An Independent Newspaper Come On In! Our office is located in the Greenbelt Community Center. Use the entrance facing the Municipal Building. go up the inside steps to the first door on the left ews Review (Room 100). Volume 60, Number 14 15 Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887 Thursday, February 27, 1997 New Initiatives Reduce Criine Chief Craze Tells Democrats by James Giese funds for the purchase of much During Fiscal Year 1996, there "Community policing is the of the equipment used by the were five business break.fasts with way in which municipal police unit, and a COPS FAST federal area business owners/managers to have always done their job. It is grant was obtained to fund 75% discuss their mutual law enforce­ nothing new," Greenbelt Chief of of an officer's salary and benefits. ment concerns, which gave the Police James Craze told the Citizen's Academy department feedback and helped Greenbelt Democratic Club at its The Chief is particularly to initiate interaction among the February 21 meeting at the pleased about the success of the participants, themselves. Greenbriar Community Center. Citizen's Police academy. "We Thievery The Chief described some of the have graduated over 100 in four The Chief admitted to the new community policing initia­ years," he reported. The academy group that he was guilty of tives introduced by the depart­ has been a two-way learning op­ theft-he had stolen the idea for ment in the past five or six years. portunity. "We have learned so a school resource officer from a At that time the Chief sent two much from the citizens attending;' department in Florida. The of his lieutenants, John Lann and he said, adding that this had re­ county police department now has Michael Craddock, down lo sulted in changes to the format of a school resource officer program Charleston, South Carolina, where the academy. A number of people patterned after Greenbelt's. The Charleston's Chief Greenberg had Chief commended David Buerger undertaken more than I 00 commu­ who is serving as the school re­ nity initiatives. "We've tried some "The Chief admitted to the source officer at Eleanor of those," said Craze, "but not all." group that he was guilty of Roosevelt High School. "David Some of these initiatives in­ is a very special guy - I am cluded: bicycle patrols; contracts theft ... " proud to have him in our organi­ with properly owners to act as zation," he said, but added, "We agents to address loitering and in the audience were recognized have 40-some David Buergers in On to the Internet! Beth and Bill Novick present Principal trespassing problems: the citizen's for having attended the program. our police department." Carolyn Goff (center) of Greenbelt Elementary School with a $500 police academy; business break­ ow the department is work­ The most costly and compli­ grant from the Mobil Educational Alliance. The money will be fasts with groups such as busi­ ing with Dr. Gerald Boarman, cated new police program is the principal of Eleanor Roosevelt used to buy a printer for the school's Internet system. nessmen, the clergy, and apart­ recently installed computer system. • photo by Prospero Zevallos ment rental agents; and police High School, to establish a youth Based on a study perfonned by the substations at the Beltway Plaza citizen's academy. The depart­ Police Executive Research Forum, and in Greenbelt East at the ment plans to run two of those a the system will include computer­ Windsor Green Community year, along with the two-a-year aided dispatching. The program, Novicks Secure Mobil Grant Building. classes offered to adults. which will cost around $300,000, "I've received many compli­ Craze told the audience that will be implemented in three For Greenbelt Elementary ments from citizens on seeing the the substation at the Beltway phases and be paid for over a five­ by O'Dea bicycle patrols," he told the Plaza has proved to be very ef­ year period. Millie smiled as he said, "It has always group. Nine officers have been fective. Crime at the shopping The department has recently On February 5 a grant from been a Mayberry type gas station. trained in the nuances of bicycle center has decreased by more replaced its handguns, which the Mobil Educational Alliance We still use the old slogan in our patrolling, which supplements pa­ than 60% in the two years since were over ten years old, with was presented by Beth and Bill ads that originated with Woody, trol by vehicle, the bicycles being the substation opened. The ex­ new weapons paid for by for­ Novick to Carolyn Goff, principal 'as near as your neighbor."' Ev­ carried on the backs of the cruis­ ception is shoplifting, which is feited drug money. of the Greenbelt Elementary eryone who works at the station ers. Area businesses donated more difficult to control. See CHIEF CRAZE, page 13 School, at an honor roll assembly either lives or has lived in of third and fourth graders and Greenbelt. their parents. Novick is a long-time As operators of the Mobil Greenbelter. His parents moved Hunting· Ridge Residents Greenbelt Service Center, the here in 1956. His mother, Gita, Novicks attended a Mobil semi­ who was born in India, came to nar on "How to Improve Com­ the states to attend the University Concerned about Traffic munity Involvement." They of Maryland, where she met and by Dennis Jelalian ficulty turning left onto Hanover cessfully sued the city because learned that, in a nationwide sur­ married Bill's father, John, whose The February GEAC meeting Parkway because of the traffic she claimed the stop sign vey, Mobil found that customers grandparents were first generation was held on Feb. 6 at the Hunt­ and its speed. Pedestrians also shouldn't have been there. Traffic listed education and community Russians. Bill was born in ing Ridge Community Center. have difficulty crossing the street. devices have to be planned and involvement as top priorities. As Greenbelt when they lived at 26 The group discussed traffic safety Several solutions were pro­ engineered in accordance with part of the seminar the Novicks Court Ridge. He attended in Greenbelt East, street lights posed by Wilson and others, in­ state regulations. were given a one-page form to Greenbelt Center Elementary, for Hanover Parkway, the devel­ cluding marking lanes, adding Gloria Bates and other resi­ fill out to request a $500 educa­ Greenbelt Junior High and opment of Commerce Center II, yellow safety lines, adding a dents complained that there is no tional grant for the school of their Parkdale. Bill began working at the Sixtieth Anniversary and sign, changing lane widths, add­ safe place to wait for a bus, or to choice. the station in 1973, pumping gas heard a presentation on the his­ ing tum lanes, adding a stop sign board or alight from one. Putens Within two months they had there when Woody Love was the Lory of zoning in Greenbelt East or a stop light. City suggested that the city should ask received the grant in the fonn of owner. by city Planning and Develop­ Councilmember Edward Putens Metro to provide adequate facili­ a check to the Greenbelt Elemen­ Beth's father, who retired from ment Director Celia Wilson. pointed out that the city needs to ties. However, Wilson pointed tary School. The school will use the Navy as a Lt. Commander, Traffic Safety proceed cautiously. There was a out that Metro wants the city to the money to buy a printer as was stationed in Annapolis in Members of the Board of Di­ case in Baltimore where a buy similar facilities for part of their Internet system to 1976 when she met Bill at the rectors and residents of Hunting woman ran a stop sign and sue- See GEAC, page 10 communicate with other schools. Mobil station. A Mayberry type Ridge came to the meeting to ex­ Interested in promoting oppor­ gas station - yes! They married press their concerns about the tunities for other Mobil stations in 1980, live in Greenbelt and safety of traffic at the entrance to What Goes On to obtain grants for their area have two sons, Jacob, 15, and Hunting Ridge from Hanover Mon., March 3, 7 p.m. Recycling Advisory Committee, Com­ schools, the Novicks spoke with Ben, 12. Parkway. According to William munity Center. the Mobil Marketing Representa­ Beth taught in the Prince Parker and others, southbound 8 p.m. Council Work Session with State Highway Administra­ tive who handles the Prince George's County school system traffic on Hanover Parkway has tion (SHA), Municipal Bldg. George's County area. The rep­ for a number of years. Recently trouble turning right into Hunting Tue., March 4, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Anacostia Watershed Soci­ resentative reported that out of 28 she responded to a call from the Ridge because high speed traffic ety Meeting Re: Intercounty Connector, Municipal Bldg. stations in the county, as of now Friends Community School in following them will not slow Wed., March 5, 10 a.m. Celia Wilson and Sharon Bradley­ 12 individual operators have ap­ College Park, which Ben attends, down to allow the tum. North­ Papp Meeting with Roosevelt Center merchants, Adult Art Room, plied for Mobil grants. and is now teaching one class of bound traffic has difficulty mak­ Community Center. Mobil owned the property math. ing the left turn into Hunting 7:30 p.m. Advisory Planning Board, Community Center where the Mobil station and Beth and Bill together sponsor Ridge because southbound traffic 8 p.m.
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