SUMMONS Council Meeting (Budget & Council Tax Setting) PLEASE SIGN THE ATTENDANCE Date: 28 February 2012 BOOK BEFORE ENTERING THE Time: 10.30 am COUNCIL CHAMBER Place: Civic Centre, Trowbridge, BA14 8AH Please direct any enquiries on this Agenda to Yamina Rhouati, of Democratic Services, County Hall, Trowbridge, direct line 01225 718024 or email [email protected] Press enquiries to Communications on direct lines (01225)713114/713115. This summons and all the documents referred to within it are available on the Council’s website at www.wiltshire.gov.uk PART I Items to be considered while the meeting is open to the public 1. Apologies 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve as correct records and sign the minutes of the following meetings of Council: (a) Last Ordinary Meeting of Council - 8 November 2011 (Pages 1 - 76) (b) Extraordi nary Meeting of Council - 7 February 2012 (Pages 77 - 112) 3. Declarations of Interest To declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee. 4. Announcements by the Chairman 5. Petitions Update (Pages 113 - 116) Report by the Head of Democratic Services. 6. Public Participation The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public. Statements If you would like to make a statement at this meeting on any item on this agenda, please register to do so at least 10 minutes prior to the meeting. Up to 3 speakers are permitted to speak for up to 3 minutes each on any agenda item. Please contact the officer named above for any further clarification. Questions To receive any questions from members of the public received in accordance with the constitution. Those wishing to ask questions are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named above (acting on behalf of the Corporate Director no later than 5pm Tuesday 21 February 2012 Please contact the officer named on the first page of this Summons for further advice. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent. Details of any questions received will be circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website. BUDGET 2012/13 Financial Plan 2012/13 An updated copy of the Financial Plan will be issued to Councillors before the meeting and available to members of the public from Democratic Services (contact details above). Once available, it can also be accessed here Financial Plan 7. Wiltshire Council's Business and Financial Plan Update 2012/13 To consider the Leader’s motion on the Business and Financial Plan Update and the Budget and council tax levels for 2012/13 following the recommendations of Cabinet from its meeting on 15 February 2012. The following documents are attached: (a) Report previously considered by the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Select Committee on 9 February and Cabinet on 15 February 2012. (Pages 117 - 150) (b) The report of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Select Committee. (Pages 151 - 154) (c) The relevant extract of the minutes of Cabinet. (Pages 155 - 156) Council is also asked to consider the following documents: (d) Proposed Council Tax Resolution (Pages 157 - 172) (e) Treasury Management Strategy 2012/13 (Pages 173 - 194) (f) Treasury Management Strategy 2011/12 - Revision January 2012 (Pages 195 - 212) OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS 8. Pay Policy Statement and Publication of Senior Staff Pay (Pages 213 - 230) Report by the Service Director, Human Resources and Organisational Development. The recommendations of the Staffing Policy Committee on the Statement from its meeting held on 22 February 2012 will follow. 9. Changes to the Constitution Reports by the Monitoring Officer on the following items: (a) Part 4 - Councillors' Questions and Motions on Notice Review (Pages 231 - 246) (b) Part 11 - Procurement and Contract Rules (Contract Regulations) (Pages 247 - 276) 10. Membership of Committees To determine any requests from Group Leaders for changes to committee membership in accordance with the allocation of seats to political groups previously approved by the Council. 11. Dates of Meetings 2012 Recommended: To approve the following dates of meetings of Council for the remainder of 2012: • 15 May (Annual meeting) • 26 June (Extraordinary meeting – Wiltshire Core Strategy) • 10 July • 13 November COUNCILLORS' MOTIONS AND QUESTIONS 12. Notices of Motion None received for this meeting. 13. Councillors' Questions Please note that Councillors are required to give notice of any such questions in writing to the officer named on the first page of this agenda (acting on behalf of the Corporate Director not later than 5pm Tuesday 21 February 2012. Questions may be asked without notice if the Chairman decides that the matter is urgent. Details of any questions received will be circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website. CABINET AND COMMITTEES 14. Minutes of Cabinet and Committees (a) The Chairman will move that Council receives and notes the minutes of Cabinet and the various Committees of the Council as listed in the Minutes Book enclosed separately. (b) The Leader, Cabinet members and Chairmen of Committees will be given a brief opportunity to make any important announcements. (c) Councillors will be given an opportunity to raise general issues relating to Area Boards but not specific local issues. (d) Councillors will be given the opportunity to raise questions on points of information or clarification on the minutes presented. EXTERNAL ORGANISATIONS To receive reports from external organisations. Please note that under the Constitution, Councillors wishing to ask a question in relation to the reports of the Wiltshire Police Authority and the Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority are required to give written notice to the officer named on the front of this agenda (acting on behalf of the Corporate Director no later than five clear days before the Council meeting – 20 February 2012. The documents referred to in the following items 15 (a) and (b) and 16, were previously circulated to Councillors to provide an opportunity to submit any questions within the above mentioned timescale. The documents are also circulated with this agenda for ease of reference. 15. Wiltshire Police Authority To receive and note: (a) the minutes of the Wiltshire Police Authority meeting held on 3 November 2011, 8 December 2011 (Pages 277 - 290) (b) the report of the Wiltshire Police Authority (Pages 291 - 292) 16. Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority (Pages 293 - 296) To receive and note the minutes of the Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority meeting held on 15 December 2011. PART II Items during consideration of which it is recommended that the public should be excluded because of the likelihood that exempt information would be disclosed. None Corporate Director Wiltshire Council Bythesea Road Trowbridge Wiltshire BA14 8JN This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 2a) COUNCIL DRAFT MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 8 NOVEMBER 2011 AT SALISBURY CITY HALL. Present : Cllr Desna Allen, Cllr Richard Beattie, Cllr Chuck Berry, Cllr John Brady, Cllr Richard Britton, Cllr Rosemary Brown, Cllr Liz Bryant, Cllr Allison Bucknell, Cllr Trevor Carbin, Cllr Nigel Carter, Cllr Chris Caswill, Cllr Ernie Clark, Cllr Richard Clewer, Cllr Christopher Cochrane, Cllr Peter Colmer, Cllr Linda Conley, Cllr Mark Connolly, Cllr Christine Crisp (Vice-Chair), Cllr Michael Cuthbert-Murray, Cllr Brian Dalton, Cllr Andrew Davis, Cllr Tony Deane, Cllr Christopher Devine, Cllr Mary Douglas, Cllr Peggy Dow, Cllr Peter Doyle, Cllr Nick Fogg, Cllr Peter Fuller, Cllr Richard Gamble, Cllr Jose Green, Cllr Howard Greenman, Cllr Mollie Groom, Cllr Lionel Grundy OBE, Cllr Brigadier Robert Hall (Chairman), Cllr Russell Hawker, Cllr Mike Hewitt, Cllr Malcolm Hewson, Cllr Alan Hill, Cllr Charles Howard, Cllr Jon Hubbard, Cllr Chris Humphries, Cllr Keith Humphries, Cllr Peter Hutton, Cllr George Jeans, Cllr David Jenkins, Cllr Julian Johnson, Cllr Simon Killane, Cllr John Knight, Cllr Jerry Kunkler, Cllr Jacqui Lay, Cllr Alan Macrae, Cllr Howard Marshall, Cllr Laura Mayes, Cllr Ian McLennan, Cllr Jemima Milton, Cllr Francis Morland, Cllr Bill Moss, Cllr Christopher Newbury, Cllr John Noeken, Cllr Jeffrey Ody, Cllr Stephen Oldrieve, Cllr Helen Osborn, Cllr Jeff Osborn, Cllr Mark Packard, Cllr Sheila Parker, Cllr Graham Payne, Cllr Nina Phillips, Cllr Leo Randall, Cllr Fleur de Rhe-Philipe, Cllr Pip Ridout, Cllr Ricky Rogers, Cllr Judy Rooke, Cllr Jane Scott OBE, Cllr Jonathon Seed, Cllr John Smale, Cllr Carole Soden, Cllr Toby Sturgis, Cllr Julie Swabey, Cllr John Thomson, Cllr Dick Tonge, Cllr Anthony Trotman, Cllr Bridget Wayman, Cllr Ian West, Cllr Fred Westmoreland, Cllr Stuart Wheeler, Cllr Roy While, Cllr Christopher Williams and Cllr Graham Wright 134. Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Jane Burton, Rod Eaton, Steve Petty, Mark Griffiths, Tom James, Bill Douglas, Peter Davis, Paul Darby, William Roberts, Paul Sample. 135. Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes of the Meeting held on 12 July 2011 were presented. Page 1 Resolved: That the minutes of the last Council meeting held on 12 July 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to one minor amendment at minute no. 119, which is to include the name of Cllr Julie Swabey in the list of those who tendered an apology. 136. Declarations of Interest Cllr Jonathan Seed declared a personal interest in Item no.17 – Parliamentary Boundary Review [Minute no.150], as he was a parliamentary agent. 137. Announcements by the Chairman Charter Status for Councillor Development The Chairman expressed his delight that Wiltshire Council had been awarded Charter Status for Councillor Development. The award recognised that the Council has achieved best practice in the way it provided learning and development opportunities for its councillors and was independently evaluated by South West Councils on behalf of the region.
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