PAGE TWENTY - EVENING HERALD. Mofi., Feb. 19, 1979 Expanded ChiiiR Trade W^on^t Happen Overniffht NEW YORK (UPI) -— With Coca-Cwa- OtlitedUnited Press.Press, "We must hebe carefiilcareful foreienforeign mrreneucurrency. AsAc the i-'cci.ciCentral ....................... ' ^ and other leading banks are up- Western resources, the Wall Street Cola s entry into the Chinese market not to exaggerate either the potential Intelligence Agency put it in a recent grading their arrangements. Journal warned editorially. Storms Paralyze Citiesf as a symbol. American business sees Business of trade with China or the speed with report, " A major financial constraint Parker Checks Support Indians Host Eagles Television in Review: prospects for expanded trade which trade expansion is going to be is China s limited capacity to earn Looting^ Deaths Result Before New Haven Race with (iiina— But no instant bonanza. accomplished. foreign exchange." But some tinancial analysis sound Westinghouse's Weaver says, “As In Top Hoop Meeting New ^Root's* Flourishes The National Council for U.S. purchases of tei'hnical know-how and The Westinghouse executive said According to a private Japanese a warning concerning Western credit far as the People's Republic of China Page 2 Page 4 commitments to China in view of the Page 11 China Trade estimates bilateral industrial equipment. the Chinese haven't sufficient economic research center, China is is concerned, there are many ^ ^ — Page 15 already mounting debts of non-oil- volume may triple by*1981 from an Chinese Vice Premier Teng Hsiao- volume of goods to support trade we estimated to be about $200 billion questions that must be answered ..." producing developing countries. estimated $1.2 billion. ping told Senators during his eight- expect to grow." short of the capital required for its China's external trade should day official visit to the United States, The goods China is selling to the ambitious program to modernize its Among them he cited the necessity amount to $85 billion by 1985 with the ■'We need many things. You have United States include cotton shirts, economy by 1985. Bank for International Settlements of settling asset claims, the problem United States accounting for about 20 many, many good things ... We plan tin, feathers, fireworks and antiques. and World Bank data shows net bank of financing Chinese purchases from lianrl)ratfr As things stand now, the Chinese percent, according to the semi- to import many things including And the American markets for those are out for dollar credits — and thus claims on these developing countries the United States and the granting of governmental council, established in capital. So there is the question of things are limited. are eager to upgrade links with up to $41.7 billion at June 30, 1978 most-favored-nation status to China. Moitly Sunny 1973. repayment. So Chinese goods should Consequently. China has no choice major American banks. Irom $29.8 billion a vear earlier. Essential to expanded Sino- Highs in the 30s be able to be sold on the American but to take in capital from the United Bank of America, largest U. S. "All those things are required to be .American trade is the brisk sale of market." States. Japan and Western Europe If Chinese development is slow, bank, has formed a full banking and if the West nonetheless makes answered. And the important thing is Daialto o n pag* 2 Chinese products in the American Charles Weaver, a vice president until it can turn out enough goods for relationship with the Bank of China, substantial capital commitments to just not to expect everything to market as well as its active of Westinghouse Electric Corp., told export to earn large amounts of the country's foreign exchange bank. China, it could be a serious drain on happen overnight," Weaver said! __________turning____________________ _____________________(U8PS 327-500) Second Cliureli Orphans Found MANCHESTER -T w o — •A "X*.WUX'lOttO lAVIMOl IVtNT Vol, XCVIII, No. 119 — Manchester, Conn., Tuesday, February 20,1979 ixva even I... ^ DETROIT (UPI) - Five L > A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 * 204 Single Copy « 154 Home Delivered meetings are scheduled for A WEEK-LONG SAVINGS EVENT... I orphans, whose parents were killed | Tuesday at Second 1 in separate shootings in North Congregational Church. Carolina and were in the custody The Bible Study and V' of an aunt and uncle, were found Prayer Group will meet at during the weekend wandering the 9:30 a m. in the church « 9 S ig city streets barefoot and scantily parlor. The Confirmation Fighting Heavy clad. Two of them were in city Class will meet at 3:30 II- hospitals today undergoing treat­ p.m. in the parlor. ment for frostbite and exposure. 19 IK Old Guard ieorse / The other three were placed in a MANCHESTER -The youth home, for the time being. Emanuel Old Guard, which SALE NOW THRU SATURDAY Police said Wayne County is open to all retired men of fit; I prosecutors would decide today On China Front the community, will meet on specific charges against the Tuesday at 10 a.m. at uncle the children said had thrown By United I'ress International Emanuel Lutheran Church. them out of his house after they I dochina conflict and appealed to Hanoi radio reported heavy ground had gone to bed for the night. "We “outside” powers to refrain from es­ and air fighting along a 250-mile front are hoping for a cruelty charge," calating the fighting. W.ATES Meet with China today and said the Warning said S^. David Mays of the Child In Tokyo, Japanese Foreign MANCHESTER -The Abuse Unit. "It’s a felony and the Chinese were reinforcing their inva­ sion forces to replace exhausted un­ Minister Sunao Sonoda said Japan Manchester WATES will most serious we can get.” The un­ Repeat^ will coordinate with the ASEAN its. Japanese reports spolye of a war meet Tuesday at the cle claims they wanted to run nations of Indonesia, Thailand, Italian-American Club. away, and was shocked when they alert along three provinces bordering Singapore, Malaysia, and the ^ ilip - the Soviet Union. MOSCOW (UPI) - Soviet Weighing in will be from 7 did. He said he tried to find them pines to end the war between Viet­ to 8 p.m. but was unsuccessful in his Deputy Chinese Foreign Minister Foreign Minister Andrei nam and China. Our He Ying was quoted earlier today as Gromyko, in a speech published Leon Zapadka of 5.44 R*g. 6.99 I search. China had said the invasion was saying China is pulling its troops out today, restated Moscow’s stem Woodland Gardens will be Boys' Flannel-Lined launched to teach Vietnam a lesson Spring Jackets Skiing Scars of Vietnam because it has fulfilled its warning to China to halt its guest speaker. Norelco ‘Smokey’ Smoke Detector 100% Solid State for its attacks on (Chinese border Top losers for January Solid-color 100% riylon shell. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Like a mission to punish Hanoi, the West “aggression against Vietnam Easy-care Sires 6-16 12” Diagonal B&W TV German news agency DPA reported before it is too late.” towns and Hanoi’s invasion of Cam­ are Harriet Mitcbell, first The early warning system! Caldor Reg. P rice__ 19.97 lot of other skiers. President bodia that ousted the Chinese-backed •Jr. 4-7. Reg. 5.99........... 4.66 Our from Peking. Howq,ver DPA later The veteran Soviet foreign place, and Helen Potyra. Battery-run so it detects Caldor Sale Price....... 13.88 Carter carries with him some new | regime of Pol Pot. smoke even if the power Reg. 89.70 Gusdorf Stand quoted a foreign ministry minister said, “The U.S.S.R. second. Norelco Mall-ln Rebate .5.00* *67 scars from the icy slopes. Intelligence sources in Bangkok goes out. #0933 lor12’’B4\WTV spokeswoman as saying the reports readily condemns the impudent Our Reg. Rugged construction with moided-in (Uplo17V5"widt.) While cross country skiing Mon-1 said Vietnamese forces had ap­ 'See clerk lor details. YOUR carry handie for easy portability. were npt true. aggression of the Peoples 5.88 6.99 & 7.99 1 0 .8 0 ST. I day at Camp David, one of the parently extended their supply lines Toastmasters FINAL COST. 8.88 Monopole VHF antenna. Perfect presidential skis caught on some U.S. National Security Adviser Republic of China against Girls' Flannel-Lined second set! Socialist Vietnam. in Cambodia and were withdrawing MANCHESTER 100% Nylon Jackets ice and Carter pitched faced first Zbigniew Brzizinski, traveling to Atlanta, Ga., with President Carter, ”It once again shows to the from key areas in the northwest of —Nathan Hale Toast­ Solids, two-tones 7-14 down a jagged hill. He came up that country. also said today the United States had whole world the true essence of masters Club will meet • Si»s4-6X. Rid . S.99 . 4.77 bloody, with several cuts, a no confirmation of reports the the dangerous hegemonistic Vietnam’s invasion of Cambodia Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at ’ Caldor Laundry swollen lip and a bright red patch | and its blitzkrieg victory over the • Colgate Instant Chinese were withdrawing from course of the Peking leadership, a Center Congregational Doleroenl » skinned from his forehead. Chinese-backed Khmer Rouge Shave Cream n n their punitive expedition that has course of expansionism carried Church. Our 20Lb.,%g. 5.99.... 4 . 9 0 lloz.,Reg. 1.03..£ lor I “It was steeper and icier than I angered Peking, triggering the Reg. 3.49 out for many years by China in Those wishing more in­ 2.54 expected," Press secretary Jody sounded alarm bells in the world’s Chinese invasion all along the border.
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