W. R. GRACE MATERIALSAFEW DATASHEET ProductName: Polarset@ MSDSlD Number:D-05980 MSDSDate: 1111212004 sEcTrQl!1 - GHEMICALPRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION ProductName: Polarset@ MSDSNumber: D-05980 CancelledMSDS Number: D-05574 MSDSDate: 11t1212004 ChemicalFamily Name: CalciumNitrate/Nitrite Based Solution Product Use: ConcreteSet and StrengthAccelerator ChemicalFormula: Mixture-NA CAS# (ChemicalAbstractsService Mixture-NA Number): Manufacturedby: W.R.Grace& Co.-Conn. GraceCanada, Inc. 62 WhittemoreAvenue 294 ClementsRoad West Cambridge,MA 02140 Ajax,Ontario LIS 3C6 In Caseof EmergencyCall: In USA: (617)876-1400 In Canada:(905) 683-8561 sEcTtoN2 - coMPoslTloNllNFoRMATlONON INGREDIENTS Inqredient CAS# Percent(max) Calciumbromide 00778941-5 1-10 Calciumnitrate a1u24-37-5 10-25 Calciumnitrite 013780-06-8 10-25 DiethvleneGlvcol 000111-46-6 1-10 Methvldiethanolamine 000105-59-9 1-10 SECTION3. HAZARDSIDENTIFICATION EmerqencvOverview: Warning! Causessevere eye irritation. Causesskin irritation. May be fatal if ingested. May causeliver and kidneydamage. May causesensitization. Potentialfor hazardousgas to be formed. HMISRatinq: Health: 3 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0 PersonalProtective Equipment: B (SeeSection 8) PotentialHealth Effects: lnhalation: Acuteinhalation not expectedto resultin adverseeffects. lf inhaledas a vaporor mist,causes irritation, sore throat, coughing and breathingdifficulty. PageI of6 W. R. GRACE MATERIALSAFETY DATA SHEET ProductName: Polarset@ MSDSlD Number:D-05980 MSDSDate: 1111212004 Effectsinclude: Nausea, headache, dizziness, coughing and shortnessof breath. Eye Contact: Eyecontact can causesevere irritation. Prolongedeye contactcan resultin tissuedamage. Skin Contact: Skincontact causes irritation. Prolongedskin contact can resultin irritationcausing redness and itching May causesensitization. Skin Absorption: Not exoectedto be harmfulif absorbe,lthrot.tch ihe skin. Ingestion: Harmfulor fatal if ingested. Effectsinclude: Drowsiness, nausea, pain, vomiting, diarrhea, ihirst, circulatory collapse and coma. Diethylene& Ethyleneglycol can cause liver and kidneydamage. Large amounts of nitrates/nitritesmay causenausea, vomiting, cyanosis (due to methemoglobinformation), abnormallyslow respiration,collapse, coma and death. Repeatedsmall doses may causea fall in bloodpressure, rapid pulse, headache and visual disturbances. SECTION4 . FIRSTAID MEASURES: Skin Contact: Washwith soapand water. lf discomfortor irritationpersists, consult a physician. Removecontaminated clothing and wash beforereuse. Eye Contact: Fiusheyes with waterfor at least 15 minuteswfiiie holdingeyelids open. Get immediatemedical attention. Ingestion: Do notinduce vomiting. Nevergive anything by mouthto an unconsciousperson. Calla physicianor poisoncontrolcenter immediately. lnhalation: lf symptomsdevelop, get freshair. tf symp'i(,\j')r.'J\ersist, i.:nsult a physician. lf breathinghas stopped,give artificialres6;:raticr-' then oxygerrif needed. SECTION5. FIREAND EXPLOSIONHAZARD DATA FlashPoint: NotApplicable FlashPoint Method: Aqueous/lnorganic Lower Explosion Limit: Not Available UpperExplosion Limit NotAvailable Auto-lgnition Temperature: Not Available NFPARatinq: Health: 1 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0 Extinguishing Media: ln case of fire, usewater spray, dry chemical,Carbon dioxide or foam. SpecialFire FightingProcedures: Wear self-containedbreathing apparatus and completepersonal protective equipment when potentialfor exposureto vaporsor oi"Dductsof comtrristionexist. Watermay be usedto cool containersto preventpressure build-up anu possibleauto-ignition or explosion.Avoid breathing P::. I I (r W. R. GRACE MATERIALSAFETY DATA SHEET ProductName: Polarset@ MSDSlD Number:D-05980 MSDSDate: 11112/2004 hazardousvapors or productsof combustion,keep upwind. lsolatearea and keepunnecessary peopleaway. Preventrun-off from fire controlor dilutionfrom enteringstreams or drinkingwater supplies. Nospecial procedures specific to thisproduct. UnusualFire and Explosion Hazards: . Thismaterial, if driedto a solidpowder-like form, will become an oxidizer,which may provide oxygento combustiblematerials. SECTION6 - ACCIDENTALRELEASE MEASURES: Spills/Leaks: Use properpersonal protective equipment. Do not flushto seweror allowto enterwatenrays Keepunnecessary people away. Do not dry this material.lf driedto a solid powder-likeform, this productwould be an oxidizer, and classifiedas a reactivewaste according to the EPA (40 CFR S 261.3)Liquid waste is not classifiedas hazardousby the EPA. Containand/or absorb spill with inert material (i.e. sand, vermiculite) then place in a suitable container.For large spills, dike area and pumpwaste material into closed containers for disposal or reclamation. SECTION7 - HANDLINGAND STORAGE PrecautionaryMeasures: Sprayapplications are not recommended.Wear approvedrespiratory protection if spraymist is created.Do not mix directlywith acidicmaterials. Do not mix directlywith otheradmixtures. Hazardousgas may form. Avoidcontact with eyes,skin and clothirrq. Practicegood personalhygiene to avoidingestion. Useonly with adequate ventilation. Washclothing before reuse. FORPROFESSIONAL USE ONLY. KEEPOUT OF CHILDREN'SREACH. SECTION8 . EXPOSURECONTROLS AND PERSONALPROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT EXPOSUREGUIDELINES (US) lnoredient ACGIHTLV OSHAPEL Other TWA STEL Ceilino TWA STEL Ceilino Calciumbromide Calciumnitrate Calciumnitrite DiethvleneGlvcol Methyldiethanolamine EXPOSUREGUIDELINES {CANADA) Employersshould consult local Provincial regulatory limits for exposureguidelines which may vary locally. EnsineerinqControls: Notgenerally required. PersonalProtective Eo uipment: RespiratoryProtection: Respiratoryprotection is not normallyrequired. However, a chemical cartridgerespirator with organicvapor cartridge and a prefilterfor dusts/mitsis requiredat or abovethe applicableexposure limits (Consult above Exposure Guidelines). lf no limitsexist, use an approvedrespirator whenever a vaporor mist is generatedor if respiratoryirritation occurs. Page3 of6 W. R. GRACE MATERIALSAFETY DATA SHEET ProductName: Polarset@ MSDSlD Number:D-05980 MSDSDate: 1111212004 ure|eve|sabovethecapabi|itiesofachemical cartridgerespirator. Skin ploteciion: Rubberor otherimpervious gloves should be wornto preventskin contact. Eyeprotection: At minimum,safety glasses with side shields should be wornwhere exposure to excessivedust or sPraYis likelY. Work/HygienicPractices: Use good personalhygiene practices' Do not aOOamines to this produCt.Cancer-causing nitrosamines may be formed.Direct contact with otheradmixtures, washwater and any othermaterial causing the pH to fall below specificationcan resultin the formationof NOx gas creatinga hazardoussituation' Nitric oxide (NO)is a colo4ess,ordorless gas. Nitrogendioxide (NOr) is a reddish-browngas with a highly systemand irun6ent,bleach-like odor. Exposurecan causeirritation to eyes and respiratory effeit tne centralnervous and cardiovascularsystems. Severeoverexposure can be fatal. This hazarddoes not existwhen mixedwith otheradmixtures in concrete. SECTION9. PHYSICALAND CHEMICALPROPERTIES Physical State: Liquid Appearance/Odor: Lightgreen, clear liquid with no significantodor Odor Threshold:(ppm) Not Established pH: 8.0- 10.0 VaporPressure: (Mm Hg) -15 @ 25'C Estimated VaporDensity: (Air= 1) 1.0 Solubilityln Water: Complete Specific Gravity: (Water= 1) 1.3- 1.4 EvaporationRate: (ButylAcetate = 1) LessThan 1 BoilingPoint: -225"F1108'C Viscosity: Unknown Bulk Density:(Pounds/Cubic NotApplicable Foot)(Pcfl % Vofatiles(gr/L): (70"F) (21"C) -60% (As Water) SECTION10, STABILITYAND REACTIVITY ChemicalStability: Stable ConditionsTo Avoid: Strongacids, Organic materials, Ammonium salts, Activated carbon,Reducing agents, Cyanides, Most metals, ammonia, hydrazineand Avoiddirect contact with otheradmixtures and anyother material which could cause the pH of thisproduct to fallbelow8.0. Those conditions can resultin the formationof Nitrogenoxide (NO, NO2) gas, creating a hazardoussituation.. HazardousPolymerization : Will not polymerize. HazardousDecomposition Oxidesof nitrogen. Products: SECTION11 . TOXICOLOGICALINFORMATION Inqredient(Nodata unless listed.) CAS Number LD50 and LC50 Calciumbromide 007789-41-5 OralLD50 Rat : 4100mg/kg Calciumnitrate 010124-37-5 OralLD50Rat: 302mg/kg DiethyleneGlycol 00011146€ OralLD50 Rat: 12565mg/kg;Oral LD50Mouse : 23700mg/kg Methyldiethanolamine 000105-59-9 OralLD50 Rat:4780 mg/kg;Dermal LD50Rabbit: 5990 ul/kg CalciumNitrite 013780-06-8 OralRat LD50: 283 mgikg Page4 of6 W. R. GRACE MATERIALSAFETY DATA SHEET ProductName: Polarset@ 't111212004 MSDSlD Number:D-05980 MSDSDate: Carcinoqenicitv: OSHA Ingredient IARC IAKU IARC NTP NTP Grorrn 1 Group 2A Grouo28 Known Susoect Calciumbromide No No No No No No No Calciumnitrate No No No No No Calciumnitrite No No No No No No No DiethyleneGlycol No No No No No No Methyldiethanolamine No No No No No Mutagenicity: Notapplicable. Teratogenicity: Not applicable. ReproductiveToxicitY: Notapplicable. SECTION12 - ECOLOGICALINFORMATION EnvironmentalFate: No data availablefor Product. Ecotoxicity: No data availablefor Product. SECTIONI3 - DISPOSALCONSIDERATIONS Waste DisPosalProcedures: Consultalliegulations (federal, state, provincial, local) or a qualifiedwaste disposal firm when characterizingwaste for disposal.According to EPA(40 CFR S 261),waste of thisproduct is not definedas hazardous.Dispose of wastein accordancewith all applicableregulations. Do notdry this material. lf driedto a solidpowder-like form, this material would be an oxidizer and classifiedas a reactivewaste
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