*i^^x FACTS 16,000 WITHOUT PEAR READERS OS FAVOR EVERY WEEK Vol. 59. No. 22 SOUTH AMBOY, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1940 Price Fo«ir Cents miTniu Postmaster Downs School Board COUNCIL GRANTS Investors' and Owners' Census Figures Show Decrease; BY rnut «*nr Seccod Vice President Discusses Plans LICENSES FOR Mayor Gleason Makes Protest Last week la Perth Amboy, the Americatunn Legioii n pout mnin that wcity. iMnched a movement for the osan- Of Stele Postmasters For Next Term LOCAL TAVERNS Of Sixty-first Series Figures covering the recent six-, laattop of a unit to combat "Pitta teenth census of local population, PRESENT DROP IN Cobaan" actfadUes. Elected To Office At Annual Teacher Schedules and Appoint- License For Max Zimmerman Local Association Paid Out were this week revealed by Frank V. ments Are Considered i BaLou, Supervisor of Census, and In- A similar organization wmi started Cwmatie* b Anbury Held Up At Meeting J98.802.23 Last dicated a drop In the local popula- POPULATION FIRST kt this city more than a month MO, Park Tuesday Year •ail Is now tmy^umtaig etflcienUj, With Superintendent O. O. Barr, tion of 704. The figures given for Mod the plans for the forming of who cease* to become Superinten- the 1940 census are 7772. while the Postmaster Thc- dent of Schools Monday, sitting In The yearly granting of liquor li- The month of July 1940 marks 1930 census revealed a population IN FIFTY YEARS .•ucfa organization were drama up: mas Downs was the opening ot the 61st series at the egion Commander Mtrtiart F. \ on his last meeting with the Board censes was taken up at the meeting of 847«. elected Second of the common council Tuesday Investors and Owners Building and Upon learning of the results of Edward J. Peterson Compile* > more than six nonths ago. of Education, matters concerning Loan Association in this city. members of take A. Lowly Vloe President of the re-opening of schools were con- evening, when there were no public the census, Mayor Qleason imme- Statistics On Local the Hew Jersey sidered at the Wednesday evening objections to any ot the applications This announce- diately expressed the opinion that rlcan Leglwof tills city. and tentative permission to operate Population cm be pardoned U" they express Chapter of ' the meeting of the Board. ment toy George the figures were In error to a consid^ National Associa- An application for position as se- was granted to the following tav- A. Kress, secreta- erab.e extent and he declared he pride over the fact that they recog- erns: Raymond W. Jerome. Katie will take the matter up Immediately nised tiie necessity of organizing m tion of Postmas- condary grade teacher received from DiSanU, Anton Press, John Woj- ry of the local as- The reported decreoge in local this direction, and did so before their J. Ruskfe, of Woodbridge, and ano- sociation marks In with Supervisor Ballou, and request population as the result of the 1M0 ters, held at the ther from Mrs. Marlon I«edom, of clechowski. Michael P. Hrankowski, his words, "the that the figures be rechecked. fellow Ijsgiannaires of a tower post Berkeley - Carte- Marie Suezd, Anton! Halaslewicz, census. Is the first for South Am- In the bigger city across the river. 311 Main street. Mrs. Leedom mak- John O. Nebus, George F. Brendan, arrival of a new Mayor Oleason pointed out that boy In fifty years, according to Ed- • • # ret Hotel in Asbu- ing application for appointment as Emanuel Pico, Anthony Abbatiello, opportunity.for there are fewer vacant houses in ward J. Peterson, of the County ry Park last Fri- principal ot School No. 2. listed her citizens of South the city now than ever before, and Somewhere in the apparently un- Florence Stanton, Harry Klegman. Sheriff's office, who is an expert on day and Satur- qualifications and declared she was Anne Cohen, J. Perkowskl, Anne Amboy and vlcln- while few bouses have been torn Middlesex County municipal statis- beatable plans for world domination day. a graduatdt e oft HoffmaHonman Higtughn Bchncn-1"—- » ~v.«.«, -. to save syste- down, there has been a great am- of Adolph Hitler, there is s weak tics. The elevation of Mr. Downs from ool State Teacher's College, School Pazdan, Charles Joseph Polguy, Ro- matically toward ount of building activity here dur- Figures compiled t Third Vloe President is state recog- of "Education at Rutgers University ""rto Romeo, Albert Jerome, Joseph a definite goal and ing the past several years, and a by Peterson In- Probably that weak link will prove nition of his active participation In and tfus Packard Commercial Sch- •Sorrentlno, Stanley Jurskl. Anna receive • sulistan number ot people employed In near- dicate that the figures covering the to be his utter disregard tor the State Association affairs. During ool, and for ten years was a teacher ^Saatkowskl, Leon Skanynskl. Adam Oemce A. Kress Oil dividends wh- by industrial slants have moved to latest census reveal a local loss in of enemtai he is m^Vfitjf, population of 8.3058% from 1930 to Ittst and IMS he was the Executive In School No. 3. Marzak, Walter A. Zebro, Maria T. Seeretary 'le doing so." this city and as the result of pro- when the enemies of Committee member for Middlesex „, Volpe, Harry Reiner, William A. perty owners, sensing the demand 1940. Upon the recommendation George, Julius Lobycz. •Our institution", explained Mr. Bttlefexceed the friends of Superintendent Barr, the Board ma- Kress, "is aevoUd exclusively to foi housing, have converted single During the past fifty years, bow- he Will find out how it feels to be on , highest peak. During 1939, while de arrangements for the installation A club license was issued to the thrift and home financing. Conser- family houses Into apartments. ever, according to Peterson's figures, the wrong end ot a "bliettfcrieg-. Third Vtee President, he was In of lights in several of the lower gra- Columbian club and retail liquor vative management, employing our ' Mayor Gleason produced figures to census tabulations have always re- With the rapidity of a machine. charge of membership of State Dis- des in School No. 2. itore licenses were granted to the funds for the bui.dlng of owner-oc- indicate that there is every .possl- vealed Increases. The 1880 census Hltleriwn in piling up enemies. The i trict, No. 2. embracing Hunterdon. Mr. Barr reported that his an- .'ollowing: South Amboy Wine and cupied homes in this community 'bility that the 1940 census should placed the local population at 3.648 residents of the conquered coun- Somerset. Union. Morris and Mid- nual report to the Board was In the LlQuor Company, Joseph A. Pribu- and Mir membership in the Federal show an Increase in population, ra- with the 1860 census showing 4,330, tries are being transformed into dlesex Counties, which at conven- course of preparation and would be a, and Anna Dwyer. Home Lain Bank are th? safety fac- ther than a decrease. a gain of 682. In 1900, the popula- enemies and there Is winter ot mi- tion time enjoyed the highest per- presented to the members within a An application was also received tors of our Association." One of the things the Mayor tion, was 6.349, an increase of 2.019, sery and starvation; ahead for them. centage of District membe.diip in rom Max Zimmerman for a license The inhabitants of these conquered short tune. Last year alone $98,802.23 was pointed out Is that the voter regis- in 1910, 7.007, an Increase of 658, In the staU. At the convention, Post- It was recommended by Mr. Barr, <xt operate a tavern On upper Bor- paici out to saver3 whose goals were tration for the 1940 primary elec- 1920, 7,897, an Increase of 890 and countries now have nothing to lose, master Downs served as Chairman ientown Avenue. This application and Independence and freedom to that the commercial department to reached. Of this amount $29,665.00 tions, Indicated 0183 registered vot- In 19"0, 8.476, an Increase of 579. of the Constitution and By-Laws the school turn in nine typewriters was held up for two weeks, pending was actual profit to them. Such ers, leaving but 258© people In the gain, and the person who has noth- committee. urther consideration by the coun- Based on the 1930 census flgur»s, ing to lose and something to gain Is that are more than ten years old earnings are consistent In our asso-' city who are not voters. Mayor Olea- the population of the city, wh'ih Postmaster and Mrs. Downs also for replacement with new machines. cil. It Is understood objections were elation from year to year. Our latest son declared that taking into con- always dangerous. attended the convention banquet raised to the granting of tills U- dividend credited to savings share sideration the fact that the regis- covers 1 4-10 squar; miles i-%s He advised this because the trade 6.054 persons per square mile, while 'When the condition of the French held a.t th: Ross FNiton Farms, in value of the machines Is decreas- ;ense. and petitions of protest had accounts was at the rate of & per- tration figures probably do not rep- people was such that the danm of which was also attended by a dele- ing rapidly and new ones are need- i>een presented to the council. There centum per annum." resent a complete check of all local the 1940 figures reveal the poru- each day meant nothing for them gation ot local post office employees.
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