GOVERNMENT OF KERALA PROSPECTUS FOR ADMISSION TO PROFESSIONAL DEGREE COURSES [MEDICAL, AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, VETERINARY, FISHERIES, ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE & PHARMACY COURSES] 2020 (Approved vide G.O (MS) No. 62/2020/HEDN. Dated Thiruvananthapuram 30.01.2020) For Online Submission of Application visit: www.cee.kerala.gov.in OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER FOR ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS 5th FLOOR, HOUSING BOARD BUILDINGS, SANTHI NAGAR, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM – 695 001 Phone: 0471-2525300 email:[email protected] web site: www.cee.kerala.gov.in 1 KEAM-2020, © CEE, TVM KEAM – 2020 INFORMATION AT A GLANCE 1. Online Application submission : From 01.02.2020 (Saturday) 2. Last date for submission of Online Application including Fee payment : 25.02.2020, 5 pm (Tuesday) 3. Last date for Online submission of supporting documents : 29.02.2020 (Saturday) 4. Downloading Online Admit Cards : From 10.04.2020 (Friday) 5. Date & Time of Engineering Entrance Examination: Physics & Chemistry (Paper-I) : 20.04.2020, 10 am to 12.30 pm Mathematics (Paper-II) : 21.04.2020, 10 am to 12.30 pm 6. Venue of Examination : As indicated in the Admit Card 7. Time Schedule for the Examination (IST) : Engg Paper-I & Paper-II (a) Entry to the Examination Hall : 9.30 am (b) Distribution of Question Booklet : 9.55 am (c) Opening of the Question Booklet and Commencement of Examination : 10.00 am (d) Latest entry to the Examination Hall : 10.30 am (e) Conclusion of Examination : 12.30 pm 8. Materials permitted in the examination hall : Admit Card, Card Board/Clip Board, Ball-Point pens (with Black or Blue ink only) 9. Rough work : All rough work are to be done in the Question Booklet only. The candidate shall not do any rough work or put Stray Mark(s) on the OMR answer sheet. 10. Declaration of Results: Result of Engineering Entrance Examination : On or before 25.05.2020 Engineering, Architecture, MBBS/BDS, Medical & Allied and Ayurveda Rank lists : On or before 20.06.2020 11. Centralised Allotment Process (CAP-2020) : See Clause 11 12. Certificates/documents to be produced at the time of admission (a) Admit Card issued by CEE. (b) Certificate to prove Date of Birth. (c) Original Mark List to prove academic eligibility. (d) Pass Certificate (if obtained). (e) Allotment letter issued by the CEE. (f) Originals of all the uploaded documents. (g) Any other documents as mentioned in Clause 11.7.1 © GOVERNMENT OF KERALA 2020 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER FOR ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS 5th FLOOR, HOUSING BOARD BUILDINGS, SANTHI NAGAR THIRUVANANTHAPURAM – 695 001 Phone: 0471 - 2525300 www.cee.kerala.gov.in 2 KEAM-2020, © CEE, TVM IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. Candidates applying for admission to any of the following courses- Engineering, Architecture, B.Pharm, MBBS, BDS, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Siddha, Unani, Agriculture, Forestry, Veterinary and Fisheries- should apply online on or before the last date. 2. Submission of application and supporting documents is possible in online mode only. Online submission of Application and supporting documents must be made by accessing the CEE website – www.cee.kerala.gov.in. 3. Confirmation page of the online application must be retained for future reference. Do not send the printout of the confirmation page or other documents to the office of the CEE. 4. Applicant should ensure the following before submission of online application and uploading supporting documents: i. All the required certificates are properly filled in and signed by the competent authority and affixed office seal at specified place before uploading to the online application. ii. The photograph and Signature image to be uploaded must be clear and conforming to the prescribed specifications. iii. The applicant should select the course/courses which he/she desires to study while applying online. iv. The candidate should maintain confidentiality of the password created at the time of registration for submission of online application and keep it in safe custody till the end of allotment process. 5. The defects in the Online Application will be displayed in the Candidate Portal of the website of CEE. The candidate should visit the website of the CEE regularly for notifications and updates. The defects if any which will be available in the Candidate Portal should be cleared by the candidates within the stipulated time notified by CEE. No memo will be sent by post from this office in the case of defective applications. 6. Candidates should submit only one online application for admission to any or all of the courses in KEAM 2020. 7. Candidates except SC/ST/OEC category should upload income certificate also while applying online for availing income based fee concession/ scholarship. 8. Online option confirmation is Mandatory for participating in each phase of allotment. {]tXyI {i²bv¡v 1. F©n-\o-b-dnw-Kv, BÀ¡n-sS-IvNÀ, _n.^mw, Fw.-_n.-_n.-F-kv, _n.-Un.-F-kv, BbpÀth-Z, tlman-tbm-¸-Xn, kn², bp\m- \n, A{Kn-¡Ä¨À, t^md-kv{Sn, shä-dn-\-dn, ^nj-dokv F¶nhbn GsX-¦nepw tImgvkp-I-fn {]th-i\w B{K- ln-¡p¶ hnZ-ymÀ°n-IÄ {]th-i\ ]co£m I½o-j-W-dpsS sh_vssk-än-eqsS bYm-k-abw Hm¬sse-\mbn At]-£n- t¡-­-Xm-Wv. 2. At]-£mkaÀ¸Ww ]qÀW-ambpw Hm¬sse³ apJm-´ncw Bbn-cn-¡pw. {]th-i\ ]co£m I½o-j-W-dpsS www.cee.kerala.gov.in F¶ sh_vsskäv hgn-bmWv Hm¬sse-\mbn At]-£n-t¡-­Xv. 3. Hm¬sse³ At]-£-bpsS I¬^Àta-j³ t]Pnsâ Hcp ]IÀ¸v At]-£-I³ kq£n-t¡-­-Xm-Wv. Bb-Xnsâ {]nâu«pw aäp A\p-_Ô tcJ-Ifpw {]th-i\ ]co£m I½o-j-W-dpsS Hm^o-kn-tebv¡v Ab-bvt¡-­-Xn-Ã. 4. Hm¬sse³ At]-£ kaÀ¸n-¡p-t¼mÄ Xmsg-¸-d-bp¶ Imc-y-§Ä Dd¸ph-cp-¯p-I. i. At]-£tbmsSm¸w Hm¬sse-\mbn kaÀ¸n¡p¶ kÀ«n-^n-¡-äp-IÄ ]qÀ®-ambpw, hy-à-ambpw ]qcn-¸n¨v bYmØm-\-§-fn A[n-Im-c-s¸« DtZ-ym-K-ØÀ H¸pw koepw ]Xn-¸n-¨n«p­mbncn-¡-Ww. ii. Hm¬sse³ At]£ ka-À¸n-¡p-t¼mÄ hy-à-amb t^mt«m, H¸v F¶nh icn-bmb coXn-bn A]vtemUv sNbvXp F¶v Dd-¸p- h-cpt¯­Xm-Wv. iii. At]-£I³ ]Tn-¡m³ B{K-ln-¡p¶ tImgvtkm, tImgvkp-Itfm Hm¬sse-\mbn At]£ kaÀ¸n-¡p- t¼mÄ skeIvSv sNt¿­Xm-Wv. iv. At]-£I³ Hm¬sse³ At]£m kaÀ¸W thf-bn D]-tbm-Kn-¡p¶ ]mkv thÀUnsâ cl-k-y- k-z- `mhw shfn-s¸-Sp-¯m³ ]mSn-Ãm-¯Xpw Atem-«vsaâv {]{Inb Ah-km-\n-¡p-¶-Xp-hsc kpc-£n-X-ambn kq£n-t¡-­-Xp-am-Wv. 5. {]th-i\ ]co£m I½o-j-WdpsS sh_v sskänse ‘Candidate Portal' eqsS Hm¬sse³ At]-£bnse A]m- I-X-IÄ Zriy-am-Ip-¶-Xm-Wv. hnÚm-]-\-§Ä¡pw Adn-bn-¸p-IÄ¡p-ambn {]th-i\ ]co£m I½o-j-WdpsS sh_v sskäv hnZymÀ°n-IÄ \nc-´cw kµÀin-t¡-­Xpw, At]-£bn A]m-I-X-IÄ DÅ ]£w Ah \nÝnX ka-b-¯n-\Iw ]cn-l-cn-t¡-­Xp-am-Wv. CtXmS-\p-_-Ôn-¨pÅ hnÚm-]-\-§Ä AXXv ka-b-§-fn {]kn-²o-I-cn-¡p-¶-Xm-Wv. CXv kw_-Ôn¨v Cu Hm^o-kn \n¶pw X]m hgn Adn-bn-¸p-­m-Ip-¶-X-Ã. 6. KEAM-2020 {]Imcw GsX-¦nepw Hcp tImgvknt\m/ FÃm tImgvkp-I-fn-te-bv¡ptam Dff {]t-h-i-\-¯n\v Hcp At]£ am{Xta kaÀ¸n-¡m³ ]mSp-f-fq. 7. Fkv.-kn./Fkv.än/H.-C.kn hn`m-K-§Ä Hgn-sI-bp-f-f-hÀ hcp-am-\-¯nsâ ASn-Øm-\-¯n-ep-ff ^okv B\pIq-eyw, kvtImfÀjn¸v F¶nh e`n-¡p-¶-Xn-\mbn hcp-am\ kÀ«n-^n-¡äv IqSn Hm¬sse\mbn At]£tbmsSm¸w A]vtemUv sNt¿­XmWv. 8. Atem«vsaânsâ Hmtcm L«¯n\pw ap³]mbn Hm¬sse³ Hm]vj³ I¬^Àtaj³ \nÀ_Ôambpw \St¯­XmWv. 3 KEAM-2020, © CEE, TVM KEAM-2020 At]£m kaÀ¸-W-¯n-\p-ff amÀ¤ \nÀt±-i-§Ä ˆ¯Éµµ§Ï A¶]À kaÀ¸n-¡p¶ hn[w: www.cee.kerala.gov.in F¶ sh_vssk-än-eqsS Hm¬sse³ At]£ kaÀ¸n-¡p-¶-Xn\v A¶]À¯Ü˜¸™°¤²µ“ ]mkvt]mÀ«v sskkv t^mt«m, H¸v (FÃmw jpeg ¶ý¯Ü£¯Ý°§²áh), km[p- hmb Cþ-sa-bn sF.-Un, samss_ t^m¬ \¼À (At]£Itâtbm c£nXmhntâtbm) F¶nh Bh-i-y-am-Wv. s̸v 1: cPn-kvt{S-j³:þ A¶]À¯Ü˜¸™°¤²µ“ ¶]¥¸, PœœÌ±¤˜°, Cþ-sa-bn sF.-Un, samss_ t^m¬ \¼À, ]mÊvthUv, AIvkÊv tImUv F¶nh \ÂIn cPn-kvt{S-j³ ]qÀ¯n- bm¡p-I. At¸mÄ e`-y-am-Ip¶ B¹n-t¡-j³ \¼À ]n¶o-Sp-ff Bh-i-y-§Ä¡mbn Ipdn-¨p- hbv¡pI. s̸v 2: At]-£-bn hnhcw \ÂIÂ:þ At]-£-bn Bh-iys¸«n-«p-ff hnh-c-§Ä Ir-X-y- ambn \ÂtI-­-Xm-Wv. F©n-\o-b-dnw-Kv, BÀ¡n-sS-IvNÀ, _n.^mw, saUn-¡Â/A\p-_Ô tImgvkp-IÄ F¶n-h-sbÃmw Hcp At]-£-bn Xs¶ sXc-sª-Sp-¡m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv. kmap-Zm-bnI kwh-c-Ww (SC/ST/OEC/SEBC hn`m-K-§Ä), imco-cnI sshI-e-y-ap-f-f-hÀ¡p-ff kwh-c-Ww, t¢mkv 5.2þ sImSp-¯n-«p-ff {]tX-yI kwh-cWw F¶nh Bh-i-y-ap-f-f-hÀ Hm¬sse³ At]-£-bn \nÝnX Øm\¯v tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯n-bn-cn-¡-Ww.
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