Svery Cornellian's Taper RNELL ALUMNI NEW CREW PRACTICE ON CAYUGA Volume 36 Γ MMϊΉSSfi Number 2.8 May 17, 1934 Lehigh Valley Service PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PENNSYLVANIA OF CORNELL ALUMNI STATION NEW YORK to ITHACA METROPOLITAN DISTRICT • NIGHTLY REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Leave PENNSYLVANIA STATION, New York 10:45 p.m. Leasing, Selling, and Mortgage Loans Leave Newark (Elizabeth & Meeker Aves.) 11:15 p.m. Leave READING TERMINAL, Philadelphia 10:45 p.m. Arrive ITHACA 5:50 a.m. BAUMEISTER AND BAUMEISTER • Sleeping car, New York to Ithaca (open for occupancy 9:15 p m. 522 Fifth Ave. and may be occupied until 8:00 a.m.); coaches. Phone Murray Hill 2-3816 Charles Baυmeister Ί8, '20 ηk Late Departure from the heart of New York City Philip Baumeisfer, Columbia '14 Fred Baumeister, Columbia '24 if Early Arrival at Ithaca ^ Club Car Serving Breakfast Delaware Registration and Tickets, reservations and further information: NEW YORK—General Eastern Passenger Agent's Office, 500 Fifth Avenue, telephone Incorporators Company LOngacre 5-4021; Pennsylvania Station, Hudson Terminal, or any Consolidated Ticket Office in New York or Brooklyn. Inquiries as to Delaware Corporation ITHACA—Division Passenger Agent's Office, 300 East State Street, telephone 2306, or Registrations have the personal attention Lehigh Valley Station Ticket Office, telephone 2697. at New York office of JOHN T. MCGOVERN Ό0, PRESIDENT LeMghWley Railroad 122 E. 42nd Street Phone Ashland 7088 Cllie Route of The Black Diamond THE BALLOU PRESS Printers fo Lawyers CHAS. A. BALLOU, JR., '21 69 Beekman St. Tel. Beekman 8785 New Book~$3.00 FRANK S BACHE • INC. K. D. Wood, Technical Aerodynamics BEπER BUILDING Construction Work of Every Description This book aims to present the latest in Westchesfer County and Lower Connecticut and best technical data available. F. S. BACHE Ί 3 Now in third printing. 94 Lake Street White Plains, N. Y. 90c ... Postage Paid F. L. CARLISLE & CO., INC. 1 5 BROAD STREET The balance of our stock of Mor- gan Calendars (less than ioo) will NEW YORK be sold at the above price. The pictures alone are worth Apartments Business Properties more than this. Country Homes Chain Store Locations Rostenberd 1/Vealtιj Co. Inc. O L O. ROSTENBERG, A.B. '26, PRES. Barnes Hall Ithaca, N Y- Cό'oP 23 Orαwαupum St. White Plains, N. Y. Tel. White Plains 8020-8021 Member Wesfchester County Realty Board And Real Estate Board at New York Subscription price $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August. POSTMASTER: Return postage guaranteed. Use form 3578 for undeliverable copies. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXXVI, NO. 28 ITHACA, NEW YORK, MAY 17, 1934 PRICE 15 CENTS Cornell Day Alumni and Prospective Freshmen Visit the University Λ LTHOUGH the committee was prepared Willard Straight for luncheon in the consisted of large evergreens, which were jΠL for any number, the registration for Terrace Room. grouped to form a very attractive wood- the first Cornell Day rose to such heights Saturday afternoon was given over to land scene. Across the east end of the that it threatened to swamp the housing athletic and sports events. The visitors dance floor, which included nearly a full facilities on Friday and Saturday, when were guests of the University at the track half of the Drill Hall, hung huge drapes nearly 650 prospective Cornellians ap- meet with Pennsylvania, lacrosse with of white, upon which played colored peared to inspect the University campus, Hobart, polo with Colgate, the first time lights. accompanied by alumni, high school Colgate has appeared on the Cornell polo A milling crowd poured continually principals, fathers and mothers. grounds, and tennis with the University across the dance floor dancing to the On Friday, visitors began arriving at of Buffalo. music of first one band and then the other. about 10 a.m. when a delegation from Following the track meet, the crews Many alumni were also in evidence, Harrίsburg, Pa., started the registration staged an exhibition of time trials along proving to the younger men that they list in Willard Straight Hall, head- the west shore of Cayuga Lake, for the had not forgotten all they knew about quarters during the week-end. From that benefit of the sub-yearlings, who turned dancing. time on, until Saturday afternoon, the out en masse to witness the rowing. A The majority of the alumni, however, high school and prep school men came two-mile sprint between the varsity, were hiding out down at the Town and pouring in accompanied by their alumni junior varsity, and freshman boats, with Gown Club, which had offered itself as leaders. the third varsity, second freshman, and host for the evening to the alumni, and By Friday night 315 had registered, and 150 lb. crews entering the race at the half the committee, and the older visitors, at a only half of those who had made ad- way mark. The fact that these three boats smoker. vance reservations had appeared. Advance entered as they did, prevented the contest Much credit should go, not only to the registrations had been rather small, and being an actual race, for they jumped the alumni who planned and made possible were not being taken as an indication start, and pulled out about three lengths this new event on the Cornell Campus, of the number to be expected, which ahead of the oncoming shells. The finish but also to the undergraduate committee turned out to be a fortunate thing. was exciting, however, with the fresh- men, members of the Student Council, Saturday morning and the registration man boat showing exceptional power, Red Key, and in particular the Senior desks in the Willard Straight Lobby were and forcing the varsity hard to prevent Societies, Quill & Dagger, and Sphinx crowded as the numbers mounted. being overtaken. Head. Registration figures given out by Ray S. In the evening, the secondary school Ashbery '%$, alumni field secretary, and men were guests of the respective frater- Alumni Who Came general chairman for Cornell Day, nity houses once more, and the alumni The lists which follow are not by any showed that all in all about 575 prospec- dined all over the hill and downtown. means complete, but comprise only those tives registered, and at least fifty or sixty Most of them, however, tried either the alumni who registered or were reported more were present, being taken care of Dutch Kitchen, or Willard Straight Hall. by hearsay to be present. The ALUMNI independently, through personal con- Shortly after dinner, all visitors met in NEWS will be glad to publish a supple- tacts in Ithaca. Included in the number of the Memorial Hall of Willard Straight mentary list when and if it is available. visitors were four young ladies,unable to for a smoker, at which President Living- C. J. Baker '15, Lewiston; Chandler come for the women's day the week be- ston Farrand spoke. The President ad- Burpee '17, Philadelphia; A. C. Bowdish fore who came to view Cornell with the vised the visiting secondary school men '2.6, Philadelphia; W. A. Bridgeman Ίi, possibilities in mind of entering. Several to get the most from their studies when Owego; G. F. Burrows Όo, Cleveland; young men were accompanied by their they go to college, and pointed out that J. B. Campbell Ίi, Syracuse; W. A. mothers, and a good number by their the benefit one receives from college de- Carter '13, Detroit; H. J. Clark '95, fathers. About twenty-five high school pends entirely on the individual. Mere Syracuse; L. B. Cartwright '17, Rochester principals were in attendance. attendance at class, he said, will not give T. H. Crabtree '2.3, Staten Island; T. F. The program started off at 10:30 a.m. a higher education. Crawford '06, Philadelphia; Harold Cole with tours to the various colleges of the Romeyn Berry '04 also spoke to the Ί6, Detroit; M. H. Cooper Ί8, Caldwell, University, each prospective student visitors, and pointed out that participa- N. J.; C. S. DeGolyer Ίo, Castile; J. W. going through the college in which he tion in some form of athletics gives a Drummond '2.9, Detroit; R. O. Ford '13, was especially interested. man a fuller life in college, and rounds Millburn, N. J.; Stewart Fiske Ίz, Balti- At noon a special lecture, "A Popular out his development. more; M. A. Gronich '30, New York; Introduction to Chemistry" was de- About 10:30 the sub-freshmen were P. O. Gunsalus 'Z4, Albany; R. C. Hos- livered in Baker Laboratory for those escorted by their student guides to the mer '02., Syracuse; Roger Hall '2.4, Balti- who wished to attend, and that was a Drill Hall for the Cornell Day Ball, pro- more; C. H. Henne 'Z9, Syracuse; S. N. goodly number. Dr. E. F. Bradford, direc- ceeds of which were donated by the Hyde '2.1, Rochester; E. B. Holdredge tor of admissions of the University, held Student Council to the International As- Ίo, Buffalo; H. H. Kessler '13, Newark, office hours in Willard Straight, to confer sociation of Ithaca, but at which the N. J.; J. S. Kenney '09, New York; O. W. with any of the visitors who might wish visitors were guests of the Council. Kruse '09, St. Davids, Pa.; T. F. Laurie to see him concerning entrance require- Happy Felton and his orchestra, and '07, Syracuse; F. A. Niccolls '13, Boston; f ments and similar problems. Sandy Wall '36 and his Cornell Cornel- F. Nitzberg zz, Detroit; E. A. Phillips At luncheon, the visitors were guests of lians provided the music.
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