FORM-ZB ( Final copy) Arada Stone Quarry, over 18.00 acres/7.284 hac. in Village- Arada, Panchayat Ranisarada, Tahasil- Tarbha of Subarnapur district, Odisha (Category:-B ) (Financial Year-2015-16 to 2019-20) Category of Land Details Period of Mine f---=F-or-e-st-:---.------=P-=--r---IoN-,-=-=-t-n-o-n. --=Fo-r-e-stlease=----------I Acres 536 18.00 Acrel Semi- Nil 7.284hac. 2015-16 to I mechanised (Patharbani) 2019-20 Lessee - Sri Pramod Kumar Pardia • Prepared By Sri. RATIKANTA MOHANTA RQP No-RQP/OD/026/2015 Tualasichaura, Nathagali, Word.no-23, Baripada, Mayurbhanj, Odisha. ~.Ib APPRnk Tahasildar JOINT DiRf~~':dk~OGY '-Tarbha ZONAL SURVEY,BALANGIR • Chapter Description I Consent Letter from Lessee II Certificate from Lessee III Form- ZB Certificate & Undertaking IV List of Plates V Annexure • • ~~~~ RATIKANTA MOHANTA Reg.No .•RQP/OD/026120t5 • iii • CONSENT LETTER FROM THE APPLICANT The Mining Plan of Arada Stone Quarry of Sri Pramod Kumar Pardia for the period of 2015-16 to 2019-20 over an area of 18.00 Acre/7.284 hac, in village Arada in Subarnapur District has been prepared under provisions of Odisha Minor Mineral Concession Rules(Amendment), 2014 & 2015, by Sri Ratikanta Mohanta, RQP/OD/026/2015 . I request the joint Director Geology, Balangir, Orissa to make further correspondence with the RQP regarding modification/rectification of the mining plan in the following address. Sri RATlKANTA MOHANTA At- Nathagali, Ward No-23, Tulasichaura, Baripada, Mayurbhanj - 757001(Odisha) E [email protected] Mobile - 9437545363 We hereby undertake that the mining plan prepared by the RQPshall be deemed to have been made with our knowledge and consent and shall be acceptable to us and binding on me in all respect. Arada r= ~U_YY1~A ftt_dN Sri Pramod Kumar Pardia Lessee 11 Certificate I/We, the holder of Arada Stone Quarry ( type of concession) for minor (mineral) ordinary stone over an area of 18.00 Acre/7.284hac., in village Arada ,Panchayat Ranisarada, Tahasil- Tarbha, of Subarnapur district, Odisha hereby solemnly affirm that the plan & programmes in this mining Plan will be scrupulously implemented by me/us and the provisions of Mines and Minerals ( Development & Regulation ) Act, 1957, and the Mines Act, 1952 and Rules and Regulations made under these Acts, along with the provisions of Odisha Minor Mineral Concession Rules(Amendment), 2014 will be strictly adhered to while implementing this Mining Plan and wherever specific permission will be required, I/We will approach the concerned authorities of Directorate General of Mines safety and the State Government as the case may be. The information furnished in the Mining Plan is true & correct to best of our knowledge. rAJ), m~ kJ,W}lGtt1 fOJl~ Date- (Signature of the Concessionaire) Sri Pramod Kumar Pardia Lessee i~·,b Tabasildar Tarbha FORM- ZB See Rule27-A (3) ofthe Odisha Minor Mineral Concession(Amendment) Rules~11~ MINING PLANFORWINNING OF ORDINARYSTONE/ROADMETAL FROMARADASTONEQUARRY(NAME OF THE VILLAGE-ARADA ) UNDER RANISARADA PANCHAYAT,TAHASILTARBHA OF SUBARNAPUR DISTRICT(Catego. ry: B2 ) 1 Name & Address of the Lessee Sri Pramod Kumar Pardia,5/0. Laxmindra Pardia, At/PO- Menda,Dist- Subarnapur, Odisha. 2 Particulars of the Area (Acreage, Khata No. Plot No. Area in Kissam Boundary Description & LandSchedule) Acre (Attach location map of the area and 374 536 18.00 Patharbani I surface plans showing the existing features with contours at 2m interval) 1. Location 1.1 Details of the area ( with location map) District:- Subarnapur Taluka:- Tarbha Village:- Arada Leasearea (Hectares):- 7.284Hac. Toposheet No- F44 X 9 (64 p/9) The lease area is bounded by 200s0'sO.0"N, to 20° 50' s7.6"N & 83°36' 32.9"E to 83° 36' 49.6" E. It is a part of the area covered in the Survey of India. GPSREADINGSOFBOUNDARYPILLAR A. 20° 50' 55.011, E83° 36' 48.6" B. 20° 50' 57.6", E83° 36' 36.7" C. 20° 50' 57.211,E83° 36' 32.9" D. 20° 50' 50.611, E83° 36' 40.211 E. 20° 50' 51.7", E83° 36' 42.5" F. 20° 50' 50.0", E83° 36' 45.5" G. 20° 50' 52.5", E83° 36' 49.6" Location map & surface map Attached Status of the Lessee:(Private Private Individual individual/Private Company/ Public Sector Undertaking/ Joint Sector Undertaking/ Others) 4 Period of the concession 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2020 (5 years) r::v~'" fyt(Ar-• 1 \.adiIKANTA MOHANTA RQP/00/026/2015 ~.Ib Tabasild~r Tarbb& \, i/\ ',. 5 Mineral intended to be won Ordinary Stone/ Road metal ~~ =''''~--<.~/i7 6 Name, Address & Registration No. of RQP Name : Mr. RATIKANTAMOHA~sURvi"'f~ preparing the mining plan with validity of Registration Number : RQP/OD/026/2015 Recognition Date of Registration : 23.09.2015 Valid up to :22.09.2025 Address :Tulasichaura, Nathagali, word.no-23, Baripada Mayurbhanj,Odisha. Mob- 9437545363, email [email protected] 7 Order No. & date of Competent Authority granting the concession: (copy of the Letter no 878, dated 18.04.2015 order to be attached) 8 If, forest area, whether forest clearance Arada Stone quarry over an area of 18.00Acre ( plot obtained no536) in village Arada is non-forest Govt. waste land (Attached copy of forest clearance) (Patharbani) 9 Reserves Geological Reserve-183870Cu.M. (Estimation to be based on the Mineable Reserve-85095Cu.M. exploration, if any, carried out in the area or on the local parameters) 9 Reserve 9.1 Method of Estimation of Reserve Reserve has been calculated basing on the existing quarry/ surface exposures and cross sectional area method has been taken suitably for reserve estimation. The crosssectional area of the ordinary stone is computed for each section by graphical method. For the purpose of estimation of quantity of the ordinary stone as road, railway and building materials, recovery factor is taken as 90% of total rock masswhile remaining 10%is assumedto be waste consistsof weathered rock and soil. A simple & standard formula represented for the estimation of geological reserve which is as follows: G = CLR Where G = Geological reserve in Cu. M. C = Crosssectional area in Sq. M. L = Length of influence in m R = RecoveryFactor for Road& Building Materials r:tJ)J~ ~ 2 ~KANTA MOHANTA RQP/OD/026/2015 .:. Length of Influence ~\ t?~!~:X1: This is the sum of half distance between two adjacent boundary. Since one c~~~~ been drawn, length of influence of section has been taken as 180m . •:. Sectional Area One cross section has been prepared (ref. Plate-IVA) across the strike which shows ground profile as well as the occurrence of Road metal/ordinary stone towards depth. Sectional area is obtained by the graph sheets after scale conversion. Geological Reserve (a) Proved Geological Resources SEC Area Length of Volume of Volume of Waste (sq.m) influence stone (CuM) Saleable (CuM) (m) stone (CuM) 1 2 3 4 (2x3) 5 (4x90%) 6 (4x10%) A-A' 565 180 101700 91530 10170 Total 101700 91530 10170 (b) Probable Geological Resources SEC Area Length of Volume of Volume of Waste (sq.m) influence stone (CuM) Saleable (CuM) (m) stone (CuM) 1 2 3 4 (2x3) 5 (4x90%) 6 (4x10%) AA' 365 180 65700 59130 6570 Total 65700 59130 6570 (c) Possible Geological Resources SEC Area Length of Volume of Volume of Waste (sq.m) influence stone (CuM) Saleable (CuM) (m) stone (CuM) 1 2 3 4 (2x3) 5 (4x90%) 6 (4x10%) A-A' 205 180 36900 33210 3690 36900 33210 3690 - W~A~A 3 RQP/00/026/2015 'l,::;r. \ o\.t'"f ~.;' D""~01' ;.!. • o~ ~;;fV:Y:·~~'·..·t;":), '"~1. , ":; , j"iuj j:t,~••.P;{ I~ '~.~\..'. ..--~ '. ·,u,....,. I. 9.4 Mineable Reserve * .~:~~~.'/.£~~~:~.~-: L ,:;. A~(:j (a) Proved Mineable Reserves 01'",( r»~"••••=,,_;,;.JIIv~ .:>(Jii,V- f.'t, SEC Area Length of Volume of Volume of Waste (sq.m) influence stone (CuM) Saleable (CuM) I (m) stone (CuM) 1 2 3 4 (2x3) 5 (4x90%) 6 (4xlO%) I A-A' 450 165 74250 66825 7425 74250 66825 7425 I (b) Probable Mineable Reserves SEC Area Length of Volume of Volume of Waste (sq.m) influence stone (CuM) Saleable (CuM) (m) stone (CuM) 1 2 3 4 (2x3) 5 (4x90%) 6 (4xl0%) A-A' 145 140 20300 18270 2030 20300 18270 2030 Summary of Resources as on 01.04.2015 Resources (in Cu.M.) Measured Indicated Inferred Total Saleablestone 91530 59130 33210 183870 (CuM) Waste (CuM) 10170 6570 3690 20430 10% Summary of Mineable Reservesas on 01.04.2015 Reserves (in Cu.M.) Proved Probable TOTAL Saleablestone 66825 18270 85095 (CuM) Waste (CuM) 10% 7425 2030 9455 10 Mining: Semi-Mechanised Whether manual or semi-mechanized A or mechanized Auction holder has proposed to work on plot no 536 by opencast Semi-mechanised method of mining. Lesseehas proposed to work within lease area through the formation of safe benches which will be on single 4 ~Jh-~KANTAMOHANTA RQP/OD/026/2015 N'd-,'h Tahasildar TarbhBJo ':;' shift basis. Height and width of the benches will be kept at 4m & 10m respectively. Drilling & Blasting will be performed by authorized third party only. B If semi-mechanized or mechanized, Open cast Semi-mechanised number type and capacity of machines to be used Machinery Details Roadmetal/ordinary stone will be excavated & loaded in the tipper Semi-mechanisedmethod. As production target is 1980Cu.M. of salable quantity so only one lat. dumper is required to achieve the targeted production for the plan period. Name of the Machine Capacity Nos. Main Purpose Remarks Jackhammer drill 32 mm dia 1 Drilling Hired Truck/Tipper lOt 1 Waste/stone Hired tra nsportation Breaker 1 Breakingof Hired ordinary stone JCBExcavator 0.9 Cu.m. 1 Excavation& Hired Loading Drill rods & Hammer --- As required --- Safety equipments such as As required Safety --- Helmets, Safety shoes, Gogglesand Hand gloves.
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