BOOKS FROM ALL OVER THE MAP PEOPLE OF THE MIDDLE INVESTING IN PLACE MAKING MEANING OUT FRASER CANYON Economic Renewal in Northern British Columbia OF MOUNTAINS An Archaeological History SEAN MARKEY, GREG HALSETH, AND DON MANSON The Political Ecology of Skiing ANNA MARIE PRENTISS & IAN KUIJT MARK C.J. STODDART Investing in Place is about creating the foundations The Middle Fraser Canyon contains some for renewing northern British Columbia’s rural Mountains bear the imprint of human activity. of the most important archaeological sites and small-town economies. Markey, Halseth, and Scars from logging and surface mining sit in British Columbia. Prentiss and Kuijt take Manson argue that renewal is not about nostalgic alongside national parks and ski lodges. Although readers on a voyage of discovery into the reliance on the policies and economic strategies of WKHHQYLURQPHQWDOHHFWVRIH[WUDFWLYHLQGXV- ancient history of the St’át’imc, or Upper Lillooet, the past – rather, it is about building a pragmatic tries are well known, skiing is more likely to bring a people whose struggles and successes are and innovative vision for development, one that to mind images of luxury, wealth, and health. brought to vivid life through photographs, artistic acknowledges both the opportunities and the 6WRGGDUWUHYHDOVWKHPXOWLSOHRIWHQFRQȵLFW- DQGȴFWLRQDOL]HGUHFRQVWUXFWLRQVRIOLIHLQWKH challenges posed by resource development and ing meanings attached to skiing by skiers, mass villages, and discussions of evidence from global and technological change. media, First Nations, industry leaders, and archaeological surveys and excavations. ȏ3DSHUEDFN environmentalists in British Columbia. ȏ3DSHUEDFN SDJHV ȏ3DSHUEDFN SDJHV $YDLODEOH-DQXDU\ SDJHV $YDLODEOH-DQXDU\ $YDLODEOH-DQXDU\ ARCHITECTURE AND THE THE RIGHT TO A HEALTHY SO NEAR YET SO FAR CANADIAN FABRIC ENVIRONMENT The Public and Hidden Worlds of RHODRI WINDSOR LISCOMBE Revitalizing Canada’s Constitution Canada-US Relations DAVID R. BOYD GEOFFREY HALE Architecture plays a powerful role in nation building. Buildings and monuments not only Canada has abundant natural wealth, beautiful So Near Yet So Far provides an in-depth look at FRQVWLWXWHWKHEXLOWIDEULFRIVRFLHW\WKH\UHȵHFW landscapes, vast forests, and thousands of rivers the multiple dimensions of Canada–US relations, the intersection of culture, politics, economics, DQGODNHV7KHODQGGHȴQHV&DQDGLDQVDVDSHRSOH particularly since 9/11. Based on almost 200 and aesthetics in distinct social settings and dis- \HWWKHFRXQWU\KDVRQHRIWKHLQGXVWULDOL]HG interviews with policy makers, opinion-shapers, WLQFWWLPHV)URPȴUVWFRQWDFWWRWKHSRVWPRGHUQ world’s worst environmental records. Renowned and interest group leaders in both countries, this city, this anthology traces the interaction between environmental lawyer David R. Boyd argues that book considers the interaction of domestic FXOWXUHDQGSROLWLFVDVUHȵHFWHGLQ&DQDGLDQDUFKL- &DQDGDPXVWFRQVWLWXWLRQDOL]HHQYLURQPHQWDO and cross-border politics at several levels: tecture and the infrastructure of ordinary life. rights and responsibilities if it hopes to improve political-strategic, trade-commercial, cultural- its environmental record. psychological, and institutional-procedural. ȏ3DSHUEDFN SDJHV ȏ3DSHUEDFN ȏ3DSHUEDFN 1RZDYDLODEOH SDJHV SDJHV $YDLODEOH'HFHPEHU 1RZDYDLODEOH $9$Ζ/$%/()520)Ζ1(%22.6725(61($5<28_25'(521/Ζ1($7b:::8%&35(66&$ 25'(5%<3+21(bb 873'Ζ675Ζ%87Ζ21 _)2//2:86217:Ζ77(5#8%&35(66 2 BC BOOKWORLD WINTER 2012-2013 LETTERS Sánchez chill BCTOP I JUST PULLED UP THE NEW ISSUE OF B.C. BOOKWORLD. SELLERS* the cover is so beautiful it gave me chills. As did the review, even though I had already read it in advance of publication. I love those rarely-seen photos of Celia The Canadian Pacific’s Esquimalt and Nanaimo Sánchez you have used to illustrate the piece. No way Railway: The CPR Steam for me to convey how emotional I feel about Celia, Years, 1905 – 1949 (Sono Nis and by extension what B.C. BookWorld (and your $39.95) by Robert D. Turner & great layout artist) have done to promote her story. Donald F. MacLachlan Rosa Jordan Whitewater Cooks with Rossland Friends (Sandhill Book Marketing $34.95) by Shelley Adams Bowen 3 The Private Journal of I READ B.C. BOOKWORLD COVER TO cover, EACH TIME. Captain G.H. Richards: The I always find writers I know, and others I know of— Vancouver Island Survey and learn about others for the first time. But the au- (1860-1862) (Ronsdale Press Novelist / singer-songwriter Spider Robinson with his daughter Terri and David tumn issue was a huge surprise. Three Bowen Island $24.95) edited by Linda Dorricott & Crosby of Crosby, Stills & Nash, backstage, thanking “Croz” for donating a Deidre Cullon writers, all with smiling photos. Wow. There was signed Martin D-28 to the benefit auction held on Bowen Island for Terri’s Amrita Sondhi with her healthy Ayurvedic cookbook successful cancer operation. Robinson and Crosby have written songs together. Imperial Canada Inc.: Legal on p. 3; and Pauline LeBel with her new book that Haven of Choice for the combines science, song, nature and spirit on p. 36. And there I am on World’s Mining Industries page 26 with two of my poems from Imagining Lives. Everyone writing (Talonbooks $29.95) by Alain Flypaper to help people have better lives. Was excited by the coverage, so I got our Deneault and William Sacher. THE COPY OF THE SUMMER ISSUE OF BCBW YOU SO KINDLY SENT ME HAS librarian to put a pile of B.C. BookWorlds near the sofa reading area in our Translated by Fred A. Reed and arrived here on Bowen Island—but I’m having a bit of trouble reading it. one local bookstore, Phoenix, to fill their doorway handout stand. I always Robin Philpot. The problem is, the autumn issue beat it in the door by a day....and the take sample copies of B.C. BookWorld to my creative writing workshops furshlugginer thing is so damned interesting, I can’t seem to put it down Nowhere Else on Earth— or literary talks as that is what informs writers of future markets and their long enough to even glance at its predecessor. Each page holds at least Standing Tall for the Great competition. Bear Rainforest (Orca Books one item of intense interest, and frequently several — I presume, and Bernice Lever $22.95) by Caitlyn Vernon hope, this phenomenon will cease when I reach the end. And resume Bowen Island when I pick up the summer issue..... [One week later] I was right. The summer issue was every bit as engaging as the autumn one. You produce fly-paper for the discerning eye. Fort Fraser I LIVE UP HERE IN FORT FRASER, ONE OF THE OLDEST EUROPEAN-NAMED Spider Robinson communities in the province, but I just read B.C. BookWorld in the Bowen Island waiting room of our medical clinic which is actually in the town of Fraser Lake, about 13 miles away. Most people consider us “way up north” so You may say she’s a dreamer it’s great to feel connected by B.C. BookWorld. Thanks for all the re- THANKS FOR FEATURING THE ENPIPE LINE, THE BOOK WE PUBLISHED TO views of B.C. books. I have made another list of things I want to read! help fight Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Pipelines pro- Most people don’t know Fort Fraser is a posal. Folks have contacted us about how happy they small town situated on Hwy 16, about an hour’s are to see the issue of tar sands oil in your pages. Freedom drive west of Prince George. It was established from fossil fuels is a dream shared by many. Opposition in 1806 by the ‘Norwesters,’ a combination of Caitlyn Vernon at the Victoria to the Enbridge plan has risen to 58 per cent in 2012, but the Northwest Fur Trading Company and the Book Prizes where she re- ceived the Bolen Books Chil- if we’re serious about stopping Enbridge (and Kinder XY Company. The fur traders originally came dren’s Book Prize for Nowhere Morgan’s tar sands pipeline and tanker traffic expansion), here to obtain fish from the natives, and finding Else on Earth. we need all the opposition we can get.Meanwhile The it rich in salmon and furs, they stayed and pros- America But Better: The Enpipe Line has been featured at various festivals, pered. Canada Party Manifesto launches, conferences and talks in Canada and the U.S. Janet Romain (D&M $16.95) by Chris Cannon and the book is now being taught at Simon Fraser Univer- Fort Fraser PHOTO & Brian Calvert sity. Thanks for helping us get the ball rolling. GARRY Letters / emails: BC BookWorld, 3516 W. 13th Christine Leclerc Christine Vancouver Noir (Anvil Press Leclerc Ave., Van., BC V6R 2S3 [email protected] $25) by John Belshaw and Diane Vancouver KAREN Letters may be edited for clarity & length. Purvey Flavours of the West Coast site to provide news of B.C. literary arts on a daily basis (Touchwood $29.95) by Cedar- Our Readers’ Festival turns has, thus far, also been deemed unworthy of provincial wood Productions with Chef Steve 25 partnership. Walker-Duncan and guests e just passed the 10,000-author mark on our But Dave and I are rich in terms of the people we W abcbookworld.com reference site for and about B.C. serve—the literary community and our readers. Unlikely Love Stories authors, but we didn’t issue a press release. Dave and I won’t Apparently not everyone in Prince George pines to be ac- (Harbour $32.95) by Mike McCardell be making a fuss about our 25th anniversary issue either. cepted in Vancouver, and not everyone in Vancouver pines to We prefer to allocate coverage to new B.C. books and au- make a name for themselves in Toronto or New York, so we get The Principles of Tsawalk: thors. That said, it is appropriate to take a few lines just to say appreciation from people all over the province, on a daily basis.
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