The Importance of Good Liturgical Music Planning Jennifer Pascual, D.M.A. [email protected] A. Important church documents relevant to music 1. 1903 Motu Proprio of Pius X: Tra le Sollecitudini http://www.adoremus.org/MotuProprio.html 2. 1928 Encyclical of Pius XI: Divini Cultus http://www.adoremus.org/DiviniCultus.html 3. 1955 Encyclical of Pius XII: Musicae Sacrae Disciplina http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/pius_xii/encyclicals/docume nts/hf_p-xii_enc_25121955_musicae-sacrae_en.html 4. 1963 Encyclical of Pius VI: Sacrosanctum Concilium http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/ documents/vat-ii_const_19631204_sacrosanctum- concilium_en.html 5. 1967 Second Vatican Council: Musicam Sacram http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/ documents/vat-ii_instr_19670305_musicam-sacram_en.html 6. 1972, 1983 Music in Catholic Worship http://www.usccb.org/liturgy/current/musiccathworship.shtml 7. 1982 USCCB: Liturgical Music Today http://www.dow.org/documents/LITURGICALMUSICTODA Y.pdf 8. 1987 Congregation for Divine Worship: Concerts in Churches http://www.adoremus.org/concerts.html 9. 1988 Conference of Roman Catholic Cathedral Musicians Reflections on the 1987 Letter to Bishops from the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship: Concerts in Churches http://www.crccm.net/Statements/Rome_statement.htm 10. 1995 The Snowbird Statement on Catholic Liturgical Music http://www.canticanova.com/articles/liturgy/art9o1.htm 11. 2001 Liturgiam Authenticam – on the use of vernacular languages in the publication of books of the Roman liturgy http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccdds/docu ments/rc_con_ccdds_doc_20010507_comunicato- stampa_en.html 12. 2003 USCCB: General Instruction of the Roman Missal http://www.usccb.org/liturgy/current/GIRM.pdf OR http://www.usccb.org/liturgy/current/revmissalisromanien.sht ml 13. 2003 Apostolic Letter on Liturgy and Directives on Sacred Music of Pope John Paul II http://www.adoremus.org/1203Anniversaries.html 14. 2007 Motu Proprio of Benedict XVI: Summorum Pontificum http://www.usccb.org/liturgy/bclnewsletterjune07.pdf 15. 2007 Sing to the Lord http://nccbuscc.org/liturgy/SingToTheLord.pdf B. RITUAL BOOKS Lectionary: II – IV. Lectionary for Weekday Mass: Catholic Book Publishing Co., New Jersey, 2002. I. Lectionary for Sunday Mass, 1998. II. Year I. III. Year II. IV. Common of Saints, Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs, Votive Masses and Masses for the Dead. Leccionario. Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1982. Leccionario I, Mexico. Leccionario II, Mexico. Leccionario III, Mexico. The Roman Missal: Third Edition. Catholic Book Publishing Co., New Jersey, 2011. Contains Proper of Seasons and Saints, Order of Mass, Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, Votive Masses, Masses of the Dead. Misal Romano. Obra Nacional de Buena Prensa, Mexico, 2003. Rites I. Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1990. Contains: Christian Initiation, RCIA, Baptism of Children, Confirmation, Penance, Holy Communion Outside Mass, Rite of Blessing Oils, Chrism, Rite of Marriage, Anointing, Viaticum, Order of Christian Funerals. Rites II. Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1991. Contains: Ordination of Deacons, Priests, and Bishops; Institution of Ministers and Blessing of Persons; Blessings of Objects and Places. Rite of Ordination, 2nd ed. USCCB, Inc., Washington, DC, 2003. Contains: Rite of Ordination of a Bishop, of Priests, and of Deacons, General Introduction, Ordination of Deacons and Priests in the Same Celebration, Additional Texts. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1988. Contains Rites for Particular Circumstances, Additional/ Combined Rites. Ceremonial of Bishops. Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1989. Contains General Considerations for Mass, Liturgy of the Hours, Cycle of the Liturgical Year, Sacraments, Sacramentals. Book of Blessings. Catholic Book Publishing Co., New York, 1989. Contains Blessings Pertaining to Persons, Buildings and Various Forms of Human Activity, Objects used in Churches, Religious Articles, Festal and Seasonal Blessings, Various Needs and Occasions. The Gregorian Missal for Sundays. Solesmes, 1990. Written in Gregorian notation and contains Latin and English texts for the Complete Celebration of Sunday Mass and Solemnities. Graduale. Solesmes, 1974. Contains: Chant Propers for the Liturgical Year, Ritual and Votive Masses, Sanctoral Cycle, Complete Kyriale with all the chants for the Novus Ordo Mass. Graduale Triplex. Solesmes, 1979. Reproduction of Gradual Romanum with neumes from the Laon ms. printed above the modern sqare notes in black, neumes from the St. Gall Family ms. beneath in red. Graduale Romanum. Solesmes. Contains Mass Propers for the entire liturgical year, ritual and votive Masses, Proper of Saints, and Kyriale with all the chants of the Mass. Graduale Simplex. Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1999. Contains authentic but more simple Propers for all seasons, solemnities and major feasts of the liturgical year, the principal ritual and votive Masses, the Common of Saints, a shorter Kyriale, and all chants for the Mass. Liber Usualis. Desclee & Company, Tournai, 1961. Also, St. Bonaventure Publications, 1997. Contains all chants for every feast of the year, funerals, weddings, blessing of Holy Oils, Ordination, Benediction, etc., the Common Chants for the Divine Office and Ordinary Chants for the Mass, Instructions to read and sing chants, English Rubrics. Liber Hymnarius & Liber Cantualis. St. Meinrad Entrance and Communion Antiphons for the Church Year. Columba Kelly, OSB. Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of the Hours. Catholic Book Publishing Co., New York, 1976. Contains Morning, Daytime, Evening and Night Prayer, Office of the Dead, 4- week Psalter for Office of Readings, General Instruction of Liturgy of the Hours (abridged), Hymns. Liturgy of the Hours. 4-Volume Set: Catholic Book Publishing Co., New York, 1975. I. Advent and Christmas II. Lent and Easter (1976) III. Ordinary Time Weeks 1 – 17 IV. Ordinary Time Weeks 18 - 34 C. A couple of useful books Hayburn, Robert F. Papal Legislation on Sacred Music. The Liturgical Press: Collegeville, MN, 1979. Joncas, Jan Michael. From Sacred to Ritual Music. The Liturgical Press: Collegeville, MN, 1997. D. Miscellaneous: Order for the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist. Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1993. Contains Liturgy of the Hours during Exposition, Eucharistic Services, Eucharist during Exposition, Closing Celebration for Exposition, Readings, Litanies, Prayers, Music. Order of Christian Funerals. Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1989. Funeral Mass, Music Selections. Evening Prayer/ Vigil Service. Vigil for Deceased, Evening Prayer for Dead, Music Selections. Limb, John J., ed. I am the Resurrection and the Life: Resources for Christian Funerals. Oregon Catholic Press: Oregon, 1993. Funk, Virgil, ed. Pastoral Music in Practice 4: Weddings, Funerals, Liturgy of the Hours. The Pastoral Press, Washington, D.C., 1990. Kunde-Anderson, Mary Beth and David. Handbook of Church Music for Weddings, 3rd ed. Liturgy training Publications: Chicago, 1992. Book of Sung Gospels. CanticaNOVA Publications, State College, PA, 1999. A selection of Gospel texts taken from the revised Lectionary for Sunday Mass set to an Ancient tone by Gary D. Penkala. Sourcebook for Sundays and Seasons: An Almanac of Parish Liturgy. Liturgy Training Publications, Chicago. The White List of the Society of St. Gregory of America. The Society of St. Gregory of America, New York: 1939. Professional Issues: Schalk, Carl. The Pastor and Musician: Thoughtful Aspects of a Common Ministry. Concordia Publishing House: St. Louis, MO, 1984. Sample Contract. National Association of Pastoral Musicians: Washington, DC. The Director of Music Ministries in the Parish: Work and Remuneration. National Association of Pastoral Musicians: Washington, DC, 2001. Hiring a Director of Music Ministries: A Handbook and Guide. National Association of Pastoral Musicians: Silver Spring, MD, 2006. Funk, Virgil. An NPM Workbook, Revised: Job Descriptions, Contracts, Salary. National Association of Pastoral Musicians: Washington, DC, 1996. HYMNALS The Pius X Hymnal. Mc Laughlin & Reilly Co., Boston, MA., 1953. Out of Print. Contains Latin and English Hymns and choral motets. The Catholic Hymnal and Service Book. Benzinger Editions: New York, NY, 1966. New Catholic Hymnal. Faber Music Limited, London, 1971. Hymns, Songs and Spiritual Canticles. BACS Publishing Co., 1974. Theodore Marier, ed. Out of Print. Contains Latin chants, Gospel Acclamations, Hymns, Psalms and Antiphons, Miscellaneous Liturgies, Scripture Readings. Catholic Liturgy Book. (Choral edition and Organ Accompaniment) Helicon, Baltimore, MD, 1975. James E. Schaefer, Gen. Ed. Contains Chants and Acclamations, Hymns, Songs, Morning and Evening Prayer, Holy Week Responsories. St. Gregory Hymnal. GIA Publications, Chicago, IL., 1979 (1920). Abridged. Complete Edition: St. Gregory Guild, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, 1940. Out of Print. Contains Latin and English Hymns and choral motets. Collegeville Hymnal. Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1990. Contains Service and Ritual Music, Hymns. Adoremus Hymnal. Ignatius Press, Ft. Collins, CO, 1997. Designed for use both in small parishes with few musical resources and in large parishes with full choirs, following the general plan in Musicam Sacram. By Flowing Waters. Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, 1999. Paul F. Ford. Chant for the Liturgy: A Collection
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