Ihe Emptg Qoset SSUE 141 SEPTEMBENEW YORR 198K STATE'3 JT^S OLDES^T ^GA Y NEWSPAPER , ROCHESTER TO HOST HONDREDS Amitversaiy Dimier Hlghllghte Festivllies Hie weekend of September 24 and 25 The participants in the NYSLGL an introduction of past officers of the too. have been invited to the Anniversary wsU give gay Rochester che opportunity meeting wiU be arriving in town on GAGV, a presentatio& by An>S- Dinner. to show its truest designer colors to Saturday, and have been invited to Rochester, and a speeA by an officer of If the GAGV. NYSLGL, and RHBS numerous visitors as the city plays host attend the GAGV's Tenth Anniversary the NYSLGL. After the meal, music for events aren't enough, sn unfortuante to three major events. Dinner that night. With a theme of dancing will be provided. Tickets fer che schedtding coincidence finds Dignity^ Flower Oty wiU, fbr the ftrst cime reflecting upon otu- hiscory, and rededi* Tendi Aimiversary Dinner are $12, and Integrity/Rochester celebrating its ever, be the site of the Quarterly cating ourselves to the challenge of the are available only in advance (by 9/16) at Eighth Anniversary Dinner at the Hong Meeting of the New York State Lesbian 80*s, the dinner is expected to draw over the GAGV, 713 Monroe Avenue, Koi^ Restaurant on Saturday, Septem­ ahd Gay Lobby on Sunday, September 200 people. The celebration wiU begin Adding to the weekend's festive ber 24. 25. Between 50 and 60 delegates wiU wich cocktails (cash bar) at 7 pm at the events is the chaUenge match between There is surely something for every­ participate in day-long workshops at che Top of the Plaza Restaurant, 1400 the Toronto Historical Bowling Society one on tap for che last weekend in GeVa Theater. The sessions last from 10 Midtown Plaza, and a buffet dinner will and the Rochester Historical Bowling September. As che stmuner draws to a am to 4 pm, and coffee and doughnuts be served at 8 pm. On the menu are Society. Two hundred and fifty Cana» close, gay Rochesterians can welcome wiU be provided. Hiis event is co* such deUghts as roast sirloin of beef, dians have chartered a schooner, and the chaUenges of tomorrow, whether facilitated by the Gay Alliance of the chicken coq au vin, an assorted cheese wiU be sailing across the lake to take on they be poUtical, social, athletic, or Genesee Valley and the Rochester Gay tray, and such essentials as fruited jello. our home team at Marcel's Olympic theological, and share our coznmitments and Lesbian PoUtical Caucus, and com- The program for the evening wiU include Bowl on Saturday, September 24. They, with visitors and each other. miimty members are welcome. Picnic Record Crowd pfcptoe by Jtm GeeJMwrd One of thc highUghts of thc GAGV's others tying Uttle blue strings on into the Genesee River only to retium 10th Anniversary Celebration, thc Gay everyone's wrists. Alongside, the Les­ covered with muck. Commimity Picnic, drew over 2000 bian and Gay PoUtical Caucus and Dig­ Two medical problems were compe­ people this year. The weather cooperated nity/Integrity drummed up support. City tently handled by professionals within giving us a beautiful day to mingle and newspaper handed our free papers and the community. One Sheriff's Deputy be openly friendly. Contrary to rumor, several local poUticians expressed gay presented a positive (and female) pre­ the Moral Majority did not show up support. sence. chastise us. The picnic provided thc The heat under che fourth pavilion Some time after 3pm, the crowd ideal setting for generating support for was worse than elsewhere; half-clad around the beer truck thicmed and groups Uke Rochester Gay Men's Chor­ bodies moved to the beat provided by the everyone headed to thc dance paviUon or us. Families and Friends of Gays, and L.A. Saloon and music arranged by the raffle. Half the crowd groaned when the budding Rochester Historical Bowl­ Steve of Jim's and Hector from Friar's. a blue ticket was drawn and the other ing Society. No one seemed to mind being poumded half groaned when an orange one What else could Julia Rabinowitz and by breeze-tossed piuple, blue, and pink appeared. Craig from Watkins Glen won Mike Siani stand in the middle of the balloons. the trip for two to Provincetown and Ron road at Genesee VaHey Park with Many people were content to spread from the Bachelor Forum won the TV. lambdas prpminently displayed, stop blankets, eat, and drink, others cruised Because the annual picnic draws each car, and bravely ask if the about and ate and drank, and spon­ people from every facet of our commu­ occupants were attending thc "gay taneous games of volleybaU and softbaU nity, another record breaking attendance picnic.** Yve Skeet. our editor, enjoyed erupted in the midst of free-flowing is laudable. It was especiaUy upUfting to directing vehicles into orderly rows beer. Many felt at ease tossing a frisbee see such a large and diverse group around trees throughout thc park. with new friends. supporting the gay community of Roch­ One pavilion hummed with people Some brave souls laimched a canoe ester. See you next year. and food: hots, 900 lbs. of macaroni and potato salads (thanks to the Bachelor Forum), potato chips, and 142 gallons of soda. Begonia from Albany, sponsored by the Lesbian Resource Center, and the ComeU Refuses NAMBLA Member Rochester Gay Men's Chorus provided entertainment in another pavilion. Jackie group which provides community living Nudd, GAGV president-elect, main- ITHACA, N.Y.—The city prosecutor for a select, highly inteUectual coec cained the GAGVs visibility and viability is considering whether to file an action group of. students, voted last month to seUing tee-shirts and buttons next to against a student community program at revoke the admission of Andriette after Cornell University foUowing the decision lengthy discussion of his role in of members of the community to rescind NAMBLA. Andriette had revealed his an offer of admission to a IT-year-old NAMBLA membership months earlier student. The offer was rescinded after during a public speaking class at a the community discovered the studenc, Telluride-sponsored seminar. BiU Andriette, is a member of the Ithaca's human rights statuce pro­ steering committee of the North Ameri­ hibits housing discrimination based on can Man-Boy Love Association, a concro- sexual orientation, but makes no provi versial gay-oriented group which favors sion for che filing of cases by aggrieve che repeal of age of consent laws chac parties. Instead, a decision on whether criminalize sexual behavior between to pursue a case of aUeged discrimina adults and youths. tion is left up to the city prosecutor. Members of TeUuride House, a smaU —The Washington Blade More picnic photos on pogo 3 fheOegr Mm Page 2 THE EMPTY CLOSET September 1983 '.t I •: .•**•';. ."• ii >^»^:• ; / ;'^i *x :<i*: •<»-. ^ EDITORIAL September 1983 THB EMPTY CLOSET Page 3 •^: G.A.G.V Letters. We get letters. in pink*'). Bob, and Chudk (wey to undog been abte to contintte his competent straight bars pretty duU. We've got. all '*! know yoo must be a very busy those toilets. OCt). work while being a public gey.' It seems tfae advantages of a workaday wecM plus man...** Aat tfae issue is no kmger whether we our "walk on tfae wild side." We only GAGV Takes A WaUc Busy, yes. Man, no. come out, but how we come out. need arrange our priorities so diat we 1 find a certain delight in receiving I've been thinking about my a^ege It*s far too easy to perpetuate can say what we are widiout denying The GAGV has been invited to indoor/outdoor track. Entrants may corre^Kmdence beginning with *'Dear sorority quite a bit these days. I may not (straigfat<^>erceived) negative stereo- who we are. pdtAdpmte in the GeVa Stagehands' walk, jog,' run, bicyde, roUer-sluite, or Mr. Skeet." No, I'm not into playing miss the white dresses and frat mixers t3rpes. The proposed GAYLA Festival Hiere is no need to shout one's Second Annual Community Walk-Jog^- even skateboard; sponsors wiU be asked butdh. I am into addressing the entire (although the 700-wonum convention planned to feature a drag coiiq>etition, sexuaUty from tfae rooftops (I faave yet to Crae^A-Thon. A percentage of the to guarantee an amount for every lap Rochester gay oommunity. wasn't too bad), but some of that and tfaat is surely the film cUp that would sfaake hands witb a stranger who pledge monies coUected by GAGV completed. Pledge forms are available at I must assume that, when several WASPish South^ ethic stiU apphes to have made it to the six o'dodc news. introduces himself, "Hi, Tm Fred. I'm a wsSkmts wiH be donated to the Gay the GAGV Community Center, 715 readers misinterpret my gender, they do my life. Our alumnae advisors, along Forget that another talented gay per­ heterosexual who adheres to the mis­ AOissice. The .. .-A-Thon wiU take place Monroe Avenue. Come out and support not perceive The Empty Closet as coo with imparting to us the ritual handshake former inight have sung beautiful folk sionary position."), nor need one work at on Sunday, September 18, between 1 che GAGV! woman-oriented. I'U stretch that a bit and recognition sign, cautioned the new songs—that's not what they're looking being "straight appearing." The com­ and 4 p^i, at tbe St. John Fisher CoUege further and suggest that, from where I sisters that, when we were identified as for.
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