. ■ ‘ y - ............A-2 -Ttmos-Nows.-TwifiFin Fails.-ldoho— Monday, Docomamt)cr-13^19a3l. s t o a tt e i f e u H i g i r i ___ FREDERICIICKTOWN. Mo. (AP) Ten-year-old Cassidy disasappea'rcd pink flowtrs — ipjnk was Cassidy’s’ — Cassidy ScnlerVslayingS< should~'Di"Dec. 1 while walking'froni.li.her sub- ’ favoriiircoton=^i^adorned the church. - ------ scrvc-as a reminderrer of how people urbanur St. Louis home to a friend’s A banner aboveove the pulpit rend; T h e A cc u -WW eather® fo re c a st;for fc noon, Monday, DDe e c ;'13. ■ can help cachich other during a crisis, hoiisehe a few blocks away.. HerI bat- “And all thoseise children shall be the girl's aurmnl said al her funeral tcredta body was found Thursirsday Iq'a taughi of the Loni-ord, and great shall be S u n i iy . St.St Louis alley. th e p e ac e o f mly y clchildren.” • Lines separate highhij tem perature zo n es for• th£ th e day! “In the past'tst weck,-Cassidy won the A bulletin board inside3 tthe tiny - About 100 pink)ink and white balloons hearts of thousjuMnds across America,” countrycc church about 10(00 m iles were released osas 1tlic casket was prc- -------------------- 30S;J- _________ Dada-M ilcsu:saolU4bc-400-pcoplc—so_sf^iith n f S l L niiis shr.wf»<t CnssigC, n<i pared-lQ be lowcn packcd into PrPraise Temple Church. shesh was called, eating'her fitfirst picce "Cassidy loveiDvcd her church. She ^ “They Strug■uggled hard lo save her, of birthday cake, lickingIg an ice would be honornorcd and thrilled to p ro v in g lo *usJS all1 thal despite the evil crcamcr cone, swimming withw her know she dreww tlthe largest crowd at done, peopleile in our country still familyfa and dressing up f<for Hal- Praise Templelc (Church,” said the / 3 0 s ' f choose to pullmil together and help us lolow een. J.RCV. G e n e R:auls, a u l whom the girl . • realize peoplelie slill do care.” More than a dozen bouququcts of called “Grandpa.”pa.” Jl M e rridian i ___________________________ IV_______________ I____________ Continued ffn r o m A I - . “AIDS, homosexuality andd keeping tions and you liav e to s lo p a n d th in k ......................... ■•We’re inn aj war literally for the parcnls oul of the curriculunjm are the 'Am I going to0 gcget a complaint from h e a r ts a n d mindsm: and souls of our same^ liberal agenda,” he saidlid. a parent or thee scsch o o l b o a rd i f I a n - V s ■ \ a p ? children," saidsa Robert Aldridge, In mid-November, conse:servatives swcr*/’ ” w ho h e a d s thethi Meridian chapter of won^ a victory when thehe Idaho Idaho, where.tne.tradilional values en- Citizens forr Excellence.E “There are ■School Boards Association1 a;approved dure nnd traditiiiitional rules are en- teachers outut there that think they a resolution to keep inst:struction forced, wus ripepe ffor the cullurc war. know better:r howh to raise our chil- about “cultural diversity” antmd “toler- An old joke definefincs an Idaho liberal ..................... d re n ." . ..aance” r oul of state curricui:ulum rc- as spmeone whcwho wants the roads : Bash carried the state . F f ^ O N T S : 70s-^KJ • - -.On the blhcJieriiidc of .lhis w ar is an quircmcnis. The resolution,tn, asking paved. George Bu _______________alliancc of m<moderate to libeml nnr-__'state*1: lawiiiakers to grant niiiulhority in the'1992 priispriisidenilal eleciion,. ' ▼ ▼ " ciits andlfi^F: Nntionnl Education As- over those mailers to local;al school with BlU ciintornton tintshing only 1 j)oard.s, wn.s spon.sored by thehe Merid- percentage pointint 1ahead o f Ross Per- COLD - WAR.'ARM STATIONARY 01993Accu*WeQthither, Inc. sociolion. FoiFor;advjce ahd strategy, ■?* tiicy have tunumed to such groups as ian School Board, whose rrmembers ol. Pnssuro W a.shington-ln-btised People For the argued lhat such instructionon threat- At the same; tirtime, Idaho’s boom- . H L S EZ3 fZ3 S 1 0 American Wa'Vay, liberal opponents of cr\s family values. ing economy/ is expanding from ------------------- HIOH— t o w ------SHOWeRS—WSH fN — T.STORMS-'AS-FtURRISSSNOW— ICE —' s: a m n — p rrcco a o y — c ccouD c Y------------- ihcTciiBitiinrfirf^ il inovcmcnr — M nidiairfilS'airintTeasTisingly f t— 11 gricullure-to-higihiglMcch-Qud-lourism; --------- miliar paltem, and the battle!e fo r e o n - a ttra c tin g n e wV rcresidents with new Vm Assoaalod Pmi^ T h t f ig hht t here began in the sc h o o ls , b uit t thet religious right has trol o f the schools in this cccon.scrva- ideas. From 1987987 to 1993, employ- a 39 03 - followed itsIS 1national siralegy and j!'live communiiy offers immporlanl ment rose 27 perpercent nnd personal - . Soaltlo . , 48 m m Temperature! g moved to a ibroader battlefield. lessons on the impact of thehe culture income was up[) 36 percent. Last yenr war nationally. Idaho led the naination in the rate of M o B d v .D c c U MaxX Min,Ml Pep S iH U s lo n 377 2 3 ..... Building onI ththe school turmoil earli- ,ave left jobgrowdi. Accu-Weuher*foni:»ttMtVofdjytlnKcearfhioniiaiihiehlBnpti A Albuquorquo . 47. 41 c r th is y e a r,. somesi of the same con- Two years of strife ha newcomers arc drawn Atlanta 51’“'i"' 21 Tw inFalls scrvativc grouioups joined,in an assault teiteachers gun-shy. Many avwoid po- Many oflhe nev CANAtU J______ m-mantra,-l^dahols — ............. — ■ -Boston-------------40-2!0-25 t1 4 -------------- . --------- Mtix-Jx-MtfrPcp— on homosexua:ual rights by proposing a icilenlially controversial subjtbjccls in by_lhc_lourism-r Chicago 400 22' 1 ........... Yostordny 38B 31.09 statewide initilitialive, now scheduled chclass and restrict course muliulerial. A Amcricaa WWas.” But to mnny " Dallas 53 9 ,44 8 ........ Losl yoor 399 2 5 ..... fo r n e x t y e:ar, a r, lhat-would prohibit sosong about recycling was cut:ut from a old-timers, thisis iiinflux threatens to Donvor ' 599 424: ........... Normal "41 1 23 civil rights prprotection'for gays and skskit because o f fears it wouldlid violate lurn Idaho .intoito whnt the rest of |Co<m> D'Alono I 37- Dos Moinos 522 29...'..2< Sunsol today 5:05 p.ip.m. lesbians. guidelinesgu on teaching aboutut lhe’cn:-A m erica has becoiecom e.-------------------------------------------- Dotroll 383 1li 7 ........... Sunriso lo m o n w 8:£ T h is c lash oif f ccultures t can be seen "W t siispcii«cl that what is happen- v iro n m e n i. Honolulu 78B OffCi ........... Lunar phaso: Now [ idinn, Ihe hub of a ru- all part of, a long-range Parental pcnnission slips• vwere re- '^'^"din Houston 677 44{ 8 ........... llrsl quartor Doc.■ °”(? f” i “ "" ^ Ihul is slowly being lluwiMon I 4 r B religious right in Amcri- ququircd for fourth-graders to0 (li«ii« communtty ih Indianapolis 403 11! 9 ........... Doc. 28; losl quartor; r S , 5 , ^tio^ A consumed by Bois3oisc. - . , CO. s a id J tlfill Kuraitis, a political lajlast year's presidential elect Knnsas.Cily 57 3( S u .n “P.eoplc.who.tt0 -were formerly em- • ■ ■consuJtant wvorfcirig-against-thc oi ami—-one-pointneachcrs on were foi ------ - LosVogos 583 42a: 03 - l a a K o --------------- A m e powered in thea cccommunity are very 5 47 ..... • ________________ g ay in itia tivve.nnd e _a_YCtcrah. o f .ihe.-io_lo answer-any.qucslions abou ------------------LosAngolos 65 4i the new kinds 'of peo- 1 pcp ' ’sc h o o l fight. oro r teach sex education. Memphis 511 33' 1 ............Max MInF pic moving in,, anand they strike back Miami Boach 66 4i 3 48 ............Bolso 4121 32.20 Robert Hocloover, a.retired Army “This all leads to a lack of^0 confi- with a political:nl movement,”: snid 'Milwaukoo 422 222 3 ............ Burtoy 35 5 3 0 .1 8 ' c o lo n e l w h10 o heads the Christian dedencc by the teachers that theytl can Todif Shallat, a historyh: professor nt Mlnnoopotts 422 262( ..... Fairfiold 28 ® ..... Coalition andmd Citizens for Excel- do what is best for student;nts.” said Boise Slale Univtnivcrsity. “It's a nos- J|E?ol»<>h 1 NowOrtoans 011 33,3: ........... Gooding mm1 immmm iucation in Boise, secs EcEd Wardwctl, president of' thetl local talgic attempt lo10 hhold o n to irad itio n - -• Now York 411 22‘ 4 ........... Hogcrman 42 as part of the same war. teiteachers’ union. "Studcnis asask ques- al values." • OklotJomo City 603 43A'. ........... Idaho Falls 34J .20 05 both battles as Omoho 577 353i ........... Jorom o 34 Phoonlx 63 5‘ iTwinFnllaJ^ 3 55 ........... Lowiston 47 3 Pillsburoh 34i 212i .02 Malod jiir35 Russsia______ NQV * Portland, Mo. 355 242^ :i7 Malta 52 . _________ Portland, Oro. 51 3S 1 3 9 .0 8 McCall mm1 mmmmi Continued frofromAI _ BeforeBe the election, nalinionalists, the While Hou.se..se. iand m o re than 140 ^ ^ ' - R o n o ------ — 43 253 27 .01 - Pecatollo...........32-: Communists'and leaders'ofll[■the c o n -" p eople died in tw o d a y s o f fig h tin g .-......................... Jk s l Louis 455 22‘ 9 ........... Salmon 40] 27. ? Yeltsin, vovoting wiih hi.s wife, Co scrvativc farm lobby predicticted ihey “We hnve comcime to say 'N o'.io the , Clout, Salt Loko City 355 323: .61 Sodo Springs rrim1 30mm N a i n a , n e a r titheir Moscow apart- set rS S rti Son Francisco 555 454' ...;.
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