The Rhode Island builderbuilder reportreport Award-Winning Monthly Magazine of the Rhode Island Builders Association April 2016 Industry acts to solve its own labor shortage FEATURED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES RCWP launches Jobs Bank FOR APRIL Center SecƟ on force Partnership (RCWP), the Jobs Bank is now the Employers are urged to sign up now, even if they central hub for employers to fi nd the employees they Recent legal don't yet have job openings. need and for job-seekers to fi nd the employment they developments want. By Paul F. Eno Editor “The Jobs Bank is a way for employers to post what to aff ect they want in an employee. Also, career and technical contractors The long-awaited Jobs Bank is now online! education (CTE) students, and adults with skills, can Mandatory conƟ nuing Spearheaded by the Rhode Island Builders Associa- upload their resumés,” said Louis Cotoia of Arnold educaƟ on kicks in, tion on behalf of the Residential Construction Work- while rules on who is an see JOBS BANK...page 28 independent contractor get tougher. Page 2 CTE students Leading in lead educaƟ on play top role at Home Show Nearly 300 students from 20 schools around Rhode Island are central to RIBA's 2016 Home Show. Page 7 Networking Night draws 70 on March 10 RIBA's second Networking Night of 2016 draws nearly 70 members and guests to the associaƟ on's headquarters to learn about the benefi ts of membership. Page 10 PWB plans recruitment, Students from the Woonsocket Area Career and Technical Center (WACTC) and the William M. Davies event RIBA's Professional Jr. Career and Technical High School proudly display some of their hands-on work on February 17th at Women in Building WACTC as they give up part of their school vacation to take the 8 Hour Lead-Safe Remodeler/Renovator Council sets April 26th Course, the fi rst high school students in America to do so. At left are WACTC Instructor Charles Myers special event. (holding a copy of The Rhode Island Builder Report) and Michael Weydt of the Rhode Island Dept. of Page 13 Health. Mr. Myers taught the two-day course on his own time. Story on page 6. 65 years of informing Rhode Island’s residential construction industry Spotlight: Legal Developments for Contractors ConƟ nuing educaƟ on for contractors is now mandatory The Rhode Island Builders Associa- proved by the Contractors' Registration quired instruction through any CRLB- tion has been preparing the residential and Licensing Board (CRLB). approved provider, RIBA will keep its construction industry for the state's con- For example, if your renewal date is in members informed about what they need, tinuing education (CE) for contractors July 2016, you will have until July 2018 to will offer the classes, will keep education requirement for nearly two years. That take your fi ve credit hours. records for members, and will provide the requirement takes effect on April 1st for The subject areas will not have to be the written proof that they took the classes. the next renewal cycle, which is April 1, same as those required for new registrants. RIBA will provide all 2018. Anyone who took the pre-registra- But they will be taught in categories ap- tion classes will also have to take continu- proved by the CRLB, including, but not necessary classes ing education classes before their next limited to, land use, development, plan- Accordingly, the association's education renewal. ning and zoning, resource conservation or program has expanded to accommodate RIBA's expanded education program estimating. any subject area the state requires, includ- provides contractors with the courses they The fi ve credit hours do not have to be ing the fi ve mandated subject areas re- need to fulfi ll the new CE requirements. fi ve separate classes, as long as all fi ve quired for new contractors. If you are currently a registered contrac- subject areas are covered. Need more information, have a course tor in Rhode Island, you have two years New registrants with the CRLB who you’d like to see RIBA offer, or are you from your renewal date to take fi ve credit are performing any residential work must interested in teaching a course? hours of continuing education, as long as have fi ve credit hours of required training. Contact RIBA Membership and Educa- the curriculum and the provider are ap- They must provide proof of this training tion Director Cheryl Boyd at (401) 438- before registration. 7400. If you'd like to register for classes, The Rhode Island However, if a contractor has been regis- call Sheila McCarthy at RIBA, (401) 438- tered in Rhode Island within the previous 7400. 10 years, he or she does not have to take For details on upcoming classes this builder report the pre-registration course. spring, see pages 4, 19 and 20. Also visit While contractors may obtain the re- Offi cial publication of the RIBUILDERS.org for information. Rhode Island Builders Association since 1951 Offi cers of the Rhode Island Builders Association Who is an independent contractor? President .............................. Roland J. Fiore Vice President ....................... David A. Caldwell Jr. Treasurer .............................. Steven Gianlorenzo Rules are now tougher Secretary .............................. Timothy A. Stasiunas The Rhode Island Builder Report Girard R. Visconti Esq. Publishing Director .............. John Marcantonio Editor ................................... Paul F. Eno The U.S. Dept. of Labor and the Rhode Island Dept. of Labor and Training (DLT) are investigating and reviewing many employers who have misclassifi ed employees as The Rhode Island Builder Report is published monthly by the R.I. Builders Association, 450 Veterans Memorial Pkwy. #301, East Providence, independent contractors. RI 02914, tel. (401) 438-7400, fax (401) 438-7446, e-mail INFO@ RIBUILDERS.ORG. Advertising information is available on the Internet The guidelines to determine whether someone is an employee or an independent con- at www.RIBUILDERS.org or from New River Press at (888) 273-1941 (ext. 1). Claims and representations made in advertising are the sole tractor are: responsibility of the advertiser. The Rhode Island Builder Report and the R.I. Builders Association neither endorse nor guarantee advertiser • Whether the work is economically dependent on the employer or the person is actu- claims. Readers may submit articles and photographs of interest to the residential building and remodeling industries in Rhode Island, but the ally in business for himself or herself. publishing director and editor may reject any submission or advertisement. While designed to provide accurate and authoritative information on the • Is the work in question an integral part of the employer’s business? subjects covered, The Rhode Island Builder Report and the Rhode Island Builders Association are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or • Do the worker’s managerial skills affect the worker’s opportunity for profi t or loss? other professional or technical advice or product support. Accordingly, RIBA cannot warrant the accuracy of all legal or technical information • How does the worker’s relative investment compare with the employer’s investment? contained herein and disclaims any and all liability which may result from publication or reliance on the information provided.Unless otherwise • Does the work performed require special skills and initiative, which “are not them- noted, articles may not be reprinted without the written permission of the publishing director. The Rhode Island Builder Report is edited, designed selves indicative of any independence or business initiative”? and produced by New River Press, 645 Fairmount St., Woonsocket, RI 02895, tel. (401) 250-5760 (ext. 1), fax (401) 356-0913, e-mail builder@ • Is a relationship between the worker and the employer permanent or indefi nite? newriverpress.com. see LABOR LAW...page 29 2/April 2016 www.ribuilders.org RIBA welcomes our new members and thanks their sponsors! Builders/Remodelers Ruarri Miller The Apiary LLC 64 Channing Ave., Riverside, RI 02915 Sponsor: Michael Guertin – Michael R. Guertin, Inc. Bradford M. Doyle Cornerstone Restoration Inc. 3 Palisade Lane, Barrington, RI 02806 Sponsor: Michael Martone – Martone Painting Company John Schumer Window World RI 380 Jefferson Blvd., Warwick, RI 02886 Sponsor: Robert Yoffe – Yoffe Exposition Services Subcontractor Warren Jones Warren C. Jones 36 Elizabeth Lane, Swansea, MA 02777 Sponsor: Brian Fortin – Fortin Electric Kenneth Bousquet Consumers Propane P.O. Box 628, Woonsocket, RI 02895 Sponsor: Robert Yoffe – Yoffe Exposition Services Professional Robert Catanzaro Independence Bank 1370 South County Trail, East Greenwich, RI 02818 Sponsor: Roland J Fiore – South County Sand & Gravel DEADLINES FOR THE MAY ISSUE All copy, ads and photos must be to us by Friday, April 1 E-mail material to [email protected] Fax: (401) 356-0913 www.ribuilders.org April 2016/3 RRIBAIBA CalendarCalendar ofof EventsEvents LOOKING AHEAD! ◊S Martes y Jueves/Tuesdays and Thursdays through May 26th: Ingles para Constructores / English for Contractors - Segue InsƟ tute for Learning, 361 Cowden St., Central Falls. Dirigida a los trabajadores en la industria de la construccion para incrementar su vocabu- lario y mejorar la comprension de terminos, codigos y reglamentos. A program to help Spanish-speaking contractors learn English, increase their vocabulary and understand the terms of codes and regulaƟ ons; and to complement their professional training. To regis- ter, contact LaƟ no EducaƟ on Coordinator BeƩ y Bernal, [email protected], or call (401) 438-7400. More information on page 19. ◊March 31st-April 3rd: RIBA Home Show - Rhode Island ConvenƟ on Center, Providence, 3 to 9 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday. Thursday is RIBA Member Night. If you are a RIBA member and have not received passes in the mail, contact Cheryl Boyd at (401) 438-7400 or [email protected].
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