DISTRICTHEALTH & FAMILYWELFARE SAMITI, HOOGHLY P.O.CHINSURAH, District - HOOGHLY NOTICEINVITING TENDER Sealedtenders of ratesare invited,in the proformagiven in Annexure - l, from the interested ownersfor hiring of ambulancesand vehicles(where ambulance is not availableJfor 24 hours on all daysin a month,for useby the selectedhospitals/primary health care facilities, listed in Annexure- ll, exclusivelyfor carryingpregnant women and / or sicknew-born babies. Tenders mustbe submitted by 2.00PM on 23.06.11through Speed Post or ifsentby hand,may be put in the dropbox kept in the officeof the DistHealth & FamilyWelfare Samiti, Hooghly. GeneralTerms and Conditions: Theambulances/vehicles for carryingpatients, now beingrun in Public-Private-Partnership mode,and those purchased from MPLADor BEUPor any otherCentral or StateGovernment fund,the modeof operationnotwithstanding, will not be consideredfor hiring. The ambulancesand/or vehicles,for which ratesare to be tendered,must be of the same specificationsas given in Annexure -IlI. 3. Separatetender applications should be furnishedfor engagingmore than one ambulance/ vehiclefor the same hospital (where requiredl or for different hospitals/ health care [acili ties. Thetendered rate of hiringshould not exceedthe ceilingrate givenin Annexure- III for a particularcategory ofvehicle [as per the ratesprescribed by NotificationNo.3564-WT/3M- 81/98 dated24.11..2008 ofthe TransportDepartment, Government of WestBengall. PREFERENCIALSELECTION PROCESS: For everyhospital / healthcare facility, preference in selectionwill be givento ambulance(s).lf ratesare tendered for more ambulancesthan the numberrequired for a particularhospital / facility,then the ambulance(sJof the latest categoryof MassEmission Standard (as given in Annexure- III) will be selected.If ratesare tenderedfor more than one ambulanceor vehicleof the samecategory of MassEmission Standardfor selectionfor the samehospital/health care facility,then the ambulance,or vehicle[when there is no ambulancein the contest),for whichthe lowesttota] rate of hiring is tendered,will be selected. The rate tenderedshould be inclusiveof all operationalcosts including wages of driver, maintenanceand repair and incidentalexpenses, and exclusiveof cost of fuel,for which paymentwill be madeat the ratespecified in Annexure' IIl. 7. Tenderof rate for an ambulancefor the useby a particularhospital / healthcare facility, as listedin Annexure - II, may be consideredby the undersignedfor anotherhospital / healthcare facility, subject to the conditionsthat (a) the rate for the particularambulance couldnot selected,for anyreason whatsoever, for the hospital/ healthcare facility for which the ratewas tendered, (bJ no ratefor anyother ambulance ofthe sameor newercategory [in terms of Annexure- lll] has been furnishedfor the samehospital/healthcare facility for which the rate/ambulanceis to be considered,and (c) the tendereris willing to get ambulanceselected for the hospital/healthc'are facility other than the onefor whichthe rate wasoriginally tendered. S undertaking: The selectedtenderer ,undertaking,to will haveto sign and furnish an the undersignedin the proformagiven in Annexure_ IV. 9' ProcessinsFee: Each tender shourd be_accompaniedby a non-refundabreprocessing fee of T 500/- [Rupeesfive hundred onlyJ demanddraft/6ante..s cheque, drawn in favour of DistrictHealth & FamilyWelfare Samiti,Hooghly district. l0 Earnest monev: Eachtender must be.accompanied by an earnestmoney depositof Rs. 5000/- (not bearingany interes,tJin the form of pay Lrder / demanddraft in favour of DistrictHearth & Familywelfare Samiti,Hooghrydisirict, varid for at reastthree months from the dateof openingof the tenders.The ieposit of the selectedtenderers be convertedinto part "".n!rirnon"y will a ofthe securitydeposit. tn .aru oio*,er., it wi be refunded. 11.security Deposit:The owner of the serectedamburance / vehiclesha haveto furnisha securitydeposit equal to the m-onthly hiring chargeof one monthwhich -"y tu ro.i.iiua in caseof terminationof hiring for failureto.omply with any of the terms and conditions, mentionedherein. 12' supporting Documents: Eachtender in the given proforma - I] accompanied [Annexure shourdbe by the followingdocuments, duly signed by the tenderer: Photocopy [a] ofthe registrationcertificate (bluebook) with validfitness certificate. (bJ Photocopyofthe DrivingLicense ofthe Driver/s (cJ Photocopyofthe up-to-datecommercial Road Tax Clearance [d] Photocopyofthe up-to-datecertincate ofpollntion Control [e] Photocopyofthe up-to-dateInsurance Certificate (f) Photocopy of Receiptof IncomeTax Returnfor the financialyear 2009-10(Assessment Year2010-2 011). (g) Photocopyof PANCard A cancelledcheque [hJ of the bankaccount of the tendererfor A/c Number,MICR No. and l r)L Looe. A copy of the terms [iJ and conditionsof the tenderas an evidenceof acceptanceof such termsand conditions. 13. The owner of the selectedambulance/ vehicle shall haveto furnishall the originalof the aforesaid documentto the headof the hosDital/ healthcare faciliry for whichitls selected, for verification. SpecialTerms and Conditions: The owner ofthe selectedambulance / vehicleshall _ 1. keepthe vehicle stationedwithin the campusofthe hospital/ healthcare facility, for which it will be selected, andat the disposalofthe headofthe institution,throughout tire 24 hours on everyday for the entireperiod it will be engaged,so as to attend duty-ii anytime, for carryingfree ofcost, any pregnantwomen for derivery"nyoi sick ",n..g"n.ynJ* nL* il"uy to 28 fup daysof birthJ from residenceor nearestmotorable pointj to p.e-n"J-t e"ttt care_facility and/ or to any other healthcare facility of highergrade, or "ny for ieturninga new mother or sick newbornbaby to residence,as may be directedby either the heai of the hospital/ health care facility,or by the Districtcontrol unit (DCirJover mobiteptrone telephone; 7 2. Ensurethat a driver, holdingvalid driving license,is stationedwithin the campus,being readilyavailable at the beckand call of the authority,at any hour on everyday, rendering emergencytransportation services as aforesaid.The owner may engagemore than one driverin shiftswithout anyclaim for additionalcharges; 3. Ensurethat the driver collectsand retains,without fail,a speciallydesigned voucher to be obtainedfrom the relatives/companionsof the beneficiariesfor suchfree transport service, and signedby the headof the destinationhospital/health care facility, for eachand every categoryof trips viz, (aJ pick up from residenceand carryingto the stipulatedhospital / healthcare facility, mentioned in the voucher,(b) return to residencefrom the hospital/ healthfacility after discharge and (cJfrom stipulatedhospital / healthcare facility to higher gradehealth facility, if referredby the authorityof the stipulatedhospital / healthcare facility; A ensurethat the driver of the ambuiance/vehicledoes not collect any money or any gratificationin any form from the relativesof the pregnantwomen or sicknew born babies for renderingsuch transportation; 5. ensurethat the driver of the ambulance/vehiclemaintains log-sheet for all of the aforesaid transportationin prescribedformat which will be verifiedby the authorityof the health facility(superintendent/BM0H/MOIC) on a regularbasis; 6. displaythe name "MATRI YAAN" and telephone numbers of the DistrictControl Unit (DCUI and the nameof the hospital/ healthcare facility [where the ambulance/vehicleis to be stationedJon both sidesof the bodyof the ambulance/vehiclein bold lettersat his own cost asper the instructionsofthe authority; 7. submitmonthly bill in prescribedformat for hiring chargesof the vehicleas well as costof fuel as per the rate mentionedin Para 1 alongwith the duly signed,properly filled-in, originallog-sheet and attestedphotocopies thereol The owner of the Ambulancewill also submitthe duly signedutilised vouchers for everytransportation conducted, collected by the driversfrom the beneficiaries,in supportof the claims,along with the monthlybill; 8. not withdraw the vehiclefor any hour on any day during the period,for which the vehicle will be hired,for any reasonwhatsoever. If the vehicleis withdrawntemporarily for a short periodfor maihtenanceor repairor anyother reason, he/she should give the prior noticeto theauthority and place another vehicle for such period of temporaryabsence; 9. keepthe vehiclealways in well-maintainedcondition; 10. regularlycheck the presenceof the driver to performa duty in readinessat any time and will ensurethat the driver alwaysremains alert and respondsto instructionsto perform dutywithout any delay for any reason whalsoever; 11. shallarrange a substitutedriver with validdriving license, ready to performduty, in the similarmanner as aforesaid, during temporary absence of the regulardriver' 12. ensurethat all legal formalitiesfor running a vehiclegiven on hire, like renewal of registration,ntness testing, payment of due taxes,etc. as prescribedunder the WestBengal Motor VehiclesAct, and other relevantActs and rules,including the directionsof the wB Pollutioncontrol Board, are duly observedand discharged from time to time,without fail. 13. accepttermination of the hiring of the aforesaidvehicle without any notice,and also forfeitureof the securitydeposit, in caseof iailureto performany duty or failureto abideby the terms and conditionsof this tender,.mentionedabove, and /or in caseof any complaint againstthe driver of the ambulance/vehicle,on the ground of unbecomingbehaviour, negligenceto duty and/or indecentattitude, and/or claimingcash/kinds
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