XJLXXU AVJ JJ-IU JIV AJJA/) UUi>iJ li/U f. — r_ ■ ■ ■■■ I.— ■■ ■■■ ■ II. II II — T Prize for Early Attendants who come in our The doors open promptly at 8:30 a. m. The first hundred women “EAST” entrance will be given a ticket with a number between 1 and 100. The first hundred women who come in our “WEST” entrance will be given a number between Blue Pencil Sales are the Blue 101 and 200. A duplicate set of numbers will be “SHAKEN UP” in a box and a number drawn out. The woman the lucky number gets.her You Know It Too! Bloods of “Saledom” holding A more “Up-Spring-ie” Spring has not been sprung in are the article. come twice a They genuine They only Choice of Skirt in the Store rears, but the Steele-Smith way is to take the bitter with the A store with the kind of don’t need more. any $10 year. right goods sweet and do the best we can always. We anticipated a Of course there are “talk” sales, bnt broad, deep, lasting Fitted, Absolutely Free larger business than weather permitted and bought to back foundations can’t be built on clatter. Properly up” our convictions. The surplus is going in June and the June will be brimful of "Blue Pencil" sales, and we specially urge “Blue Pencil Sales” are here to do it. thrifty women and men to visit the store often and watch our ads closely. BE HERE WHEN THE DOORS OPEN! OUR SEMI-ANNUAL BLUE PENCIL SALES Begin Monday, June 3rd at 8:30 A- M. Sharp Merchandise Throughout the Store Reduced Stylish . A Blue Pencil Sale of Handsome Shirtwaist Suits Millinery at Very Lawns, Linens and Lingerie doth Exceptional Reduction White and Colors In these Blue Pencil Sales we opening Millinery wish to 1 a Up to $15.00 Dresses.$7.95 emphasize the remarkable varieties in most any correct style (1 Up to $9.00 Dresses.$4.95 Lv lOl you may desire and the “exceptional reductions” on all lots. 3 Up to $5.00 Dresses.$2.00 The sales extend from plain untrimmed on to shapes up A trip through the “suds” and they will he as fresh as a our finest models that are of pattern pictures beauty and Spring morning. Displaying goods in a town as dirty as ours express the possibilities of artistic millinery. is bound to soil goods. That’s the trouble with these. Aside from a few specks they’re perfect. Our Prettiest and Styles, to-the-minute, laces and embroideries that will $7.50, $iO win a home any place, cut generously full, put together per- $12.50 Trimmed flats $5.00 fectly. Could they be much more! All $15 to $35 Suits, Silk and Wool, at It will be many a day’s walk before you strike another such sale. “Lest we forget,” we want to tell you that black hats are a feature of the offering. To tell you in detail of the hundreds of color effects, the sizes, Two Prices shapes, etc., is impossible. Most of them are hand-made hats, and we know and recommend them through and through. For correctness of style, distinctiveness and all tht goes to make fascinating chapeux, they’re $13.50, $15.00 and $17.50 Models.$9.95 dreams. $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00 Styles.$17.50 Leghorn, Cheip and LaGe A9B Trimmed Shapes Those at $9,95 And Those at $17.50 Hats Worth $10, Light weight wool suits from mannish mixtures Such suits ns you find here at $25, $30 and $35; $2.50 to $4.00 Values in Silk Suits an even num- $12.50 and $15 and fancy Panamas eton styles. Jumper hence the best at those figures. About of soft finished taffetas in solid colors and fancies. ber of silk and wool. Those in wool are of voile, in in the sea- $1.45 Each The latter in stripe and check patterns black and colors, fine Panamas and imported suit- a son’s best colors. The silk suits of those coin dot $6.50 Piece The models of silk are in the dressier designs and cool as well ings. In addition to the saving on the shapes wo offer foulards are specially pretty looking Most of these hats are the large drooping effects for afternoon and informal evening wear. to trim them free of when materials are as dressy. that are so popular this season. charge _—---——--- All are white. bought here. There are Leghorns, Milans, Chips, ______1 was a terrible WP Pnv Trimmings of flowers and ribbons. Panamas and Neapolitans. Of) The ]ast sale of tbese skirts sucb rusb< *** the fact that this last shipment contained only 35 skirts. a ■ * J phasize are all black. Box AilVllOn vOSl© They go on sale Monday morning. They All Pattern Hats at One-Half Off Skirts $7.50 and knife plaited. Rfady-to-Wrar Dept. 2d floor. Millinery Dept. 2d Floor—Take elevator DRESS GOODS, SILKS and WASH GOODS Muslin and Knit Inviting Blue Pencil Bargains at Every Turn The distinct leadership of the different piece goods sections in their respective lines places them in a position UNDERWEAR furnish with to be of great value to you throughout these sales. No effort on our part will be spared to you and are NOT Blue Penciled QUANTITIES of attractive lots EACH DAY. The fabrics in every case come from our own shelves Rigorously sale merchandise. best that skillful can is to be found in these sales. special The buying produce Listen, folks! If there is any section of this store we’re proud of it’s this one. Selections are so complete, qualities so honestly good, finish so perfect, you can’t kind of merchan- Wool Fabrics Silks Wash Goods blame us. It’s hard to part with that Pencil “Clear so out Handsome line of Printed Silk Mulls, dainty Dres- dise, but Blue says, Out,” they 'A large lot of mannish suitings in checks, plaids, V/4 Taffetas, Printed Indias, all to must Fancy den effects on Jaquard dotted grounds; 35c go. etc., all our 50c and 60c ulL I lli und desirable colors; fancy suitings. good styles 50c goods. Blue Penciled Blue Penciled to, yard.O m C silks in this lot that have sold all season at 75c yd. 9/ffjp Gowns 75c. Ladies’ Knit Vests 21c. VA A collection of pretty Suit- Extra Sizes. CAr splendid of the best All 75c and 85c _ Made qual- fancy suitings, ranging uUL I U. ing Silks, Taffetas, Louisines, etc.; Beautiful collection of Dolly Varden Organdies; 42 to 45 inches of These extra sized Vests wide. Blue Penciled to, yd.. 85c and some all at 50c newest French and color schemes; O ity of cambric, yoke 75c, $1.00 values, yard. designs are made of a soft finished Our entire collection of $1.00 fancies 35 to 50c goods. Blue Penciled to, yd.AOO clustered tucks, neatly fin- Our entire of and HZr lisle, have low neck and range $1.00 $1.25 tropical IDL III. The neck and sleeve and many $1.25 values. patterns ished at are sleeveless. Trimmed weight suitings, many of them are silk outline ef- 5000 yards of standard Dress Ginghams, stripes, are the best and embrace the most desirable color with hemstitched ruffles. with crochet fects in new styles and colorings. ff plaids, checks, all clean, fresh goods. A value tape. combinations to be found. Full and Blue Penciled to, yard.I 9 C at even 12V2c yard. length width; $1 Vrl Bros.’ fine" Foulard Silks, Op Ladies’ Cotton Vests 10c. COr Cheney In this sale, yard.VO values. ilOC, X U» such as sell the country over at This lot represents a $1.25 In this 58c division we include a hand- Over 2000 of Anderson’s imported Zephyr White Wash Goods yd. yards general clean-up of odds some Radium Foulard in several colorings. the assortment of desirable pat- Corset Covers 25c. Madras, largest and ends of fancy Vest, a we offer a wide ever shown in the For shirts, shirt 40-inch white Lawn. A close, even weave for drop AA VJ At $1.00 yard terns city. Made of cambric and worth 15c to 25c each. skix-ts and well worth I U. of $1.50 Silk Suitings. The waists and dresses; 35c values. underwear; Q range 99p trimmed with em- Some have fancy yoke, la of all This sale .AAO dainty 12V^c yd. Blue Penciled to, “Creme de Creme” foreign style centres, at, yard some All a dime yd.OC broidery edging; 35c and plain. elegant and unique effects. each. Anderson’s finest 75c Zephyrs in natural shades, 40c values. The best quality of yard wide Auto a linen- Cloth, in and dot finished material well worth 20c -i ftl embroidered eyelet designs. OOp yard. Reduced Boys’ Vests and Drawers. In this sale, yard .1m2v Semi-Ready Dresses Sale price, yard.MOO Corset Covers Special. Knit Vests and Draw- The practical features of these semi-ready Yard wide Dress Linen in a good pure white. A Three Hours Monday—8130 to ers for boys, made of the dresses contributes much toward their popular- Linens 40c quality. Blue Penciled lltSO A. M. best balbriggan and are ity. ser- . Cream Table Damask in the best patterns, 50c sellers. Blue to, yard are of regular a 38c—They made When is a dress not dress? viceable quality, 70 and 72 inches wide; Penciled to..25c ffAp fine Nainsook and trim- A beautiful collection of Linen Suitings, Voiles, WThen it’s a semi-ready dress—that’s the 65c and 75c values, in sale, yard.MVO rows Val.
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