()olorado Native PIant Society NEWSLETTER VOLLl'lE 4 NLmER 1 JANUARY - FEBRUARY 1980 llIEnlCATED TO lHE ApPRECIATIGl AND lDNSERVATION OF lHE CoLORADO FLORAII OFFICERS 1979-l9OO CORRESPONDENCE President: Lloyd Hayes Please direct all correspondence and inquiries Vice-President: Scott Peterson to the Secretary, Sue Martin, USDA Crops Secretary: Sue Martin Research Laboratory, Colorado State University Treasurer: ~Ia 1t Ruzzo Ft. Collins 80523 MEI>1BERSHIP RENEWALS & INFORfAATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS * Please direct all membership applications, Ann Armstrong (81) Boulder 494-0545 renewals and address changes to Myrna Miriam Denham (80) Boulder 442-1020 Steinkamp. USDA Crops Research Laboratory. Virginia Dionigi (80) Hygiene 776-2609 Colorado State University. Ft. Collins 80523 Tom Eamon (81) Golden 279-1076 Hugo Ferchau (80) Gunnison SCHEDULE OF ~1BERSHIP FEES Lloyd Hayes (80) Ft. Collins 226-5365 Bob Heapes (81) Parker 841-3978 LIFE $ 250.00 Sue Martin (81) Ft. Collins 226-3371 SUPPORTING 50.00 Scott Peterson (80) Ft. Collins 484-2884 SOCIETY 25.00 Mark Phillips (80) Lafayette 823-3021 FAMILY 12.00 Walt Ruzzo (81) Ft. Collins 493-0305 INDIVIDUAL 8.00 STUDENT &RETIRED 4.00 The CONPS Newsletter is sent to all other *Year when term expires is given in (). Native Plant Societies in exchange for Numbers following names are phones theirs. Nonmembers may subscribe to the where Directors can be reached. All of Newsletter for $ 4.00. Colorado is covered by the area code 303. Cct.f>1 ITTEES NEWSLETTER EDUCATION Virginia Oionig; EDITOR: Dieter H. Wilken, Dept. of Botany HORTICULTURE & &Plant Pathology, Colorado State Univ. REHABI UTATI ON f1ark Phi 11 ; ps Ft. Collins 80523 LEGISLATIVE vacant Deadlines for the 6 bimonthly newsletters Karen Ho 11 weg is representative on are the last day of January, March, May, COSC July. September and November. MEMBERSHIP Myrna Steinkamp PUBLICATIONS Scott Peterson All articles of interest to the general THREATENED & membership of the Society are desired ENDANGERED Bill Harmon for inclusion in the Newsletter. FIE L D T RIP S 1980 RIDE COST-SHARING POLICY The Board of Directors concluded that field & trips were one of the most important and With the rising cost of gasoline it has be­ satisfying functions of the CONPS. It is by come necessary to establish a policy on the far the best activity for recruiting new mem­ costs of sharing field-trip rides. After bers and for stimulating a renewed interest discussing methods used by other organiza­ among existing members. Bob Heapes, newly tions, it became clear that there was no elected Board Member and Field Trip Coordi­ perfect answer. The Colorado r10untain Club nator, has put together a 1980 Field Trip charges 4¢ per passenger mile whereas the Program comprising six trips. Included are Botanical Gardens used a method wherebv 3 one-day field trips oriented primarily for bo~h driver and passengers shared in the cost. Front Range area members and 3 trips outside Ne1ther of these seemed fair and a new scheme the Front Range area. These latter trips was developed for reimbursing field trip ~re oriented primarily for members who live drivers. and work in those areas but they will be arranged such that Front Range members may If the driver has 2 pas·sengers sharing his/her attend. Overnight stays for these 3 trips car, each passenger will be assessed 4¢ a mile. will be necessary. This is a bold schedule If 3 passengers are carried, the assessment and will require participation in planning w~ll be 3¢ a mile and ~f 4 passengers are car­ and execution in addition to cooperation from rled, the assessment w111 be 2¢ a mile per many members. \~e wi 11 need those members who pas~eng~r. These costs were arrived at by have helped in the past and will call upon prOJectlng the cost of gasoline this summer those who may have wanted to help but were to $1.30 per gallon and an average mileage of never asked. There will be a very special 17-20 per gallon. Computation indicates that em~hasis.p1aced on car pooling?nd rallying cost of gasoline will be about t.5¢ - 8¢ per pOlnts w111 be selected with this as the pri­ mile. This cost \'Ias then divided by the mar~ factor. The sharing of the cost of dri­ number of passengers to determine the amount ving is detailed under RIDE &COST-SHARING due to the driver. In thi sway. the dri ver POLICY. If you have other helpful suggestions does not have to pay for the cost of the please call Bob Heaoes: gasoline but he/she is involved with other expenses in the operation of the vehicle. Office Number 779-0888 The Hertz Corporation estimates a cost of 38¢ per mile to operate a compact car so the ex­ Home Number 841-3978 before 9:00 PM! penses other than gasoline are from 30¢ ­ 32¢ per mil e. We think that most drivers are willing to ab­ GENERAL FIELD TRIP POLICY sorb this cost when the out-of-pocket ex­ REMEMBER to come prepared with regard to pense for gasoline is paid by the passengers. the weather. Consider all possibilities Also, it haS been noted in other organizations from hot and dry to cold and wet. that many drivers do not elect to collect Bring adequate food supplies for all members gasoline expen~es. This is admirable, but of your party. Field trip schedules may not unfortunately lt places a burden on drivers be arranged by leaders on availability of who find it economically necessary to col­ stores or restaurants. lect the money. Consequently, the policy of With overnight field trips consider the this Society will be that all drivers on field possibility of either overnight lodging or will graciously accept the payment from camping. passengers. Hopefully all of the passen­ REMEMBER to consult with field trip leaders gers will come forward at the end of the trip well in advance so that you can plan your and pay the driver, rather than having the participation with a minimum of potential driver ask for the gasoline money. discomfort. If you have any suggestions or questions re­ As a general policy, all plan collecting garding this policy or if you find something ii forbidden on CONPS field tr ps. that appears unfair, please contact Bob Heapes r at 779-0888 during the working day. the distribution of vegetation to the FRIDAY - SIJIDAY A ~iAY 2-3.1 1980 substrate. This also will be an excellent trip for birders. Time permitting, the r\:SA DE r~YA.. LA JOOA & KIM., field trip may include a visit to the CoLORAOO. experimental oil shale project. If participants are interested, the trip will TRIP LEADER: Dexter Hess 384-4443 (La Junta) be extended to Sunday, June 15 in order to This weekend comprises 2 field trips to be held visit Raven Ridge. Raven Ridge is an exposure in conjunction with a weekend meeting of the of the Evacuation Creek member of the Green Colorado Biological Consortium. Dr. Hess, River Formation, a geological formation on Dean of Faculty at Otero Junior College and a which a number of common Utah plants extend member of the CONPS will be· our host and field their range into Colorado. Returning to trip leader. A Friday evening arrival is re­ Craig, one can practice "belly botany" and commended since a program that evening will view populations of the YAMPA BEARDTONGUE be of interest to everyone. (penstemon yampaensis), a plant featured Emphasis on field trip sites will be deter­ in the last CONPS Newsletter. This tentative mined on the basis of the following criteria: schedule will be verified in the next 1] particular plant communities; 2] large Newsletter. For details or questions con­ tact either Scott Peterson or Karen W. Eberle. dis~lays of wildflowers; 3] unique, rare or unusual plants; 4J raptor habitats; 5J geology and soils; and 6] ranching sites. The total field trip encompasses Saturday and Sunday with an overnight stay in ranch coun­ SATURDAY.I JUNE 21.. 19&1 try requiring trailers and/or tents. Packets of informational material will be prepared and PIKE'S PEAK.. OLD STAGE CoACH !bAD sent to all registered participants. The field trio will not be strenuous and families of TRIP LEADERS: Bob Heapes 779-0888 (Denver) members are encouraged to attend. More infor­ Sue Tabar 473-2233 ext. 304 mation on cost, camping facilities, lodging, (Colorado College, Co. Springs) etc. will be in the next newsletter. For Car-pooling will be in South Denver for the other details and/or questions call Dexter Hess 65 mile drive to Colorado Springs with a ren­ at 384-4443 in La Junta or write c/o Otero devous at the Broadmoor Hotel. The field trip Junior College, La Junta, CO 81050. will follow the Old Gold Camp Road to in­ spect populations of the YELLOW LADY'S SLIPPER (Cypripedium ca1ceolus). Special time will be devoted to-th1!;-prant so that SATIlRDAY.I JLtlE 14.1 1980 participants can properly photograph this elusive beauty. SPOTTED CORAL-ROOT PICEANCE BASIN & RAVEN RIDGE.I (.oLORAOO (Cora1lorhiza macu1ata) and GREEN BOG­ ORCHID (Habenaria viridis) have been reported TRIP LEADERS: J. Scott Peterson in the same area. This road is an old stage 491-6824/6524 (CSU, Ft. Collins) road carved out of decomposed Pike's Peak Karen Wiley Eberle granite and passes through heavy stands of 824-3417 (Craig) PONDEROSA PINE with Stout Running Creek pro­ This trip will depart from Meeker City Park, viding an abundance of water from the where overnight camping is available, at melt of the Pike's Peak snowpack.
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