' -'t Tha Weather I of o . s, weatiMi TUESDAY, APRIL *6rl9W Average Daily Net Preaa Run For the W eA Ended Caelae, April 28. I960 lutacler v a llm it It. Law am EIGHTEEN jMattrlfpgtfr lEwifnteg Iffralb 4e, tow aoa m m taterier val> toy*. - Tknndny mnasnr, little 13,101 mlldflr. ' High la den. Freedmans Head ment of rMoaroh for tb* Meinber ef tke Audit Ihe welfare oommlttaerf Ma^ Pond Elect^ President partment of Education. DnrMa et Olrealstlen Mtttichester-^A City of Village Charm diester Emblem Club * ill meet Beth Sholom Club Dr. Roos hM devised a ld»n Hove You An Event About Town at the home o f Mrs. S ^ u e l wbloh would provide 40 por cent P 1|IC B fIVS CENTS Vacantl, 101 Grandview St., to­ State aid for education to Connec­ (OlMriltod Advertlilaf am Page 92) Of Manchester Women’s Chib MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1960 ______ ' ..................... morrow at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Freedman ticut towns. He wUl explain ffie Scheduled Thot Calls VOL.-LXXK, NO. 177 (TWENTY-FOUB PAGES— IN TWO SECTIONS) dh plan at 8 o’clock in the tiwhars Club Auxiliary, ^bo to ^ were elected presMenta o f the new Temple Chapter, OES, will m ^ t Mr. and Mre. Club of the Temple lounge at Manchester High School. on tb« myatory rWe May 4, ara Mrs. Anthony Pond was elected to meet at tha cluWiouse at 6 tomorrow at 8 p.m. for initiation Both Sholom at a meeting Sunday For Food? to a 2-year term , as president of p.m. of candidates. Refreshments \^11 evening, „ ' „ be served by Mrs. Ruth Beckwith the Woman’s Club of Manchester Other officers are Mr. and Mrs. Rooms Decorated It may be a wedding, a ^ q u et or State News A. J. Himchfeld, vice prealdenta; Manchaater lodge and her committee. ( at the club’s annual meeting at get-together of a society, l o ^ or some friendly gronfk. Judge Stands Aside Hr. and Mrs. Loon Kramer, For Court Staff wlU meet tonight at 7:M. After Second Congregational Church last the bualnesa meeOng, a film on ^ Chapman Court, Order of Am­ treasurers: Dr. and Mrs. WE ARE R ou n d u p Ike Denies U.S. Provoked w r it of the Masonic S ^ c « aranth, will sponsor a ru m n ^ e night. Schaffer, secretaries. Officers wUl Three of the four offices In the TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION Assn. wiU be shown. There will be sale on Friday. May 6, at the Ma­ Nine past presidents were honor be installed May 15 at the Temple upstairs front of the police station Our catering service is set up to be IleEiblo a social hour with refreshments. sonic Temple. Members and guests at the meeting which also vestry. that will be occupied by officials In Suit on ReUioval East Hartford, April 27 (/P) friends who have articles to be accommodate any size gathertng. Why not caD nsand marked the 40th anniversary of of the new circuit court have been — Delegates representing Con­ picked up may call Mrs. Bewle redecorated, and the fourth Is the club. More than 150 members Powell to Speak talk over the details? necticut’s more than 150,000 Ferris, chairman, or Mrs, Gus .M - nearly done. derson. Articles 'may be left at tlw attended. Mrs. George Plumb of Police station custodians Wil­ Of Teamsters’ Hoffa Parent-Teacher Association TVsmifie Thursday evening, May 0. Terryvillfe, the club’s first pres­ At LWV Session liam Doyle snd WlUlam Leister members gathered at East LECLERC have filled In all the cracks In the Members of the Army-Naj^ ident from 1920 to 1923?* said that G a r d e n G r o v e Hartford High School today Anti- him later, then FUNERAL HOME when she was president, the organ­ Dr. Theodore Powell will speak walls and then painted the rooms Washington, April 27 for the start of the PTA’s Auxiliary who plan to go on the tonight at the workshop sponsored a Ught blue. All woodwork and PHONE^MI 3-7364 took Up ------ . mystery ride Mlay 4 are to make ization was known as the Mother's 60th annual state convention. by the Manchester League of Wom­ trim is white. Ml 3-8383 U.S. District Judge F. Dickin­ The ouster proceeding agaMt FUNERAL dinner ' reservations or arrange en Voters, instead of RockvlUe’s Doyle and Leister have done the son Letts today disqualified Hoffa Is a civil action. Involving Up to 1,000 delegates wers ex­ transportation by calling Mrs. Jan Club. pected for the several convention Other past presidents atten^ng Mayor Leo Flaherty, who has been work In conjunction vUth their reg­ no criminal charges. When court Everett. Mrs. Georgina l^nce, himself to hear a suit seeking cemvened, a half-dozen moves by sessions, all scheduled for the high lERVlCE were Mrs. J. B. Elliott. 1932-84; called out of town. ular custodial duties. Mrs. May Rowe, or Mrs. EJdlth the ouster of James R. Hoffa Hoffa to block or delay the case school, ending with a Thursday ' WALTEIR N. Mrs. O. L. Robinson, 1935-36; Mrs. Dr. Powell director of publica­ CGrstohGVs Ruling in South Kovou as president of the Teamsters night banquet LECLiBIRCi Wirtella. tions and public relations for the were pending. John Pickles, 1936-38; Mrs. Philip Connecticut Department Of Educa­ Hoffa tolda newamen he had no Among the group’s first consid- Director Emory. 1944-46; Mrs. Charles Union, . 9t. Jude Thaddeus Mothers Cir­ Mrs. Aiititony Pond tion, w u scheduled to speak last Judge l>tta, who celebrated hla comment on Letts’ stepping aside eraUons this morning were cle will meet at the home of Mrs. Baxter. 1952-54; Mrs. Edward week, but had to cancel hla talk as trial judge, but one Teametem lutions and nominations for 1960- Radtke of Simsbury. 1964-58, and 86th birthday y^terday.' decided Call Ml 9-5869 John J. Coy, 78 Scarborough Rd., Mrs. Donald Slroud presided at the because of a death in the family. te atand aalde becauae of a awom official said ’’there goes about M 61 officers. SS Main Street, Manchester Mrs. Paul Wllhide, 1956-58. Nominated for top posts were: Only Asked tonight at 8:15 o’clock. tea tables Also speaking tonight will be Dr. •tatement filed by Hoffa accualng per cent of the case against Hof- Officers elected to serve with him of no blaa and prejudice. fRr” President. Mrs. J. Edward Huh Takes Mrs. Pond are Mrs. Robert Johans­ The judge aald he did ao "with Judge L*tts explained that while SJolund, Norwalk: first vice presi­ I son. first vice president; Mrs. no thought or Intention of admit­ he was stepping aside as trial dent, Mrs. Harold Samuels, Deep Correction James McGovern, second vice pres­ ting the truth of the affidavit or judge he was retaining control over River; second vice president, Mrs. Control as ident; Mrs. Joseph L. Swensson, any part thereof.” , _ . , the supervision of the Teamsters Charles UUchor; third vice presi- recording secertary; Mrs. Albert Letta aent the caae to Chief Union monitorahip. dent. ’ ' Roy, corresponding secretary; Judge David A. Pine for aMlgn- “I shall retain control of other In a strongly-worded pair of Of Election Mrs. Richard Alton, treasurer. ment to another judge. resolutions offered for vote of the matters rtow pending and as they delegates, the PTA urges Gov­ Rhee Quits Also, Mrs. Elva Tyler and Mrs. Letts aaid that under federal arise In the main case," Letta said. RUMMAGE SALE George Meyer, publicity co-chair­ LAST rules of procedure hla nnly func­ ernor Riblcoff to appoint a study Washinsrton, April 27 (IP )--’ One of Hoffa’s blaa chargea was SPONSORED BV committee to review publlcaUon, By GENE KRAMER men: Mrs. Karl Kehler and Mrs. tion was to decide the legal suffi­ that Letta told Hugh Sldey. a mem­ President Eisenhower said to­ EAIANVEL LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN Ralph Belluardo, hospitality co- ciency of Hoffa’s affidavit. mailing and sale of indecent and day the United States had no ber of the Washington staff of obscene materials, and encourages Seoul, Korea, April 27 (fP) chairmen; Mrs. John Malone and And, ho said, he , felt the pro­ 'Dme Magazine, several weeks ago ODSCene maienaia, »HU cuuuu.o*...-I ironfino’ Tirpai. miDAY, APRIL 29, 9 ceedings should be awlg^ied to an- community committees to under-j South Korea acting part in inciting the riotous Mrs. William Hannah, program co- that he was going to remove Hoffa dent, installed after civil demonstrations that led to tho IN LUTHCR HALL OF THE CHURCH chairmen; Mrs. Louis Champeau take similar activities. CALL! ^TOe'*court room was filled with as 'Teamsters president. rebellion topple^ Syngman resignation of . Korean Preai-; and Mrs. Dudley Bostick, m -^her- Members Are Requested To Bring Hoffa' supporters when Judge Hoffa also alleged that Letts told shlp co-chairmen; Mrs. Chester Sldey he had been insulted by Complaints Fade Rhee, pledged himself today dent Syngman Rhee. Articles To The Church Thursday Evening Letta took the bench. As for his own role, Eisenhower Ferris and Mrs. WlUlam R ^ , wel When an attorney sought to ad­ .Hartford. April 27 (>P)—G over-1 poR tical reforms. He even 1 •/. < fare co-chairmen: Mrs. Ralph Hib­ m adam (Oontinaed cto Page Fourteen) or Rlbicoff says public complaint ^ „ toldJA,JieWJI dress remarks to him, Letts s^ld i^ e d his new broom at what thing’he did’wae to'teimhee that, bard, finance, and Mrs. John Con­ ■ !- letters over town court operation he called “ waste and mis- klin, nominating.
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