Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1932 Campus Comment, January 1932 Bridgewater State Normal School Volume 5 Number 4 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State Normal School. (1932). Campus Comment, January 1932. 5(4). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/28 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Fifth Anniversary Fifth Anniversary of of Campus Comment CAMPUS COMMENT Campus Comment STATE NOR!vlAL SCHOOL" BRIDGEWATER, ~lASS. Vol. \T JANUARY. 1931 No.4 l\~iss P oIly Drevillsl~y French Club Plans Fornler Editors WillS l\iusical A,vard Board Member lVlardi Gras ill l\iarch Send Greetings Resigns Receives Sil,er Cup; Broadcasts By Eleanor Martin Tell of Experiences as Le Cercle Francais (French Club Student Editors Over WEEI Because of conflicting actIvI­ to you) will hold one of the most ties, a few of the candidates colorful festivals of the season, "un Every successful innovation re­ elected to the Campus Comment Mardi Gras Romanesque", Friday quires a struggle on the part of the By L. Jackson Board by the student body felt evening, March 4. group which tries to put it across. it necessary to resign in order Five years ago such a struggle was Last spring, the "Massachusetts I Lhat the work required of their Now from our more recent arrivals Federation of Music Clubs" held va­ positions might be given more will COl11_e the query, "What is Mardi going on at Bridgewater Normal rious contests to stimulate interest in adequate attention. Gras?" Just ask anyone so fortunate School. Class B of that year had music throughout the state. There DJris Southwick, who held as to have been here two years ago. the "honor" and the actual work of were contests for pianists, singers, the office of advertising man­ However, here is a hint. If you have starting a school news~aper. The ager, and Beatrice Hunt, her and lovers of instruments. It was at ever wanted to be someone else, here Jean Ferguson - Florence Kerness class, under Miss Lovett's direction, assistant, are now connected conceived ~he idea, elected the staff, this time that numerous bands com-I with Normal Offering as editor­ is your chance-and for a whole even­ CHEER LEADERS FOR WINTER peted for honors on the Boston Com­ in-chief and assistant editor-in­ ing! ! Become acquainted with Anne MEET and started work. The manuscript m0n. chief, respectively. Their places d' Autriche, Richelieu, d' Artagnan, Through the courtesy of the Cam­ was soon ready, but weeks lapsed on Campus Comment board before it could be printed. Finally, Polly Drevinsky, who sings in our the Three Musketeers, (maybe Chev­ era Club we present this pre-view of have been filled by Urban Linne­ after months of striving, we' issued choir, was the recipient of the first alierll!) . the Red and White captains for the han as advertising manager and the first Campus Comment. If you prize in the "contralto section" of the James Stanley, assistant. Already preparations have started winter meet which will be held Febru­ should look at the first copy now, you singing contest, for singers, eighteen The office of men's sport ed­ under the following committee chair­ ary 18. Traditionally, the position is would probably smile and think, "How years of age and under. A silver cup itor, left vacant by the resigna­ men: Hospitality, Irma Waaranen; a senior honor which is conferred by commonplace"! But we are proud of was awarded to her. Monday, Jan­ tion of Thomas Cullen, is now Refreshments, Betty Stromdahl; the publicity committee of the junior taken by John Sweeney, who is it, not necessarily of the material, uary 4th, she broadcasted with other Music, Sylvia Bianchi; Publicity, class having charge of the meet (B). a valuable addition because of but of the idea that we finally had winn~rs from station WEEI, Boston, Ruth Marsden; Decorations, Mabel Miss Ferguson and Miss Kerness with his familiarity with and inter­ succeeded in publishing a newspaper. at 4.15 P. M. est in newspaper work. Mr. Laramee; Tickets, Irene Roberti; the cooperation of the meet commit­ Sweeney also writes for the Program, Margaret Farrar; Cos­ When I read one of the last copies Miss Drevinsky gave to Campus tee plan to hold "pep" meetings in the Brockton newspapers. tumes, Louise Borden; and Clean-up, of Campus Comment I was thrilled, Conunent a fascinating description of gym where the cheers and songs will Ruby Brettell. be learned and practiced. for I realized that our dream had the studio, which is a new one, and materialized and had actually become one of the finest in the east: a reality. We are proud of our Cam­ "The waiting room was very much pus Comment. Success and long life! like the lobby of a select hotel. There ~ ~-. -~-.--.- ... -~-.------~~~------------------------- Alice Taylor. were divans, beautiful rugs, and fine fur-niture. Sitting there was an ad­ venture in itself, for you could look Five Years Old through glass partitions into the broadcasting room, and enjoy the By A. C. Boyden whole proceedings. Campus Comment is old enough to "From the ante-room we entered the go to school, at least to the Kinder­ domain of the 'mike'. The walls were ffiampus ffinmmrttt garten, where it can play games, sing of double thickllf~ss, the floors heavily songs, draw pictures, build block­ carpeted, making the room soundproof. PUBLIS lED BY CLASS B, BRIDGEWATER NORMAL SCHOOL houses, and sew pretty threads into a Perfect harmony was achieved by VOL. I EIGHT PAGES pattern. It must take a diagnostic -- Jldvi.ng· cverything-g-r."m anc_ vrhitc. test be:t:Qre it can ~e em;olled, when it From the ceiling were suspended beau­ is 0 er'l ca ..... '. , tiful chandeliers. test and be given an I Q. "The announcer sat at a small table Why the Campus Comment? 4. The "B" class in initiating a Campus Comment! Please stand on which was a microphone for his There is a reason for all things, we school paper, is gaining much experi­ and answer this first question-What use only. We sang while sitting di­ are told, and so to forestall all questions ence and knowledge of how to run a can you do? Sir, I can give' a picture rectly in front of another 'mike'. as to our "big idea" in pUblishing Cam­ school paper. As many of the class in­ of school life on its many sides, both There was a hush. Everything was dignified and undignified. I can swallowed up by the avid 'mike'. pus Comment we shall present in this tend to teach English, this is valuable mingle the light and shade of life in This little room on the thirteenth floor issue, what we feel to be good and suf­ training for them. a happy proportion. I have photo­ of the Edison building seemed miles ficient reasons for our undertaking. 5. The men who take printing graphs galore to prove that I know away from sound and humanity, while 1. We wish to stimulate writing for hav€ something to look fiorward to all about student life in the dormi­ tories, around the frog pond, at just below us was a hurrying crowd, Normal Offering. Campus Comment in doing their part for the paper. We the noise, and confusion of a city Carver's pond, at Casey's, in the gar­ thoroughfare" . will in no way take away interest from understand that they are pleased den, in the gymnasium, elsewhere and tile Normal Offering. On the contrary, with· the idea of printing the Campus otherwise. I know all about singles we hope to aid in encouraging the lit­ Comment. and 'doubles, ho~nesickness, week ends, erary - minded of the school to write. We hope that our paper will prove movies, hikes, boxes from home, the Normalite BeCOllles four-legged tree, and all the streets to be of interest and of value to the Postmaster General Some of the articles of value which of Bridgewater. are presented to Campus Comment faculty, the student body, and the al­ I go to all the entertainments and may, if good enough, be published in umni, and if we are as successful as dances because I am introdueed--toall - By Leo Ash Normal Offering. In this manner the we hope to be, that future classes will' the committees that plan these times. The latest appointment made by standard of material which goes into carryon our work. I also attend all games at home and Proxy Mrs. Bixby is that of a new . L uciUe Benson. abroad, and you will find that my sta­ Postmaster Colonel, or I should say, Normal Offering may be kept high. tistics are correct. School news can­ General, the anciently dishonorable 2. Campus Comment is to serve ---------._--_.__ .. _---- not escape me as I have special means John. Anthony Carreiro, late of Fall as a bulletin of school affairs and to A Day With Class A of obtaining every item of interest. River but now an esteemed resident make each class better acquainted A breathing space and then a sigh -- I go into the library and get :first of· Bridgewater. with the activities and interests of hand knowledge of the new books. I Sigh on, sigh on, Sigh-chology! visit the graduates and get their Upon interviewing our newly cre­ other classes. We shall give news of ated guardian of precious love mis­ A ray of hope, a wish to die --­ stories .as a foretaste 'of what is sives and bills I secured the following current happenings in the school Talk on; 0, Sociol-ogy! coming to the Seniors.
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