
The A, B, C's of professional liability insurance companies. Financial advisors recommend comparingthe A.M. Best Company rating of financial strength when you select an insurance company. This rating is Important to you as a strong indicator ofa company's future performance and stability. According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAlC), between 1981 and 1987 the number of insolvencies for insurance com­ panies licensed in at least two states increased by over 600%. If this should happen to your insurer, you can be left uncovered ifa claim occurs. CNA, the largest insurance organization offering liability insurance to architects and engi­ neers, has earned an A+, Best's highest rating. This measure of exceUence Is a reflection of our management strength and our ability to meet our obligations now and in the future. This didn't happen overnight CNA and Victor 0. Schinnerer & Company, Inc. have offered pro­ fessional liability protection continuously since 1957.' Today our program offers you more choices than any other to help you m anage your insurance costs by letting you match your coverage to your needs, We also offer extensive loss prevention seminars, newsletters and 0U1er guidelines to help you minimize claim s. But, if one shou.ld arise, we maintain claims omces throughout the country to help you. If you want a quality profes­ sional liability program that has the flnanclaJ strength to be there when you really need It, have your Independent agent contact Schfnncrer. 'CNN~c:h lm1N-. 1 r ll f)l'lil l{l l l J hUVO Cllmc<.I u,e: <Omm,,ntlntltm nrthr /\IA ontJ NSP~:tl'El't~ Vicmr O Underwriting Manager Chicago, (312) fiHS•21\2~ Two Wisconsin Circle NewYorlc,(2 1213'1'1 l(lelO Scfiinnerer Chevy Chase, MD 20815-7003 San F'ro.nclKCO, '1 I SI •IH!i ,a,t• M CNA I!,. Com p,\ny. Inc. (301) 961-9800, Telex 892340 ,~,,r t\ 111 lw c' 11111 m lt,uwnts You Make'l'l Coverage for this program Is provided by Continental Casualty Company, o,w Qri11~ ('NA hm11,11111<1 '11111p1111l1 i 1•1111/11 /C/P mt llcmclor Inquiry Card We Salute these Texas Certified Fabricators-Installers: Houston San Antonio G & S Insta llation Marble Masters of Texas Southwest Kitchen & Bath Systems Rhapsody Brass Salos Venetian Blind and Floor Co. Universal Form Tops Dallas Austin DuPre Industries Classic Marbl<' Co. Goodall Distributors Tyler Ashcrall & Sou t1 1orn Marble Toxn.,11 Archi1cc1; ,, publi:,l1t!.d .u·x 1imt., )'fatly hy ti,, 'rr w., S,,rin;~ !>/ A,·,·hiu,,·,:t, 1if}klnl nr­ CONTENTS - ,:m,J:111lfw ,if 1/u-r~xos Rt1:ion ofth r, Amui­ r,m 1,uli/1111! ofArcltil c•(,:l.,·( Dovfd Lom.:atlt'r, CAii, l::.u:rmfllt v,,·e Prtsident). Copyright /Y81i /,y r/.e r,xas Society ofArt·l1/1<m . ASSOCIATE l'UBLISHF.ll Charlts E. G11llt11it1 EDITOR Jr,,-/ Wan't'II /Jtm,n ASSOCIA1'll llPlTOII Hm, Utm TIii,,, f'IIU'l 11 A'I ION MANAGER Hh A;;,/, 11111,.A, Mt\ WINNERS OF THE TEXAS ARCHITECT GRAPHICS COMPETITION AllVHll'l1SINO REPRESENTATIVE ,.,.,, lt'rm11rr-Wf#.UI t 'rnn1111 nll<r 4 /.,tn; llmt11t1,H LETTERS l'LIIILl(.l\'I IONN s1inur rARY l\'t,,,h,, "' J ,,,,,,,,, EDITOR'S PAGE 7 'l'SA 1'11111.ICA'l'IONS COMMITl'EE: /lu"/1 t.'11nnl11Jfl,u,,,. Du.llas (cltui,·mtm}; Si,,: 8 Ami l 'tmlJrrt1111~1/1111Hlr, AJA. Sm, Auumio: NEWS ( ',ui~ l(,;Jmi•,•, AJA , At'fJusrrm; Oilhrn llujjrru,11, AIA, llnrw,m: Rr,lh•n S1rf11ba11wr. Officials in Houston and Dallas consider buildinR downtown /\l/\ , A11,1tlll, W/1/lt W/11/m, /\//\, 1}111/11,1; I.Im"' r,01,m-1,, ll1nutm,,· N,•swr lllfw1:01J , malls; A winner is chosen in Austin's Congress Avenue bridge All\ l)ul/t1li, C. Mtui Sci/,:y. AJA . Dalla.'f .' 1 lighting competition; Design-awards winners are named by the JttJ/1 fl)! r, /i,tu,·. A/A, Sm, Ammuo West Texas, Fort Worth , and Northeast Texas chapters. 8 ( 'ON'l'Rlllln'INO 1mn'ORS. Dm•lrl 111,11/r,,, {/\Iii, /)111/n, , Om•ld D/11011, Dalla.,; s,r,,f,fll Fot•. llt#IJ'/1111 ; l,1rr,v <Jot>tl, A/A, ISSUE FOCUS 19 IMllwu /JlJll,'llllS """''"Y· AJA, Sa11 t\11 1011io,· flrwt.l Mnm lwml, AIA, llou.\wrr; Oaw,I Wt,,wl, ,n•k, AM, H/IJA, Cullt1,:r Swtltm WINNERS OF THE FIRST 'I'S/\ OFFICURS: Ray n . Dalley. f'J\J,\, 1'EXAS ARCHITECT GRAPHICS COMPETITION 20 lllm,,h)n, 1-'rt:,rldtmt: Jim Dhdu·. Amurillo. JJr,'iMrut·ElrN: ,/0111,•.r Pflugn. Atmi11, Vice Associate editor Ray Don Tilley describes the jury, the process, /'1rndr11f/ 11/11 Sm/rt,, f,',11,1 , l)alltJ,r, Vic< l'r-rvfdn11,• l .ttHll'·rt,/mlu II, Ho11sw11. Viet and the results of this first-time statewide comest. l1u ,,ltln11 ,· Rwmlr WtH>tt'Jt , Fort Wurth, Vic, ,.,,.,1,1,.,a,•Gro rw~ C/oMtt:r. Corpu.t Christr'. Stt ''t'lm''J',' ll. Dtm Emtr,wn, Austfo, Trr.,L,'­ THE CAPITOL COMPETITION AND rrs LEGACY 30 ur'tfr; l>rwul l,.1mcm ·tcr . CAE.Ausri,1, £xec11 , ,,,.,. Vfrr l'r,m,J,,111 The yuung architeclltral profession ofJOO years ago both needed ·r.~I\ 1101\llD OF DIRECTORS: Rick and despised the era's questionable arclzitectw·at competitionsfor 1V,•mhm (. "IJilt·nt Cltupll!t : Dmtald E. Dick• "':um, Awm·,llr, Clmpter: Ear/ Ne,fhi't,. t\u.,·tm public projects. Historian Marlene Elizabeth Heck shows how the ( '/11 11,trr .' ('Jwrlh' 8t11Tl,t, Brrno,'f C haplt:r: competition for design of the Texas Capitol, along with Elijah E. Ill// r IVllw,11 II, l'"fl"'-' Christi Chapt,r; NI, Jrm t1 fi. M11rsa11 , Dalla, C)fll/J/M'; James Myers, its winner~ were central to architecture's dilemma. A 11'11/fi,rd, £1 Pa.ro CJ,apttr; /larvey Y,um~hlom/, Fort Wor1h CffllJllr.r; William IV, /lull, No11.Wm Chapr,r, R11do/pJ, V, OLD AND NEW IN SHREVEPORT 36 t imm'.', /JJWt!f RloGruudtr Vfll/ey C luJ/ltt:.r: J. Ml, lw,,Jl.,tmtlre ,t,,. /.J1hhrx:t Chaptu ,· Gernltl Gensler and Associates/Architects unifies a new rower and historic II 11,'1(: , Norll,ea:ll Te.xas Cl,opter; Camly tt l't trr.tm,. Smt Arrttmio Clm11tt'r,' S. Mur1,l1y banking hall for Commercial National Bank, Shreveport. l <w}fhl. ,')c,mhrnsr Tems Ch1tpl11r,· Jo,wqJ/1 H,,w,Jr, \Vt1(0 Clrt1plt'r,' Jmm:s H. Rltot't!II· /1,, 1·v1 1,, • Wf'H 'ft'ws Clwptt!r; Don G. BOOKS 38 /l•m•hr•//i, W/1'11/tu f"alls Cha,,1,r; Dr. BIU J l 1il,(ll, /)11/I" ' ll'uhllt Mtmber) Co,uributing editor Gerald Moorhead reviews fala:mic Architec­ ( m,r,-,,11"'11·u1·ulml1111 postage paid 01 Ausri,, ture and Dierdre Vivian reviews Successful Restaurant Design. ,,ttfl mMftfm,,1/ mul/Ju,: r,Oin:,,. P()S'l"MAt;- 1M< ~\1,i111I mJ,l; r,n dumgt11 to Tc.xi~ Archi- CERAMIC TILE A WARDS 1989 41 1• 111 I 1'I IV11i,11th Strret. Suite /4(H.), Au.\'titt, 20 ,,..,,, l n1"1 frtr11t11111r: /5121<178 -7186. In this special advertising section we present the winners of the \ ,,/,,, , .,,,.. ,,, ,,,,.. lo .,~(HI,,,,, \'Nlr /111· rs,1 ,11;,mf111, t ,l•td lllf /JU to, 11wu11t1mlH'.'r,, with 1989 awards competition sponsored by the Ceramic Tile I nsiitute ~,.ldti WII' ii 111,11, 1hr I ,udlfh!tWII 1/1111('(/ ofNorth Texas. " ' '''' u,1•,1i.f111111 111 ,,, 1111 m JM1t ,if ,•dim· , 11111 mm1m wr,1111111 11'1 ,,,, ,. ,,,., n1wmm IV I'' 11/1/1/Upl fl~, 11/ 1111,,11 • 1H#lt,t111xr, 1,jprct1 I· - MUSINGS: THE POULTRENON 54 1111,, ,1111/ .r11•1, t, IH ,l//1n r,/11,11111/ 111 .,,,,.,., thl11ij •lw1~ 1••-'' , 11,;tlll•iJ.1 •HI m,11,11 ~,wu11•1!I v I .\Aw AIA1 ,11,1 1lu,•., t'om111 f'llll /l1'1 r A1u1II,• I 1itfr1 I IHI 1•l/11 lt1f 11/UIJ/fl/l Of ,.lllitl W Jlllll/rt1 11,,,, ON THE COVER: San Fer­ COMING UP: A portfolio of l ~//N ' INH/1,,/170 nando Cathedral, a color-pen­ new and n01eworthy Texas \f.-m/,r,. /Jtwm1sr 11,,h/ltm,wu cil sketch by Matthew K. Mor­ houses, and a special adver­ 1mli, f '{ ('trnrlmm,r, /ur ris(~/' Ford, Powell & Carson, tising section on kitchens and l .-,111 t\11J l1hn:1 ,,, ,-,,n,to~uc,I lty 11, ,, Aw·,,r Im·., San Antonio, a winner of baths. IHII, , uJ A,•,•M,~1·11,rol Ptril'uli1•ul,J tw11Jl11hlr 1/1(' TA Graphics Competition. Ill JIIIIJ,11 llhWt'ICS, 30 '/ 1•1,11 A1 1'/tl11•c1 March · April 1989 3 LETTERS . C\ THORO l TaoRoJ SYSTEM \______./4 CORRECTION: FRS Design Group, Inc .. EDITOR: [t is flatteri ng to have an image PRODUCTS of Fort Worth is architect of record for Lhc of one 's work featured on the cover of new Tarrant County Justice Center (see Texas Architect, [butl it is disappointing Texas Dealers "News," TA Jan/Feb '89). Williams+ Tan­ d1at the identity of those responsible is aka, as consul tant, was n:sponsit>lc for omitted. If a bui lding had been featured on Be.~I Sl!r vice Building :vtmeriab schematic design and design clcvc lopmenl. the cover, the architect and contractor P.O. Box 17'.179 Sun J\n101110. "Jcxns 7K117 T he project budgcl wns $33.5 mi llion, but would have been identified.
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