S292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 24, 2013 Whereas, since the earthquake on January SENATE RESOLUTION 13—CON- run as a major party candidate for President 12, 2010, the people of Haiti have dem- GRATULATING THE MEMBERS OF of the United States; onstrated unwavering resilience, dignity, DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, (6) Barbara Jordan, the first African-Amer- and courage: Now, therefore, be it INC. FOR 100 YEARS OF SERVICE ican woman from the South to serve in the Resolved, That the Senate— House of Representatives; TO COMMUNITIES THROUGHOUT (7) Carol Mosley Braun, the first and only (1) mourns the loss of lives as a result of THE UNITED STATES AND THE the tragic earthquake in Haiti on January African-American woman elected to the Sen- 12, 2010, and the subsequent cholera epi- WORLD, AND COMMENDING ate; demic; DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, (8) Mary Church Terrell, a founder of the (2) honors the sacrifice made by the men INC. FOR ITS PROMOTION OF National Association for the Advancement of and women of the Government of Haiti, civil SISTERHOOD, SCHOLARSHIP, AND Colored People and an adviser to the Repub- society, the United States Government, the SERVICE lican National Committee and the Herbert United Nations, and the international com- Hoover presidential campaign; munity in their response to those affected by Mr. BROWN (for himself, Mr. LEAHY, (9) Jewel Stradford LaFontant, United the calamity; Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. CORNYN, Ms. MIKUL- States Representative to the United Nations (3) reaffirms its solidarity with the Gov- SKI, Mr. CARDIN, Ms. LANDRIEU, Mr. and the first female Deputy Solicitor Gen- ernment and people of Haiti as they work to MENENDEZ, Mr. WARNER, and Mrs. eral of the United States in the administra- rebuild their country and livelihoods; GILLIBRAND) submitted the following tion of President Richard M. Nixon, later (4) supports the long-term reconstruction resolution; which was referred to the serving as the United States Coordinator for Refugee Affairs and Ambassador-at-Large in efforts of the United States Government to Committee on the Judiciary: improve housing, energy, job creation, food the administration of President George H.W. security, health care, education, governance, S. RES. 13 Bush; and rule of law in Haiti in full cooperation Whereas, on January 13, 1913, Delta Sigma (10) Patricia Roberts Harris, the first Afri- with the Government of Haiti and civil soci- Theta Sorority, Inc. was founded at Howard can-American woman to serve as an Ambas- ety, and with the support of the private sec- University in the District of Columbia by sador of the United States, later serving as tor; Osceola Macarthy Adams, Marguerite Young Secretary of Housing and Urban Develop- (5) urges the President and the inter- Alexander, Winona Cargile Alexander, Ethel ment and Secretary of Health and Human national community to continue— Cuff Black, Bertha Pitts Campbell, Zephyr Services under President Jimmy Carter; (A) to focus assistance on increasing the Chisom Carter, Edna Brown Coleman, Jessie (11) The Honorable Ann Claire Williams, capacity of the public sector of Haiti to McGuire Dent, Frederica Chase Dodd, Myra the first African-American woman appointed sustainably provide services to the people of Davis Hemmings, Olive Jones, Jimmie Bugg to the United States District Court for the Haiti; Middleton, Pauline Oberdorfer Minor, Vashti North District of Illinois in 1985 by President (B) to develop, improve, and increase Turley Murphy, Naomi Sewell Richardson, Ronald Reagan, the first African-American communication and participation to more Mamie Reddy Rose, Eliza Pearl Shippen, appointed to the United States Court of Ap- substantially involve civil society in Haiti Florence Letcher Toms, Ethel Carr Watson, peals for the Seventh Circuit in 1999 by and the Haitian diaspora at all stages of the Wertie Blackwell Weaver, Madree Penn President William J. Clinton, and the third post-earthquake response; White, and Edith Motte Young; African-American woman to serve as a judge (C) to provide programs that protect and Whereas, on January 13, 2013, Delta Sigma on a United States Court of Appeals; involve vulnerable populations, including in- Theta Sorority, Inc. celebrated 100 years of (12) Alexis Herman, Secretary of Labor ternally displaced persons, children, women thoughtful service to and conscientious lead- under President William J. Clinton; and and girls, and persons with disabilities; and ership in communities throughout the (13) Regina Benjamin, the 18th Surgeon (D) to work to enhance the ability of the United States and the world in diverse fields General of the United States, serving in the Government of Haiti, at all stages of the relating to public service and the organiza- administration of President Barack Obama; democratic process, to improve economic de- tion’s five-point programmatic thrust: eco- and velopment, attract private sector invest- nomic development, educational develop- Whereas Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. ment, pursue judicial reform, enhance the ment, international awareness and involve- commemorated its history and promoted rule of law, reduce incidences of gender- ment, physical and mental health, and polit- service during its centennial celebration, based violence, improve water and sanitation ical awareness and involvement; January 11 through January 13, 2013, in the systems, develop a civil registry, and reform Whereas, in March 1913, the founders of District of Columbia: Now, therefore, be it land tenure policies; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. partici- Resolved, That the Senate— (6) welcomes evidence of progress in pated in the Women’s Suffrage March in the (1) congratulates Delta Sigma Theta Soror- building a better future for Haiti, includ- District of Columbia, the sorority’s first pub- ity, Inc. for 100 years of service to commu- ing— lic act; nities throughout the United States and the (A) significant improvements in agricul- Whereas, in its infancy, Delta Sigma Theta world; and tural yields via the Feed the Future initia- Sorority, Inc. established its Beta chapter at (2) commends Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, tive; Wilberforce University in Wilberforce, Ohio, Inc. for its promotion of sisterhood, scholar- (B) the opening of the Caracol Industrial its Gamma chapter at the University of ship, and service. Park in northern Haiti, which is projected to Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, f create approximately 20,000 jobs by 2016; its Delta chapter at the University of Iowa (C) programs to support economic oppor- in Iowa City, Iowa, and its Epsilon chapter SENATE RESOLUTION 14—RAISING tunities for women and survivors of sexual at the Ohio State University in Columbus, AWARENESS AND ENCOURAGING violence through microcredit, short term Ohio; PREVENTION OF STALKING BY jobs programs and leadership training, Whereas Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. DESIGNATING JANUARY 2013 AS health services, and reintegration and repa- has more than 900 chapters in the United ‘‘NATIONAL STALKING AWARE- States, England, Japan, Germany, the Virgin triation assistance to Haitian migrants; NESS MONTH’’ (D) the reduction of the cholera mor- Islands, Bermuda, the Bahamas, and South tality rate to lower than one percent, and Korea; Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself, Mr. the provision of sophisticated HIV and AIDS Whereas the women of Delta Sigma Theta CHAMBLISS, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, and Mr. prevention and treatment services; and Sorority, Inc. have distinguished themselves FRANKEN) submitted the following res- (E) the recruitment, training, and provi- in the endeavor for civil rights, including olution; which was referred to the Mary McLeod Bethune, Fannie Lou Hamer, sioning of new officers for the Haitian Na- Committee on the Judiciary: tional Police; and Betty Shabazz, Lena Horne, and Dorothy (7) urges the President— Irene Height; S. RES. 14 (A) to continue reconstruction and devel- Whereas the women of Delta Sigma Theta Whereas 1 in 6, or 19,200,000, women in the opment efforts, closely coordinated with the Sorority, Inc. have distinguished themselves United States have at some point during Government of Haiti, the Haitian diaspora, as public servants, including— their lifetime experienced stalking victim- and international actors who share in the (1) Stephanie Tubbs-Jones, a Member of ization, during which they felt very fearful goal of a better future for Haiti; the House of Representatives from Ohio; or believed that they or someone close to (B) to ensure close monitoring of the im- (2) Marcia Fudge, a Member of the House of them would be harmed or killed; plementation of aid programs funded by the Representatives from Ohio; Whereas, during a 1-year period, an esti- United States Government; and (3) Joyce Beatty, a Member of the House of mated 3,400,000 persons in the United States (C) to work with the Government of Representatives from Ohio; reported that they had been victims of stalk- Haiti and private landowners to prevent the (4) Carrie P. Meek, a Member of the House ing, and 75 percent of those victims reported forced eviction of internally displaced people of Representatives from Florida; that they had been stalked by someone they and communities and to provide sustainable (5) Shirley Chisholm, the first African- knew; and safe housing solutions for the most vul- American woman elected to Congress and Whereas 11 percent of victims reported nerable people in Haiti. the first African-American and woman to having been stalked for more than 5 years, VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:51 Jan 25, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JA6.049 S24JAPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with.
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