Current Zoology 60 (6): 768–777, 2014 The evolution of copulation frequency and the mechanisms of reproduction in male Anolis lizards Michele A. JOHNSON1*, Maria Veronica LOPEZ1, Tara K. WHITTLE1, Bonnie K. KIRCHER1, Alisa K. DILL1, Divina VARGHESE1, Juli WADE2 1 Trinity University, Department of Biology, One Trinity Place, San Antonio, Texas 78212, USA 2 Michigan State University, Departments of Psychology and Zoology, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA Abstract The evolution of many morphological structures is associated with the behavioral context of their use, particularly for structures involved in copulation. Yet, few studies have considered evolutionary relationships among the integrated suite of structures associated with male reproduction. In this study, we examined nine species of lizards in the genus Anolis to determine whether larger copulatory morphologies and higher potential for copulatory muscle performance evolved in association with higher copulation rates. In 10–12 adult males of each species, we measured the size of the hemipenes and related muscles, the seminiferous tubules in the testes, and the renal sex segments in the kidneys, and we assessed the fiber type composition of the muscles associated with copulation. In a series of phylogenetically-informed analyses, we used field behavioral data to determine whether observed rates of copulation were associated with these morphologies.We found that species with larger hemipenes had larger fibers in the RPM (the retractor penis magnus, a muscle that controls hemipenis movement), and that the evolution of larg- er hemipenes and RPM fibers is associated with the evolution of higher rates of copulatory behavior. However, the sizes of the seminiferous tubules and renal sex segments, and the muscle fiber composition of the RPM, were not associated with copulation rates. Further, body size was not associated with the size of any of the reproductive structures investigated. The results of this study suggest that peripheral morphologies involved in the transfer of ejaculate may be more evolutionarily labile than internal structures involved in ejaculate production [Current Zoology 60 (6): 768–777, 2014]. Keywords Anolis, Copulation, Hemipenes, Lizards, Reproduction, Reptiles The behavioral context in which a morphological tion in the strength intersexual selection across species structure is used can determine the selective pressures (Brennan et al., 2007). Successful copulation requires that drive its evolutionary trajectory. This relationship is the integration of multiple structures that serve diverse well known in the context of copulation, in which varia- physiological and behavioral functions, and thus selec- tion in morphologies that facilitate mating behaviors is tion likely acts concurrently on these structures. How- often strongly associated with the evolution of mating ever, the multiple components underlying copulation are systems. In particular, species in which males expe- rarely evaluated in a single study. Here, we examined rience strong sexual selection, and/or those that copulate the morphology and physiology of the suite of struc- frequently, often evolve enhanced copulatory structures. tures that underlie ejaculation in a group of Anolis lizard For example, testis size is associated with mating strate- species to determine if these traits evolved in associa- gy in taxa as diverse as primates (Harcourt et al., 1995), tion with copulation behavior. bats (Pitnick et al., 2006), birds (Birkhead and Møller, Detailed descriptions of reptilian reproductive struc- 1992), frogs (Byrne et al., 2002), and butterflies (Gage, tures have revealed that they are often highly variable 1994); males of species who experience greater sperm among species (e.g., Dowling and Savage, 1960; Arnold, competition generally have larger testes (reviewed in 1986), yet studies of this variation in relation to mating Lupold et al., 2014). In addition, interspecific variation system or copulation behaviors remain relatively rare. in penis size and shape are associated with mating sys- Reptiles provide an excellent taxonomic group in which tem across many invertebrate and mammalian taxa (re- to study relationships between copulatory morphologies viewed in Hosken and Stockley, 2004), and variation in and behaviors, as their reproductive behaviors are easily male phallus length in waterfowl is likely due to varia- observed in their natural environments, mating strate- Received July16, 2014; accepted Oct.14, 2014. Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] © 2014 Current Zoology JOHNSON MA et al.: Copulatory mechanisms in lizards 769 gies vary among species (e.g., Stamps, 1983; Tokarz, In contrast to mammals, however, there are no ac- 1995), and the relevant structures are well described cessory sex glands in male reptiles except the renal sex (e.g., Wade, 2005). Other taxa present more challenges segments of the kidneys, structures found only in lizards to these types of investigations. For example, mammal and snakes (Gist, 2011; Kumar et al., 2011). Secretions and insect copulatory structures have been frequently from the renal sex segments are thus the major compo- studied, but it is often extremely difficult to observe nent of male semen. These structures are responsive to reproductive behaviors in the wild. In contrast, while androgens (e.g., Prasad and Reddy, 1972; Crews, 1980; the behaviors of some fishes and particularly birds can Neal and Wade, 2007a), and increase to their maximum be more readily monitored, these groups of organisms size during the period of sperm production (Holmes and generally do not have penes, so comparisons involving Wade, 2004; Sever and Hopkins, 2005). copulatory organ structure are not feasible. Copulation in lizards and snakes occurs when a male Although the gross anatomy of the male reproductive mounts a female, positions his pelvis under hers, and system of reptiles is similar to other amniotes, several everts one of his two bilateral hemipenes into her cloac- important distinctions exist between reptilian reproduc- al vent (Crews, 1978; Shine et al., 2000). Movement of tive morphology and that of other vertebrate taxa (re- the independently-controlled hemipenes is directed by a viewed in detail in Gist, 2011; Kumar et al., 2011; Fig. pair of ipsilateral muscles in the rostral region of the tail 1). In brief, sperm is produced in the seminiferous tu- (Fig. 1). Eversion through the cloacal vent is caused by bules of the two testes, where it empties into bilateral contraction of the transversus penis (TPN) muscles, and efferent ductules that lead to the epididymides (Jones, after copulation, retraction of the hemipenes back into 1998), the main locations of male sperm storage in rep- the tail occurs via contraction of the retractor penis tiles. As in mammals, each epididymis is a highly coiled magnus (RPM; Arnold, 1984). tube adjacent to a testis. The caudal end of the epididy- Few studies to date have investigated the evolution mis becomes the ductus deferens (or, vas deferens), of the mechanistic traits underlying copulatory beha- which leads to the penile groove of one of the two viors of reptiles in general, and lizards in particular (but paired copulatory organs called hemipenes. From this see Gredler et al. 2014 for a recent review of genital groove, the sperm is transferred to a female during co- development in reptiles). Yet, studies examining varia- pulation (Gist, 2011). tion in these traits within single species (a literature comprehensively reviewed in Norris and Lopez 2011) provide a wealth of data from which to base evolutio- nary hypotheses, as morphological and physiological traits that vary among individuals with differing copu- latory behaviors may be those most likely to vary across species with different mating systems. For example, the structures that support male copulation are commonly absent or reduced in size in females: female renal sex segments in lizards are dramatically smaller than those in males, and females of many species lack hemipenes and the muscles that move them altogether (e.g., Ray- naud and Pieau, 1985; Ruiz and Wade, 2002; Kumar et al., 2011; but see Holmes et al., 2005). Further, many lizards breed seasonally, with cyclical transitions in morphology and behavior that are primarily activated by increased circulating sex steroid hormones. However, while some copulatory structures change in size with season (most notably, testes and renal sex segments; e.g., Holmes et al., 2005; Neal and Wade, 2007a), compari- Fig. 1 Morphological structures involved in lizard copu- sons between intact (non-gonadectomized) males in the lation breeding and nonbreeding seasons have generally CF = caudofemoralis, RPM = retractor penis magnus, TPN = trans- versus penis magnus. When not everted, the hemipenis lies largely shown few differences in other copulatory morpholo- under the TPN. Line drawing by Terrin N. Blackmon. gies (e.g., Holmes and Wade, 2004, 2005). In addition, 770 Current Zoology Vol. 60 No. 6 tests of breeding vs. nonbreeding males have revealed field laboratory near each collection site, we measured changes in the fiber type composition of the muscle that each lizard's snout-vent length (SVL) using a ruler, and controls extension of the anole dewlap (a throat fan in- mass using a Pesola spring scale. Each animal was then volved in courtship and aggressive behavior), demon- rapidly decapitated (the average time from field capture strating seasonal variation in the physiological capacity to decapitation
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