TLbc ^ale8tine (5a3ette No. 667 THURSDAY!pubttsbe, 18Tb H FEBRUARYButbortt, 193s 7 147 CONTENTS Page BTLL PUBLISHED FOR INFORMATION 149־ - - - - Dead Sea Concession Bill, 1937 GOVERNMENT NOTICES Notices of Enactment of Ordinances Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of 1937 . - 165 Notice regarding the Order and Form of Loyal Toasts - - 166 Appointments, etc. ------ 166 Medical Licences, etc. - - - - - - 167 Land Valuers' Licences - - - - 167 Guide to the Historical Site of Sebastieh, on Sale - - - 167 Claims for Destroyed Currency Notes - 167 ־ Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts - - - . 168 ־ Citation Orders - - - - 168 170־ - - - . Court Notice Notice of Haifa Execution Office - - - - -170 RETURNS ־ Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary 170 ־ - - - Wreck and Salvage - - 171 ־ REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS, ETC. 173 177־ - - - - - - CORRIGENDA SUPPLEMENT No. 1. ORDINANCES ENACTED Juvenile Offenders Ordinance, No. 2 of 1937 - 137 Supplementary Appropriation (1935-1936) Ordinance, No. 3 of 1937 - - 153 ־ - Municipal Corporations (Amendment) Ordinance, No. 4 of 1937 155 Notaries Public (Foreign Documents) (Amendment) Ordinance, No. 5 of 1937 - 156 Fisheries Ordinance, No. 6 of 1937 - 157 Fire Inquiry Ordinance No. 7 of 1937 - 163 (Continued) PRICE 30 MILS. CONTENTS ( Continued) Page SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation in •published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette:— Establishment of Courts (Amendment) Order, 1937, under the Palestine Order in ־ - _ _ - Council, 1922 - - - 79 Notice under the Criminal Code Ordinance, 1936, notifying all Taxes within the Meaning of the Taxes (Collection) Ordinance to be Liabilities for the Purpose ־ - of Section 145 of the Ordinance - - 80 Order No. 13 of 1937 under the Criminal Code Ordinance, 1937, applying the Provisions of Sections 90 and 91 of the Ordinance to the whole of Palestine with the 81־ ־ - ־ - exception of Tribal Areas Ports (Light Dues) (Amendment) Rules, 1937, under the Ports Ordinance - 81 Prohibition of Importation of Cattle (Syria and Lebanon) Rules, 1937, under the ־ - Animal Diseases Ordinance - - - 82 Order under the Animal Diseases Ordinance, declaring certain Localities to be Infected 82־ - - - Areas for the Purpose of the Ordinance Notice of Grant of Permit to publish a Newspaper, under the Press Ordinance - 83 Notice of Grant of Permit to keep a Printing Press, under the Press Ordinance - 83 Notices of Posting of Valuation Lists in the Urban Areas of Beit Sahur and Majdal, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance - - 84 Notice under the Rabies Ordinance, 1934, declaring the Municipal Area of Haifa to be 85־ - - •־ - infected with Rabies AGRICULTURAL SUPPLEMENT FOR FEBRUARY, 1937 18th February, 1937 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 149 NOTICE The follotoing DRAFT ORDINANCE is made public prior to enactment in accordance with Article 17 (1) (d) of the Palestine Order-in-Council, 1922, as amended by Article 3 of the Palestine (Amendment) Order-in-Council, 1923. A. L. KIRKBRIDE 18th February, 1937. Clerk to the Advisory Council. DRAFT AN ORDINANCE TO VALIDATE A CONCESSION FOR THE EXTRACTION OF SALTS AND MINERALS IN THE DEAD SEA IN SO FAR AS IT RELATES TO PALESTINE AND TO LANDS SITUATED THEREIN. BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine, with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof :— 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Dead Sea Concession Short title- Ordinance, 1937. 2. The Concession set out in the schedule to this Ordinance Concession shall be deemed to be and always to have been valid for all its pur• in schedule validated. poses in so far as it relates to Palestine and to lands situated there• in, and the High Commissioner is hereby vested and shall be deemed to have been vested as from the date of the Concession, with all such powers necessary for carrying out his part thereunder as may be properly exercised by him as High Commissioner for Palestine. SCHEDULE. CONCESSION For the extraction of salts and minerals in the Dead Sea (Dated 1st January, 1930.) PALESTINE AND TRANS-JORDAN. THIS DEED is made the First day of January 1930 between His Excellency SIR JOHN ROBERT CHANCELLOR, G.C.M.G. G.C.V.O. D.S.O. High Commissioner for Palestine and High Commissioner for Trans-Jordan for and on behalf of the Govern• ments of the said two countries (hereinafter called "the Government") by the Crown Agents for the Colonies of the one part and PALESTINE POTASH LIMITED a Company incorporated in England and having its registered office at 62 Pall Mall in the City of Westminster of the other part. WHEREAS- (1) The minerals of the Dead Sea form part of the natural resources of Palestine and Trans-Jordan and it is desired 150 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 18th February, 1937 to provide for the public control of any concession for the develop• ment thereof in the interests of the populations of Palestine and Trans-Jordan. (2) Palestine Potash Limited was incorporated in the year 1929 with the object (amongst others) of accepting this con• cession and fulfilling the obligations on the part of the Company herein contained. (B) The nominal capital of the Company is -6400,000 divided into 380.000 shares of £1 each and 400,000 shares of Is. each of which shares to the nominal value of not less than -6100,000 have been allotted for cash and are fully paid up or have been bona fide unconditionally subscribed for at par in cash payable in instal• ments by responsible parties. NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH and it is hereby covenanted agreed and declared as follows :- Definitions. i_ jn this Deed the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings that is to say - "The Government" means the Governments of Palestine and Trans-Jordan jointly. The person for the time being admi• nistering the Government of Palestine and acting as High Com• missioner for Trans-Jordan shall as regards anything to be done or suffered by the Government hereunder be regarded as a prin• cipal and shall be deemed to be empowered to bind the Govern• ments of the said two countries and to sue and be sued under the title of High Commissioner. "The Company" means Palestine Potash Limited and its permitted assigns. "The Plan" means the plan annexed hereto. "The Concession Lands" means the lands upon the north• western end of the Dead Sea shown on the attached plan (*) on which the northern and western boundaries are shown by a hard black line. Subejct to the exceptions specified in Clause 3 hereof the southern boundary is the water line of the Dead Sea and the eastern boundary is the west bank of the River Jordan. "The Undertaking" means the business of obtaining render• ing marketable selling and disposing of mineral salts minerals and chemicals under this Concession. "The Auditor" means the Auditor or Auditors for the time being of the Company. Demise of lands 2. The Government hereby grants and demises to the and rights. Company - FIRST The Concession Lands. SECONDLY The right to obtain by evaporation or other• wise howsoever the mineral salts minerals and chemicals in and beneath the waters of the Dead Sea and to render marketable sell and dispose of the same and so that in the event of the waters of the Dead Sea receding the right hereby granted to the Company shall extend to the area which may be left exposed by the reces• sion of the water from its present limits. THIRDLY The right to obtain fresh water required for the production of salt drinking washing or sanitary purposes and the (*) Not printed. 18th February, 1937 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 151 general purposes of the Undertaking and the Company's employees (subject to existing rights of user from the River Jordan or any convenient affluents to the Dead Sea and the River Jordan (but so that water power must not be used to generate electricity). FOURTHLY The right (subject to any existing) to bore for fresh water and subject to the Government's approval to quarry on-land not in private ownership for materials necessary for •the Undertaking and FIFTHLY The right to navigate vessels on the Dead Sea for purposes of the Company's business subject at all times to the Government Ordinances and regulations for the time being in force. To HOLD the same (subject to the exceptions and reservations set out in the next succeeding Clause hereof) unto the Company for the term of 75 years from the date hereof rendering and paying payable half-yearly on the 30th day 61־ therefor an annual rent of of June and the 31st day of December and the royalties and share of profits hereinafter reserved or made payable. Together with an additional annual rent not exceeding £150 payable half-yearly as above in respect of the area east of the claim line marked "A" on the plan which rent shall however be subject to a proportionate reduction in respect of any part of that area not already reserved to the Government under Clause 3 hereof which may at any time be given up by the Company as being not required for their purpose. 3. (a) There are excepted and reserved to the Government Reservations to out of the grant and demise hereinbefore contained :- Government. (i) A forest area 30 metres wide along the western bank of the River Jordan together with a strip 20 metres wide on the western boundary of the said forest area securing access from the north to the river mouth provided always that the Government will at the request of the Company grant them an easement for laying pipes or other channel across the said forest area and 20 metre strip for the purpose of conveying water from the Jordan for the purposes mentioned in Clause 2 (iii) hereof; (ii) A right of way for Government Officers and any persons authorised by the Government along the northern shore of the Dead Sea from the western boundary of the demised area to the mouth of the River Jordan.
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