THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Published ilXTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 8 Post OHlce, West Held, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, NOVEMBER 1, 1951 Every Thursday 32 PatM—5 Cwil Mr Raid Tests Quota Busters Lack Of Local Issues Slated Sunday Dampens Election Interest County-Wide Traffic Problems Auction Sale To Be Discussed 4 Council Seats Alert Includes Persons interested in West- Planned By To Be Filled; field's traffic problems are invited to attend a meeting to be held Westfield Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 8 p. m. at the Lions Club Opposition Light Woodrow Wilson School, when Civil defense councils in West- three speakers will present their Items Sought With the town's Dcmoertta eld and .Mountainside will join views on the topic "Traffic Prob- producing opposition to the GOP. ;her County towns in local air lems in Westfield." From Members Town Council candidates to fM aid tests Sunday afternoon at Mrs. Bette Schafer is president And Residents in only two of the four w»rd» with n unannounced time, State Civil of the Westfield Women's Repub- a possible paste-in candidate in « efense Director Leonard Drey- lican Club which is sponsoring the The Lions Club of Westfield, or- third, Tuesday's election locally uss said today. program. iginator of many local activities promises to be a quiet one. Addison C. Ely of Westfield, The speakers will include Police such as the broadcast of Christ- J. F. MacFadycn will oppoM , Jnion area director, will order Chief Albert Pfirrman, Frank mas music and the annual Easter Republican Councilman Donato) he county-wide-alert, and will be Marik, chairman of the police gg hunt, has under its new presi- Belcher in tho first ward. GOP n charge of the test, Dreyfuss committee of the Town Council, dent, Ray Corcoran, and chairman, Councilman Harold Frcvert, ap- aid. and Arnold Vey, chief traffic en- William S. Schaefer, planned an pointed to his post last summer, Defense forces will be mobil- gineer of the New Jersey State Auction Sale for Monday, Nov. 19 upon the resignation of Council* ied on a community basis only Department of Motor Vehicles. from 3 to 5 p. m. and from 7 man Sidney Mapes, will run. ,nd equipment and civil defense until 9 p. m. in a placo to bo an- against Hugh McCaffrey, Demo* rorkers will not be moved from Carleton H. Bunker, general chairman of the 1951 United Campaign, i> shown above, center, as he nounced later. ci'ut, in the fourth ward. ~ congratulate* Mrt. Harold S. Jemen, right, and Mn."* Stanley U. Phares, left, co-managers of Divi- me community to another, ac- In this manner the 'local club John U. Smith is a pouibla :ording to Mr. Dreyfuss, Club To Hear sion IX, leading diviiion, at Monday night's report meeting. Other Quota Busters, left to right, are: Front row, Dr. Bradford N. Craver, chairman, divisional organisation, section A; Mrs. Charles E." will seek funds to meet the many Democratic paste-in candidate to* The test will be similar to an Murphy, captain, team 92; Mri. P hares; Mr. Bunker; Mrs. Jensen; Mrs. Henry S. Seltxer, captain, charitable demands for the com- ppoae Republican Councilman ittual emergency in that there Talk On Plays team 94; William W. Bryan, chairman, divisional organiiation, section B| back row, John K. Meeker, ing season. Robert Gumbcrt in the second •ill be yellow and red alerts and captain, team 84; Willis S. Martyn, captain, team 2S| Dr. Hilman H. Palmer, captain, team 95; Ed- A large committee has been ap- ward. GOP Councilman H. Enter*' he white all-clear signal. The ward P, Elmer, captain,' team 33; Robert G. Thompson, captain, team 35; Donald W^ Way, manager pointed by Chairman Schaefer Young Pianist ion Thomas seeking reelection in lUnicipalitles will use their sirens WHS Teacher To division IV; Kenneth D. Smith, captain, team 93; Arthur S. Buihfield, captain, team 72, and Ken- with Richard George, Mr. Corcoran the third ward, is unopposed, lor the red alert and the white Address Newcomers neth D. Sprague, manager, diviiion II. und Thos. Fruntz as auctioneers; Also on the ballot Tuesday wilt ill-clear signal, after which the Jack Camillo, chief collector and To Play Here o two referenda, one asking that ndividual units will be mobilized store manager; Norman Spraguo he legal county tax rate for parka inder the supervision and direc- Miss Carol Brinser will addres3 Community Relations and Steve Cox, cashiers; Al Dates- be raised from % of a mill to one ion of the local director. the Newcomers Club Wednesday man, bookkeeper; Jacj< Britton, Benefit Concert «. If passed it will add about at its luncheon in the YWCA on United Campaign Reports 87% No unit member is to report Dinner Planned Victor Iorio and Everett Bain- $150,000 a year to tho county the ten leading plays currently Widge as money changers; Scheduled Npv. 17 tax bill, according to official esti- mtil the all-clear is soundod. War- running in New YorkJ dens are to telephone Westfield The* Westfield Community Rela- Of 1951 Goal Attained So FarCharles Andreas and Jos. Freeman Patricia Roscndale, young con- mates. The other public question Miss Brinser, dramatic coach at 1-6739 to report AFTER the all- tions Council will hold a dinner, as nnaiigerB, pricers; and Alan cert pianist, will perform at the provides for a $16,000,000 bond Westfield Senior High School, ilear. meeting at the YMCA Monday, Bruce Conlin in charge of decor- Westfield Musical Club's scholar- issue to provide money for re- holds a master's degree from New With $75,501 reported collected manned by William W. Bryan and Nov. 10. The menu for tho dinner ation and posters. ship benefit program Nov. 17, at pairs to state teachers colleges. The tests are the outcome of York University in dramatics and by United Campaign workers at Dr. Bradford N.'Cravcr, reported will consist of dishes prepared by Each Lion is to contribute 8:30 p. m. in the Roosevelt Jun- recent meeting between the speech. She also attended the di- the third report meeting Monday $45,504, or 97.5 per cent of their Elsewhere on the ballot, local. members of the council and typi- waves, merchandise, novelties nnd ior High School. Union County area director, and rectors course at the American night, 87 per cent of the 1051 quota. residents will vote for a state members of his staff, and the local cal of their varying racial and na- other articles, useful and saleable, Miss Rosendale began her musi- senator, four state assemblymen, Academy of Dramatic Arts' in tionality backgrounds. goal of $86,892 has been attained. Arthur E. Cameron, chairman "it is hoped," said Mr. Schae- directors.- New York. Miss Bruiser served With a considerable number of of the advance gifts section^ re- cal studies with Elizabeth Yeager county clerk and three county Col. Lyman L. Parks, Westfield Dr. Nicholas Giuditta is, chair- fer, "that many Westfield citi- Burke and continued them with freeholders. abroad in the European theatre Westfielders still to be solicited, ported $29,BOD, or 93.3 per cent zens YfiU contribute furniture, director, has instructed local units man of the dinner. He will be and Jack J. Camillo, chairman of Cellnda Ferguson, Fay Baranaby The Republican incumbent during World War II with the assisted by Mrs. Raymond Bailey there is an excellent chance that clothingf neckties, bric-a-brac, for to report as follows on the signal: Red Cross organizing entertain- this year's drive will reach the the business division reported $4,- Kent, and Anton Rovinsky. Now State Senator, Kenneth Hand, Staff and Administration unit Jr., Bernard Bernstein, Kev. Fred- sale to the highest bidder. Tho in her junior year at Northwest- will be opposed by 1. Jerome Kap- ment programs and this past sum- goal—a feat not accomplished 91(5, or 4D per cent of quota. This larger tho donation of materials numbers to the Municipal Bullet- erick /W. Blatz, Mrs. William S. latter figure does not include the ern University Music Conserva- Ion, Democrat. Republicans seek- mer attended the NBC Institute Bowen, Miss Winifred -Debbie, during the last three campaigns, the larger will be our receipts and ins; Police Auxiliary to Polico of Radio and Television sponsored j drive officials report. 5 per cent of gross sales being tory, shu has been appointed a ing election to the general assem- Raymond S. Grant, Mrs. Thomas the more money will be available member of the piano faculty un- bly are G. Clifford Thomas, Flor- headquarters; Fire. Auxiliary to by Barnard College and NBC. Carleton H. Bunker, general, contributed by the town's busi- Roy Jones, and Mrs. K. D. Smith. for the many organizations on our der Louis Crowder and has the ence P. Dwyer, Fred' E. Shepatd Kre headquarters; Communica- - -In keepind-.with Miss Brinscr's chairman of the United Cam- nessmen, the meeting being sched- Reservations and tickets may proposed list who need financial honor of being the only under and Donald D. Mackey. They are tSShu to Red Cross headquarters talk about the plays, Mrs. John J. paign, commenting on the results uled right on the heels of tho be obtained by phoning Dr. Qiud- graduate member of the faculty opposed by Democrats Lawrence on Elm street; Demolition arid p'Connell, club member, will dis- of the Monday night report said, three-day sales period devoted t itta, Westfield 2-1121. , (Continued on Pago 2) She has been awarded a schol A. Dwyer, Harrison A. Williams Clttnmce squads to the town cuss dining places for before and "Cards being turned in by work- the enmpaign.
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