FIQH CONTENT REVIEW Salah Furu’ ad-din Miscellaneous Relationships Importance Salah Timing Bulugh Fasting Wudhu Haram & halal Hajj foods Tayammum Zakah Israf Rukn & Khums Ghayr rukn visiting masajid Jihad FIQH CONTENT IN TARBIYAH CURRICULUM BANDS C - F Introduction Please see below a matrix which outlines the location of the various fiqh topics present in the Tarbiyah curriculum. It allows you to view which module and lesson number each fiqh topic appears in, and provides a cross reference to the index of the Islamic Laws book by Ayatullah Syd al-Sistani. Module Total No. Of Lessons Per Module Module title Number Band C Band D Band E Band F 1 Allah and His Creation 11 12 12 10 2 Divine Guidance 11 11 11 11 3 Rasulullah (s)- Communicating the Message 11 11 12 12 4 The A’immah (a)- Safeguarding the Message 12 12 12 10 5 Upholding the Message during Ghaybah 11 11 12 11 6 Roadmap to Self-purification 10 11 12 11 7 Societal Wellbeing 11 12 11 11 8 The Hereafter (Ma’ad) 9 9 11 11 FIQH CONTENT IN TARBIYAH CURRICULUM BAND C Module Lesson Page Band Lesson Title Type Content Category No. & Title No. No. C 1 Who is Allah? 20 Fiqh Facts Following a Mujtahid Taqlid C 2 Shaytan's Promise to Misguide Us 29 Fiqh Facts Too many doubts in wudhu and salah Salah C 3 Why did Allah create us? 35 Fiqh Facts Niyyah of qurbatan ila Allah Misc C 4 The need of following a religion 39 Fiqh Facts Following laws of country Misc C 5 Islam - the path to perfection 46 Fiqh Facts Islam is a mutahhirat Mutahhirat C 6 Understanding kufr When is wudhu wajib; when is wudhu 56+ Text, Verse Wudhu mustahabb; conditions of wudhu Better not to touch holy names without C 7 Conditions of Wudhu 56 Fiqh Facts Wudhu wudhu Did You Know; 57 Use minimal amount of water in wudhu Wudhu Faith in Action 62+ Text Things that break wudhu Wudhu C 8 More about Wudhu 64 Fiqh Facts Need for wudhu after performing ghusl Wudhu 66 Key Points Mubtilat of wudhu Wudhu Things we must do before starting salah Salah 68+ Text Making the correct niyyah for salah Salah C 9 Niyyah 69 Text How to do niyyah Salah 1 - The Creator and His Creation 1 - The Creator Keeping niyyah throughout salah; 70 Fiqh Facts performing salah to show off to people Salah makes it batil 74 Fiqh Facts Mispronouncing words in salah Salah C 10 Let's pray perfectly 77 Higher Level Laws of salah Salah C 11 Beautifying your salah 83 Fiqh Facts Things sajdah can be performed on Salah C 1 Allah is Al-Hadi 99 Fiqh Facts Taqlid Taqlid C 2 Divine Communication C 3 Lutf of Allah C 4 Anbiya 121 Fiqh Facts Marja'iyyat Taqlid Nabi Ibrahim: Father of the C 5 129 Fiqh Facts Hajj Rituals: Sa'i Hajj Abrahamic Faiths C 6 Nabi Ibrahim sees a dream 132 Fiqh Facts Hajj Rituals: Arafat Hajj C 7 Eid Al-Adha 137 Fiqh Facts Hajj Rituals: Sacrificing an animal Hajj Nabi Ibrahim and Nabi Isma'il C 8 143 Fiqh Facts Facing Qiblah Qurbani rebuild the Ka'bah C 9 Ka'bah and Al-Masjid Al-Haram 151 Fiqh Facts Performing full salah in Mecca Hajj 2 - Divine Guidance The Masjid: A place of worship and 160 Text Rules of entering a masjid Masjid C 10 guidance 160 Activity Rules of entering a masjid Masjid The role of the masjid in the life of C 11 166 Fiqh Facts Rules of a masjid Masjid Muslims C 1 Rasulullah (s) - Mercy to Mankind C 2 The tree of purity 25 Fiqh Facts Water of wudhu Wudhu C 3 The first guardian of Rasulullah (s) 30 Fiqh Facts Making vows / nadhr Misc C 4 Ignorance is darkness C 5 I am Rasulullah C 6 Rasulullah never gave up 52 Fiqh Facts Qunut Salah C 7 The early Muslims' struggle for Islam 56 Fiqh Facts Taqiyyah Misc message C 8 Journey towards harmony 64 Fiqh Facts Living in a non-Muslim country Misc C 9 The power of faith in action 70 Fiqh Facts Maintaining family relationships Misc 3 - Rasulullah (s) Communicating the C 10 Helping Rasulullah (s) 79 Fiqh Facts Taqlid Taqlid C 11 Isti'adhah 85 Fiqh Facts Reciting isti'adhah in salah Salah C 1 Imamah 4 C 2 Our living Iman C 3 Qualities of the A'immah (a) C 4 Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a) FIQH CONTENT IN TARBIYAH CURRICULUM BAND C Module Lesson Page Band Lesson Title Type Content Category No. & Title No. No. C 5 Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq C 6 Ghadhab: Anger C 7 Hilm: Forbearance C 8 Imam Musa al-Kadhim A’immah C 9 Imam Ali ar-Ridha C 10 Imam Muhammad at-Taqi the Message C 11 Imam Ali an-Naqi 4 - The (a) - Safeguarding (a) - Safeguarding C 12 Imam Hasan al-Askari C 1 Our Imam (a) is in ghaybah C 2 Ghaybah 20 Text Following ulama during Imam's ghaybah Taqlid C 3 Ghaybat as-Sughra 26 Faith in Action Giving sadaqah and praying for believers Misc 30+ Text Rules of taqlid Taqlid C 4 Taqlid 30 Did You Know Wajib Kifa'i Misc 30 Activity Furu ad-din Furu’ ad-din 34+ Text Ijtihad Ijtihad C 5 Our mujtahidin 36 Higher Level Qualities of a mujtahid Ijtihad C 6 Actively awaiting Imam al-Mahdi (a) Ghaybah C 7 Imam al-Mahdi's (a) long life C 8 Important days and du'as related to Imam al-Mahdi (a) C 9 Praying for Imam al-Mahdi (a) Masajid associated with Imam C 10 56 Text Visiting masajid Misc al-Mahdi (a) 5 - Upholding the Message during the Message 5 - Upholding C 11 Seeking grace through our Imam (a) C 1 Our body and soul 74 Storytime Types of jihad Jihad C 2 Sinning harms the soul 86-87 Text Najasah and Taharah Misc C 3 Healthy body, healthy mind 87 Fiqh Facts Mustahabb acts before salah Salah 88 Text Dressing appropriately Misc 92 Fiqh Facts Eating egg yolk with particle of blood Eating 92 Text Najis al-ayn Najasah C 4 Taharah 93 Text How najasah spreads Najasah 94 Text Mutahhirat Taharah 95 Higher Level Najasah and Taharah Najasah 98 Text Using water to purify oneself Taharah 99 Text Ghusl Taharah C 5 Keeping our bodies tahir 99 Fiqh Facts Friday ghusl Taharah 100 Fiqh Facts Facing Qiblah while using toilet Misc 100 Text Method of performing ghusl Misc 107 Text Bulugh Misc C 6 Bulugh 108 Fiqh Facts Wajib ghusls Misc 112 Fiqh Facts Wajib fasts Fasting C 7 Sawm 114 Fiqh Facts Rules of fasting Fasting 118 Text Niyyah for fasting Fasting 119 Text Timings for fasting Fasting 6 - Roadmap to Self-Purification to 6 - Roadmap C 8 Niyyah for fasting Things that break the fast + 120 Text Fasting fasting while travelling 129 Text Haram foods Misc C 9 Healthy eating 131 Higher Level Israf Misc 135 Text Slaughtering an animal lawfully Misc 135 Text Types of fish that are halal Misc C 10 Halal and haram foods 136 Did You Know Halal and haram foods Misc 137 Higher Level Consuming gelatine products Misc FIQH CONTENT IN TARBIYAH CURRICULUM BANDS C & D Module Lesson Page Band Lesson Title Type Content Category No. & Title No. No. C 1 Our Parents C 2 Our Relatives C 3 Our Friends C 4 Our Ummah C 5 A united Ummah 44 Text Mahram and ghayr mahram Misc. C 6 Relationships in Islam 45 Did You Know Hijab Hijab C 7 Hijab 48+ Text Rules of hijab Hijab C 8 Our brothers and sisters in humanity C 9 Islam and culture 58-59 Text Celebrating festivals of other religions Misc. 64 Text Lending and borrowing Misc. 7 - Societal Wellbeing C 10 Amanah 65 Text Lost property Misc. C 11 Caring for the environment 70+ Text Preserving the environment Misc. C 1 Life after life C 2 Returning to Allah 94 Fiqh Facts Recitation of surahs in Salah Salah C 3 Our actions have consequences 105 Fiqh Facts Having non-Muslim friends Misc. C 4 Good versus evil 109 Fiqh Facts Recitation in third and fourth rak’ah Salah C 5 Building for our eternal life 118 Fiqh Facts Touching Allah's names without wudhu Misc. C 6 Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah C 7 The Day of Judgement C 8 Our final destination 139 Fiqh Facts Importance of Silat ar-rahim Misc. 8 - The Hereafter - 8 - The Hereafter Return to the Creator to Return C 9 Remembering the Marhumin 147 Fiqh Facts Qadha salah of a deceased person Salah Knowing Allah through His D 1 19 Fiqh Facts Najasah and Taharah Mutahhirat attributes D 2 Our Relationship with Allah D 3 Being content with Allah's blessings 35 Fiqh Facts Khums Khums 40+ Text Wajib actions of salah Salah Communicating with Allah through D 4 47 Text Rukn and Ghayr rukn Salah Salah 47 Fiqh Facts Rukn and Ghayr rukn Salah 51 Text Doubts in salah Salah D 5 Salah is the Mi'raj of a Mu'min 52 Fiqh Facts Conditions of place of prayer Salah 55 Higher Level Nawafil Salah 59 Fiqh Facts Recitation of short surahs in salah Salah D 6 Understanding salah 1 59 Fiqh Facts Recitation of surahs aloud in salah Salah 63 Fiqh Facts Recitation in third and fourth rak’ah Salah 66+ Text Rules of ruku, qiyam, tashahhud, salam Salah D 7 Understanding salah 2 68 Fiqh Facts Dhikr of ruku, tashahhud amd salam Salah 72 Fiqh Facts Wajib sajdah in salah Salah D 8 Allah loves those who do surahs 75 Fiqh Facts Surahs Salah 78 Fiqh Facts Doubts in salah Salah D 9 Salat al-Jama'ah 78+ Text Mubtilat of salah Salah 80 Text Rules of salat al-Jama'ah Salah 86 Text Qasr salah Salah D 10 Salah when travelling 1 - The Creator and His Creation 1 - The Creator 87 Fiqh Facts How to pray qadha qasr salah Salah 90 Fiqh Facts Salat al-ayat Salah 90 Text Wajib salahs Salah 90 Fiqh Facts Eid salah Salah D 11 Salah for special occasions 92 Fiqh Facts Salat al-ayat Salah 93 Text Method of salat al-ayat Salah 93 Fiqh Facts Salat al-ayat Salah D 12 Allah listens to our prayers FIQH CONTENT IN TARBIYAH CURRICULUM BAND D Module Lesson Page Band Lesson Title Type Content Category No.
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