E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 No. 22 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was tion, and that is the $28 million a day Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, called to order by the Speaker. we are spending to rebuild Afghani- one of the few areas where Washington f stan. We could use that $28 million a agrees with the general public is that day to fix our own roads and our own our current path is not sustainable. It MORNING-HOUR DEBATE schools right here in America. is not merely a case of spending too The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the Yesterday on C–SPAN, I heard the much or taxing too little, although we order of the House of January 3, 2013, Special Inspector General for Afghan need to control spending and we must the Chair will now recognize Members Reconstruction, John Sopko, speak and will be raising revenue to meet the from lists submitted by the majority about how much money we are spend- needs of an aging and growing popu- and minority leaders for morning-hour ing in Afghanistan and the fact that it lation. debate. is impossible to give the American tax- The key is to do business differently, The Chair will alternate recognition payers an account of where the money to extract more value out of our pro- between the parties, with each party is going. I think Mr. Sopko and his grams. We need to have the courage to limited to 1 hour and each Member team are doing the best they can; but pivot, to do things better, to not follow other than the majority and minority taxpayers are still being shortchanged, the reflex of the usual economic and leaders and the minority whip limited especially with the looming issue of se- political groups fighting to continue to to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall questration and a pending continuing protect the status quo and the con- debate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. resolution. tinuing trend lines. In a world already impacted by cli- f I hope that my colleagues in the House can join in the effort to bring mate change and global weather insta- AFGHANISTAN our troops home by the end of 2013 and bility, these forces are going to inten- The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes to put an end to the wasteful spending sify. One of the best examples of why the gentleman from North Carolina in Afghanistan. Most importantly, we must change is how we deal with re- (Mr. JONES) for 5 minutes. above all else, put an end to the loss of engineering nature as a response to Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, this past American lives. I will quote from my natural disasters. Sunday when I turned 70 years of age, friend, former commandant of the I salute Governor Cuomo for the use I read in the North Carolina paper, United States Marine Corps: of some of the Hurricane Sandy money known as the News and Observer, the What do you say to the mother, father, from the Federal Government to move article that I would like to quote: wife of the last soldier or marine killed in people out of harm’s way, not just Afghanistan? More than 100 family members, friends and throw good money after bad by relo- uniformed servicemembers marched slowly My question is, Was it worth it? My cating and rebuilding in exactly the and quietly Friday down a hill at Arlington answer is, No, not one life is worth it same way, in exactly the same place, National Cemetery following Army Sergeant to be lost in Afghanistan. It is time to where nature repeatedly shows that Aaron X. Wittman’s coffin, draped with an bring our troops home. people are not wanted. American flag and carried on a horse-drawn Mr. Speaker, this poster beside me I was before the Rules Committee ar- caisson. shows a casket on top of a caisson get- guing for greater reform in the Federal Mr. Speaker, there are probably not ting ready to walk to the grave at Ar- spending, but the Governor is pointing many Members of Congress or Ameri- lington National Cemetery. in the right direction. cans who know that Sergeant Wittman May God continue to bless our This week we are watching another became the first American to lose his troops, our men and women in uniform. chapter in the same drama play out in life in Afghanistan in 2013. May God continue to bless America. the lower Mississippi, where there is an I do not know how many more Amer- And please, God, touch the hearts of argument to continue the self-defeat- icans will have to die between now and those in the House and let’s bring our ing effort to fortify the Mississippi the end of 2014. One American life is al- troops home in 2013. River, closing a gap in the levee, spend- ready one too many. We have done f ing hundreds of millions of dollars to enough in Afghanistan. It will never prevent an area in the flood plain from change, as history has proven time and MISSISSIPPI RIVER LEVEE flooding every now and then. time again. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. The Federal Government has already Obviously, there is nothing more im- HULTGREN). The Chair recognizes the made periodic flooding in that area as portant than an American life. But gentleman from Oregon (Mr. BLU- part of its relief valve, to take the ex- there is a second part of this sad situa- MENAUER) for 5 minutes. cess water and avoid more flooding b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H433 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:30 Feb 12, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12FE7.000 H12FEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H434 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 12, 2013 elsewhere. Failing to allow nature to Union address to a joint session of Con- economic growth in countries like take its course invites a bigger disaster gress. Greece and Spain and other parts of as more and more water is forced into Article ll, Section 3 of the Constitu- the European Union. the narrow fortified walls of the Mis- tion requires that the President, who- President Obama took office on Jan- sissippi. ever it may be, shall, from time to uary 20, 2009, and the Nation’s total Think about how we have shortened time, give to Congress information on debt on that day was $10.6 trillion. and narrowed that river. We haven’t re- the State of the Union. George Wash- Today, it is over $16.5 trillion. The duced the amount of water; we’ve just ington, the first President, addressed President has drastically increased this reduced the areas where it can go. It the joint session of Congress, but country’s debt in a mere 4-year span; in makes the inevitable flooding worse. Thomas Jefferson and each succeeding fact, it has increased by over 45 per- Building a levee is simply going to President up until 1913 presented a cent. However, it should be pointed out move it a little further downstream. written statement of the State of the that he and he alone is not responsible The solution is to allow the river to Union to the House and Senate. So for all this dramatic increase in debt. go where nature wants it, not encour- from 1801 until 1913, Presidents sub- Every person that has served in the age farmers to cultivate even more mitted a written State of the Union, U.S. Congress in the recent past or land that will be vulnerable to crop and on April 8, 1913, Woodrow Wilson, today, House Members and Senate loss, more disaster relief, more crop in- like George Washington, addressed a Members, are also responsible for the surance loss, and to take away increas- joint session of Congress, and that has spending that we have approved. Also, ingly scarce wildlife habitat for the been the manner of our State of the those people who serve in the executive millions of Americans who would like Union by every President since, with branch of government are also respon- to hunt and fish. Done right, this can the exception of Herbert Hoover. sible. be a virtuous cycle. It saves tax dol- Today, I am asking for another little Just to give you a few examples, 9 or lars, improves the environment, re- change in the State of the Union. I 10 months ago, the Department of En- duces the damage from flooding and all think that we should consider a re- ergy built about 12 new buildings over the attendant costs. quirement that the President, on a day here on The Mall, across from the Jef- It is a classic example of where the that coincides with the State of the ferson Memorial, for a solar exhibit. It Federal Government should learn from Union, also have the Federal Govern- stayed there for about 10 months, and 200 years’ experience of trying to engi- ment make a formal declaration of na- then it was torn down. No one really neer the Mississippi River and instead tional debt.
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