Citizens 9/11 Commission Report 1 The Report of the Citizens Commission on 9/11 An updated non-partisan analysis of events before, during and after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 and how the War on Terror is changing America WhoWho plannedplanned thethe attacks?attacks? WhatWhat waswas theirtheir intendedintended result?result? WhenWhen diddid planningplanning begin?begin? WhereWhere willwill thethe nextnext attackattack taketake place?place? WhyWhy diddid nationalnational securitysecurity fail?fail? HowHow werewere thethe attacksattacks carriedcarried out?out? Official Flight Timelines. 3. 9/11 Commission. .7 “10” hijackers. .8 $4.00 9/11, Inc. .12 Painful Questions. .15-18 “We are under attack”. .20-21 Lucky Larry. .23 Dust. .24-25 Phase Three. .28 Resources. .30 A publication of The Idaho Observer www.idaho-observer.com Sixth printing 2009 2 Citizens 9/11 Commission Report Citizens 9/11 Commission Report 3 What do you think about 9/11? Was 9/11 the work of Osama’s al Qaeda terrorists or were In this way, the images of destruction on 9/11 have been they merely the cover story of a deeper conspiracy? married to bin Laden, Arab terrorists and al Qaeda in the Network news has shown those planes crashing into the minds of many Americans. Twin Towers and the towers’ subsequent collapse thousands Outlined below are three categories of 9/11 belief systems of times. The official explanation for these tragic events is that cover a full-spectrum of post-9/11 thinking in America. that 19 of Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda terrorists hijacked They are arranged numerically from the most conventional four commercial airliners and crashed them into the World to the most controversial. Each thought is followed by a Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania. sampling of logical extensions to the basic belief system. 1. Beliefs based solely on the This scenario implies the belief that: and their al Qaeda affiliations were accu- official explanation for 9/11: a. all 19 hijackers bypassed airline and rately identified. Unexpectedly and without provocation, airport security undetected and without d. the Bush administration used the attacks America was attacked on Sept. 11, 2001, by incident at three different airports. to justify mobilizing for pre-planned wars in 19 Arab terrorists. According to the Bush b. all four commercial airliners turned off Afghanistan, Iraq and a preplanned, global administration, the plan was masterminded their transponders, dramatically deviated “war on terror.” by Islamic fundamentalist Osama bin from their registered flight plans and “dis- e. the 9/11 attacks were allowed to hap- Laden and his al Qaeda terrorist network appeared” in U.S. airspace for up to 46 min- pen so the U.S. could accomplish military because “they hate Americans” and “they utes without being located and intercepted control of oil supplies while weapons and hate our freedom.” by U.S. air defenses. reparations contractors could realize war c. one of the hijacked airplanes crashed and reconstruction profits. The Report of the into the World Trade Center (WTC) North Citizens Commission on 9/11 Tower and resultant fires caused that build- 3. Beliefs based on explanations PO Box 457 ing’s collapse 103 minutes later; a second derived from independent research hijacked airplane crashed into the WTC Persons at the highest levels of U.S. Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869 (208) 255-2307 South Tower and resultant fires caused that government planned, ordered and exe- www.idaho-observer.com building’s collapse 56 minutes later; a third cuted the events of 9/11 to secure control hijacked airplane crashed into the Pentagon of dwindling oil reserves, to assure the The Report of the Citizens and; heroic passengers overcame hijackers oil resource remains exclusively mone- Commission on 9/11 is a community service publication of a fourth commercial airliner, forcing it to tized in U.S. dollars, help war industry sponsored by crash in a field near Shanksville, PA. manufacturers/reparations contractors The Idaho Observer newspaper d. Islamic fundamentalists who hate the reap billions of dollars in wartime profits U.S. are planning future attacks on Amer- and keep Americans fearful of another Editor ican soil. In order to disrupt those plans, the attack. Don Harkins U.S. must preemptively strike them first. This scenario implies belief that: e. Congress and the Bush administration a. U.S. government insiders and their busi- Associate Editors have been passing laws making it easier ness associates—not Arab terrorists—con- Ingri Cassel for the government to protect Americans ceived and executed the 9/11 attacks. Jason D. Werde by broadening their authority to identify, b.the war in Afghanistan was waged to Contributors investigate and detain suspected terrorists. establish a military stronghold in the unde- Eric Hufschmid, Dave von Kleist, veloped, oil-rich Caspian Basin. Tom Fowler, Greg Szymanski, 2. Beliefs based partially c. the war in Iraq was commenced to gain David Ray Griffin, on interpretation of official control of Iraqi oil. Sven Holmgaard explanation: d. anti-terror legislation (such as the Patriot The Bush administration could have Act) passed after 9/11 restricts Americans’ The Report of the Citizens Commis- prevented the 9/11 attacks but did not, civil liberties under the guise of protecting sion on 9/11 is the result of thousands of then used the attacks as justification to America from future attacks. hours of independent investigation into the begin waging premeditated war in the e. the president’s 9/11 Commission facts surrounding the attacks of Sept. 11, Middle East. concluded that human error allowed U.S. 2001. This report’s editors and contributors This scenario implies belief that: believe that justice can only be served when national defenses to fail Sept. 11, 2001, all of the facts and evidence are objectively a. airport security was relaxed allowing by intentionally concealing evidence that considered and properly investigated. The terrorists the opportunity to devise ways to would expose high-level complicity in the Report of the Citizens Commission on 9/11 exploit weaknesses. attacks. was published in loving memory of the b. national air defenses were ordered to men, women and children who died that “stand down” to give all four hijacked com- Note: This report has been compiled to fateful day: May those ultimately respon- mercial airliners time to hit their targets. help us all better understand what really sible for their deaths be brought to justice. c. within hours of the attacks, 19 terrorists happend on 9/11. 2 Citizens 9/11 Commission Report Citizens 9/11 Commission Report 3 Flight timelines raise questions not answered by government claims of widespread human error The 9/11 Commission found that standard air defense protocols about why military fighter planes weren’t able to intercept the were not observed on 9/11. Not addressed by the Commission, commercial airliners that eventually crashed into the Twin Towers, however, is how, or why, our national airspace defense systems the Pentagon and into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. experienced seemingly coordinated failures of standard operating Senator Dayton’s accusations are supported by analyses from procedures (SOP) that fateful morning. numerous aviation experts, both civilian and military, who have The first clue of hijacking came at 8:14 a.m.; the second at 8:19. dedicated countless hours studying, second-by-second, 9/11 flight SOP would dictate immediate alert of air defenses, scrambling patterns and the military’s late response to what should have been fighters from McGuire AFB by no later than 8:29 with intercept seen as a national emergency of the highest order. by 8:33—13 minutes before AA-11 struck WTC North Tower. NORAD admits to running attack simulation drills on 9/11. Timelines offered by North American Aerospace Command De- The following are timelines of events involving flights AA-11, fense (NORAD) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) UA-175, AA-77 and UA-93 on the morning of 9/11 as established indicate they were not notified of hijackings until it was too late. by the president’s 9/11 Commission. Indicated by large dots are Senator Mark Dayton (D-Minn.), on the Senate floor and before approximate locations of each ill-fated plane when air defense the 9/11 Commission, accused NORAD and the FAA of lying commanders were notified they had been hijacked. American Airlines Flight 11 United Airlines Flight 175 Boston 2 7:59 am: Takeoff, AA-11 1 8:14 am: Last routine communication; likely hijacking (1) 3 • • 8:19 am: Flight attendant reported the aircraft hijacked(2) • 8:21 am: Transponder turned off (3) 8:25 am: Boston Center (BC) aware of hijacking Boston 8:38 am: BC reports hijacking to Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) 1 8:46 am: NEADS scrambles fighters from Otis AFB to search for 2 • New York City AA-11— presumed to be headed for New York City 8:46:40 am: AA-11 strikes World Trade Center (WTC) North Tower1 3 • New York City 8:53 am: Otis AFB fighters airborne • 9:16 am: AA aware that AA-11 struck WTC 9:21 am: Boston Center advises NEADS that AA-11 is headed for Washington, D.C. 8:14 am: Takeoff, UA-175 8:42 am: Last routine communication; likely hijacking (1) American Airlines Flight 77 8:47 am: Transponder code changes (2) 7:59 am: Takeoff, AA-77 Dulles 8:52 am: Flight attendant reported the 8:51 am: Last routine communication; likely hijacking (1) aircraft hijacked (3) 8:54 am: AA-77 turns south 1 8:55 am: New York Center (NYC) sus- 8:56 am: Transponder turned off (2) • Pentagon pects hijacking 9:05 am: AA aware AA-77 has been hijacked (3) 2 9:03:11 am: UA-175 strikes WTC South 9:2 5 am: Nationwide air traffic grounded by order of • 3• Tower2 Herdon Command Center 9:15 am: NYC informs NEADS that UA- 9:32 am: Dulles Tower observes high-speed approach of aircraft later identified as AA-77 175 is second plane to strike WTC 9:34 am: FAA advises NEADS that AA-77 is missing 9:20 am: UA aware UA-175 had crashed 9:37:46 am: AA-77 strikes Pentagon3 into WTC South Tower 10:30 am: AA confirms AA-77 struck Pentagon Immediate concerns United Airlines Flight 93 According to the 9/11 Commission: 8:42 am: Takeoff, UA-93 1.
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