica. Abteilung A: Palaozoologle-Stratigraphie. 1963-. ISSN: 05372933, CODEN: IGSSB5. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuclihandlung (Nagele u. Special Report - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champalgn, Obemiiller). ISSN: 03750442, CODEN: PGABA8. Water Resources Center. Urbana, DL: University of Illinois at Palalos. Tulsa, OK: Tlie Society of Economic Paleontologists and Urbana-Champaign, Water Resources Center, 1970-. ISSN: Mineralogists, 1986-. ISSN: 08831351. 07330502. Palynoiogy. Dallas, TX: American Association of Stratigrapiiic SWS Contract Report. Champaign. DL: State Water Survey Palynologists Foundation, 1977-. ISSN: 01916122. Division. Surface Water Section. University of Illinois ISSN: 07333927. Proceedings - International Clay Conference, [s. l.J: Associa- tion Internationale pour 1 'Etude des Argiles. Tectonophysics. Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1 964-. ISSN: 00401951. CODEN: TCTOAM. Proceedings - Symposium on Rock Mechanics. New York, NY: Institute Metallurgical and Petroleum American of Mining, En- The Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science. Des Moines, gineers. ISSN: 05863031, CODEN: PSRMA6. IA: Iowa Academy of Science, 1887-. ISSN: 00852236, CODEN: PIAIA9. Program and Abstracts - Annual Clay Minerals Conference. [s. 1.]: Clay Minerals Society. CODEN: CMCPCT. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science. Science. Progress Report - Temperature-Pressure Research of Springfield. IL: Illinois State Academy of ISSN: Hydrothcrmai Mineral Deposits, [s. L: s. n.J, 1949-. 00192252, CODEN: TISAAH. Quaternary Research (New York). New York, NY: Academic Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science. Columbia, Press, 1970-. ISSN: 00335894, CODEN: QRESAV. MO: Missouri Academy of Science, 1967-. ISSN: 0544540X, CODEN: MISTBW. Report of Investigations - Minnesota Geological Survey. Saint Paul, MN: Minnesota Geological Survey. ISSN: 00769177, Water-Resources Investigations. [Reston, VA]: U.S. Geologi- CODEN: MGSRAB. cal Survey, 1972-. ISSN: 0092332X, CODEN: WRJND3. Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF ILLINOIS GEOLOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY paign. Water Resources Center, 15, 319 illus., November 1984. Aden), Adcm Osman. Geochcmicnl study of on abandoned strip p., Individual papers within scope are cited separately. mine site, Williamson County. Illinois: 99 p., 37 ref.. Masters, 1985, Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale, IL. Aucutt, Daniel J. (Eng. Lit., Westmont, IL, United Stales); Baker, Charles H. and Dalton, Ralph E. Investigation of bluff Agena, W. F. see Lee. M. W. landslides along the Illinois River [abstr.]: in Association of En- Abler, Steven R. see Styles, Bonnie W. gineering Geologists, 29th annual meeting; Better living through engineering geology (Tryhorn, Alan D., chairperson). Annual Alford, John J. (West. Dl. Univ., Oeogr. Dep., Macomb. IL, Meeting - Association of Engineering Geologists, 29,
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