Report of the Head of Planning & Enforcement Services Address EASTERN END OF LAKE FARM COUNTRY PARK BETWEEN BOTWELL LANE & BOTWELL COMMON ROAD HAYES Development: New 3 Form of Entry primary school (630 students) plus a nursery (45 students) and a Special Resource Provision Unit for approximately 12 pupils, associated car parking, hard and soft play areas, sports pitches, pedestrian and vehicular access routes and landscaping. LBH Ref Nos: 68911/APP/2012/2983 Drawing Nos: Design & Access Statement dated November 2012 Heritage Desk Based Assessment Ref: 79810.01 dated October 2012 Geotechnical and Land Contamination Assessment Ref: LBH4008 Ver 1.0 dated December 2011 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Ref: C479R001 rev B dated June 2012 Secured by Design Report dated November 2012 Stage D Report for Landscape by 9.Design dated September 2012 Arboricultural Impact Survey by London Borough of Hillingdon Feasibility Study Local Air Quality Ref: 01065revB dated October 2012 Acoustic Report by SRL Ref: C/41284/R01 dated August 2012 Surface Water Design Statement Ref: 12-11238 dated August 2012 Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey by SES dated December 2011 Green Belt Statement dated October 2012 Environmental Statement Non- Technical Summary dated November 2012 Stage D Report for Mechanical & Electrical Services Ref: ER60298 dated August 2012 Planning Submission dated November 2012 Sustainability Appraisal Rev. A dated January 2013 Part L2A Thermal Modelling Report Ref: ER60298 Issue 4 dated January 2013 Addendum to Green Belt Statement Transport Assessment Ref: 3512208A-PTL Final 3 dated February 2013 Ecological Update Report by SES dated February 2013 Reptile Report by SES dated February 2013 2011D96/P/01 Location Plan 2011D96/P/02 Existing Site Plan & Topographical Survey 2011D96/P/03 Rev A Proposed Site Plan 2011D/96/P/04 Rev A Ground Floor Plan 2011D96/P/05 Roof Plan 2011D96/P/06 Proposed Elevations 2011D96/P/07 Aerial View from North West 2011D96/P/08 Aerial View from South East 2011D96/P/09 Floor Plan Axonometric 2011D96/P/10 Nursery View 2011D96/P/11 Staff and Visitors Approach to School 2011D96/P/12 Approach to SRP Unit 2011D96/P/13 Early Years Play Area 020/L/004 P Proposed Planting Plan 1 of 2 11238 10-001 Rev B Proposed Drainage Layout Plan 3512208A-PTLFE-001-D Proposed 20 MPH Zone - 13-02-2013 Central & South Planning Committee - 5th March 2013 PART 1 - MEMBERS, PUBLIC & PRESS 021/L/004 Tree and Hedge Strategy 021/L/005 Tree Protection Landscape Maintenance Schedule by 9.Design Waste & Recycling Storage and Collection Requirements dated November 2012 Flood Risk Assessment Ref: 614266/FRA dated January 2012 Stage D Report for Landscape by 9.Design 020/L/002 Rev. G Proposed Landscape Plan Date Plans Received: 30/11/2012 Date(s) of Amendment(s): 04/01/2013 Date Application Valid: 03/12/2012 13/02/2013 03/12/2012 14/02/2013 18/02/2013 21/02/2013 1. SUMMARY The proposal seeks full planning permission for the erection of a new three form of entry primary school to occupy an irregularly shaped plot located at the eastern side of the Country Park. The school site itself will occupy an area of less than 3.0 hectares. The proposal would encompass the provision of hard and soft playspace for the children, extensive landscaping works and the provision of associated car parking. A drop off/pick up area would also be provided, which could be utilised by users of the Country Park outside of peak hours. The Education Act 1996 states that Local Authorities have a duty to educate children within their administrative area. The Hillingdon Primary Capital Schools Programme is part of the Council's legal requirement to meet the educational needs of the borough. In recent years the borough has seen a rise in birth rates up to 2008 and the trend has continued through 2009 and 2010. This growth in the birth rate, combined with net inmigration and new large scale housing developments in the borough has meant that there is now a significant need for additional primary school classrooms across the borough and the need for a new primary school in what is known as pupil planning area 11. The proposal would represent inappropriate development within the Green Belt and result in the loss of a portion of open space. However, the increased demand for school places is compelling and well evidenced and it has been demonstrated that there are no alternative sites which could reasonably be utilised to meet this need. This educational need represents very special circumstances and on balance this need outweighs the harm which would arise from the development in other respects, including through loss of open space by reason of inappropriateness The proposed development would be subject to extensive landscaping, including substantial new tree planting, has been designed in order to minimise the use of land and minimise its impact on the openness of the green belt. It is considered that having established the need for a facility the development, so far as is possible, the design minimises the impacts of the development and would sit comfortably within its surrounding context. Central & South Planning Committee - 5th March 2013 PART 1 - MEMBERS, PUBLIC & PRESS In relation to ecology the application is supported by detailed ecological information and aspects of the development, such as the green roof, swales and extensive landscaping, would serve to mitigate the loss of habitat which would occur. Subject to conditions the proposal would not be unacceptable in terms of ecological impacts. The proposal is supported by a detailed Transport Assessment and provides for a combination of physical and management measures to reduce its impact on the public highway. The Council's Highways Engineers have reviewed this information in detail and conclude that the proposed development would be acceptable in terms of traffic impact, pedestrian and highway safety. The school is well separated from surrounding residential properties and subject to appropriate conditions it would have no unacceptable impacts on the amenity of neighbouring residential occupiers by way of dominance, loss of light, loss of privacy or noise. Subject to conditions adequate provision would be made to protect remains of archaeological importance and the development has also been designed to fully accord with all requirements relating to accessible design, sustainable design and flood risk. In conclusion, very special circumstances exist that outweigh the harm which would arise from the development in other respects, including through loss of open space by reason of inappropriateness. Having regard to this educational need, the development has been well designed to minimise its impacts and would comply with all other relevant planning policies. The application is recommended for approval, subject to the appropriate referrals to the Greater London Authority and the Secretary of State. 2. RECOMMENDATION That delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning, Sport and Green Spaces to grant planning permission, subject to the following: 1. That the application be referred to the Mayor under Article 3 of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2000. 2. That the application be referred to the Secretary of State as a departure from the provisions of the Development Plan, in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2009. 3. That should the Secretary of State not call in the application, and subject to the Mayor of London not directing the Council under Article 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2000 to refuse the application or that he wishes to act as the determining authority, the application be deferred for determination by the Head of Planning, Sport and Green Spaces under delegated powers. 4. That if the application is approved, the following conditions be attached: 1 SP01 Council Application Standard Paragraph (This authority is given by the issuing of this notice under Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 and shall enure only for the benefit of the land) Central & South Planning Committee - 5th March 2013 PART 1 - MEMBERS, PUBLIC & PRESS 2 COM3 Time Limit The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. REASON To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 3 COM4 Accordance with Approved Plans The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the submitted plans, numbers: 2011D96/P/03 Rev A Proposed Site Plan; 2011D/96/P/04 Rev A Ground Floor Plan; 2011D96/P/05 Roof Plan; and 2011D96/P/06 Proposed Elevations and shall thereafter be retained/maintained for as long as the development remains in existence. REASON To ensure the development complies with the provisions of the Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two - Saved UDP Policies (November 2012) and the London Plan (July 2011). 4 COM5 General compliance with supporting documentation The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the following measures and features hac been completed in accordance with the specified supporting plans and/or documents: (1) Security Measures (Secured by Design Report dated November 2012) (2) Acoustic and Noise Mitigation Measures (Acoustic Report by SRL Ref: C/41284/R01 dated August 2012) (3) Sustainability and Energy Reduction Measures (Stage D Report for Mechanical & Electrical Services Ref: ER60298 dated August 2012, Sustainability Appraisal Rev. A dated January 2013, and Part L2A Thermal Modelling Report Ref: ER60298 Issue 4 dated January 2013) (4) Accessibility Measures (Design & Access Statement dated November 2012, Planning Submission dated November 2012, and Addendum to Green Belt Statement) (5) Air Quality Mitigation Measures (Feasibility Study Local Air Quality Ref: 01065 rev B dated October 2012) Thereafter the development shall be retained/maintained in accordance with these details for as long as the development remains in existence REASON To ensure that the development complies with the objectives of Policy OE1 of the Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two - Saved UDP Policies (November 2012) and the London Plan (July 2011).
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