'^Q,(j>b BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SCIENTIFIC NAME INDEX ^F PT" TO AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES IN THE SOUTHWESTERN NATURALIST VOLUMES 1-40, 1956-1995 » -..^ /-• \- /.., Ernest A. Liner Houma, Louisiana & Harlan D. Walley Department of Biological Sciences Northern Illinois University SMITHSONIAN HERPETOLOGICAL INFORMATION SERVICE NO. 117 1997 SMITHSONIAN HERPETOLOGICAL INFORMATION SERVICE The SHIS series publishes and distributes translations, bibliographies, indices, and similar items judged useful to individuals interested in the biology of amphibians and reptiles, but unlikely to be published in the normal technical journals. Single copies are distributed free to interested individuals. Libraries, herpetological associations, and research laboratories are invited to exchange their publications with the Division of Amphibians and Reptiles. We wish to encourage individuals to share their bibliographies, translations, etc. with other herpetologists through the SHIS series. If you have such items please contact George Zug for instructions on preparation and submission. Contributors receive 50 free copies. Please address all requests for copies and inquiries to George Zug, Division of Amphibians and Reptiles, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC 20560 USA. Please include a self-addressed mailing label with requests. INTRODUCTION This bibliography and index to The Southwestern Naturalist, volumes 1-40, is the result of independent work by the authors. Upon learning of their duplication of efforts it was decided to combine our efforts. As a result errors or omissions by either author (and there were some) was discovered and corrected, hopefully to make a publication useful to the herpetological community. The present bibliography is a numbered alphabetical listing by author (s) of all the papers of herpetological interest published in The Southwestern Naturalist, Volume 1, 1956 through Volxime 40, 1995. Volume 36 (4): 311-61 A is not included as this is a complete index of volumes 1-36, 1956-1991 and to include this would be repetitious. Book reviews are included when of a herpetological nature. These are followed by : A review, after the title. Primary articles and notes are treated equally. Junior authors are referenced to the primary author. Errata notices are referenced to the original article and treated as a paper for completeness. All articles with original names are preceded by an *. and original names are boldfaced. The scientific name index includes all the herpetological scientific names included in the various articles. Names in the Literature Cited and Book Reviews are not included. The numbered articles are listed for each taxon in numerical order with the first page of the use of the name. Those names ending in i or ii are both listed under ii whenever both versions appear, otherwise as used in the articles. All spelling variations are maintained even when it is obvious that it is a typo. Our sincere thanks to C. Cans for suggesting this project and to G. R. Zug and W. R. Heyer for suggesting the inclusion of the scientific name index and to H. S. Smith for suggesting we combine our efforts. BIBLIOGRAPHY Abuhteba, Ramadon M. , see Walker, James M. and James E. Cordes, 1991. Adams, Caroline S., see Cooper, William E,, Jr. and James L. Dobie, 1983. Allen, Walter, see Jackson, Crawford G. , Jr. and Wilkinson Trotter, 1980. 1. Altig, Ronald. 1987. Key to the anuran tadpoles of Mexico. 32: 75-84. 2. and C. Kenneth Dodd, Jr. 1987. The status of the Amargosa toad (Bufo nelsoni) in the Amargosa River drainage of Nevada. 32: 276-278. Altig, Ronald, see Asquith, Adam, 1987; Ireland, Patric H., 1983. 3. Alvarado, Javier, Laura Ibarra, Ireri Suazo, Gerado Rodriguez and Rosalba Zamora. 1995. Reproductive characteristics of a green iguana ( Iguana iguana ) population of the west coast of Mexico. 40: 234-237. Alvarez-Cardenas, Sergio, see Gonzalez-Romero, Alberto, 1989. 4. Anderson, Sydney and Philip W. Ogilvie. 1957. Vertebrates found in owl-pellets from northwestern Chihuahua. 2: 33- 37. Arvizo, Edward R. , see Worthingtom, Richard D., 1974. 5. Asquith, Adam and Ronald Altig. 1987. Photaxis and activity patterns of Siren intermedia . 32: 146-148. 6. Axtell, Carol A. and Ralph W. Axtell. 1970. Hibernacula, birth and young of Sceloporus qrammicus disparilis (Iguanidae). 14: 363-366. 7. Axtell, Ralph W. 1958 (1959). Female reaction to the male call in two anurans (Amphibia). 3: 70-76. 8. 1959. Amphibians and reptiles of the Black Gap Wildlife Management Area, Brewster County, Texas. 4: 88- 109. 9. 1960. Orientation by Holbrookia maculata (Lacertilia, Iguanidae) to solar and reflected heat. 5:45- 47. 10. and Robert G. Webb. 1963. New records for reptiles from Chihuahua, Mexico, with comments on sympatry between two species of Cnemidophorus . 8: 50-51. Axtell, Ralph W., see Axtell, Carol A., 1970; Webb, Robert G., 1994. 11. Ayala, Stephen C. and Joseph J. Schall. 1977. Apparent absence of blood parasites in southwestern Texas Cnemidophorus . 22: 134-135. Baeyens, Dennis A., see Dove, Laura B. and Michael V. Plummer, 1982. Bagnara, Joseph T. , see Frost, John S., 1977. Baird, Troy A., see McCoy, J. Kelly and Stanley F. Fox, 1994. 12. Baker, James K. 1961. Distribution of and key to the neotenic Eurycea of Texas. 6: 27-32. 13. Baker, Lee R. and W. Glen Bradley. 1966. Tantilla utahensis Blanchard in Clark County, Nevada. 11: 308. Baker, Mary W. , see Baker, Rollin H. , Jerry D. Johnson and Robert G. Webb, 1981. 14. Baker, Rollin H. , Mary W. Baker, Jerry D. Johnson and Robert G. Webb. 1981. New records of mammals and reptiles from northwestern Zacatecas, Mexico. 25: 568-569. Baker, Rollin H., see Crossin, Richard S., Oscar H. Soule and Robert G. Webb, 1973; Webb, Robert G. , 1984. Baldridge, Robert S., see Watkins, Julian F., II and Frederick R. Gehlbach, 1967. 15. Ballinger, Royce E. 1976. Evolution of life history strategies: Implications of recruitment in a lizard population following density manipulations. 21: 203-208. 16. 1978. Reproduction, population structure, and effects of congeneric competition on the crevice spiny lizard, Sceloporus poinsetti (Iguanidae), in southwestern New Mexico. 23: 641-650. 17. 1981. Food limiting effects in populations of Sceloporus jarrovi (Iguanidae). 25: 554-557. 18. and Ruth A. Ballinger. 1979. Food resource utilization during periods of low and high food availability in Sceloporus jarrovi (Sauria: Iguanidae). 24: 347-364. Ballinger, Royce E., see McKinney, Charles O. , 1966; Smith, Geoffrey R. , 1995. Ballinger, Ruth A., see Ballinger, Royce E., 1979. 19. Baltosser, William H. and Troy L. Best. 1990. Seasonal occurrence and habitat utilization by lizards in southwestern New Mexico. 35: 377-384. 20. Banicki, Leroy H. and Robert G. Webb. 1982. Morphological variation of the Texas lyre snake ( Trimorphodon biscutatus vilkinsoni) from the Franklin Mountains, west Texas. 27: 321-324. Barbay, Curtis J., see Knight, Marion T. and E. 0. Morrison, 1965. 21. Barrett, Sheryl L. and Jeffrey A. Humphrey. 1986. Agonistic interactions between Gopherus agassizii (Testudinidae) and Heloderma suspectum (Helodermatidae) 31: 261-263. 22. Beavers, Randell A. 1976. Food habits of the western diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus atrox, in Texas (Viperidae). 20: 503-516. 23. Bechler, David L. 1988. Courtship behavior and spermatophore deposition by the subterranean salamander, 124- Typhlomolae rathbuni (Caudata, Plethodontidae) . 33: 126. 24. Belfit, Scott C. and Victoria F. Belfit. 1985. Notes on the ecology of a population of Eumeces obsoletus (Scincidae) in New Mexico. 30: 612-614. Belfit, Victoria F., see Belfit, Scott C, 1985. 25. Benes, Elinor S. 1985. Helminth parasitism in some central Arizona lizards. 30: 467-484. 26. Bennett, Charles and R. John Taylor. 1968. Notes on the lesser siren. Siren intermedia (Urodela). 13: 455-457. 27. Berkhouse, Casey S. and Joe N. Fries. 1995. Critical thermal maxima of juvenile and adult San Marcos salamanders ( Eurycea nana). 40: 430-434. 28. Best, Troy L, and Gary S. Pf af f enberger . 1987. Age and sexual variation in the diet of collared lizards, ( Crotaphytus collaris ) . 32: 415-426. 29. and Paul J. Polechla. 1983. Foods of the Texas spotted whiptail lizard ( Cnemidophorus gularis) in New Mexico. 28:376-377. Best, Troy L. , see Baltosser, William H., 1990. Bezy, Robert L. , see Cortes, Rafael Aguilar and Jose Camarillo R. , 1990; Goldberg, Stephen R. and Charles R. Bursry, 1995. 30. Bickham, John W. and James A. MacMahon. 1972. Feeding habits of the western whiptail lizard, Cnemidophorus tigris. 17:207-208. 31. , M. D. Springer and B. J. Galloway. 1984. Distributional survey of the yellow mud turtle ( Kinosternon flavescens) in Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri: A proposed endangered species. 29: 123-132. Bickham, John W. , see Christiansen, J. L. and James A. Cooper, 1984; Christiansen, J. L., J. A. Cooper, B. J. Gallaway and M. A. Springer, 1985. 32. Blair, Albert P. 1961. Notes on Ophisaurus attenuatus attenuatus (Anguidae). 6: 201. 33. 1967. Bullfrog attempts to catch dove. 12: 201- 202. 34. and Hague L. Lindsay, Jr. 1961. Hyla avivoca (Hylidae) in Oklahoma. 6: 202. 35. Blair, W. Frank. 1956. The species as a dynamic system. 1: 1-5. 36. 1958 (1959). Call Structure and species groups in United States treefrogs ( Hyla ) . 3: 77-89. 37. 1960. Mating call as evidence of relations in the Hyla eximia group. 5: 129-135. 38. 1976. Some aspects of the biology of the ornate box turtle, Terrapene ornata . 21: 89-104. Blaney, Patricia Kimmich, see Blaney, Richard M. , 1978. 39. Blaney, Richard M. and Patricia Kimmich Blaney. 1978. Additional specimens of Amastridium veliferum Cope (Serpentes: Colubridae) from Chiapas, Mexico. 23: 692. Block, William M., see Morrison, Michael L., Linnea S. Hall and H. Sheridan Stone, 1995. Blom, Paul E., see Clark, William H., 1991. 40. Bloom, Roy A., Kyle W. Selcer and W. Ken King. 1986. Status of the introduced gekkonid lizard, Crytodactylus scaber , in Galveston, Texas. 31: 129-131. Bloom, Roy A., see Selcer, Kyle W. , 1984. 40a. Bock, Carl E.
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