Report of the Committee on Bruce E. Kelly, Orem, UT (Alt. to C. E. Rogers) Pyrotechnics Jane B. McCanlley, D &J Assoc., VA (Alt. to D. F. McCaulley) Randall W, A. Davidson, Chair Robert E. Melton, Dallas Fire Dept., TX Risk Int'l Inc"/USITT, CA (Alt. toJ. IL Colon) J. Patrick Miller, Nat'l Assn. of Rocketry, TX Kenneth L. Kosunke, S~reCa~ (Alt. to G. H. Stine) Pyrolabs, CO Thalne Morris, MP Assoc" Inc., CA (AIt. to D.J. Pier) Dane Boles, Quest Aerospace Education, Inc., AZ David S. Shatzer, U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, DC Maurice Cardinal, New Jersey Fireworks Mfg. Co., MD (Alt. to L. M. McCune) Rep. American Pyrotechnics Assn. Bill Stlne, Quest Aerospace Education, Inc", AZ Jose R, Colon, Connecticut Dept. of Public Safety, CT (Alt. to D. Boles) Rep. Fire Marshals Assn. of North America John A. Conkling, Chestertown, MD Nonvoting John G. Degenkolb, Carson City, NV Rep. Alliance of Motion Picture & Television Producers Richard Bowes, Canadian Explosives Research Laboratory, ON Thomas DeWiBe, Luna Tech Inc., AL (Alt. to E. Contestabile) Vernon Fates, Canon City, CO Ettore Contestabile, Canadian Explosives Research Laboratory, ON Gary A. Fadorsen, Pyrotech Int'l Inc., OH Glen E. Gardner, U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Admin, DC ~ Grucci, Fireworks by Grucci, Inc., NY (Alt. toJ. Zucchero) n E. Hill, E. E. Hill & Son, Inc/Pyro Shows, TN Samuel B. Hall, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, DC AlfredJ. Hogan, Reedy Creek Improvement District, FL Gary Zeller, Zeller Int'l, NY Bonnie J. Kosanke, Whitewater, CO JamesJ. Zucchero, U.S. Dept. of Labor, OH Rep. Pyrotechnics Guild Int'l Leslie W Ledogar, U.S. Aerials, Inc, AL Duane B. Matthews, State of California, CA Staff Liaison: Martha H. Curtis Donald F. McCaulley, Falls Church, VA FLar~eJri. Mceune, U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, DC This llst represents the membership at the time the Committee was ck L. McIntyre, FLMc, Inc., MS balloted on the text of this editio~ Since that time, changes in the Dale C. Miller, Falls Church, VA membership may have occurred. BillyJ. Phillips, Division of State Fire Marshal, OH DavldJ. Pier, MP Assoc., Inc., CA Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary responsibil- Michael W. Platt, High Power Rocket Mfrs. & Dealers Assn., Inc., NY ity for documents on protection against the fire and life hazards Mary Roberts, Estes Industries, CO associated with the manufacture, transportation, and storage of Charles E. Rogers, Lancaster, CA fireworks; fireworks used in outdoor displays; pyrotechnics used Rep. Tripoli RocketryAssn., Inc before a proximate audience; and the construction, launching, and Gary C. Rosenfield, Industrial Solid Propulsion Inc., NV other operations that involve unmanned rockets, including the G. Harry Stine, Phoenix, AZ manufacture of model rocket motors. This committee does not have Pep. Nat'l Assn. of Rocketry responsibility for documents on the use of fireworks by the general Pamela IL Stout Hunt, Fireworks Productions lntT Inc., AZ public. Gerald D. Ward, Bethany Fire & Protection Disuict, IL Rep. NFPA Fire Service Section The Report of the Technical Committee on Pyrotechnics is Charles Weeth, Skyrockets of La Crosse, Inc., W1 presented for adoption in 2 pasts. Part I of this Report was prepared by the Technical Committee on Alternates Pyrotechnics and proposes for adoption amendments to NFPA 1123- 1990, Code for the Outdoor Display of Fireworkg NFPA 1123-1990 Bruce E. Blom, Pyrotechnics Guild Int'l., WI is published in Volume 8 of the 1994 National Fire Codes and in (Alt. to B.J. Kosanke) separate pamphlet form. Ernest F. DeBlasio, Keystone Fireworks Mfg Co. Inc., PA (Alt. to M. Cardinal) Part I of this Report has been submited to letter ballot of the David Degenkolb, Degenkolb Engineering, NV Technical Committee on Pyrotechnics which consists of 30 voting (Alt. toJ. G. Degenkolb) members. The results of the balloting can be found in the report. Tom Foster, Luna Tech Inc., AL (Alt. to T. DeWille) Part 11 of this Report was prepared by the Technical Committee on FellxJ. (Phil) Grucei, Fireworks by Grucci, Inc., NY Pyrotechnics andproposes for adoption a new document NFPA (Alt. to F.J. Grucd,Jr.) 1127-1995, Code for High Power Rocketry. Paul C. Hans, P. Hans & Co., AZ (Alt. to G. C. Rosenfield) Part II of this Report has been submitted to letter ballot of the Julie L. Heckman, Keller and Heckman, DC Technical Committee on Pyrotechnics consists of 30 voting (Alt. toJ. A. Conkling) members; of whom all 30 voted affirmatively. 701 NFPA 1123 m A95 ROP PART I (Log #23) 1123- 3 - (1-1.6): Accept in Principle (Log #18) SUBMITEgR: Charles P. Weeth, La Crosse Skyrockers, Inc. 1123- 1 - (1-1.1): Reject RECOMMENDATION: This code shall not apl)lY to the use of SUBMITrER: Charles P. Weeth, La Crosse Skyrockers, Inc. pyrotechnic devices or materials in the performing arts at distances RECOMMENDATION: This code shall apply to the construction of less than those specified in this Code and used in conformance with display fireworksprovided by the Supplier(s) to the Operator of a NFPA 1126, Pyrotechnics Before a Proximate Audience. public fireworks display. SUBSTANTIATION: With the adoption of NFPA 1126, this clarifies SUBSTANTIATION: Separates and clarifies the responsibilities of the scope of 1123 to traditional outdoor fireworks displays. the 4 principals this Code applies to (Supplier, Operator, AHJs and COMMITrEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. Sponsors) Correct the title of the reference document to "NFPA 1126, GOMMITrEE ACTION: Reject. Standard for the Use of Pyrotechnics Before A Proximate Audience." COMMITYF~ STATEMENT: The current edition (1990) of the COMMITFEE STATEMENT: Editorial correction. code addresses the issue. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 30 NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 30 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: AFFIRMATIVE: 26 AFFIRMATIVE: 20 NEGATIVE: Weeth NEGATIVE: Weeth ABSTENTION: Stout Hunt ABSTENTION: Stout Hunt NOT RETURNED: Platt, Roberts NOT RETURNED: Platt, Roberts EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: WEETH: Please refer to my Explanation of Negativeon Proposal WEETH: There were some significant improvements made to 1123 1123-1 (Log #18). that are easily supported, such as the requirements for protective EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: clothing. However, I do not believe we have provided operators, STOUT HUNT: Please refer to my Explanation of Abstention on sponsors, suppliers and AHJs with enough detailed definitions Proposal 1123-1 (Log #18). requirements and specifications for display fireworks equipment and methods to reduce risks and assure a healthy fireworks display industry, Thus in its present form, I cannot support this Report 100% and I prefer to cast my ballot on the entire document, rather (Log #24) than proposal by proposal. 1123- 4 - (1-1.7): Accept in Principle EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: SUBMITTER: Charles P. Weeth, La Crosse Skyrockers, Inc. STOUT HUNT: I cannot in good conscience vote on something I RECOMMENDATION: This code shall not apply to the s,31e and have not studied. use of model rockets or model rocket motors used in conformance with NFPA 1122, Code for Model Rockets. SUBSTANTIATION: Updated. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. (Log #CP4) Revise 1-1.7 to read: 1123- 2 - (1-1.3): Accept 1-1.7 This code shall not apply to the sale and use of model SUBMITTER: Technical Committee on Pyrotechnics rockets, motors, reloading kits, or components used in conformance RECOMMENDATION: 1. Revise 1-1.3 to read: with NFPA 1122, Code for Model Rocketry. • 1-1.3 This code shall not apply to the use of consumer fireworks COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The committee revision better by the general public. reflects the content of NFPA 1122. 2. Make this change in terminology wherever applicable in the Editorial correction of the title of the document to be consistent document. with the NFPA title. SUBSTANTIATION: The Committee revsion reflects the new UN NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 30 classification system for fireworks. VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: COMMITrEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 30 AFFIRMATIVE: 26 VOTE ON COMMHTEE ACTION: NEGATIVE: Weeth AFFIRMATIVE: 26 ABSTENTION: Stout Hunt NEGATIVE: Weeth NOT RETURNED: Platt, Roberts ABSTENTION: Stout Hunt EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: NOT RETURNED: Platt, Roberts WEETH: Please refer to my Explanation of Negative on Proposal EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: 1123-1 (Log #18). WEETH: Please refer to my Explanation of Negative on Proposal EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: 1123-1 (Log #18). STOUT HUNT: Please refer to my Explanation of Abstention on EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: Proposal 1127-1 (Log #18). STOUT HUNT: Please refer to my Explanation of Abstention on Proposal 1123-1 (Log #18). (Log#25) 1123- 5 - (1-1.8 (New)): Reject (Log #'22) SUBMITTEl~ Charles P. Weeth, La Crosse Skyrockers, Inc. 1123- ga - (1-1.3): Reject RECOMMENDATION: This code shall not apply to the use of SUBMITITA~ Charles P. Weeth, La Crosse Skyrockers, Inc. exp.losive, firearm or flammable special effects used in historical RECOMMENDATION: This code shall not apply to the use of military battle recreations, old west gnu battle enactments, live stunt consumer fireworks or non-fireworks toys or novelties by the general erformance shows or other similar entertainment performances. ublic. g UBSTANTIATION: This further clarifies the scope of 1123 so it ~UBSTANTIATION: Corrects the language to current regulation. does not or cannot be applied to these uses. Examples are bombing COMMITrEE ACTION: Reject. runs using gasoline and dynamite by the Confederate Air Force, COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The code is a fireworks code and it is numerous and "rendezvous" and "old west" shows, and Civil War unnecessary to say it applies to non-fireworks toys or novelties by the battle enactments. general public. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 30 COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Some of the items listed in the VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: recommendation may be subject to the requirements of the code.
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