• • DIRECTORY J DEVONSHIRE. • INW.ARDLEIGH. ScHOOLS:- · National, lUackpool (mixed), erected in 1879, fol' JOO children; average attendance, 91 ; Miss Annie Beavis, Sational (mixed), bu"lt in J87r, to hold 130 children; mistress average attendance, 6o; John Heathman, master CARRIER.-Robert Aplin, to Newton Abbot, wed Edmondes Lieut.-Col.Francis Q.Bagtor Cummin,.. Susanna Grace (Miss), shop- Moalle John, farmer, Lower Lounston Hale Rev. Thomas M.A. Vicarage keeper: Post office Mortimore William Josiah, farmer & Lambshead William, Portland villa Cumming Wm. Jn. Smerdon,frmr.Hill assistant overseer, Halford Lyon Alfred, Middlecott house Dodridge Samuel, beer retlr. Coldeast Mortimore William,farmer,Woodhouse Monro Charles Jas. Hale J.P. Ingsdon Easterbrook Jsph. frmr.West Horridge XewcombeSaml.farmr.Lower Staplehill "Smerdou John, Liverton Eddiford John, farmer, Liverton Nicholls Jeffery J. farmer,Low.Sigford Wills George,The Elms,SouthKnighton Flay James. baker, Liverton Northway Charles, shopkeeper,Halford Woosnam Richard Burgass B.A. Rora Foale John&Robert,frmrs.Smallacombe Rowell Wm.sen.farmr.HigherLounston co~lMERCIAL, Ford Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Stancombe Rowell WJlliam, jun.frmr.TownBarton Aplin Robert, carrier, Bagtor Gill John, farm bailiff to James Wood- Rowell Wm. Henry, farmer, Mellands Archer.William, farmer,East Lounston ley esq. D.L., J.P Smerdon John, dairyman ;Ball William, carpenter, Pinchaford Hayman Wm. shoe maker, Shute park Tarr George, Carpenters' Arms P.K. &; Bouchcrs Henry, New inn Hicks Thomas, farmer, Haytor vale blacksmith Boucher Richard, shopkeeper, Liverton Honeywill Jonas, farmer, Liverton Tarr Peter, farmer, South Knighton .Berry Sl. farmer & shopkeeper,Halford Irish Richard, farmer, Bagtor Barton ThorneWilliam,miller (water),Ingsdon .Campion Jonas, blacksmith, Sigford Lambshead John & Jaspar, farmers, Tickle Da.vid, miller (water), Bagtor Campion Lewis, Rock P.H. Haytor vale Pinchaford Tickle George, farmer, Bagtor Clark Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Sigford Lambshead Wm. farmer, Honeywell Way ·Francis, farmer, Coldeast Cleave William, farmer, Cnstreet Lee James, farmer, Holbrook Whiteway John, farmer, Pool Coaker & Cleave, farmers, Colesworthy Mann William, farmer, Ingsdone,Burn Wills Chas. Wm.farmer,Narrowcombe C•mnter Thom~<J, farmer, Coombe Mitchelmore Albert,frmr,Sth.Knighton Wills George, yeoman, Great Lounston Cumming Edwin, builder MitchelmoreThos.beer ret.Sth.Knightn Wills John, farmer, Lenda :INSTOW is a parish and village, at the confluence of the William Francis Dash wood Lang M.A. of Wadham College, . rivers Tor and Torridge, immediately opposite the town of Oxford. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. John Tucker's Appledore and on the high road from Bideford to Barnstaple, charity, of £2 yearly, is distri"kluted among the poor. ·having a station on the North Devon extension of the Loo- Augustus Langham Christie esq. of Tapeley Park, Westleigh, non and South Western railway, 2r7~ miles from London, 6 is lord of the manor and chief landowner. 'rhe soil is light miles west from Barnstaple, 3 north-east from Bideford, in loam ; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, the North Weatern division of the county, Fremington bun- barley and oats. The area is r,63r acres of land and 285 of -dred, Braunton petty sessional division, Barnstaple onion, water; rateable value, £2,74r; the populathn in 1891 was Bideford county court district, rural deanery and archdea- 677. .conry of Barnstaple and diocese of Exeter. Instow is much Sexton, John Branton. irequented in summer as a watering place, and a vessel from PosT & I\'I.O.O.,S.B.& Annuity & Insurance Office (Railway hence sails every Thursday to Lundy Island in the Bristol Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. North Devon channel. The church of St. John the .Baptist is an ancient added).-Thomas 1\'Iolla.nd, postmaster. Letters arrive :building of stone in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, per railway, at 5·45 & rr.2o a.m. 5.10 & 7.30 p.m.; dis· .nave, north aisle, transept, south porch and an embattled patched at 2.15 & 7.30 p.m. The telegraph office is at western tower, containing 3 bells, of which the first has a the railway station legend in old Em;lish letters; the others are dated 1694 and A School Board of 5 members was formed October 30, 1874; 1682: the church was thoroughly restored in r875 at a cost :F. Lee, East Leigh, clerk to the board ..of £r,2oo, and a new vestry was built in 188o: there are Board School (mixed), erected in 1888, for roo children ; 300 sittings. Tbe register dates from the year r717· The average attendance, 75; John Whitlock, master; Miss Jiving is a rectory, average t1the rent-charge £r46, net Ann Coles, sewing mistress yearly value £so, including 3r acres of glebe, with resi- Police Station, The Quay, John Smith, constable .dence, in the gift of Augustus Langham Christie esq. of A ferry-boat crosses to Appledore as often as required Tapeley Park, Westleigh, and held since r869 by the Rev. Railway Station, William Rowden, station master PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Pinkett Capt. Thos. Edward, 3 Bath ter Fishley William Henry, apartments Baker Miss, 2 Springfield cottage Powell rs. Round house Hare John, apartments Chichester Capt. Edward R.N. Rose cot Robertson George, Instow house Hoyle Thomas, blacksmith Collier Percy Douglas, South Yeo Rose Mrs Joslin James, farmer, Raddey farm Didham Miss, 'rhe Quay Skinner Miss, Victoria terrace Joslin John, farmer, Huish farm Eyre Mrs. Victoria terrace West Miss Jones John, butcher Fraser Patrick Henry, Little hill White Mrs. Bungalow Jury Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments Rinchcliffe Mrs. Worlington ho Whyte Miss, Bath terrace Lock Kitson, farmer, The Barton Hulton Mrs COMMERCIAL. Lock William Henry, land agent & sur- Hulton Mrs. Frank Eater Henry, grocer, Huish moors veyor, Springfield .Jessop Edward Henry, I Bath terrace Beer Wllliam, tailor &aparts.The Quay Matthews William, tailor Karslake Miss, 6 Bath terrace Bellew William, farmer, Orchard farm Molland Charles, mason, The Quay Lang Rev. William Francis Dashwood Burnacle Maria (Mrs.), apartments Molland Helen (Miss), apartments M.A. [rector], Rectory Cann John, dairyman Molland Thomas, mason , Lemarchand Frederick Carter Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer, Bickleton Nation William, butcher Lock Mrs. Lewismead Cleverdon Thomas, carpenter & aparts Norman Mary (Miss), apartments Lock William Henry, Spring field Collier Percy Dou~las, farmer & assis- Parkhouse Emma (Miss), apartments Loveband :Mrs tant overseer, South Yeo Parochial Lending Library (Miss Bessie 1\Iallett Miss, Marine cottage Cook Mary (!.\lrs. ), apartments Pinkett, sec) Xevile Capt. E. C. 7 Bath terrace Dean William, tailor Pidler Christopher, grocer Palmer Capt. J. R. R.N Dennis William, farmer, Tullingcot Pidler John, coal dealer Palmer Mrs. Riverside house Easterbuck William, beer retailer Skinner Benjamin, Marine hotel Paton James, 2 Bath terra<'e England Jonathan, boot maker Vanstone Samuel, mason J>igott Rev. Edward Caledon [curate], Farleigh John & Son, grocers Vear William, tailor, The Quay The V erne Fishley Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments Yeo Hy.carpenter & wheel wt. The Quay INWARDLEIG H is a parish and village on the road ern tower with pinnacles, containing 5 bells : the base of from Okebampton to Hatherleigh, 4 miles north-west the tower and the font are Norman : the stained east win· from Okehampton station on the main line of the London dow was erected by the poor of lnwardleigh in memory of and South Westem railway, and 4t miles south-east from Rehecca Maria. Mitchel,late of the city of Bath, and a bene­ Hatherleigh, in the Westem division!of the county, hun- factress to this parish, who died March xgth, r86o, aged 75 -dred of Black Torrington, Hatherleigh petty sessional yt>.ars : there are 200 sittings. The register dates from the division, Okeha.mpton union and county court district, year 1699. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £250, rural deanery of Okelmmpton, archdeaconry of Totnes and average £rgo, net yearly value £277, including 230 acrea diocese of Exeter. The place derives its name from a Thana of glebe, with residence, in the gift of trustees, and held ealled "Inwardus," who in the time of the Confessor held since 1845 by the Rev. Peter Gunnmg. There are Baptist, here the manor of " Lega" or "J..eigh." The church Bible Christian and Wesleyan chapels. The poor have the (dedication unknown) is an ancient building of stone, chiefly foul'th part of Newcombe's (Crediton) charity. Visconn' Early English, with Early Perpendicular insertions, consist- Portman, who is lord of the manor, Lord Clinton M.A. the ing ofebancel, nave. nol'th aisle, separated from the nave by trustees of the late Ven. Archdeacon Woollcombe, and John an arcade of four arches, !Outh porch and an embattled west- Reddaway esq. are the principal landowners. The is .
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