f Y, 1940 31 KROYDO v T I is doing a Real Job for YOUI F o RTU E SATURDAY • EVENING POST G 0 F • • LIFE PACIFIC • COA T GOLFER TIM E GOLFING hi year dverti ing ...ampaign i hom tile stron point o. 1 Golf lub mor than ver. how us a aolf r who i n tin- It lelling the nation golfer (ere ted in TH T! The KROYDON COMPA Y. MAPLEWOOD, N. J. roydon CLUB FOR BETTER GOLF 32 GOLFDOM Golf Clin·cs Study Pros' Problel1ls By Herb Graffis THREE well-attended and highly inter- rated high. At Purdue there were pros esting golf clinics under the joint pon- from 15 states, coming from a far outh orship of the PGA and educational insti- as the Gulf Coast and from Canada. Of- tutions were held during April at the ficials of men's and women's amateur universities of Minnesota and Baltimore organizations, at the Baltimore clinic, co- and at Purdue university. Combined at- operated with the Middle Atlantic PGA by tendance of the clinical sessions exceeded getting a crowd of 300 to see and hear Middle Atlantic professional experts ex- 700, to which should be added an audience plain fundamentals of good golf. This of approximately 3,000 students attending session was keyed to the public as a pro the demonstrations and group instruction good-will campaign. ession at Purdue. Purdue's clinic combined pro technical Developments of the clinical treatment discussion, addresses of physiological and of pro problems which has hit a lively psychological authorities, and of physical stride this spring makes it plainly evident and general education experts. The group that the alert pro considers himself master instruction demonstration held at evening of his own destiny and is depending on in the vast Purdue fieldhouse also pro- his own education for his professional ad- vided a great study opportunity for vancement and security. Pro golf clinics pros who are well aware of the oppor- now have been held on the West Coast tunities and problems of group instruc- and in Illinois, in addition to the Minne- tion. sota, Maryland and Indiana sessions pre- Minnesota's clinic was featured by pro viously mentioned. New Jersey's PGA con- testimony and discussion on the strictly ducts a clinic on three consecutive Mon- business problems of their work. Pros days, beginning April 29, and pros in the who had been conspicuously successful at Pittsburgh sector hold a clinic May 27. various phases of their business told of Illinois PGA pros, for the second year, their methods and thoughts and were are holding pro educational clinics. The queried by their fellows. first meeting, conducted as an informal The finale of the Minnesota affair was forum, was held April 29, and similar a merry banquet at which teams of pros sessions are scheduled for May 6 and 13. and sports writers engaged in an "Infor- Sessions are held at Hotel Morrison, mation Please" query contest. The pros Chicago. won the decision over the writers in an- For initial sessions to determine the swering questions on rules and personali- future course of clinics by the necessary ties of the game. trial-and-error method, the April clinics Outstanding at the business clinic was Horton Smith (below) demonstrates pro angles of shotmaking before part of the crowd of over 3,000 who attended the indoor golf how at Purdue U. The One Big Improvem • In lub , --- ------- Shape - --- ----- A portion of the group of 350 tudents faculty members and townspeople who took part in the Purdue •class in truction session. the participation of pros who have been Construction-Paul Coates, Con. ulting Engi- signally successful in their jobs. It was neer and Golf Architect; What a Club Expects evident that the wise pro, regardless of From Its Pro-Dr. E. S. Powell. age, considered that his individual success Caddie Training-Wally Mund; Club Events and didn't blind him to the fact there was Tournaments-Vernon Allen, Herb Snow, Ray Keller: How I Teach Golf-Jock Hendry, Les plenty still to be learned about the busi- Bolstad, Norman Clark (Pictures and Demon- ness of golf. It also was repeatedly in strations): Amateur Golf-Geo. Robbins; Public evidence that the smart pro didn't place Course Golf-Carl Raymond, Paul Feist: Phy- his trust in the panaceas frequently cited sical Structures-Dr. E. M. Jones: Women's as the pros' main hope of making a good Golf-Patty Berg: Future of the Golf Pr living, but had found that the pros' salva- Herb Graffis. tion lies with the educated and energetic An interesting part of the Purdue clinic individual. was the exchange of ideas between the Study Boo ting of Storage Income pros and men and women physical ed. in- structors. The P. E. instructors from their Snapping up pro-shop service with own college experience and their post- special reference to care of equipment in college work in coaching high school and rack storage was an especially timely college students contributed several very subject treated by Willie Kidd at the Min- helpful ideas on athletic instruction. nesota clinic. With many pros wondering As in California, the pros at Purdue how they can retain and extend club stor- generally were of the opinion that the age business, the Kidd talk contained P. E. teachers pro-instructed to acquaint practical suggestions that by themselves youngsters with a few fundamentals of paid many of the pros for their attendance. the golf swing, would provide a tremen- Golf instruction methods employed by dous boost for pro individual instruction. Jock Hendry, Les Bolstad and Norman Clark was another of the Minnesota high- P. E. In tructor Aren't ompetitor lights. At all the spring clinics the science and art of effective instruction has been Energetic proponents of pro-physical given considerable attention which is cer- education teacher co-operation answered tain to be reflected in increased sale and objections of pros who saw in the P. E. results of lessons. teachers potential pro competition by Art Ingleston and Len Mattson, the lat- doubting that the P. E. teachers would d - ter chairman of the Minnesota PGA-Uni- vote collegiate training of 4 years and ad- ver ity of Minnesota Athletic Department ditional preparatory field training to clinic, were chairmen of the two day ses- equipping themselves for the precarious sion held at U of M's Cook Hall. jobs that beginning pros have to take. The program: Furthermore, pro advocates of pro coopera- tion with P. E. teachers, said, "after hear- Shop Service-Willi Kidd; Pro-Gre nkeenin g-e-Ed ing the 'never had a pro lesson in my McElligott, Jock H ndry, Gordon Haberkorn. Herb Theinell; Rules of Golf-Bill Barrett; life' statement fr quently uttered, what Merchandising ohn Miller, A. G. Spalding & have pros to fear from mi sionary work Bros.; Publicity-Geo. Higgins, Perry Dodson. in pro instruction by the phy ical educa- Louie Gr n. I Wold, G o, Edmond, Rollie tion teachers?" Johnson; Golf Architcctur, Maintenanc and National and regional PGA officialsw re I Y, 1940 35 A THI magazin comes out only one a month it mak s some of my dop a little late, but here go s anyway:- EN ROUTE to Florida, dropp d in on JIMMY sco TARD, prof ssional at Biloxi Country Club, Biloxi, Miss. Hand ED RANKIN, who peddles golf equipment in the summ r time, are doing a fin business as co-owners of the club. Fair- ways and green are in as fin condition as any I have se n in th outh, which accounts for tli constantly incr asing play at this popular resort. AT TAMPA, I enjoyed a few holes of OVER at the eminole Club, at Palm golf with my old friend HENRY Beach, that grand old v teran, JVIL- BOLE TA, professional at Palma Ceia FRED REID is still batting one thou and Golf Club, which a few years ago was my p r cent. H is as much. a fixtur th r a old stamping grounds on the Florida West tit club-house. minole was th sc n of Coast. the world's richest golf tournament-s-no I ss than 56,000 berri s bing put up for the boys to 'hoot at. BOB BARNETT, pro at the Indian Cr ek Country Club gave his memb rs as well as himself, a great thrill when h tied ANDY KA Y, ex-prof s ional champion for first place in the rcnuai Pro-A maieur of Canada, took nw on for a round at Tournament held at his club. Bob found his new club, Mia"mi hares Country Club, himself a little better than $2,000 richer opened in December. This is a nuujnificent. when the lights went on. spot and a great test for any man' game. WILLIE KLEIN enjoyed a great season STOPPED in of cour'e too, to e at La Gorce this winter, along with his GEORGE JACOBU who has b 11 at very fin assistant, ZIGGY MELLON. th Bobby Jones cours at arasota for nuuiu years, but who now has taken 01.' r the North hare Country Club. His con- DURING the Int. rnational Four-Ball at tract gives hint manaq m nt of the ntire club. North hor was th cour uiher the Miami Biltmor , Coral Gabl e, NED we played th firet half of til famous EVERH.tlRDT and his very charming match, Bobby Jones against "Walt r Hagen. little wife Hazel, who is al 0 his very ffi- cieni: iecretaru, played hosts to the boys at their club, doing a grand job of it.
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