Vuosikertomus 2011 english:Vuosikertomus 16.5.2012 08:07 Sivu1 Vuosikertomus 2011 english:Vuosikertomus 16.5.2012 08:07 Sivu2 Financial statements speed up the balancing of the economy € 49 million less than estimated in the budget. Loans per inhabitant amounted to € 1,502, which is € 583 less than the national average. The City’s debt in- creased by € 38 per inhabitant. The very rapid growth of operating costs was the biggest cause for alarm in last year’s development. The budget was re- vised three times during the year. Al- though a net total of € 11.7 million was added to operating costs, they still ex- ceeded the revised budget by € 10 mil- lion. Although the financial status of our Ari Järvelä city is still relatively stable, we must take he implementation of the goals ments showed a deficit for the third time proactive measures to balance revenues determined in the Tampere during the period of application of the and costs. The annual increase in expen- Flows city strategy progressed Finnish Accounting Act (since 1997). The diture must be kept within limits allowed Tfavourably towards the realisa- City’s result before appropriations was in by growth. This requires moderation in tion of the City Council’s term of office deficit by € 12.5 million. All in all, the starting new services that add expendi- goals. Some 75 per cent of the opera- City’s deficit for the financial period was ture as well as a critical review of the cur- tional goals set for 2011 were realised as € 13.8 million after appropriations. The rent service structure. planned. Care guarantee and social decline in the result was caused by poor guarantee, for example, were realised development of tax income and the si- The regional strategy updated in the with some exceptions in special medical multaneous pronounced growth of ex- spring of 2011 was implemented by care, new preventative services promot- penses. Some of the problems were means of several concrete actions. A let- ing health and observing multicultural- caused by investments not resulting in ter of intent was signed on land use, ism were introduced, living at home was sales revenue to the City because of housing and transport. Integrating the supported, regional cooperation was en- pending appeals. Total tax income grew urban structure was targeted by prepar- hanced and the number of passengers in by € 7.5 million compared to the finan- ing regional principles to prevent the dis- public transport increased. cial statements of 2010 and net expen- integration of the urban structure. The diture grew by € 49.9 million. In the long regional public transport committee In the previous year, the finances of the term, such a development would quick- started its work, and plans were pre- City of Tampere declined more than es- ly wreck even solid finances. pared for the development of commuter timated. The annual margin declined sig- train traffic in the Tampere region and nificantly and the result for the period Internal financing covered 54 per cent of the promotion of walking and cycling in decreased by € 51 million from 2010. the net investments. The City’s debt the region. In addition, a preliminary The annual margin amounted to grew by € 11 million and its cash funds general plan was prepared for the city € 68 million and net investments to decreased by approximately € 28 million. tramline. € 126.3 million. The City’s financial state- The loan portfolio, however, grew by 2 Vuosikertomus 2011 english:Vuosikertomus 16.5.2012 08:07 Sivu3 During the past years, we have worked solutions with a key impact on the city’s closely in cooperation with our neigh- positive future, especially through signif- Contents bours. We want that the structural icant effects on employment. change of municipalities, important for Tampere Flows city strategy 4 the future and competitive strength of It’s never easy to look into the future, but Finland as a whole, is planned in good it is our duty. Especially now solutions Sustainably at the forefront cooperation. The City of Tampere is pre- are needed for turning the direction of of development 8 pared to develop a new kind of future the economy for the better. To balance Makers of Tampere 10 municipality in cooperation with munici- the economy of the City of Tampere, we palities in the region. We regard the pro- must find sustainable ways to keep good Challenges created by the development posal of the committee studying the service as an important principle of op- of economy 12 structure of municipal government as erations in the future. Our operating positive and would like to see that a spe- model provides us with the framework Increased number of children seen cific municipal boundary study concern- for coping even in difficult conditions. in children’s and youth services 14 ing the region be initiated. The year 2011 was challenging in many Towards strong competence and ways, and thanks are in order to both de- the highest international top 16 Tampere aims to remain Finland’s most cision-making bodies and personnel for attractive city and maintain its position their persistent work. Even with the Activities in everyday life, experiences at the forefront of development. We somewhat concerned atmosphere glob- in times of celebration 18 must therefore continue to carry out ma- ally, I strongly believe that responsibility, jor investments and prepare for an in- initiative and working together are prin- Cooperation to promote health creasing population in the city and the ciples that will lead us to success for the and wellbeing 20 Tampere Central Region. Major invest- benefit of our citizens. Quality care at home 22 ments should not be evaluated based on the sum of money spent on construction Timo P. Nieminen Intense development of the City centre 24 only: The investments are far-reaching Mayor Vuores one of the most important urban construction projects in Finland 26 Development of city services 28 Operations and finances of the Group 30 Tampereen Ravirata Oy 33 Organisation and management 34 Financial statements 35 Facts about Tampere 37 Ari Järvelä 3 Vuosikertomus 2011 english:Vuosikertomus 16.5.2012 08:07 Sivu4 Tampere Flows city strategy xtending to 2020, the city strat- egy is the document of highest authority with regards to steer- Eing operations, defining the city’s vision and setting out its strategic objectives. The strategy is implemented, amongst other things, as part of annual budgeting. The binding operational goals in each budget are determined on the basis of the objectives set in the city strategy for each City Council’s term of office. The city strategy is drafted for each City Council’s term of office. The year 2011 was the second year of imple- mentation of the Tampere Flows city strategy approved by the City Council. Nalle Ritvola City strategy implemented in an uncertain operating environment STRATEGY TITLE AND VISION 2020 Problems in the European economy were also reflected in the framework in which Tampere flows the Tampere City strategy is implement- Big City of Smooth Living ed. Nevertheless, achievement of the responsibly leading development objectives outlined in the strategy ulti- mately depends on active measures by STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVES the various operators in the city. The uncertain economy is especially re- Citizens and wellbeing flected in employment, which is poorer Focus on preventive action and customer orientation and on the strengthening of than the national average in Tampere. the citizens’ functional ability, communality and pluralism Youth unemployment is especially high. In 2011, the city’s employment manage- Vitality and competitiveness ment services were therefore especially Focus on increased attractiveness, internationality and continuous renewal focused on the promotion of youth em- ployment and the activation of the long- City structure and the environment term unemployed. In addition to actions Focus on a coherent city structure and curbing climate change promoting employment, the situation of people in a poor position in the employ- Internal activities and management ment market was improved by, for ex- Focus on good management, increasing productivity and stable finances ample, starting health check-ups for the unemployed. 4 Vuosikertomus 2011 english:Vuosikertomus 16.5.2012 08:07 Sivu5 The unemployment rate decreased to for the visually impaired by the Sara slightly more than immigration. The age- 12.8 per cent at the end of December, Hilden Art Museum are just some exam- ing of the population is now also con- signifying a 1.1 per cent drop on the pre- ples of positive results achieved in 2011. cretely seen in Tampere with baby vious year. The number of unemployed In health services, the care guarantee boomers reaching retirement age. The people under 25 years old was 1,827 at and social guarantee were realised with number of people aged 65 or over in- the end of the year, 306 less than the isolated exceptions. creased by almost 1,500 in 2011, and ac- year before. The number of long-term cording to the city’s population plan, unemployed decreased by more than The successful implementation of the their share of the population of Tampere 500 people during the year, amounting strategy indicates that Tampere is able is expected to reach 25 per cent by to a total of 3,925 at the end of the year. to maintain its ability to function even in 2030. The TampereSenior project was an uncertain operating environment. Fur- initiated to address the challenges In the city’s health services, the city strat- ther focus is needed, however, for the caused by the ageing of the population egy was promoted in 2011 by introduc- tighter economical situation also in the and was named as a strategic project im- ing new preventative services promoting future.
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