H4656 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 9, 2007 bill, H.R. 890, as amended, on which the Manzullo Pickering Slaughter RESIGNATION FROM THE HOUSE yeas and nays were ordered. Marchant Pitts Smith (NE) OF REPRESENTATIVES Markey Platts Smith (NJ) The Clerk read the title of the bill. Marshall Poe Smith (TX) The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Matheson Pomeroy Smith (WA) fore the House the following resigna- Matsui Porter question is on the motion offered by Snyder McCarthy (CA) Price (GA) Solis tion from the House of Representa- the gentleman from California (Mr. McCarthy (NY) Price (NC) Space tives: McCaul (TX) Pryce (OH) GEORGE MILLER) that the House sus- Spratt HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, McCollum (MN) Putnam pend the rules and pass the bill, H.R. Stark Washington, DC, May 9, 2007. McCotter Radanovich Stearns 890, as amended. Hon. NANCY PELOSI, McCrery Rahall Stupak This will be a 5-minute vote. McDermott Ramstad Sullivan Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, The vote was taken by electronic de- McGovern Regula Sutton Washington, DC. McHenry Rehberg DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: This letter is to in- vice, and there were—yeas 414, nays 3, Tancredo McHugh Reichert Tanner form you that I have sent a letter to Massa- not voting 15, as follows: McIntyre Renzi Tauscher chusetts Governor Deval Patrick dated McKeon Reyes Taylor today, May 9, 2007, informing him that I am [Roll No. 313] McNerney Reynolds Terry McNulty Rodriguez resigning my position as the United States YEAS—414 Thompson (CA) Meehan Rogers (AL) Representative for the 5th Congressional Thompson (MS) Abercrombie Costa Hastert Meek (FL) Rogers (KY) District of Massachusetts, effective at the Thornberry Ackerman Costello Hastings (FL) Meeks (NY) Rogers (MI) Tiberi close of business July 1, 2007. Aderholt Courtney Hastings (WA) Melancon Rohrabacher Tierney In March, the Board of Trustees of the Uni- Akin Cramer Hayes Mica Ros-Lehtinen Towns versity of Massachusetts voted to offer me Alexander Crenshaw Heller Michaud Roskam Turner the opportunity to serve as the next Chan- Allen Crowley Hensarling Miller (FL) Ross Udall (CO) Altmire Cubin Herger Miller (MI) Rothman cellor of the University of Massachusetts Udall (NM) Andrews Cuellar Herseth Sandlin Miller (NC) Roybal-Allard Lowell. After deep personal reflection and Arcuri Culberson Higgins Miller, Gary Royce Upton lengthy discussions with my family, close Baca Cummings Hill Miller, George Ruppersberger Van Hollen friends and colleagues, I have decided to ac- Vela´ zquez Bachmann Davis (AL) Hinchey Mitchell Rush cept the Board’s offer. Visclosky Bachus Davis (CA) Hinojosa Mollohan Ryan (OH) Serving in Congress for the past fifteen Baird Davis (IL) Hirono Moore (KS) Ryan (WI) Walberg Baker Davis (KY) Hobson Walden (OR) years has been one of the greatest honors of Moore (WI) Salazar my life. I would like to thank the people of Baldwin Davis, David Hodes Moran (VA) Sali Walsh (NY) Barrett (SC) Davis, Jo Ann Hoekstra Murphy (CT) Sa´ nchez, Linda Walz (MN) the Fifth District for this wonderful oppor- Barrow Davis, Lincoln Holden Murphy, Patrick T. Wamp tunity and for their confidence in me. Bartlett (MD) Davis, Tom Holt Murphy, Tim Sanchez, Loretta Wasserman Sincerely, Barton (TX) Deal (GA) Honda Murtha Sarbanes Schultz MARTY MEEHAN, Bean DeFazio Hooley Musgrave Saxton Waters Member of Congress. Becerra DeGette Hoyer Myrick Schakowsky Watson Berkley Delahunt Hulshof Nadler Schiff Watt HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Berman DeLauro Hunter Napolitano Schmidt Waxman Berry Dent Inglis (SC) Neal (MA) Schwartz Weiner Washington, DC, May 9, 2007. Biggert Diaz-Balart, L. Inslee Neugebauer Scott (GA) Welch (VT) Hon. DEVAL PATRICK, Bilbray Diaz-Balart, M. Israel Nunes Scott (VA) Weldon (FL) Governor, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Bilirakis Dicks Issa Oberstar Sensenbrenner Weller Boston, MA. Bishop (GA) Dingell Jackson (IL) Obey Serrano Wexler DEAR GOVERNOR PATRICK: In March, the Bishop (NY) Doggett Jackson-Lee Olver Sessions Whitfield Bishop (UT) Donnelly (TX) Board of Trustees of the University of Mas- Ortiz Sestak Wicker sachusetts voted to offer me the opportunity Blackburn Doolittle Jefferson Wilson (NM) Pallone Shadegg to serve as the next Chancellor of the Uni- Blumenauer Doyle Jindal Pascrell Shays Wilson (OH) Blunt Drake Johnson (IL) Pastor Shea-Porter Wilson (SC) versity of Massachusetts Lowell. After deep Boehner Dreier Johnson, Sam Payne Sherman Wolf personal reflection and lengthy discussions Bonner Duncan Jones (NC) Pearce Shimkus Woolsey with my family, close friends and colleagues, Bono Edwards Jones (OH) Pence Shuler Wu I have decided to accept the Board’s offer. Boozman Ehlers Jordan Perlmutter Shuster Wynn Boren Ellison Kagen Therefore, I am hereby resigning my position Peterson (MN) Simpson Yarmuth as the United States Representative for the Boswell Ellsworth Kanjorski Young (AK) Peterson (PA) Sires 5th Congressional District of Massachusetts, Boucher Emanuel Kaptur Petri Skelton Young (FL) Boustany Emerson Keller effective July 1, 2007. Boyda (KS) English (PA) Kennedy NAYS—3 Serving in Congress for the past fifteen Brady (TX) Eshoo Kildee Flake Paul Westmoreland years has been one of the greatest honors of Braley (IA) Etheridge Kilpatrick my life. I would like to thank the people of Brown (SC) Everett Kind NOT VOTING—15 the Fifth District for this wonderful oppor- Brown-Waite, Fallin King (IA) Boyd (FL) Johnson (GA) Moran (KS) Ginny Farr King (NY) tunity and for their confidence in me. Brady (PA) Johnson, E. B. Buchanan Feeney Kingston Rangel Sincerely, Brown, Corrine Larson (CT) Burgess Ferguson Kirk Souder MARTY MEEHAN, Engel Lewis (GA) Burton (IN) Filner Klein (FL) Tiahrt Member of Congress. Fattah McMorris Butterfield Forbes Kline (MN) Gonzalez Rodgers Buyer Fortenberry Knollenberg f Calvert Fossella Kucinich ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE GENERAL LEAVE Camp (MI) Foxx Kuhl (NY) Campbell (CA) Frank (MA) LaHood The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Cannon Franks (AZ) Lamborn the vote). Members are advised there Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Cantor Frelinghuysen Lampson are 2 minutes remaining in which to all Members may have 5 legislative Capito Gallegly Langevin Capps Garrett (NJ) Lantos vote. days in which to revise and extend Capuano Gerlach Larsen (WA) b 1319 their remarks on H.R. 1684. Cardoza Giffords Latham The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Carnahan Gilchrest LaTourette So (two-thirds being in the affirma- objection to the request of the gen- Carney Gillibrand Lee tive) the rules were suspended and the Carson Gillmor Levin tleman from Mississippi? Carter Gingrey Lewis (CA) bill, as amended, was passed. There was no objection. Castle Gohmert Lewis (KY) The result of the vote was announced f Castor Goode Linder as above recorded. Chabot Goodlatte Lipinski DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SE- Chandler Gordon LoBiondo A motion to reconsider was laid on Clarke Granger Loebsack the table. CURITY AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008 Clay Graves Lofgren, Zoe f Cleaver Green, Al Lowey The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Clyburn Green, Gene Lucas MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Coble Grijalva Lungren, Daniel ant to House Resolution 382 and rule Cohen Gutierrez E. A message in writing from the Presi- XVIII, the Chair declares the House in Cole (OK) Hall (NY) Lynch dent of the United States was commu- the Committee of the Whole House on Conaway Hall (TX) Mack Conyers Hare Mahoney (FL) nicated to the House by Ms. Wanda the state of the Union for the consider- Cooper Harman Maloney (NY) Evans, one of his secretaries. ation of the bill, H.R. 1684. VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:06 May 10, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K09MY7.040 H09MYPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC74 with HOUSE.
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