t- Yearly Subscription, Twelve Numbers, $2.00 Single Number, 35 cents. UN MAY, 1900 , Vol. 23. No. 5. 'Whole No. 269 ·32 PACES OF MUSIC AND MUSICAL LITERATURE IN THIS NUMBER. PIANO SOLOS. SCHILLINCER, FRITZ, Love's Creeting. SONG. FELDEN, OSCAR. Drea~s of the Past. PIANO STUDIES. CURLITT·SIDUS • .Slumber Song. Op. 101," No. 6. SCHIL~INCER, CHARLES. Technical Exercises. Copyright, Kt1NKEL BROS., 1900. ~ KUNKEL'S MUSICAL REVI~W, MAY, 1900. THE CELEBRATED Head.s the List of the Highest=Orade Pianos, and Lock;:~ Are at present Prefe~red by .lh~!t!P' Stable Doo:r ~ the Most the- Leading Before the Horse ~ is stolen,~ f' Popular ~nd! Artists. Take a Box in the ~ Vaults of the f' Missou:ri Safe . SOHMER & CO., . Deposit Co~-- ~ NEW roRK WARERQOMS: While you have sometr SOHMER BUILDING, FIFTH AVENUE, CORNER 22d STREET. thing·to put in it, Equitable Building, JOHN FELD, Agent, 1901 St. Louis Ave., ST. LOUIS. CAUTI 0 N. The buying public will please not confound the genuine S-0-H-M=E-R Piano with one of a sirr1ilar sounding name of a cheap grade. -ESTABLISHED - IN NEW YORK 1875 IN CHICAGO 1889 ADVERTISE IN KUNKEL'S MU.SI~AL REVIE·W, ST. LOUIS, MO. HIGH GRADE ESTABLISHI!:D 1878. ISSUED MONTHLY, The Largest and Handsomest Musical Publication in the United States. ...--........._PIANOS Have:literally Bounded into Pop~larity. Circulation National, reaching the most1enlightened and cultivated homes in .the United 1States. AT MODERATE PRICE. Capacity, 300 per Month. ONLY FIRST-CLASS ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED. Schaeffer Piano Mfg. Co .. Address all communications to KUNKEL BROTHERS, Factory, Riverview, Ills. 2307 LOC\JST STREET I ST. LOUIS~ MO: Offices, 215 Wabash Ave.", • ~HIOACO. KUNKEL'S MUSICAL REVIEW, MAY, 1900 The V erd i ct of t he World ' s C reate st A rtists a n d the Acceptan ce of the M u s lc T r ade. HIGHEST HONORS -INDORSED BY THE JURY OF EXPE RTS OF The WORLD'S FAIR THRE.E MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS A W ARDED BY THE JURY TO COM PRISING ALL INSTRUM EN TS PRODUCED BY W. W. Kl M BALL co., CHICAGO, THE ONLY MANUFACTURERS RECEIVING THIS NUMBER OF AWARDS FOR PIANOS AND ORGANS. E. A . KIESELHORST, Ceneral Agent, 914 Olive Street, ST. LOUIS• . ELIEF FOR BRITISH-BOER duction of Antikamnia, in quantity, to the Army in short all headaches caused by anxiety or Medical Service of Her Majesty. mental strain,is two five-grain tablets,crushed, WAR SUFFERERS. ''February sales show nearly double the volume of sales for February, 1899. Rather a pleasant report followed by a swallow of water or wine. It is The following letter from the to make, is it not? Regular monthly statement by t!ze 1evzedy for Neuralgia and La Grippe. As London office of The A ntikamnia next post. Yours very truly, a preventive of and cure for nausea while THE AN'l'IKAMNIA CHEMICAL COMPANY' traveling by railroad or steamboat, and for RChemical Company, 46 Holborn Per J. M. Richards. genujne mal de mer or seasickness, Antikam­ Viaduct, under date of March 2nd, 1900, will Reply: ST. LOUIS, U.s: A., March 14th, 1900. nia Tablets are unsurpassed, and are recom­ be found interesting at the present crisis of Dear Sir:-In reply to your favor of March 2nd, mended by the Surgeons of The White Star, affairs in South Africa: - · 1900, we beg to say that the contribution of 36 dozen Cunard and American Steamship Lines. oun~es of Antikamnia Preparations to Hospital Ships, '' Dear Sirs:-I beg to acknowledge receipt of your may most agreeably be c.harged to account of Home '' For the pains peculiar to women at time two letters under date of 15th and 16th ult., contents Office. of period, two five-grain tablets taken with a of which are fully noted. We mu'st thank you for your timely thoughtful­ '' It was suggested to me a few days ago that I ness in making these donations. We have, on this little hot toddy or without it, if objected to, should contribute, amongst other things, some Anti­ side also, contributed liberally to the Boer Relief invariably relieve. A positive relief for all kamnia, to one of the Hospital Ships going out in Fund, through the local representative, Dr. Emil nervous disturbances due to excessive eating charge of Dr. Conan Doyle and Surgeon O'Calla­ Preetorius, of this city. or drinking. A dozen tablets kept about the ghan, F.R.C.S., the latter of whom is well known Glad to note your reference to increased sales, etc. to me, and has a very substantial practice. I have Sincerely yours, house, will always be found useful in time of contributed to this Hospital Ship and to the' Maine,' THE ANTIKAMNIA CHEMICAL COMPANY, pain. equally, in your name, the following exact number Frank A. Ruf, Pres't. "The genuine five-grain Antikamnia Tab­ of ounces, viz: 12 do2.en ounces of Antikamnia Pow­ The dose of Antikamnia Tablets for adults, let, always bearing the A< monogram, is recog­ dered and 24 dozen ounces Five-Grain Antikamnia Tablets, in all 36 dozen ounces, and I feel certain which always gives relief in severe headaches, nized as the most approved form for taking. that you will readily endorse what I have done and especially those of bookkeepers, actors, law­ Tpis, on account of its convenience and accu­ be well satisfied, as this constitutes the first intro- yers, students, mothers, teachers and nurses, racy;, is the form ip which it is mostly used.'' THE JESSE FRENCH PIANO & ORGAN COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF THE "THREE GRACES" STARR, JESSE FRENCH AND RICHMOND PIANOS. The STARR Piano is a recognized standard of artistic merit, and received the highest award at the World's Fair in '93, also at the· Tennessee International ExJ?osition in '98. The JESSE FRENCH is a popular rival of all claimants for the second position, because of its acknowledged durability, elegant tone and action, while the RICHMOND is certainly the best commercial Piano in America, moderate in price and thoroughly reliable. We make nothing but such goods as we can sell on honor and fully guaranteed, and parties dealing direct with us get factory prices and save all middlemen's profits. Write us; a Zc. stamp may save you many dollars. JESSE FRENCH PIANO & ORGAN COMPANY, \Oth and Olive Streets, ~-r.. L.O"U"I~, :rYI:c::::>. \ KUNKEL'S MUSICAL REVIEW, MAY, 1900 I UNKEL CONCERTS. Home-Concert Paraphrase, Kunkel. Mr. Charles The accompanist, like the conductor, has to Jacob Kunkel. study correct tempo, light and shade, to know 266th Kunkel Concert-Twenty· second concert of The most success£ ul ?eason in when to allow his part to become prominent, the season1 Tuesday evening, April 24th. 1. Piano - the history of the celebrated Duet-Zampa (Overture), Herold-Melnotte; Grand when it is to be subdued, how to follow, and K Kunkel Concerts closed with the · Paraphrase de Concert. Messrs. Charles i{unkel to be in sympathy with the singer. Added to 266th concert, given on the 24th ult. at Asso­ and Charles Jacob Kunkel. 2. Song-Ballatella this, he should be, or should have been, a (Pagliacci), Leoncavallo. Miss Mae Estelle Acton. good pianist, able to play the most difficult ciation Hall, Y. M. C. A. Building. · Mr. ,3. Piano Solo-Nearer My God to Thee (Concerf Charles Kunkel has been untiring in his Paraphrase), Rive-King. Miss Amanda Ruschhaupt, passages, and he should also be capable of efforts to give the musical public and students pupil of Kunkel's College of Music. 4. Violin transposing at sight. Indeed, I almost think of music the best and most enjoyable works Solo-Souvenier de Haydn, Leonard. Signor Guido that he requires a greater combination of gifts afforded by musical literature. That he has Parisi. 5. Piano 'Solo-First Concerto, Liszt; a. than the conductor; but, given the first essen­ Allegro Maestoso; b. Quasi Adagio; c. Allegretto tials of good pianism and a sympathetic touch, succeeded is evidenced by the splendid audi­ Vivace; d. Allegro Marziale Animato. Miss Adelaide he, too, with study and tuition, can become ences in attendance during the season. The L. Kunkel, with Orchestral accompaniment on a artists participating deserve much praise for second piano by Mr. Charles Kunkel, uncle of Miss more or less efficient and capable in his art. their able and enthusiastic work. We hope Kunkel. 6. Song-Ave Maria (with Violin Obligato, '' I would pursue the same plan with regard next season will be even more fruitful in re­ Gounod. Miss Mae Estelle Acton and Signor Guido to the training of an accompanist as I have Parisi. 7. Duet for Piano and Violin. 2nd Rhap­ laid down for the conductor. I would make sults, and that Mr. Charles Kunkel's great sodie Hongroise, Liszt (by request). Messrs. Guido him study the accompaniments of vocal and work in behalf of music will be adequately Parisi and Charles Kunkel. appreciated. instrumental music of all styles, in the same The following programmes have been ren­ way as he would a pianoforte piece, and then, HE TRAINING OF dered since last report: with a vocalist or instrumentalist to sing or 263rd Kunkel Concert-Nineteenth concert of the ACCOMPANISTS. play the solo part, and an experienced pro­ season, Tuesday evening, April 3rd, 1900. 1. Trio fessor seated near him, instruct him in all The following remarks are fron~ for Piano, Violin and Violoncello, op. 8, Chopin; a. those details which go to make an artistic and Allegro con fuoco; b. Scherzo- Con moto rna non T a paper lately read by Mr.
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