THE DIAPASO N AN INTEEINATIONAL MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE ORGAN AND THE INTERESTS OF ORGANISTS SIXI, .tllird Y~dr, No. 5 - Wllole No. 74i FEBRUARY, 19i2 Subscriptions $4.00 II 'Year - 40 cents a copy 80STON AGO CHAPTER, DREW CONFERENCE TO HARVARD UNIVERSITY PREMJERE DUTCH WORK SPONSOR COMPETITION Drew University's nineteenth annual The Boston Chapler AGO and Har· Church Music Conference 10 be held in vard Unh'c::uity are jointly sponsoring Madison, N.J., on May 6, will present a Young Artists Competition (or organ· the American premiere of Mariw Mon· ists under 30. Contestants must not have nikcndam's Vi II Sacre. This new multi· n:3chm their 30th birlhdar. by May 7. media work has already had several im­ J972. The winner, who will receive a portant European perronnances includ· cash rrize of $500, will he presented in mg one at the cathedral in Rrugge. Bel­ reclta as pout of the 1972·75 season 3t gium. Scored for two choiTS, an adult Harvard University. This series has in SATB choir and a un lson boy's choir the past included recitals by such noted located at opposite ends of the church. organiats a.J Anton HeilleT. E. Power the work is divided into a series of Biggs, Gustav Leonhardt, Marie·Claire fourteen meditation!! on Christ's Pill­ Alain, and David Cr.lighead. sion. Each section begins with the boy's AU contelllan15 1111151 submit a tape choir singing \'erses from Vexitla Regis reoording of their playing, to be re· and Stabat Mater. rollowed by :I. two ceived not later than MomJay. April 10. minute (unstructuTed) meditallon (rom T he tape (mono or stCrl'O al 7~.! i.p.s.) the pulpit. and concluding with an rnust include the FatJt(fsi(f tIIul Fugue m SAT8 chorus accompanied by organ C ",ino,., BWV 5-12. by j . S. Bach and amI a batte ry of percussion. Acoom­ two pieces of the contestant's own pan)ing each meditation are pictures chOOling: (a) a major composition of of art works projected on a screen in the Romantic Period; and (b) a COIl­ (ront of the congregation. This first performance of the English edition will temporary work by il recognized com· poser. The final competition of no be prescntct.l by lhe Choirs of the Pres­ more than four and no IC5lI than three byterian Church, Madi.son, N.j., under finalial3 will be 1lC!ld Sunday. May i the dircction of Lcster Bcrcnbroick, al Memorial Church. Harvard Univer· member of lhe Drew faCUlty and direc­ sity, C:unbridge. MaS$., on the 4-manu:d tor of the Drew Church Music Conrer. Fisk organ. Those inlcrested in enter­ ence. ing the competition should write to the Olher events of the day include an Chairman of the Competition Commit, experimental worship service led by the 1«, Mr. john Ferris, Memorial Church, )lluth choirs of the United Methodist Han'ard University. Cambridge. Mass. Church, Chatham. under the leadership 02138, for an application bfank and of Leola Anderson; a choral reading romplcte set of rules. The other mel11 - session conducted by William Simon, ben of thc committee are Barbar.t choral director at Bloomfield College Owen and Brian Jones, and org.m ist-choir director of the Church on the G~n , Bloomfield. Philip Dieuerich, minister of mUlic at the United l\.IctlJOdist Church, West­ field , and member of the faculty of the MINI·WORKSHOP FOR School of Sacred Music. Union Theo. MINISTERS AND MUSICIANS logical Seminary, will Jead a session on SLATED AT WESTMINSTER "Inventing Anthems whh Children and Adults" in which he will draw upon the techniques of Carl Orff and Mur­ ..\ one.day workshop for musicians ray Scitarer. And finally, james Litton, ~nd ministers. with emphasis on music choinnaster of Trinity Church, Prince­ ror the small and medlum·size church, ton, and member of the b.culty of West· will be held at WestminiJler Choir Cot· minster Choir College, will dl.SCW.S and lege. Princeton. N,J. on Saturday, Feb­ demonstrate. with tlte :mistance of the ruary 26. The workshop will include choir of boys' and men from Trinity three choral repertoire sessions dealinF, Church, tbe possibilities of wing elec­ wilh "New Sounds from Old Music. ' Th. Milan CathHiral organs. L.ftl the Gospel organ of 1552 by Gian Giacomo Antegnati. tronic tape in the music of the church. "New Sounds from Music of Today," Right: the Epistle organ built in 1583·1610 by Crlstofori Valvauori. The Bresclan cases have and an introduction to "New Songs for been retained, new organs built Into them. (5 .. arlide on Italian organ music, page 22.) Liturgy" and "More Hymns and Spiri. tual Son8'," ANOTHER HISTORIC The opening addros, delivered by James Litton, head of the department ORGAN IN DANGER of church music at the Choir College, New York City Church Gets New Schantz Organ is entitled "The New Life of the Another hi!loric baroque organ in Church and Music." Thi5 will be rol ­ Gennany is in danger of being lost as Plein Jeu IV 244 pipes lowed by :I. session on "The Orxan The Schantz Organ Company has a result of modern comforts. AI a re­ and Organ Music for the Smaller completed the installation of a 3·man­ Contra-Fasotfo 16 ft. 73 pipa sult of the installation of a hot· air ual organ in the Park Avenue Metho· TrompeUe 8 ft. 61 pipes Church" p~nted by Joan Lippincott. Fagotto 8 ft. hC3t ing system in the church, the Ber­ head of the organ department at West· dist Church, New York City. Dr. Robert Hautbois-Clarion .. fl. 61 pipes endt Huess organ (1009-73) in the minster. and Eugene Roan, pro­ Baker, consultant for the church. drew TremuJant Church of St. Cosmae, Stade, West Ger. fessor of organ. The day'. activ­ up the specifications in collaboration many has been damaged JO badly that ities will abo include a panel dis­ with Lyndon Woodside. organist of the CHOIR it is no longer playable, and it con­ cussion concerning the responsibflities church. It W21 the desir~ of the con­ Hohftlhe 8 ft. 61 pipes tinues to worsen. The St. Cosmae ot­ of ministers and mwician. to the future gregation that th~ original screen be Flaulo Dokc 8 ft. 61 pipa g3n is the famoul Vincent LObect or. worship of the murch, and a aervice ~tained over the unenclosed Great Fhlte Celate (TC) 8 It. .9 pipes gnn. The present music direcw r of the of readings and music. and Proal division opening. Negotia. Gcrmhom .. ft. 61 pipes dHlrch has protested in her own way: tions for the new msUUmcnt were Waldngte 2 ft . 61 pipes Other participants will be Dr. Alec Larisot (TC) 1~ ft. 49 pipes on June 16, 1971, In an evening con· Wyton; Dr. Lee H. Brislol Jr., editor handled by D. R . Salisbury. New York Mixture III 2 ft. 183 pipes errt. ahe Jed 48 members o[ her church of "New Hymns and Spirilual Songs"; representative for the Schantz company. Cromome 8 ft. 61 pipes choir with 48 pipes of the organ in the Dr. Ray Robinson, president of the Trompete 8 ft. (Great) chorale "Wcmn wir in h&hsten N~ten Choir College; Steven Sharp, dlTector of GREAT Tremulant scin." Quintaton 16 fl. 61 pipes church relations at Westminster; and Principal 8 h . 61 pipes Dr. Donald Meisel. minister of the RghrllOte 8 ft. 61 pipes LUDWIG ALTMAN', rcdUiI at Temple First Presbyterian Church. Princeton. Octave .. ft. 61 pipes PE.DAL Emanu-El, San FranciKo, Dec, 28 d~w a SpitdlOte .. It. 61 pipcs ltaIultant 3! ft, crowd of oYer liDO. The prosntru featured Super Octavc 2: It. 61 pl~ Priacipal 16 (C . " pipel the fint U.S. pcrlonnancc 01 a yet uDpubiiahed A ONE MILLION DOLLAR CHRISTMAS foum:tuR IV 2:44 pipa QuintatOD 16 h . (GrMt) GIIT was presented to SWJIrthmo~ CDllqe by " Orpn Sonata" fralUXDl by Arnold Schoen. Tnnnpcte 8 h. n pipcs (Ped.1 Dl. ) HohbonJun 16 It. (Swell) Eu~ ne M. u.ns or New York City to launch be,. (l9fl). Mr. AltmaD pedonntd the work Principal 8 ft. with the permiaion of the com.pote,.'. son. Q. $.f,SOO,1lOD campaign toward ItrenJlhenin, SWELL Spitzflote 8 IL 56 pipes the fadlitIes and prolJl'1llru ror the pufonniDS The recital waI ,pensorcd by the San Fran­ HobbonJUD 16 ft. 73 pipes Holzbordun 8 fL (Swell) cif.co Goethe Instilule and Consreption artl at the coIlese. The sirt wiU be UICId to HohbordWl 8 It. Prinapal .. It. heir build a new ruudc buildlnl. Emanu-El. Newapaper Rviewl or the t»ncert Viol. 8 It. 61 pipes Spltzflote .. It. wen: nKIIt ellthtlliutic. Viola Celesta 8 It. 61 pipes Spitzllate 2 II. HENRY FUSNER direded the choin, 1010- Principel .. It. 61 pipes Mixture ]11 2 It.. 96 plpes istl and members or the Nuhvillc Symphony KoppeInote .. It. 61 pipes PosaUDe 16 It. 32 pipes LUDWIG DOERR, orpnHt of Speyer, Ger­ Orc~tra at Fint Pnsbyteri.n Church. Nash­ N... rd (TC) ~ ft. -19 pipes Contn-Fa,octo 16 It. (Swell) many. has bHn appointed prolalOr 01 Of"pn ville, Tenn., Dec. 12 in a pedorl:tWlCl! of Weitpriruipal 2 ft. 61 pipes POIaUU a It. at the 5lau Comen'atory of Muaie, Frciburs "Hodic" by Vaucban W.uiaml. Tierce ITC) l!i It. "" pipes C-. • ,. (CIooic) I/Dr.. Gcrm.aar. New Casavant Organ to Hendersonville, N. Carolina Casavant F~n:5, Limit~, St. Hya­ cinthe, Quebec, hil! been ~Iected 10 huild a new 3·manual org:an for the First United Methodln Church, Hender­ sonville, Nonh DroHna.
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