H7494 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 15, 2014 Finally, Mr. Speaker, I hope I am not The Clerk read the title of the bill. ated with the signing of the Flushing Remon- violating any rule of the House, but I The text of the bill is as follows: strance; (2) determine the suitability and feasibility of want to say something personal about H.R. 3222 the man from Washington, my former designating resources within the study area as a Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- unit of the National Park System; colleague on the Rules Committee. I resentatives of the United States of America in (3) consider other alternatives for preserva- am going to accuse him of being a good Congress assembled, tion, protection, and interpretation of the study guy. He worked hard on the Rules Com- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. area by Federal, State, or local governmental mittee when I was there. He worked This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Flushing Re- entities, or private and nonprofit organizations; hard in his responsibility as chairman monstrance Study Act’’. (4) identify properties related to the John of this committee. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Bowne House that could potentially meet cri- You have worked hard for many Congress finds the following: teria for designation as a National Historic years serving the people of your dis- (1) Dutch involvement in North America start- Landmark; trict and the people of this country ed with Henry Hudson’s 1609 voyage on the (5) consult with interested Federal, State, or local governmental entities, private and non- over all your years in Congress, and I ship, Half Moon, employed by the Dutch East India Company. profit organizations, or any other interested in- want to thank you that one of your (2) After 1640, New Netherland gradually dividuals; last acts is a generous shepherding of began to transform from a chain of trading posts (6) evaluate the impact of the proposed action this legislation that means so much to into a settlement colony. on the flow of commerce and commercial activ- the folks in northern Vermont. (3) As Dutch and English settlers moved closer ity, job opportunities, and any adverse economic Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I re- to one another, they began to assimilate in what effects that could not be avoided if the proposal serve the balance of my time. would later become Queens County. is implemented; Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. (4) The Dutch and English settlements had (7) identify cost estimates for any Federal ac- Speaker, I have no more requests for not been without conflict. Although the Dutch quisition, development, interpretation, oper- ation, and maintenance associated with the al- time and I am prepared to close now. I Republic was well known for its toleration of other faiths, Director General Peter Stuyvesant ternatives; will have to close after those last re- and his council thought that liberty of worship (8) analyze the effect of the designation of the marks. should not be granted to Quakers. study area as a unit of the National Park Sys- I reserve the balance of my time. (5) When Quakers began to arrive in Flush- tem on— Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I yield ing, the colonial government issued an ordi- (A) existing recreational activities, and on the back the balance of my time. nance that formally banned the practice of all authorization, construction, operation, mainte- Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. religions outside of the Dutch Reformed Church. nance, or improvement of energy production Speaker, I yield myself the balance of (6) On December 27, 1657, 30 Flushing resi- and transmission infrastructure; and my time. dents signed what was later called the Flushing (B) the authority of State and local govern- I want to thank my friend from Remonstrance, objecting to this order. None of ments to manage those activities; and Vermont for those nice words. the remonstrance’s authors were Quakers. (9) identify any authorities, including con- But let me speak to this legislation, (7) Dutch colonial authorities proceeded to ar- demnation, that will compel or permit the Sec- rest the signers of the Flushing Remonstrance. retary to influence or participate in local land because the gentleman correctly men- In 1662, John Bowne defied the ban and allowed use decisions (such as zoning) or place restric- tioned—and this has always been a con- Quakers to hold services in his house. Bowne tions on non-Federal lands if the study area is cern of those of us that have been was fined and banished to the Dutch Republic designated a unit of the National Park System. somewhat critical of Wild and Scenic for showing contempt for secular authority. (c) NOTIFICATION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY OWN- designations—that it does impact local (8) Bowne was later exonerated after appeal- ERS.—Upon the commencement of the study, communities and local private prop- ing to the guarantees of religious liberty before owners of private property in or adjacent to the erty rights. And this legislation here, the Dutch West India Company and returned to study area shall be notified of the study’s com- in working with you, the gentleman Flushing in 1664. The colony later fell to British mencement and scope. control on September 24, 1664. (d) APPLICABLE LAW.—The study required recognizes that. I think, at least from (9) The Flushing Remonstrance is now consid- under subsection (a) shall be conducted in ac- your debate on the floor, your citizens, ered by many to be instrumental in the develop- cordance with section 8(c)) of the National Park your constituents, recognize that also ment of religious liberty in the United States System General Authorities Act (16 U.S.C. 1a– at the town meetings. That is a win- and a precursor to the First Amendment to the 5(c)). win from my standpoint. United States Constitution. (e) REPORT.—Not later than 3 years after the So I think this is good legislation. I (10) In 1957, the United States Postal Service date on which funds are first made available for hope the other body takes it up intact released a 3-cent postage stamp commemorating the study under subsection (a), the Secretary and we can pass it and sign it into law. the 300th Anniversary of the signing of the shall submit to the Committee on Natural Re- I do want to thank my friend from Flushing Remonstrance which read, ‘‘Religious sources of the House of Representatives and the Freedom in America’’. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of Vermont for his kind words, and with (11) Queens remained rural and agricultural the Senate a report containing the results of the that, I yield back the balance of my through the 18th and 19th Centuries. Although study and any conclusions and recommenda- time. its Dutch identity diminished, the tolerance of tions of the Secretary. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The diversity that has harbored Quakers and other The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- question is on the motion offered by religious sects in the Dutch Colonial period con- ant to the rule, the gentleman from the gentleman from Washington (Mr. tinues to this day. Queens is the most ethnically Washington (Mr. HASTINGS) and the HASTINGS) that the House suspend the diverse urban area in the world, with a popu- gentleman from Arizona (Mr. GRI- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2569, as lation of over 2,200,000 representing over 100 dif- ferent nations and speaking over 138 different JALVA) each will control 20 minutes. amended. The Chair recognizes the gentleman The question was taken; and (two- languages. from Washington. thirds being in the affirmative) the SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. rules were suspended and the bill, as As used in this Act: GENERAL LEAVE (1) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means amended, was passed. Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. the Secretary of the Interior. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that A motion to reconsider was laid on (2) STUDY AREA.—The term ‘‘study area’’ the table. means the John Bowne House located at 3701 all Members may have 5 legislative f Bowne Street, Queens, New York, the Friends days to revise and extend their re- Meeting House located at 137–17 Northern Bou- marks and include extraneous material FLUSHING REMONSTRANCE STUDY levard, Queens, New York, and other resources on the bill under consideration. ACT in the vicinity of Flushing related to the history The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. of religious freedom during the era of the sign- objection to the request of the gen- Speaker, I move to suspend the rules ing of the Flushing Remonstrance. tleman from Washington? and pass the bill (H.R. 3222) to author- SEC. 4. SPECIAL RESOURCE STUDY. There was no objection. ize the Secretary of the Interior to con- (a) STUDY.—The Secretary shall conduct a Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. duct a special resource study of sites special resource study of the study area. Speaker, I yield myself as much time (b) CONTENTS.—In conducting the study under associated with the 1657 signing of the subsection (a), the Secretary shall— as I may consume. Flushing Remonstrance in Queens, New (1) evaluate the national significance of the Mr. Speaker, H.R. 3222 authorizes a York, and for other purposes, as study area’s resources based on their relation- special resource study to determine the amended. ship to the history of religious freedom associ- suitability and feasibility of creating a VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:26 Sep 16, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15SE7.047 H15SEPT1 SSpencer on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE September 15, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7495 National Park unit in Queens, New John Bowne arrived in New The Quaker’s who chose to practice their York, from those resources associated Netherland during this time and pro- religion as well as those who volunteered their with the history of religious freedom ceeded to hold Quaker meetings in his homes for Quaker meetings, such as John and the signing of the Flushing Remon- home despite the political repercus- Bowne, were jailed.
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