I AL HALL LIBRARY. Atvin gf2E aPdCV Afor m Ity with P. O. D. Order 196S7 SHOP AN 11)0Vtizi CWNSMAN Andover's Own Weekly Newsmagazine Vol. 57, No. 11 Andover, Massachusetts December 21, 1944 Public Safety Christmas Seal Fund "PEACE ON EARTH" STILL Slowly Nearing Goal Shake-up Possible Christmas Seals like Christmas TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS HOPE itself comes to you but once a year. Following Tragedy Please add to your Christmas joy Churches Expected To Be Filled With Fervent by buying a little more than you Worshippers On Birthday Of The Infant King Boy Drowned in planned. At a Lawrence restaurant Ballardvale While recently a stranger bought a dollars Christmas will be celebrated in Free Church work of seals as a gift to our An- ;ill its solemn beauty in the An- SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 Aid Is Delayed dover Fund. The P. 0. Booth has a dover churches starting Sunday, 9:30, Church School; 11, Morning Worship when the congregations of all de- Organ Preludes, A shake-up looms as a serious pos- marvelous sale of over $100. The "Rhapsodic on the Noels" Gigout sibility in the town's public safety fund grows, but out aim is $1700 nominations will gather to pay hom- "Good News From Heaven the Angels and we have to show greater gener- age to the new-born King. Bring" Karp-Elert department as a result of last Sat- Christmas Hymns, urday's Ballardvale tragedy in osity to reach that goal. It is hoped Special Christmas musical pro- "0 Come. All Ye Faithful" which 14-year-old George Nicoll, son all returns will be in before Christ- grams have been arranged at all "0 Little Town of Bethlehem" mas, but it is never too late to share the churches for Sunday. A Solemn "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" of Mr. and Mrs. James K. Nicoll of Junior Choir Anthem, Clark road, drowned in the Shaw- in the year round fight against Tu- High Mass at midnight at St. Au- "When the Sun Had Sunk to Rest" sheen river after having held on to berculosis. gustine's and a Midnight Service at Old English Noel thin ice for several minutes. Aid ar- What better way to remember His Christ Church will celelbrate His Senior Choir Anthem, Two Chorales, rived just too late. Birthday? birthday with glory and splendor. "Braek Forth, 0 Beauteous Heavenly The South Church will have a Light" S. Bach Fire Chief C. Edward Buchan has "And you, if Christmas comes "Lo. How a Rose E'er Blooming" been conducting a very thorough in- to you, Christmas Day Dawn Service at Practorins Will know its blessings rare, 7:00 A. M. Organ Offertory. vestigation in an attempt to'flnd out Pastorale Symphony front "The Messiah" It The complete program for all how much avoidable delay there with some other, in Christ's Handel name, church services follows: Carol by Combined Choirs, was and who was responsible for it. Your own good gifts you share." "While by My Sheep I Watched at He was off-duty Saturday and was Christ Church Night" 17th Century The Lorraine Cross Organ Postlude, "In Dulci Jubile" J. S. Bach not informed of the tragedy until When you look at your Christmss SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24, 11:15 P. M. • • • • • Saturday evening when Selectmen Seal stamp, do you wonder what MIDNIGHT SERVICE WITH FULL CHOIR Hardy and Collins arrived at his l'relude, Carols by Choir South Church the meaning of the beautiful Lor- home. Saturday evening, Sunday l'rocessional Hymn SUNDAY. DECEMBER 24, 10:45 A.M. raine Cross is? Back in the ninth "0 Como All Ye Faithful" Wade and Monday he checked into the l'relude, Chorale in E major Cesar Franck century it became the emblem of Carol, "0 Little Town of Bethlehem" Redner llyntn, "0 Come All Ye Faithful" Anon. many angles of the case and on the eastern branch of the Christian Kyrie Eleison Shaw Response, "My Jesus, Who Didst Give" Monday evening he made a prelim- Anthem, "God the Father front His Brahms Throne" Eng. Air Anthem. "Gloria in Excelsis" Cesar Franck inary verbal report to the select- (Continued on Page 3) Sanktus Shaw Offertory, smarty men. Police Chief George Dane Benediction, Qui Venit Shaw "Mighty Lord and King All-Glorious" Bach turned in a two-page written re- Communion Hymn Bass Aria from the Christmas Oratorio wearing a, port at the same time on the activi- "Of the Father's Love Begotten" Flymn, "The First Noel" Traditional Decrease Here in Plain Song Hymn, "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" ties of his department. Children's Diseases Gloria In Excelsis Old Chant Mendelssohn On Saturday at two, there will be Kneeling Hymn, "Silent Night" Gruber l'ostlude, The Hallelujah Chorus Handel a closed meeting at the town house An appeal for parents to have all Recessional Hymn Choir and Organ TO GIVE "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" • Bass, Mr. Mervin E. Stevens with all those from the two depart- children immunized against diph- Mendelssohn Mrs. Marion Peck RE'S THE ments connected with the affair be- theria as rapidly as possible was Postlue, Variation en a Briton Nowel LLLY AP- ing called in by the selectmen to sounded today by Dr. Vlado A. Get- Benoit (Continued on Page 12) SE GOOD tell what they know. Town coungel ting, state commissioner of public AR THAN and trial justice Walter Tomlinson health, as he revealed that diph- ing automatic rifle. His parents saw will be present to give his assist- theria cases had mounted to 28 last Gerard Twomey him last at Camp Meade, Md. ance in trying to unearth the truth. month—thereby doubling the seven- 'His father is a past commander Since the incident occurred some year median of 14 cases. Killed in Action of the State Legion. The family XHITNEY stories have allegedly changed, with His monthly report of communi- home is at 20 Haverhill street. Two 15 to $3.95 one of the most disputed points be- cable diseases indicated that in- Jeremiah Twomey served his sisters, Madge and Mavis, also. sur- ing the time and number of tele- fantile paralysis showed a marked country in World War I and has vive. 15 to 53.50 phone calls. drop during November, with 35 been serving the interests of his iQ to $.3.5n First Call at 3:05 cases reported, as compared to 99 fellow-veterans ever since. Thurs- Although the definite facts will cases during the previous month. day afternoon he and 'Mrs. Twomey not be available until after that Scarlet fever cases showed a learned that they still had to give The Present With hearing, to date this much seems sharp upward increase with 777 more for their country—a telegram cases occurring, as compared to the from Washington told them that A Future (Continued on Page 4) seven-year median of 594 cases. their son, Pfc. Gerard N. Twomey, Mumps was extremely prevalent, one or the finest of Andover's fine Church Fair Closes with 916 cases occurring during the boys, had given his life on the bat- tlefields of France. With Prize Awards month, to top the seven-year medi- an of 389 cases. Measles, on the The young man, a Phillips Acad- St. Augustine's pre - Christmas other hand, showed a marked drop, emy graduate, was killed in action Fair was brought to a successful with only 355 cases reported, in on November 28. He had been over- close last Saturday night with the comparison to the seven-year level seas 'but a short time, serving with prize awards thd final event. Those the Seventh Army in the 86th Black- who won prizes included: $25 war of 816. hawk division. He was inducted at Lobar pneumonia fortunately fell • bonds, Frank C. Hughes and Mrs. below the expected rate, with only Fort Henning, Ga., October 22, 1943, Gibson Brown; ton of coal, Philip while a student at Amherst, At 162 cases, as compared to the medi- Camp Livingston, La., he received Gaudet; handworked quilt, Andrew an figure of 234 cases. J. Crotty, Jr.; blanket, Mrs. Wil- the Expert Infantryman's badge, A total of 50 cases of malaria one of the highest honors given to liam Poland; turkey, George Smith; was reported in servicemen return- $5 each to Mrs. Mae Shea and Mrs. members of the Army Ground ing from overseas or in servicemen Forces. The badge is given only to Arthur Koerner; bride doll, Jean- suffering from recurrent attacks of nette Middleton; puff, Marjorie those who are first class lighting SHOP this disease. men, in top physical condition and Reynolds; woolly dog, Marie Tan- Dr. Getting issued the following 1169 guay; door prizes, Thursday, Mrs. skilled in every phase of ground TEL cold weather tips: fighting and close combat. Pfc. SWANTON Paul Carey; Friday, Miss Helen F. Cussen; Saturday, unclaimed, (Continued on Page 12) Twomey was in charge of a Brown- December 14, 1944 lrdr.'xIt,t-PR,vrip,rysepsigs,vsdvqVs,rytstrVVtrVlg- 2,rVfe;;'rti''ZW ,VP,V44a'ire2tVC_Zti1VZ1VVVVVVVVVc r‘.?_V,'LAltr!rlltrJl4V'11471(,rr, The fun( former An OPEN FRIDAY 9:30 TO 9:00 years, was OPEN SATURDAY 9:30 TO 5:30 with a soD St. August Mr. MOT with a 11( morning, d Lawrence He was had lived i a boy. Hi Where Greater Lawrence Shops master car dent Wilso ed by Pre tired from of this yea 'Mr. McD Knight of , a member ciety of 'St Division 6. vd44-1 Service Cl ruler of La Among h Bessie (GI From Our Famous Fourth Floor daughters, American I MOTHER.
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