MSU Basketball 16-17 Guide.Indd

MSU Basketball 16-17 Guide.Indd

22015-16015-16 MurrayMurray StateState BasketballBasketball AALL-OHIOLL-OHIO VALLEYVALLEY CONFERENCECONFERENCE OVC PLAYER OF THE YEAR FOUR-TIME ALL-OVC SELECTIONS Name Season Name Seasons Jim Jennings 1963-64 Lamont Sleets 1980, 1981,1983, 1984 Claude Virden 1968-69 Isaac Spencer 1998,1999, 2000, 2001 Les Taylor 1971-72 Isaiah Canaan 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Les Taylor 1972-73 Gary Hooker 1979-80 THREE-TIME ALL-OVC SELECTIONS Glen Green 1982-83 Name Seasons Jeff Martin 1987-88 Isacc Miles 2009, 2010, 2011 Jeff Martin 1988-89 Frank Allen 1991, 1992, 1993 Popeye Jones 1989-90 Garrett Beshear 1951, 1952, 1953 Popeye Jones 1990-91 Marcus Brown 1994, 1995, 1996 Jim Jennings 1962, 1963, 1964 Marcus Brown 1994-95 Canaan Marcus Brown 1995-96 Popeye Jones 1990, 1991, 1992 D.T. Mayes 1997-98 Don Mann 1987, 1988, 1989 Aubrey Reese 1999-00 Jeff Martin 1987, 1988, 1989 Cuthbert Victor 2003-04 Vincent Rainey 1995, 1996, 1997 Isaiah Canaan 2011-12 Les Taylor 1971, 1972, 1973 *Isaiah Canaan 2012-13 Cameron Payne 2014-15 TWO-TIME ALL-OVC SELECTIONS * Co-MVP Name Seasons Cameron Payne 2014, 2015 OVC ATHLETE OF THE YEAR Jarvis Williams 2014, 2015 Name Season B.J. Jenkins 2010, 2011 Gary Hooker 1979-80 Justin Burdine 2001, 2002 Jeff Martin 1987-88 Bruce Carter 2007, 2008 Jeff Martin 1989-90 Mike Coleman 1973, 1974 Popeye Jones 1990-91 Howie Crittenden 1954, 1955 Victor Reese Popeye Jones 1991-92 Dick Cunningham 1967, 1968 Marcus Brown 1994-95 Terry Darnall 1958, 1959 De’Teri Mayes 1997-98 Glen Green 1982, 1983 Isaiah Canaan 2011-12 Gene Herndon 1960, 1961 Cameron Payne 2014-15 Ricky Hood 1982, 1983 Stewart Johnson 1964, 1965 OVC FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR De’Teri Mayes 1997, 1998 Name Season Herb McPherson 1966, 1967 Ivan Aska 2008-09 Mike Muff 1977, 1978 Isaiah Canaan 2009-10 Bennie Purcell 1951, 1952 Cameron Payne 2013-14 Aubrey Reese 1999, 2000 James Singleton 2002, 2003 OVC FRESHMAN TEAM Craig Talley 1984, 1985 Teams selected from 1981-92 Danero Thomas 2009, 2010 Mayes Brown Name Season Chad Townsend 1997, 1998 Brian Stewart 1980-81 Claude Virden 1969, 1970 Willie Holland 1983-84 Cuthbert Victor 2003, 2004 Jeff Martin 1985-86 Jesse Williams 1975, 1976 Don Mann 1985-86 Jimmy Young 1970, 1971 Paul King 1987-88 Ivan Aska 2009, 2012 Frank Allen 1989-90 ALL-OVC SELECTIONS OVC NEWCOMER OF THE YEAR Name Season Name Season None 1948-49 De’Teri Mayes 1996-97 Isaac Spencer 1997-98 None 1949-50 OVC NEWCOMER TEAM Harold Loughary 1950-51 Team was fi rst selected in 1993 Charley Snow 1950-51 Jones Martin No team selected from 2000-05 Name Season Garrett Beshear 1950-51 Antwan Hoard 1992-93 Bennie Purcell 1950-51 Marcus Jones 1993-94 Gene Garrett 1950-51 Greg Anderson 1994-95 De’Teri Mayes 1996-97 Bennie Purcell 1951-52 Chad Townsend 1996-97 Garrett Beshear 1951-52 Isaac Spencer 1997-98 Rod Murray 1997-98 Garrett Beshear 1952-53 Bruce Carter 2006-07 Rich Gott 1952-53 Isacc Miles 2008-09 Ivan Aska 2008-09 Howie Crittenden 1953-54 B.J. Jenkins 2009-10 Isaiah Canaan 2009-10 Howie Crittenden 1954-55 Green Hooker Cameron Payne 2013-14 Jarvis Williams 2013-14 No team selected 1955-56 79 1155 NNCAACAA AAppearancesppearances - 2424 OVCOVC ChampionshipsChampionships - 2299 ConsecutiveConsecutive WinningWinning SeasonsSeasons 22015-16015-16 MurrayMurray StateState BasketballBasketball AALL-OHIOLL-OHIO VALLEYVALLEY CONFERENCECONFERENCE Quitman Sullins 1956-57 Bruce Carter 2006-07 Gerald Tabor 1956-57 Lamont Sleets 1983-84 Bruce Carter 2007-08 Terry Darnall 1957-58 Craig Talley 1983-84 Quitman Sullins 1957-58 Danero Thomas 2008-09 Vada Martin 1984-85 Isacc Miles 2008-09 Terry Darnall 1958-59 Craig Talley 1984-85 Ivan Aska (FOY) 2008-09 Gene Herndon 1959-60 Chuck Glass 1985-86 Isacc Miles 2009-10 Mike O’Riordan 1959-60 B.J. Jenkins 2009-10 Jarrell Graham 1959-60 Jeff Martin 1986-87 Danero Thomas 2009-10 Don Mann 1986-87 Tony Easley 2009-10 Gene Herndon 1960-61 Isaiah Canaan (FOY) 2009-10 Larrry Bale 1960-61 Jeff Martin (MVP) (AOY) 1987-88 Don Mann 1987-88 Isaiah Canaan 2010-11 Jim Jennings 1961-62 Isacc Miles 2010-11 Jeff Martin (MVP) (AOY) 1988-89 B.J. Jenkins 2010-11 Jim Jennings 1962-63 Don Mann 1988-89 Al Varnas 1962-63 Isaiah Canaan (MVP) 2011-12 Popeye Jones (MVP) 1989-90 Donte Poole 2011-12 Jim Jennings (MVP) 1963-64 Chris Ogden 1989-90 Ivan Aska 2011-12 Stewart Johnson 1963-64 Paul King 1989-90 Isaiah Canaan (Co-MVP) 2012-13 Stewart Johnson 1964-65 Popeye Jones (MVP) (AOY) 1990-91 Ed Daniel 2012-13 John Namciu 1964-65 Greg Coble 1990-91 Frank Allen 1990-91 Cameron Payne (FOY) 2013-14 Herb McPherson 1965-66 Paul King 1990-91 Jarvis Williams 2013-14 Dick Cunningham 1966-67 Popeye Jones (AOY) 1991-92 Cameron Payne (MVP)(AOY) 2014-15 Hern McPherson 1966-67 Frank Allen 1991-92 Jarvis Williams 2014-15 Dick Cunningham 1967-68 Frank Allen 1992-93 Jeffery Moss 2015-16 Claude Virden (MVP) 1968-69 Marcus Brown 1993-94 (MVP) Player of the Year Hector Blondet 1968-69 Cedric Gumm 1993-94 (AOY) Athlete of the Year (FOY) Freshman of the Year Claude Virden 1969-70 Marcus Brown (MVP) (AOY) 1994-95 (NOY) Newcomer of the Year Vincent Rainey 1994-95 Les Taylor (MVP) 1970-71 Jimmy Young 1970-71 Marcus Brown (MVP) 1995-96 Vincent Rainey 1995-96 Les Taylor (MVP) 1971-72 Jimmy Young 1970-71 Vincent Rainey 1996-97 De’Teri Mayes (NOY) 1996-97 Mike Coleman 1972-73 Chad Townsend 1996-97 Les Taylor 1972-73 De’Teri Mayes (MVP) (AOY) 1997-98 Mike Coleman 1973-74 Chad Townsend 1997-98 Isaac Spencer (NOY) 1997-98 Jesse Williams 1974-75 Isaac Spencer 1998-99 Jesse Williams 1975-76 Aubrey Reese 1998-99 Rod Murray 1998-99 Mike Muff 1976-77 Grover Woolard 1976-77 Aubrey Reese (MVP) 1999-00 Isaac Spencer 1999-00 Mike Muff 1977-78 Isaac Spencer 2000-01 John Randall 1978-79 Justin Burdine 2000-01 Kenny Hammonds 1978-79 Justin Burdine 2001-02 Gary Hooker (MVP) (AOY) 1979-80 James Singleton 2001-02 Lamont Sleets 1979-80 James Singleton 2002-03 Lamont Sleets 1980-81 Cuthbert Victor 2002-03 Kenny Hammonds 1980-81 Cuthbert Victor (MVP) 2003-04 Glen Green (MVP) 1981-82 Chris Shumate 2003-04 Ricky Hood 1981-82 Trey Pearson 2004-05 Glen Green 1982-83 Ricky Hood 1982-83 Shawn Witherspoon 2005-06 Lamont Sleets 1982-83 80 1155 NNCAACAA AAppearancesppearances - 2424 OVCOVC ChampionshipsChampionships - 2299 ConsecutiveConsecutive WinningWinning SeasonsSeasons 22015-16015-16 MurrayMurray StateState BasketballBasketball OOVCVC WEEKLYWEEKLY AAWARDSWARDS Tiller Sias Coble Cannon Echols Towns Hornig MSU ALL-TIME OVC PLAYER OF THE 02/18 Dan Mann 1991-92 2/23 Deteri Mayes WEEK AWARDS Zedric Macklin Player Newcomer 1978-79 Newcomer 12/17 Popeye Jones 12/08 Deteri Mayes Player None 01/21 Popeye Jones 01/12 Deteri Mayes None Freshman 02/04 Frank Allen 01/26 Deteri Mayes Freshman 02/03 Don Mann 02/17 Frank Allen 02/16 Deteri Mayes 02/13 Kenney Hammonds Newcomer Freshman 02/20 Kenney Hammonds 1986-87 01/07 Maurice Cannon None Player 01/14 Maurice Cannon 1979-80 12/22 Don Mann 02/04 Maurice Cannon 1997-98 Player Newcomer 02/17 Maurice Cannon Player 12/18 Gary Hooker 01/20 Wayne Tiller 03/03 Maurice Cannon 12/14 De’Teri Mayes 01/14 Gary Hooker Freshman Freshman 02/01 De’Teri Mayes 02/11 Lamont Sleets None None 02/08 De’Teri Mayes Freshman 02/15 Isaac Spencer 12/18 Lamont Sleets 1987-88 1992-93 02/22 De’Teri Mayes 01/14 Lamont Sleets Player Player Newcomer 02/04 Lamont Sleets 12/21 Jeff Martin 12/21 Frank Allen 12/01 Rod Murray 02/11 Glen Green 01/12 Jeff Martin 01/11 Frank Allen 12/14 Isaac Spencer 02/25 Lamont Sleets 01/19 Jeff Martin Newcomer 01/18 Isaac Spencer 02/09 Don Mann 02/20 Antwan Hoard Freshman 1980-81 02/23 Jeff Martin Freshman None Player Newcomer 01/31 Marcus Brown 01/19 Lamont Sleets 02/02 Carl Sias 1998-99 02/23 Lamont Sleets Freshman 1993-94 Player Freshman None Player 11/30 Isaac Spencer 01/12 Brian Stewart 01/02 Marcus Brown 12/14 Isaac Spencer 1988-89 01/16 Marcus Brown 01/18 Aubrey Reese 1981-82 Player 02/06 Marcus Brown Newcomer Player 01/10 Jeff Martin Newcomer 12/07 Marlon Towns 12/14 Ricky Hood 01/17 Paul King 01/09 William Moore Freshman 01/18 Glen Green 02/14 Jeff Martin 01/23 Marcus Jones None 01/25 Glen Green 02/28 Jeff Martin 02/20 Marcus Jones 02/01 Ricky Hood Newcomer Freshman 1999-00 Freshman None 12/12 Vincent Rainey Player None Freshman 11/29 Isaac Spencer 01/17 Popeye Jones 1994-95 12/06 Aubrey Reese 1982-83 Player 01/24 Aubrey Reese Player 1989-90 01/03 Marcus Brown 02/14 Aubrey Reese 12/06 Glen Green Player 01/29 Marcus Brown Newcomer Lamont Sleets 01/02 Popeye Jones 02/19 Marcus Brown None 12/21 Glen Green 01/09 Popeye Jones Newcomer Freshman 01/04 Glen Green 01/16 Popeye Jones 02/26 Quennon Echols 02/21 Chris Shumate 01/11 Ricky Hood 02/13 Popeye Jones Freshman Freshman 02/27 Frank Allen None 2000-01 None Newcomer Player 02/06 Greg Coble 1995-96 12/11 Isaac Spencer 1983-84 02/20 Greg Coble Player 02/19 Isaac Spencer Player Freshman 12/03 Marcus Brown Newcomer 01/09 Lamont Sleets 12/10 Frank Allen 12/18 Marcus Brown 12/11 Antione Whelchel 02/20 Craig Talley 01/23 Frank Allen 01/28 Fred Walker 01/02 Antione Whelchel Freshman 01/30 Frank Allen 02/18 Marcus Brown 01/29 Antione Whelchel None 02/25 Marcus Brown Freshman 1990-91 Newcomer 01/22 Andi Hornig 1984-85 Player None 02/05 Cuthbert Victor Player 12/04 Frank Allen Freshman 01/16 Craig Talley 12/18 Greg Coble 12/18 Jack Owens 2001-02 Freshman 01/29 Greg Coble 01/15 Darren Dawson Player None 02/12 Popeye Jones 01/21 Darren Dawson 11/19 Justin Burdine Newcomer 02/11 Justin Burdine 1985-86 01/15 John Jackson 1996-97 Newcomer Player 02/05 John Jackson Player 12/10 James Singleton 01/21 Zedric Macklin Freshman 12/22 Vincent Rainey 02/04 James Singleton 02/03 Chuck Glass None 01/19 Vincent Rainey 02/11 James Singleton 81 1155 NNCAACAA AAppearancesppearances - 2424 OVCOVC ChampionshipsChampionships - 2299 ConsecutiveConsecutive WinningWinning SeasonsSeasons 22015-16015-16 MurrayMurray StateState BasketballBasketball OOVCVC WEEKLYWEEKLY AAWARDSWARDS Henderson Hopkins Redding Orr Aska Jackson Moss 02/18 Antonio Henderson 2008-09 2013-14 MSU All-Time Weekly Awards Freshman Player Player Player of the Week None None None Isaiah Canaan 2009-10 10 Newcomer Newcomer Marcus Brown 1992-96 10 2002-03 12/01 Jeffery McClain Dec.

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