Today's weather: A five star Rain or sleet All-American NON PROFIT ORG high betwee~ newspaper . US POSTAGE 35-40 .. PAID Newark Del Perm•t No 26 Vol. 114 No. 9 ~tudent Center, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716 Fri., February 19, 1988 Crossland gets tough with reps. by James Cordrey he said. see editorial, p.8 work, not people who just want Staff Reporter He explained that atten- something that looks good on Delaware Undergraduate dance by the voting members of six or more consecutive a resume." Student Congress President of DUSC has been a problem meetings." Jack Jaeger (EG 89), vice Rick Crossland (AS 88) an­ from the beginning of the The memo continued that if president of Dus·c, claimed nounced Monday that voting school year. a voting member is not in at- that taking the voting rights members of DUSC who have · In a memo to unexcused tendance at the DUSC meeting away from certain members is not been attending meetings DUSC voting members dated on Feb. 22, there will be a vote not what he wants to see, but will lose their voting rights if Feb. 15, Crossland outlined the on Feb. 29 to remove the unless these people par- they fail to attend the DUSC policy concerning unexcused member's voting rights. ticipate, their rights will be Rick Crossland - meeting next week. absences. "The key people perform," removed. Crossland· said that voting The memo stated the Crossland said, "but there are "We need everyone working a vote on resolutions DUSC members who are neglecting reasons for removal of voting plenty of others who seem to together, otherwise DUSC isn't planned to vote on because their responsibilities are privileges as "unexcused want the position without the operating as effectively as it · there were not enough voting hindering DUSC's apsences from two or more responsibility." · could," Jaeger said. members present. effectivene~. meetings, or absence from fif- Crossland added, "I need At the DUSC meeting Mon- According to Crossland, the "Dead woOd is dead wood," ty percent or more of any set people who are willing ., to da~, three_ groups could not get inability to get a vote on Mon- ~------------------------~------------------------~co~n=tin~u~e~d~to~p~a~ge~6~--~Woo announces plan to run for U.S. Senate by Cynthia Sowers City News Editor University physics professor and Lt. Gov. S.B . Woo an­ nounced Feb. 12 that he will seek the U.S. Senate seat presently occupied by Sen. William V. Roth later this year. "As an American by'choice, having received so much from Delaware and from the U.S., THE I'd like to repay as much as I Pals - Two young friends enjoy Wednesday's sunshine can through my public service Lt. Gov. Woo announced Feb. 12 his bid for the U.S. Senate. and warm temperatures ~ear Harrington Beach. work," Woo said. ly to increase international Woo said', "everyone realizes Woo said his work as lieute­ trade, to re-organize a Clay­ our education system is not up nant governor, educator and mont Steel plant - the to par anymore. scientist uniquely qualifies . Phoenix Deal-and to develop "Can anyone imagine that him as a U.S. Senate composite materials through we can maintain this enviable UD celebrates candidate. Governor Castle's High Tech position without advancing "I feel that I can make a uni­ Task Force. education?" he asked. que contribution at this point Woo would not say what Woo cited science and com­ in our nation's history," he changes he would initiate puter science as two of the Black History said. should he be elected senator. weakest areas of America's There is no question, Woo Though he said- he had a education system. "With my said, that as senator he could "sense" of what he could pro­ background and training, I make a much larger contribu­ vide to Delawarians, he would can provide a unique service in February tion to the state political not elaborate. [to the state and Senate]," system than was possible as "I believe the public would Woo said. lieutenant governor. like to see a short, but high Of the 13 ministers to the by Shir~ey Hawk ' Woo said people think the quality campaign," he ex­ president's council, Woo said, Staff RePQrter see editorial, p. 8 lieutenant governor position is seven are lawyers. There is '1. plained. "Each Of. us celebrates our (BHM), which runs through a "do-nothing" office, but According to Woo, there are not a single scientist, he said. history every. day of our lives Feb. 26. "public office is always what few educators in the Senate Of 100 senators, there are 66 -not just during the month of ''Each day you walk from the office holder makes of it," and none with a science lawyers but once more, there February," Dr. Zelma Mosley one class to another with your he explained. background. are no scientists, he added. said Monday afternoon ·at the head down, eyes focused on Since taking the lieutenant Although America is strong Woo emphasized a lack of governorship in 1985, Woo Center for Black Culture the ground [or] with your head militarily and is among the continued to page 17 (CBC). held high, you are celebrating said, he has worked principal- richest nations in the world, Mosley, a fonner assistant black history," Mosley said. and \.!elebrate your contribu­ on professor Mosley [to speak] "I wanted to say something to professor of political science "Will we celebrate our tion and the contribution of because she is new to UD and students to get them to think and ethnic studies at the history with pride and a your ancestors," Mosley she wanted to get involved about who they are. When you ·university of Nebraska at Lin­ positive attitude, eyes directed stressed. with the program. Her talk are proud, you tend to be c:oln, spoke to students and toward the future, or.. .in Teresa Bruce, assistant was very relevant to · this positive. I wanted to spark that faculty at the opening recep­ shame?" Mosley asked. "I dean of-students and director month's topic." ' in them." tion for Black History Month hope we'll choose the former of the CBC said: "We decided Mter her talk, Mosley said: c-mJiinued to page 14 ;Page 2 • The Review • February 19, 1988·-...;...;-_,;..;.....;.._....o______ ~:---------------------------- News Look: 'l,he ·world in brief! Bush, Dukakis win who train at the University of Former employee Khomeini is reportedly in States is finally confronting Delaware Skating Club, finish- poor health and for 'the first the AIDS epidemic after more in N.H. primaries ed lOth in the event. kills seven in Cal. time· has recently sought to than 50,000 cases have been eliminate obstacles in diagnosed in the last eight Vice President George Bush IsraeUs bury alive A former employee of a economic and social reform. years, according to an article and Massachusetts Gov. Silicon Valley defense contrac­ in The New York, Times. Michael Dukakis won the New four Arabs youths tor fatally ·shot seven people However, the UDited States Hampshire primaries on Tues­ and wounded five others at the IRS now expects is still "running behind the day, according to The Wilm- Unrest in Israel's West Bank company's offices on Tuesday, virus,". experts. warned. ington News Journal. 1 and Gaza strip reached a the Associated Press reported. more tax rev-enue Bush captured-38 percent of - climax when Israeli soldiers The gunman, wbo was fired The Internal Revenue Ser- the Republican vote to over­ buried.alive four Ar~b youths from the firm three years ~go, take Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kan., under 30 inches of soil, accor­ surrendered after having bar- v~ce. ~aid Tuesday that a Waldheim under fire as the party's leading ding · to The Philad~lphia racaded himself in the sigm~ICant number of About 5,000 people gathered presidential candidate. Inquirer. building for over six hours. ~me~ICans may h.ave had too in a demonstration in Vienna, Dukakis continues to be- a Israeli military Maj. Gen. He said he entered· -the , ht~e mcome tax 'Y1thheld fro~ Austria, demanding the strong contender for the Ehud Barak condemned the building intending to damage therr pay, meamng they will resignation of President Kurt Democratic nomination. incident and said such equipment. Apparently he felt owe the. government when Waldheim, according to behavior would not be threatened by employees and they . file returns, the Reuters. U.S. wins bronze tolerated. started shooting them, police Associated Press reported. Several government of­ said. ficials urged Parliament to in pairs skating Soviets dismantle 2 spectators killed begin impeachment proceedings . The United States won its . mid-range missles Political struggle during Mardis Gras Austrian Chancellor Franz first Olympic medal in pairs The Soviet Union has begun Vranitzky, questioned whether figure skating on Tuesday dismantling intermediate in Iran probable Two spectators were killed Waldheim could ever regain night in Calgary, according to range missles in East Ger­ After 10 years of fundamen­ in unrelated parade accidents his credibility after his failure The Wilmington News many, according to the tal Islamic revolution the during the 1988 Mardi Gras to seriously deal with his war­ Journal. Associated Press. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini celebration in New Orleans, time past. Jill Watson and Peter Op­ Rockets near Neubranden­ remains in firm control of according to the Associated Vranitzky said he may pegard won the bronze medal, burg have been taken apart Iran, acQOPding to the ,Press. resign because the controver­ finishing behind the Soviets and are ready to be shipped Associated Press.
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