Gross Composition and Variation of the Components of Baboon Milk during Natural Lactation * 1 DAVID H. BUSS Division of Biological Growth and Development, Southwest Foundation for Research and Education, San Antonio, Texas ABSTRACT The characterization of natural baboon milk was undertaken to pro­ vide information on the dietary requirements of infant and lactating female baboons (P apio anubis, P. cynocephalus and P. papio). The gross composition of the mature milk (days 36 to 279) was as follows: (in grams per 100 m l) total solids, 14.4; lipids, 5.0; crude protein, 1.6; lactose, 7.3; and ash, 0.26. The specific gravity and pH were 1.027 and 7.18, respectively. The mammary secretion obtained during the first 5 days of lactation was richer in crude protein and poorer in carbohydrates than the mature milk, but the lipid and ash concentrations were not appreciably different. Variations in those components with each other, with length of lactation and with milk yield were also determined; as lactation progressed, the only significant change in composition was the increase in lipid concentration. Adequate lactation is of critical impor­ sented, together with an indication of the tance to the maintenance of any mam­ changes occurring in the gross composi­ malian species. The quantity and compo­ tion of the milk in the final stages of sition of the milk not only determine ail lactation. the nutriments which the infant receives, but also reflect the nutritional status of the MATERIALS AND METHODS mother at a time when her requirements Animals. The 26 lactating baboons are especially stringent. Human lactation ( Papio anubis, P. cynocephalus and P. has been studied in detail (1 ), but, despite papio) used in this study were fed a diet the extent to which subhuman primates of a standard biscuit (1 1 ) and water, are now being used as models for man in ad libitum. Their infants were all born health research (2 ), very little is known naturally. about lactation in any other primate. A Milk samples. At approximately week­ few reports of the gross composition of ly intervals the baboon to be milked was primate milk have been published (3-8); sedated with 0.75 m g/kg l-( 1-phenyl- of these, two were concerned with baboon cyclohexyl) piperidine hydrochloride,2 and milk. Van Zyl (5 ) determined the choles­ the infant was removed. The nipples were terol, lipid phosphorus, lipid and iodine prepared as described elsewhere (12) and, contents, and Vice et al. (7 ) determined approximately 20 minutes later, 20 IU of only the lipid content. a purified oxytocic preparation 3 were in­ Baboons are among the most used of jected intravenously. The milk flow began laboratory primates, because of their many almost immediately, and the samples were physiological similarities to man (9, 10). obtained by gentle manual massage of the It is, therefore, important that their nutri­ mammary tissue and stripping of the teat tional requirements be known. To better in one motion with the thumb and fore­ elucidate the requirements of both infant finger. More than 85% of the samples con­ and lactating baboons, we have analyzed tained between 3 and 12 ml of milk. To baboon milk more completely. This paper prevent its rejection, the infant was re- reports the gross chemical composition of the milk obtained when lactation was Received for publication M a y 9, 1968. maintained by the suckling of the infant. 1 Supported by Public Health Service Research Grant no. G M - 13252 from the Division of General Medical The variations of the components with the Sciences. length of lactation, with the size of the 2 Sernylan, Parke, Davis and Co mp an y, Dallas, Texas. sample and with each other are also pre­ 3 P.O.P., Armour-Baldwin Labs., O m a h a , Nebraska. J. N u tr itio n , 96: 421—426. 421 422 DAVID H. BUSS turned to the mother before she recovered from the sedation. Some suckling infants were killed for CM o CM other purposes; milking of their mothers q rH q ID q 1 o rH rH d d d was continued at approximately weekly +1 g rH +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 intervals until the milk supply dried up. a CO in o 3 q rH q ID rH rH Analytical methods. The specific grav­ Phhh CM rH CMrH rH I> d ity of the milk was determined at 24° with a micropycnometer (13) and the p H 4 was measured, prior to storage at /~\ /—S /•—s ■'tf CM CO rH CO CO — 20°. For determinations of the gross CN V-/ '—' chemical composition, the samples were CO O) o rH O) allowed to reach room temperature and o q CM CO 00 CO CO q CN1 o Ö rH rH d d d were well mixed before portions were re­ CO +1 +1 +1 + 1 +1 +1 +1 moved for analysis. tfl CM rt1* q rH00 q q CD The total solids and ash were deter­ Q CO CM *—1 t> rH ID rH I> d mined by AO AC methods (1 4 ), and lipids were determined by the Rose-Gottlieb method (15). Crude protein was deter­ /"'s /■'s /-N /“N /■'s cq rHCM rH CMrH rH<M CMrH rH rH mined by the micro-Kjeldahl procedure P* —' 's-/ \_/ v_/ V (16) and calculated as N X 6.38. The car­ CM in O O) CD bohydrate content was measured by the CO1 O rH iq CM CM q O CNr-l o 6 rH rH d d d Nelson-Somogyi method (17) modified for +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 use with milk by deproteinizing 0.1 ml CS (M1> H q rH q CD ID CMC0 with 0.9 ml 10% tungstic acid, diluting rH I> rH rH d to 10 ml with water, centrifuging and per­ forming the analysis on 1 ml of the super­ /">» / \ /~s /~N natant solution. CO v-/CM CM CM CM (M Correlation coefficients were calculated CO o CD between the values obtained for day of rH o lactation, weight of sample, specific grav­ rH 6 6 CD ity, pH, total solids, lipids, crude protein, CD +1 +1 i>> CM LD carbohydrate and ash, using an IBM 1130 r\ q rH q 00 CM H rH I> ID ID rH d computer. rH The carbohydrate composition of two Composition of natural baboon milk samples of mature milk (after 22 and 211 H* / N /—\ /~\ /—s /"N N /~s days of lactation) was investigated by a CO v-'/<M CM 's-/CM CM CM modification of one of the methods of co Jenness et al. (18). After precipitation of 's-' OCD ID in O rH the protein by addition of 5 volumes of Ö d 95% v /v ethanol, the milk was centri­ CO +1 +1 >> l> fuged. The supernatant solution was di­ o (M CO 1—1 q q CD rH CO CO (M luted with an equal volume of water and rH CD rH ID CM CD d deionized by passage through a column of mixed ion-exchange resins5 and elution CO O with water. The eluate was separated by q D paper chromatography using ethyl ace- VÖ CD -M3 fl tate-pyridine-water, 10:4:3, v/v/v (18) -M o X CD aCO rHo £ oCA and the upper layer of ethyl acetate-pyri­ o \ s dine-water, 5:2:7, v/v/v (19) as develop­ u bn o O rn ou ’> ca o 5 1 s 1 ing solvents. Carbohydrates were detected Hrt <D oH % o o h be Nbh fH2 o. ^ o o o roCO a ^ 2 ^ N 4 Miniature combination electrode an d model L S 1 ÇÔ I—1 CA CD bfl TL m W) pH meter, E. H. Sargent and Company, Chicago, H ’uCD aJ y Tl 5 Illinois. Pk a w O ‘a 13H 0 CA 5 Amberlite IR 120 (H+) and IR 4B (OH-), CO a H 3 U <3 C Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, St. Louis, Missouri. NATURAL BABOON MILK 423 by spraying the developed chromatograms minations made are shown in table 1. with silver nitrate and ammonia (20). Mean values for mature human milk (21, The samples were then combined and lyo- 22) have been included for comparison. philized; the resultant solid was twice re­ The sign and significance level7 of the crystallized from water to give colorless correlation coefficients calculated between prisms; and the melting point and infra­ the day of lactation, weight of sample, red spectrum were determined. The melt­ specific gravity, pH, total solids, lipids, ing point and infrared spectrum of authen­ crude protein, lactose and ash are shown tic lactose monohydrate 6 were also deter­ in table 2. mined, as was the melting point of a mix­ Table 3 shows the individual analyses of ture of the milk sugar and lactose mono­ the milk samples obtained after final re­ hydrate. moval of the infants; the total length of lactation and the number of days after RESULTS the suckling stimulus was removed are The mean values for the major prop­ both shown. erties and constituents of baboon milk 6 M a n n Research Laboratories, Inc., N e w York, N e w from various lactation periods, their stand­ York. 7 Diem, K. (editor) 1962 Scientific Tables, ed. 6. ard deviations and the number of deter­ Geigy Pharmaceuticals, Ardsley, N e w York, p. 61. T A B L E 2 Sign and significance1 of the correlation coefficients between the properties and constituents of natural baboon milk 2 Specific Total Lipids Crude Lactose Ash gravity Yield PH solids protein _ ns Day o f lactation _ ns _ ns | ns + ns _ ns _ *** _ * * # | ns | ns Specific gravity _ ns + * + ns _ ns _ ns _ ns Yield _ | ns + * _ ns _ ns pH _ ns _ * * _ ns _ ns Total solids _j_ * * # + * _ # * Lipids + ns + ns Crude protein _ ns * Lactose _ * 1 ns — not significant; * * * = P < 0.001; ** = P< 0 .
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