NASA-CR-197787 z_ _/ , A LONG-TEP_M SPACE ASTROPHYSICS RESEARCH PROGRAM Z/ /:5_ ,/ /" - AN X-tL_YPE_ECTIVE OF THE COMPONENTS AND STRUCTURE OF GALAXIES NASA Grant NAGW-2681 fe_ o_ ur_ I,,,- Performance Report No. 7 ,O u_ I,,,, I O', o', ," 0 For the Period 1 May 1994 through 30 April 1995 Z _ 0 0 Os e,n Principal Investigator Dr. G. Fabbiano April 1995 Prepared for: National Aeronautics and Space Administration " Washington, DC 20546 Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory . c + Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Lil"-TheSmithsonian Astrophysical Observatory _ is a member of the ,_'arvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics _cer for this grant is s. New, Code: SZE, National Aeronautics L=: 3. Washington, DC 20546. N_ z _L 7 f_ = ! i i Contents 1 Activities at SAO 1 1.1 ROSAT PSPC pipeline .............................. 1 1 1.2 X-ray sources in nearby Sc galaxies ....................... 1.3 Optical-X-ray-Radio study of an ongoing merger ................ 1 1.4 A radio, Fax-Infraxed, Optical and X-ray Study of the Sc galaxy NGC247... 2 1.5 A Multiparametric Analysis of the Einstein Sample of Early-Type Galaxies . 2 1.6 Other papers based on ROSAT and ASCA data ................ 3 1.7 Talks by G. Fabbiano ............................... 3 2 Activities at MIT 4 2.1 ROSAT Data Analysis .............................. 4 2.2 ASCA ....................................... 4 4 2.3 Spectral Analysis ................................. 2.4 Power Ratio Method ............................... 4 2.5 Future Plans .................................... 4 2.6 Relevant Publications: .............................. 5 6 A Preprints 1 Activities at SAO 1.1 ROSAT PSPC pipeline Version 3 of a ROSAT X-ray data reduction and analysis pipeline has been completed in February 1995. The pipeline operates on pointed PSPC observations that exist in the U.S. ROSAT Archive. This pipeline is substantially different from the recently released WGACAT and ROSAT SRC point source catalogues. Specifically, the pipeline 1) fully corrects PSPC observations for instrumental effects, 2) uses source detection algorithms (both PROS LDETECT and Wavelets) to identify BOTH point source and extended sources, 3) does automatic XSPEC spectral fitting to a subset of sources, 4) computes fluxes for detected sources based on 3 standard spectral laws, 5) produces contour maps and surface brightness profiles for extended sources, 6) automatically loads pipeline results into SYBASE database management system (DBMS) for later access and analysis use. Status: Version 4 (V4) is under construction, which will be the final working version of the pipeline. We expect completion in early May. It will contain 1) slight science modifications based on V3 science testing results, 2) the addition of optical full field and subimages of PSPC fields and extended sources from the recently completed STScI Guide Star Survey CD-ROM set. X-ray subimage contours will be overlayed onto greyscale optical fields. 3) the addition of source obscuration information, 4) fluxes or upper limits for all sources that exist in the PSPC F.O.V. that exist in a Master Catalogue (MC) of 43 selected X-ray, EUV, optical, IR and radio catalogues of point and extended sources, 5) perform source identification based on positional matches with the STScI Guide Star Catalogue and MC. Reference: Rhode, K.L., Fabbiano, G., and Mackie, G. 1994, "An IRAF-Based Pipeline for Reduction and Analysis of Archived ROSAT Data", In: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems III, ASP Conference Series, vol 61, p371. 1.2 X-ray sources in nearby Sc galaxies Mackie completed optical (B, I and Halpha+[NII]) CCD imagery of 3 Sculptor (D=2.5Mpc) Sc galaxies in November 1994 at CTIO. Work is continuing on an optical-X-ray study of the X-ray sources in these, the closest group of galaxies outside the Local Group. 1.3 Optical-X-ray-Radio study of an ongoing merger During the November 1994 CTIO CCD observing run, Mackie also obtained very deep B and Halpha+[NII] images of NGC1316. This galaxy is the archetypical E/SO merger. We discovered a large, extended region of Halpha+ [NII] coincident with the position of an optical tidal tail, which is the stellar remnant of the progenitor merger galaxy that is interacting with NGC1316. The region is most likely shock excited, consistent with its position on the edgeof extended X-ray emissionS of NGC1316.The discoveryhasimportant implications in the understanding of merger dynamics,and the origin of the ISM in elliptical galaxies. Reference: NOAO newsletter, June 1995, in prep. Mackie, G., Fabbiano, G. 1995 (in preparation.) 1.4 A radio, Far-Infrared, Optical and X-ray Study of the Sc galaxy NGC247. VLA HI and 1.49GHz, IRAS 60 and 100micron, optical B, I and Halpha+[NII], and ROSAT PSPC X-ray images axe combined to investigate the multi-wavelength properties of the close Sc galaxy, NGC247. Reference: Mackie, G., Fabbiano, G., Ikebe, Y., and Kim, D.-W. 1995, In: IAU Symposium 164, "Stellar Populations", ed. G.Gilmore, P. van der Kruit (Kluwer) 1.5 A Multiparametric Analysis of the Einstein Sample of Early-Type Galaxies We have completed and submitted to Ap. J. three papers reporting the results of multivariate statistical analysis of the Einstein Observatory sample of E and SO galaxies. Two papers have been published (Ap. J. Suppl. and Ap. J.), the third is in press (Ap. J.). I. Luminosity and ISM parameters - In this paper we study correlations between Hot (X- ray), cold (HI, and far IR) ISM indicators, stellar indicators (near IR, and B), and nuclear activity (6cm) in E and SOs. II. Galaxy Formation History and Properties of the ISM - We compare emission properties of E and SO galaxies with structural properties which measure the depth of the potential (cry, Mg2), and its shape (axial ratio, boxiness). We find that the ability of retening a hot ISM is correlated with both depth and shape of the potential. We explore the implications of our results in terms of galaxy formation scenarios. III. Comparisons with the _ parameters - We have extended our work to a set of parameters that define the fundamental plane of eaxly-type galaxies. This work confirms that mass and M/L are strongly responsible for the present day X-ray properties of eaxly-type galaxies. References: Eskridge, P. B., Fabbiano, G., and Kim, D.-W. 1995, Ap. J. Supp., 97, 141. Eskridge, P. B., Fabbiano, G., and Kim, D.-W. 1995, Ap. J., 442, 523. Eskridge, P. B., Fabbiano, G., and Kim, D.-W. 1995, Ap. J., in press. 1.6 Other papers based on ROSAT and ASCA data We have studied the ROSAT PSPC observation of NGC 507, the central galaxy of a small group and an extremely luminous X-ray source. These data allow us to measure the mass of the system (M/L of about 100 in solar units), reveal central cooling, and also suggest the presence of several clums of emission in the outer halo, way in excess of what we would expect from serendipitous sources in the field. We need to follow-up this observation with higher resolution ones to confirm and study these clumps. This paper has been published in Ap. J. (Kim and Fabbiano 1995) We have studied the X-ray properties of two dynamically young early-type galaxies, which may be the product of recent mergers. These galaxies turn out to be X-ray faint (Ap. J. in press, Fabbiano and Schweizer). We have discovered evidence of thermal confinement of the radio source in the elliptical galaxy NGC 1399, and submitted a paper to Ap. J. (Kim et al ). We have studied the ASCA data of the X-ray faint SO NGC 4382. These data confirm a multicomponent emission for this galaxy (Kim et al, Ap. J. submitted). References: Kim, D.W., and Fabbiano, G. 1995, Ap. J., 441, 182. Fabbiano, G., and Schweizer, F. 1995, Ap. J., in press. Kim, D.-W., Fabbiano, G., Mackie, G., and Norman, C. 1995, Ap. J. Submitted. Kim, D.-W, Fabbiano, G., Matsumoto, H., Koyama, K., and Trinchieri, G. 1995, Ap. J., submitted. 1.7 Talks by G. Fabbiano G. Fabbiano has delivered several talks, reviewing the results of this work. 'The Hot ISM of Galaxies', to appear in 'The Physics of the Interstellar and Intergalactic Medium' (A. Ferrara, C. Heiles, C.F. McKee, and P.Shapiro, eds.) PASP Conference Series. 'From X-ray Observations to Galaxy Formation' to appear in the Proceedings of the XVII Texas Symposium. 'The X-ray Properties of Early Type Galaxies' presented at the Puebla meeting on early type galaxies. 'The X-ray Properties of E and SO galaxies: Facts and Myths', CfA Colloquium. 2 Activities at MIT Activities included continued analysis of observations with ROSAT, and ASCA, and con- tinued development of new approaches to spectral analysis with ASCA and AXAF. Also, a new method for characterizing structure in clusters was developed and applied to ROSAT images of a large sample of clusters. 2.1 ROSAT Data Analysis We completed a detailed analysis of our ROSAT PSPC observation of the flattened elliptical galaxy NGC1332. The paper was submitted this fall and very recently received back from the referee. Revisions are in progress. Evidence for flattened, dark matter halos is present, though more limited than for the previous study of NGC720 because of the poorer signal to noise and smaller size of NGC1332. However, in the process of performing the analysis, the techniques were significantly improved over previous versions. The technique of shape analysis wass also tested, for the case of galaxy clusters, using models from N-body/hydro codes. Results are in press. The same analysis was also applied to ROSAT images of clusters previously analyzed using Einstein data. 2.2 ASCA We participated in planning and execution of several galaxy and cluster observations.
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