'··~-------------------------------------------------- ·------ Te!lll>\e Beth El 10 70 Orchard Ave. Frov1d~n~e, R. t. NEWS AJC Opposed To Religious Groups BIUJI/A- In Peace Corps REOPENING OF THE BEL­ NEW YORK - The American ll'ade Synagogue, which had been THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. Jewish Congress last week ex­ destroyed by the Nazis twenty pressed "vigorous opposition" to years ago, was marked by an im­ 16 PAGES pressive ceremony attended by participation by religious groups many Jews and government om-· and missionary societies in Peace clals. The synagogue was rebuilt ewspaperSaysKennedy Corps projects overseas. with the aid of the JDC and the In a resolution, the national ex­ Government of Yugoslava. ecutive committee of the Con­ Asked 25o/o Of Refugees gress said the use of government ISRAEL IN THE FIRST FIVE funds by religious and missionary months of this year marked a Be Returned To Israel groups would violate the principle twenty percent increase in tour­ L O N DON - United States of separation of church and state ism over the corresponding period President John F. Kennedy has as required by the First Amend­ in 1960, according to figures Just proposed to the Arab rulers that ment of the Constitution. released. Some 60,000 tourtst.a 25 percent of the Arab refugees came to the country during that Moreover, the Jewish group from Palestine be permitted to re­ warne<t, there was "grave danger" period, bringing in some $6,500, turn to Israel, while some of them 000 In foreign currency as against that such groups would "confuse be Integrated in Arab countries, their governmental obligations $4,500,000 during the correspond­ according to an article in the Cairo ing period In 1960. with their missionary zeal," there­ newspaper, Al Masaa, It was re­ by imperiling the success of the THE BRITISH MIDDLE EAST ported here. Peace Corps program. command blocked Jewish rescue The Cairo newspaper claims plans In Nazi-occupied Europe, it The resolution was adopted that Mr. Kennedy had also pro­ was charged by Moshe Sharett, unanimously at a special meeting posed that refugees be permitted former Prime Minister. who waa of the AJCongress executive com­ wartime political secretary of the to emigrate to other countries, in­ mittee. A copy was sent to R. Jewish Agency. Addressing a mem­ cluding the United States, Canada Sargent Shriver Jr., director of the orial meeting for Hanna Benesh, and Australia. Al Masaa's report corps. Jewish parachutist who was ex­ states that Israel's Prime Minister The statement pointed out that ecuted by the Nazis when she was David Ben-Gurlon at first rejected as recently as June 19 1n Its unani­ dropped into Hungary in a Bri­ Mr. Kennedy's proposal, but mous decision In the Torcaso case tish uniform, Mr. Sharett said changed his mind and accepted upholding the right of an atheist that when he went to British the Kennedy plan for the solution to hold public office, the U. S. Su­ headquarters in Cairo with pro­ Hold Ceremony At Home For Aged of the Arab refugee problem. preme Court had reiterated the posals to drop Jewish parachu­ Meanwhile in Jerusalem. It was principle that "neither a State nor tists behind the German lines to pointed out that about 20 percent the Federal government can, open­ organize resistance, he encoun­ In Honor Of Max Winograd of all the Arab refugees have al­ ly or secretly. participate in the ready been "intact" resettled, and tered sharp resistance. At the regular board meeting Ladles Association, who presented affairs of any religious organiza­ realize they will never return to A JEWISH TAXI DRIVER IN of the Jewish Home for the Aged Mt. and Mrs. Winograd with a tions a·nd groups, and vice versa." Casablanca was murdered· by a special ceremony was held on silver tray suitably lnscrlbed. He their former homes in Israel, by "The Involvement of religious strangulation by two Moslems in June 22, to honor the twenty­ then introduced Benjamin M. Archbishop George Hakim of the bodies In the government's Peace what was reported as an act mo­ five years of service of Max Wino­ Falk, shown above right, the main Greek Catholic community, 1n a Corps program represents Just tivated by anti-Semitism. Earlier grad as a member of the board of speaker. who praised Mr. Wino­ newspaper interview. The Arch­ that type of partnership between a young Jew was stabbed to death trustees, climaxed by five years of grad's leadership as president and bishop, most of whose communi­ church and state that the First 1n a Moslem cinema. service as president. He was suc­ as a communal worker and pre­ cants are Arabs, said the fourth Amendment to the Constitution ceeded last November by Max Al­ sented him with a illumined who had resettled had found new was intended to prevent." STUDY FOR A RABBI " IS NOT homes In the United States, Can­ A KIND of hobby or elegant ac­ perin who presided at the meet­ scroll signed by Mr. Alperin, Mor­ According to the American complishment, but a basic need," ing. ris S. Waldman, secretary, which ada, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. Jewish Congress policy statement, Dr. Bernard Bamberger, presi­ . Stanley Grossman, chairman of praised him for outstanding lead­ "Il Israel were now to offer com­ the long tradition of missionary dent of the Central Conference the affair, Introduced Mrs. A. ership in the Jewish Community pensation for their property," the activities in foreign lands by of American Rabbis, counseled a Lloyd Bazelon: president of the of Rhode Island. (Continued on Pa&'e 3) church groups and the political graduation class of eleven · young and secular purposes of govern­ rabbis at the ordination and gra­ ment, including the Peace Corps duation services of Hebrew Union Hope Trial Will Give Youth Sense Of Being Jewish program, are "Independent objec­ tives which ·must be pursued in­ College-Jewish Instltutue of Re­ JERUSALEM - There ts no day. "How can I make him under- from the Nazi slaughter. Those ligion held at Temple Emanu-El 1n dependently. way in Jerusalem today to escape stand that when I was a child 1n who were the leaders of the Jew­ "To combine them or to merge New York. Dr. Bamberger 'l.lrged from the melancholy and some- school in Austria I got pushed ish community in Palestine during the young rabbis to make syste­ the operation of government· and times angry talk about the trial around because I was a Jew? In the Nazi era are in large measure church will only prove detrimen­ matic lifetime study of their re­ of Adolf Eichmann, according to Israel everybody ts a Jew. So who the leaders of Israel now. tal to the achievement of both ob­ sources in meeting the ministry's Lawrence Fellows of the New is going to pum my boy lll'OWld Premier David Ben-Gurton was jectives," the statement declared. constant demands. Among the York Times. because he is a Jew?" among the early leaders, and with The AJCongress statement also eleven graduates was Dr. Bam­ People are beginning to ask - Surprise to Parents elections coming up 1n August warned that the objectives of the berger's son, Henry. Dr. Nelson without expecting an answer - The soliloquy was one of only these questions have taken on a Peace Corps program .might be Glueck, president of the college, how much longer the court-room mock despair. But the fact la that. special sensitivity. Moshe Sharett, the awarded the degrees. _ drama will last, much as they ask the younger generation ts growing a former Premier of Israel and "severely- handicapped" by - A BILL URGING FORMER NAZI about the weather 1n other coun- up- in Israel without "feeling" another early leader, was so mov­ presence of church groups as Judges and prosecutors to resign tries. Yet there is an earthly re- Jewish. The youngsters feel like ed by the renewed controversy participants. The resolution de­ from the posts they now hold 1n silience that seems to compensate ordinary people in an ordinary that he called a news conference clared: the West German Judiciary, cou­ for the awful memories being state and most parents here have recently to reiterate that the old "It ts not unlikely that many pled with a warning that if the evoked by the trial of the former discovered to their surprise that leaders had done their untmost to citizens of the countries where resignations were not forthcoming Gestapo officer accused of having at some stage they must explain rescue European Jews and had such Peace Corps projects are they would be forced out by leg~ directed the slaughter of milltons to their children that not all kept no secrets from the people launched will view the program islatlon that would simultaneously of European Jews during World people 1n the world are Jews. here about the extent of Nazi with suspicion as being motivated deprive them of pension rights and War II. This is what the old Zionists horrors. - not so much by the goal of expose them to possible trial, was The trial was Intended partly wanted. They wanted a state · To claim otherwise, Mr. Sharett furthering the cause of peace as passed by · the West German as an invocation to young Israelis where the Jews could be free said, was "a deliberate and total by promoting the missionary ends Bundestag with a single dissent. to look back to their heritage of from prejudice and persecution. distortion of the reality of the sit­ of the church groups Involved. The bill affects an estimated 72 suffering and study the history of But they had not foreseen that uatlon and those responsible are "It would be unfortunate in­ members of the Judiciary.
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