University of Nebraska Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Books in English Digitized Books 1-1-1905 Report of archaeological survey work in the North-West Frontier Province and Baluchistan, for the period from January 2nd, 1904 to March 31, 1905 Aurel Stein Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/afghanuno Part of the International and Area Studies Commons, and the Other History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology Commons Recommended Citation Stein, Aurel Report of archaeological survey work in the North-West Frontier Province and Baluchistan, for the period from January 2nd, 1904 to March 31, 1905. Peshawar: Government Press, North-West Frontier Province, 1905 56 p.; illustrations and plates This Monograph is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Books at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Books in English by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Steir, M,A, , Report of arehaelogical survey .mrk in the Northwest Frontier Province i and hluchistan. I Agents for tho sale of Govarllmenf publications. IN XUROPE. I IN INDIA. hCa. E. Anwo~n,4.1 and 43, Mnddor Street, hfessns. THAUKEII,SCIWK& Co., 'Calc~~ktnuna Bond Strcot, 13'. Londou. Simla. llrrssns. Co?is~~ni.p.S: Co., 16, Jan~csStreet, iVI~ssns,Nxwar~a & CO., Calcuttn. 1Iay AInrlict, IY. London. h,Inssns. R.Cas,nnar & Co., Cslouttr. 3[rrssns. S. I<. LAIIIRIR: CO., Cnlc~~tta. ll~ssna, Jisnax PAUS TRRXCI!, TRUBN.ER Mnssns. II~na~sno~tia~r& Co., hladms. S: Co., Chariag Croes Road, London. Messns. V. I~ALTANA~AJIAIYE~ Rc 'Co, ',~IR.BEHKAHD QUIRITCR, 16, Piccadilly, iVrac1rns. London. M~sssirs.G, A. NaT"snlu & Co., hhdras. hIessns. I?. S. KISG & SON, B $4, Groat ninssns. TH~OKER& Co., LD., Bombny. 3T~ssns.h. J. Conlnnruoa & Co., Bomhq. ' S~>~itliStl.cet. Westn~instor. hI~ssns. B. Tana~onev~tn,Sons Co., kn. R. 1-1. BLACKR-ELL,50 & 5.1, Broad Street, D. R- Bombny. -' Oxford. Mns, RADBARAIATPARAII SXGOON, Bombq, MR. SUNDERPAXDWANR, Bombay. SITPERINTENDEAT, A~~BRLCANBAPTIST M~SSION PRESS,Rangoon. 1%. I~IRP.~LANDE~& PIsssns. SOUN, Borlin, RAI ~AHIBM. ~%LAD:SINGE& SONS, ldufid- ' IT'. N. Cnrlstrasse, 11. i-Am Press, Lahore. 31. ER~STLEROUX, 28, Rno Bonapnrte, Paris. Mn. N. 13. MATRI!~,Soporistendent, N(M;D~c 3111.~IARTIXUS NIJUOPP, I-lngno, Bolland. Kanun Hind Press, Allbhsbad. TABLE OF COXTENTB. PART I .. ,.. .,. .,, ... PAET II- --- - - Scotion i.-Ancici1.l 1-emaino in the I'hIr~tDistrict ..: .. ,a e 1-3 Section ii.-Ancient gcograpby and remains of tlte ICurram V:~lIeyand Banna District ",. ... ,., ... 4-9 Section , iii.--TEic rcmai~rsof i!BaiirBob. .,. ,. .. , 10-1(C Section iv.-Ancient rcmaino i;n IIazsra .. ,. p ... , . 17-1st Section v.-Scsr~rey of BSshabam Range ... ... .. ... 19-27 Scckion vi.L1J!he alleged site of Aornos .. ,.. ... ., 28-30 Sectim , vii.-Wwai Port and the ruins of BIonnt ntin$ , . ... 51-31 Seetion uiii.-Tile site of Buddho's ' Bod~--offe~iii~' . .. .. ,, 8&-4tb section ix,-Ruineci sitcs oP Ghazi Shah and Asgmm i.I .. 4~6-4"7 Section ma--Ancienb wmaius in Pishiu, Nns1tl;i and Iiharaa .., ... 44GQh Beetion, xi.-Auckn6 sites of Lornla;, Thd aocl C1'uBaIgarhi! ".. ... 5i2-66 TO FACE P4Ga II.--J.nfjeribr.oE Kafi1;ltot seen from sou+!.i ...a IIE,-WalIa of Kefirlrot,. south-wcs$ face .,.. IV.-Ibesllions. of Iiafirlql;, ~rondl-westface' ... .. ' V.-EanjjriLEothi,. KafidcoB ... 9 ,, TI.-SBrine A,. ICa8rlcot ... .. ..,. ... TrTL,-$outliern s~~.mn~i"defB%all,aba~~ seem, from! ?ll\alUi;et: WBI.--Svmmit~ of BT'~aliaban,seen from EancTa~o-8a~ 1X.-P'noramic vkm of Bani Site .. .'.a' X.-Port Dewat scow from! north-nreat . .... I XI.--Bnineik Sbnpas. of A~g'iwn , . .. ... #, XLI,--AIIG~?~~fo~t (kj neaa &onela$ . ,.,,.. IIT;Z..-ShongalTiii &Toun& Thd, seen fchl ncst ,..... '447, YXIARS'. 0\ i',-R~,ineb convent of SaSe-clli elqi,, near. Jllanda, I#. ... Ruined forts.on " Non~et~cry:T.Iiil,'$ Lomlai.; . .. e ,. b. ii:--Bi'be phn; of '&liafik;of;,Xtallabarx ..... ..,.. ,.,". b\ -.... ,' I .' I A nl.-Site l,l'izm of ~uhs:on ITounC Bani ..I,.. , , ? k,-soufiI~ern! group of rui't~s;Ban j: Site .....' .'.1 ?C'.. I , ~.-sb$h;,E ~.ui'bj.AS~TZ~ 1.u.v. vala. b.1.v 'Proooediaga of tho Uan'blo tho Agenk to ti110 Govocaor.Croner~: snl Ol~iefOommi~rionec, ?Torth;Wsst Pr~ntitr Province, No,1550-G., dutod 13th September 190G. Tha Report of Archmological Surrcg work: in the North-West F~ortle.&rovince and Beluohiatan for the pel-iod from 2nd January 1904 to 31st March 19,,h, I Bearnnrts.--This review deals only with that portion of tht ~k~oortrefor- ring to work clone in tlie North-West Frontier Provinoe. Tile Report ~peali~ j for Itself of Dr. Stein's indefatjgable inclustry and of the wide range of his eruclition, and the Chief Commissioaer, while recognizing the prior claims of I other and wider arclh~ologicalinterests, cannot permit the present occasion to i pass without deploring the loss which a~ch~ologyin the North-West Trontier I i Province will sustain on Dr. Stein's departure. 2. Perhaps the most interesting chapters of tlie Xcport are those cleal- ing with Dr. Stein's visit to Mahaban and Bsnj in Gadun territory-an ex- pedition which had arohi~ologioalresults of the first value. 3. The length of the Report ancl the oooasional tendency to p~olixily may well be pardoned in the present instance, for in marlted contrast to moul; otheY official literature it has an interest which is neither purely technical nor i I merely ephemeral. I I ORDBR.--Ordered, that the above Review be circulated with the Beport and submitted with the us~ud numbev of copies of the lteport to the Govern- ment of Iuclia in tlie Houlc Depart,n~ent, Also that a copy be fortva~dedto the Archaeological Surveyor, No~th-West Prontier Province and Bduohistan, for informat ion. I By order of the Hon'ble the Agent to the Governor- Gane~aland Chief Cominissioner, 33, B. HOWELL, Assistatat Secretul*y to the Hon'ble tlte Agent to the Goves.)tov-General atzd Chief Gbmmissioae?*, 2l'ovth- Weat Z'rontiel* A-ocifice. REPORT AROLIflOLOGICAL SURVEY WORE ; IN THE NORTB-WEST FRONTIER PROVINCE AND BALUCHISTAN PERIOD FROM JANUARY RND, 1904, TO MARCEI 31s~, 1905. PART 1. 5. In accordance with a recommendation of the Government of India approved by His Majesty's Secretary of atate for Indidin Despatch No. 81 Public (Education), dated 10th July, 1903, I Tvas appointed to the newly created combined posts of Inspector-General of Education and Archzeological Surveyor for the North-West Frontier Province and Ralnchistan. In combining the two appointments consideration was paid to the special qualifications acquired by mo through my previous antiquarian researches on and beyond the North- West Frontier, and accordingly this combination mas to be considered personal to my case. I took charge of my duties in the combined posts on the 2nd of January, 1904, on my return from special duty in Bngland. 2. During my first period of office now under report, my ai~ch~eological activity was ipevitably limited by the heavy administrative duties entailed in the organization and regular inspection of educ~tionalinstitutions throughout the two Provinces. On the one hand the separation of the Education Qepmt- ment in the North-West Frontier Province fi-om that of tho Punjab, which took place upon my assuming charge of the newly created posts, was necessarily attended by a number of initial changes which involved tldditio~iallabour ; on the other hand it also became necessary cluring this period to take in hand the orgmtization of an Educatiollal Department in Baluchistan, tho schools of which had previously not been subject to regular departmental control. The urgently needed appointment of suborginate officers to assist me in each of tho two Provinces could not be secured until near the close of the period under report, and I was thus obliged practically to the close of a second inspection season to carry on single-handed the multifarious and responsible educational duties which in other Proviaces are divided between the Director of Public Instruction and tho Inspectors of Schools. 3. It has appeared to me desirable to indicate these special difficulties on the educational sido of my first period of office as they explain the limitations I was obliged, howover reluctantly, to impose upon my archzological activity. The season laid down for the annual inspection of schools coincides with that period of the year when exploratory work in the field, especially excavation work, is alone practicable in the a~chsleologicallyimportant portion of the two Provinces. Until the appointmeqt of two Personal Assistdnts towards the close 8f the last official year gave some relief, it would have been irnpossil~lefoi* me to undertake excavatioii labours, requiring for their satisfactory concluct pro- longed presence at the site alld oon~tztntsupervision, without the risk of serious ii ARCHIEOLOGICL~J~REFORT, N,-W. PRONTIER AND BALUCHISTAN. C 'Part 'injqyyto the educational interests entrusted to my cl~nrge. Intense a%were the scliolnrly interests w)lich hsvc drawn me for a long series of years past towards the rclnains still ~aitingdiscovery below the soil of mcieut Gandhnra and it mbum have bccn equally impossible either to overlook for their sake, practicaudyc4u% administrative interests or to undertake antiquarian tasks which 3: could notexpect to CELT~Ythongh with a11 the calla and tho~oughnessdemanded by the stpnbards of scholwly explo~ation. There was a further iinportant considei~tionprecluding me cluring the period uncler reviev from any attempt at excavations. Apart from the time spent in directing and supervisillg them, oxcavations mould necessarily have claimed a good deal of time ancl 1;tbou~foe the propc? stucly and description of thei~results.
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