Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1896 1-23-1896 Mount Vernon Democratic Banner January 23, 1896 Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.kenyon.edu/banner1896 Recommended Citation "Mount Vernon Democratic Banner January 23, 1896" (1896). Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1896. 28. https://digital.kenyon.edu/banner1896/28 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1896 by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. H |W< Mjfji A FAMILY NEWSPAPER—DEVOTED TO NEWS, POLITICS, AGRICULTURE, LITERATURE, THE ARTS AND SCIENCES, EDUCATION AND LOCAL AFFAIRS.—$1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOLUME LIX. MOUNT VERNON, OHIO: THURSDAY. JANUARY 23, 1896. NUMBER 38. stated, a locomotive engine THE DEVIL’S TOWER,’ LEGAL NOTICE. RACING WITH THE SUN. limited in size Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report A stationary’ engine, however, may be In the Court of Common Pleas of Kn x county, Oliio. made of any size. It may be a com Wonderful Jacob H. Ross, as Executor of the last will WELCOME. ’96! Hiraui Maxim’s Idea of the Future Freak of Nature iu the pound condensing or a triple expansion and testament of Elisha R"M, deceased, Black Hills, Plaintiff, Lightning Express. engine. Large boilers may be employ IW ^n? ▼a. ed, having a very large beating surface Hosmer C. Biggs. Robert J. Biggs. Charles in proportion to the coal consumed H. Biggs, Angelina Gre<r and Jacob Rising Absolutely Eight Hundred Feet Greer, her husband; Mary Dunham and THE UP-l 150 Miles an Hour Will be Made and the grate surface may be of any Henry Duuharn, her husband; Eliza Dun­ From its Base. ham and AK. Dunham, her husband; size, so that a very’ cheap coal may be and John Big^e and Evaline Biggs, n 1 I With Ease. employed. In this manner the cost Defendants wPIT developing a given horse power costs GO Absolutely pure Angeline Greer and Jacob Greer, her It Has Been Climbed but Twice, and husband, residing at Creston, Iowa; Mary nL A1 per cent less than it does on the loco CREMATION. Dunham and Henry Dunham; Eliza iu. The Slow Trains Will Cover About motive. then Amid Much Danger—Some LITTLE LAUGHS. Dunham and Alf. Dunham, residing at AGENCY! Queer Indian Legends It is Rapidly (trowing in Favor In Westboro, Atchison county, Missouri; and GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Eighty Miles an Hour and With the latest improvements in “You think you never spoke of this John Biggs, whose residence is unknowu Almost everybody takes some laxative electrical transmission, I think I am About It. England. except to the deceased, do you?” queried will*(take notice that on the 15'hdayi>f medicine to cleanse the system and keep the Stop at the Passen­ [Wealmiuiftsr Gazette ] the lawer. “That’s what I said,” ans January, A. D., 1890, the plaintiff.'Jacob H inside the limit in stating that power Ross, as Executor of the last will and testa­ blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS The movement in favor of cremation wered the witness. ‘ Now, don't you Liver Regulator (liquid or powder) gers’ Pleasure. may be transmitted at a loss no greater know, as a matter of fact,” pursued the ment of Elisha Ross, deceased, filed his With the advent of the New Year comes the Increased Chamberlain, South Dakota, correspondence as against earth burial is growing petition in the Court of Common Pleaa. get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant than 25 per cent. It will, therefore be lawyer, rising and pointing his long within and for Knox county, and State of Business we have, for several months, been anticipating, laxative and tonic that purifies the blood seen that the actual cost of power, de of New York Herald ] England. The other day Mr. William finger imnressively at him, “that the Ohio, against the above named defendants, in the REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT of our busiuess and strengthens the whole system. And livered on the line, will be considerably One of the greatest curiosities in the Rathhone, ex-M. P., stated in public deceased had been dead for ten vears praying that said defendants be corai>elled more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU­ Northwest is the Devil’s Tower, located that he had made provision for crema­ when these events took place? If you to show their interest in and that plaintitTa LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active Maxim, the inventor of the automatic less than at present. Moreover, with We also anticipated the wants of the people irom a on the Belle Fourche River, in the tion in liis own case on principle and talked to him at all you talked to his title be quieted to the following described and healthy, and when the Liver is in gun and ninny’ other devices, is the the steam locomotive it is necessary to bones. Will you please tell me how real estate, situated in Knox county and Real Estate standpoint, and early availed ourselves of the good condition you find yourself free from north-western extremity of the Black with a view to promoting the reform State of Ohio, and described as follows, author of a very interesting article in propel over the line a very heavy loco you would communicate with a skele­ opportunity of securing an extensive list of new and desira­ Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- Hills. Of this wonder a geologist of At this moment a new crematorium towit: Headache and Constipation, and rid of the January number of Cassier's Mag­ motive and a large supply of coal and ton?” “I would wire it, sir,” stiffly reJoined the wituess.—Christian Advo­ Being eighty-five acres off ihenort end of ble property for our customers to select from. that worn out and debilitated feeling. azine, on “Thp Propulsion of Trains at water. In the electrical locomotive the international reputation said: — almost ready for use at Liverpool. It is the southwest quarter of section eleven (11), These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. “It is a remarkable freak of nature cate. township eight (8), and range eleven (11); Very High Speeds.” The present speed, engine can he much lighter, and, of a neat building of red sandstone, simple The prospects for an EXTENSIVE BUSINESS in Good digestion and freedom from stomach and appears not to have heen repeated and chaste in design. The main door and off the north end of a twenty acre strip troubles will only be had when the liver he says, can only be increased by the course, the coal and water can be com­ It’s our private opinion that England ure hated by Alexander McKee of Jacob our Real Estate Department, from the present time until use of electricity. The steam locomo­ elsewhere on the earth’s surface, but opens into a small chapel. From this doesn’t wan’t to fight us, now that we Shimer; and also off the north end of a ten /s properly at work. If troubled with any pletely dispensed with. Therefore, in acre strip purchaser! by said McKee of April 1st, has not been more flattering for several years, of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER tive, he says, has been in use for about I electrica.1 locomotive we shall have stands alone, unique and mysterious.” room the coffin will be carried, after the live in brick houses and eat three square James McNear. Said twenty acres are off Judging from the number of prospective buyers that daily REGULATOR. The tfing of Liver Medi­ two generations, and perhaps no other I cheaper power and a very much lighter The tower is believed to be the cone of burial service is read, into a small meals a day. We are not the barbari­ the west side of the southeast quarter of cines, and Better than Pills. ans we were when we starved out Corn­ machine ever invented has had so much I (rftJn propel. The reduction in a cooled down volcano. At a distance apartment beyond, and there placed section eleven 'll), township eight (81 and visit our office and inspect our property. JZ^-F.VERY PACKAGER wallis on hick’ry nuts and sweet pota­ range eleven (11) in said county; and said influence on the civilized world. Irom I Weight will also greatly reduce the wear it resembles a huge cask or barrel made upon an iron frame running on wheels toes.—Atlanta Constitution. ten acres are off the east side of the south­ Our List of Property comprises over 75 Choice Dwel­ Has the Z Stamp in reil on wrapper. east quarter of section twelve (12), town­ J. H. Zeilin & Co.. Phila., Pa. the firet it has been in the hands of J an(J tear of line, of gigantic timbers, the sides being and rails in a line with the furnace, ship eight (8) and range eleven (11) in *>aid lings and 125 Building Lots, which we have contracted with highly trained and skillful engineers. roughly furrowed with crystals of and pushed noiselessly into the abode of ‘W’hut’8 that?” asked Farmer Corn- As to speed, I see no reason why tossel, pointing over his county —the whole of the above described An infinite numbor of experiments trachyte. Its height is 1,200 feet above flames. From the chapel the clergy wife’s shoulder premises being the same premises conveyed the owners thereof to sell at UNUSUALLA LOW PRICES we might not be expected to double to the magazine she was reading.
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