Annual Report 2016 Layout and print: Skipnes Kommunikasjon AS Photos: Berre, Jacob Buchard, Ingar Næss, Jørn Adde, Øyvind Sætre, Frank Rune Isaksen Map page 21: Prokart/Kartverket Retrospective Contents 06 Message from the CEO 32 Shareholder information 08 Values 34 Corporate Governance 10 Important Strategic milestones 40 The Board’s statement 12 Key figures 43 Board of Directors report 14 Highlights 2016 55 Consolidated financial statements 16 Strategy 111 Parent company accounts 18 Our business 136 Responsibility statement 28 Organisation 138 Auditor‘s Report 30 Management 144 Sitemap NRS 31 The Board of Directors 5 Message from the CEO We have left behind a fantastic year both for the Norwegian salmon industry and for Norway Royal Salmon (NRS). In 2016, the export value of salmon was a record high NOK 61.4 billion, an increase of 29 percent from the record year of 2015. This even though export volumes from Norway decreased by 5 percent. Norway Royal Salmon 6 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Throughout the year 2016 we saw historically high improved operational structure, both in terms of equip­ salmon prices in a market with strong demand for ment and premises, we have also decided that we wish Norwegian salmon. Also NRS delivered better results to establish a new hatchery on Karlsøy in Troms. There than ever before, and in every quarter we set new will still be some years before the plant is realized, but records. For the fiscal year 2016, we reached two mile­ it is an important milestone for the continued improved stones. One was that the profit after tax was over NOK production of NRS. We also see other growth possibili­ 1 billion and the other was that the book value passed ties for the Group. In 2015, we applied, together with NOK 2 billion. Revenues were NOK 4.2 billion and we Aker ASA, for 15 development licenses. Together, we achieved an operational EBIT of NOK 641 million, both have developed an offshore farm to facilitate sustain able higher than ever before. growth in areas the aquaculture technology of today has not been able to exploit. We have not received a Three years ago, we stated in our strategic plan that we, final approval of this project, but have come through the within five years, should develop into Norway’s most first hurdle by receiving positive signals that the project profitable salmon company and grow from a medium-­ meets the criteria for development licenses. Another sized to a large salmon company. Measured in operati­ new milestone for NRS in 2016 is our involvement on onal EBIT per kg, we have performed well against other Iceland through our ownership of 50 percent of the listed companies in all quarters. A fantastic effort has company Arctic Fish ehf. Through this initiative we step been laid down in all parts of the organisation to achieve outside Norway, and we strongly believe that Iceland will these results. 2016 was also a good year on the road have the opportunity to increase its salmon production to utilising the Group’s growth potential. We have put signi ficantly over the next five years. in place a clearly improved operational structure with new sites in new areas in both Troms and Finnmark. We believe that the improved operational structure is one 25­year anniversary of the key reasons for NRS’s good control over the sea Both our farming and sales business have achieved lice in 2016. A year where, unfortunately, the Norwegian very good results in 2016 and all employees have laid salmon farming industry continued to experience that sea down a substantial effort to create the record results. lice created too many negative headlines in the media. The prospect for a strong salmon market also in 2017 Sea lice are still the industry’s biggest challenge. Never­ is good, but this does not alter our intention to work for theless, it is good to see that the whole industry works continuous improvements in production and to focus diligently to gain control over the sea lice situation along on costs. Our objective is to create record results in the coast. 2017 as well, and an extra motivation is that these will be created in the year in which it is 25 years since NRS The potential for growth outside was established. 25 years ago, 34 farming companies joined forces to establish NRS. During these years, NRS Norway has developed to a major part of the Norwegian aqua­ We have started to utilise the new licenses we were culture industry. During the year we will mark the 25th awarded in 2014 and work every day to achieve our anniversary through our values Safe, Engaged, Innova­ first capacity target of 45 000 tonnes. In addition to the tive and Credible. Charles Høstlund CEO 7 Central to our business is our corporate values. Our employees show great commitment in their work and they are known for their positive attitude to both products and customers. Safe Engaged Credible Innovative Norway Royal Salmon 8 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Committed by name Norway Royal Salmon is a name we are proud of and a name we work hard every day to live up to. Having ROYAL in our company name allows us both locally and around the world to be associated with quality. Norway Royal Salmon is a name that obliges and we therefore say that we are COMMITTED BY NAME 9 Important strategic milestones in the Group’s 25­year history Acquisition resulting in 100 % ownership of Feøy Fiskeoppdrett AS and Åmøy Fiskeoppdrett Acquisition resulting in AS (companies merged 100 % ownership of AS into NRS Feøy AS in Brilliant Fiskeoppdrett 2009) (merged into NRS Feøy Purchase of major AS in 2010) shareholdings in Acquisition resulting various aquaculture in 82.5 % ownership of Awarded companies Nor Seafood AS 4 new licenses Norway Royal Salmon Private placement in Private placement in AS was founded by which the company which the company raised 34 fish farming raised gross proceeds gross proceeds of companies as a sales of NOK 50 million NOK 100 million and marketing company for farmed salmon Acquisition resulting in 100 % ownership of Altafjord Laks AS Acquisition resulting in 76.24 % ownership of AS Tri and Salmo Arctica AS (merged into AS Tri in 2009) Acquisition resulting in 37.5 % ownership of Wilsgård Fiskeoppdrett AS Norway Royal Salmon 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Important strategic milestones in the Group’s 25­year history Public offering in which the company raised gross proceeds of NOK 46.1 million Norway Royal Salmon ASA listed on Awarded 10 new Oslo Stock exchange green licenses Acquisition resulting in Private placement and Acquisition resulting 66.67% ownership of sale of treasury shares in 100 % ownership of Nord Senja Laks AS in which the company Nord Senja Laks AS raised gross proceeds Acquired remaining of NOK 43.4 million Acquisition resulting minority interests in in 50 % ownership AS Tri. AS Tri simulta­ Acquisition resulting of Arctic Fish ehf. neously merged with in 37.75% ownership (Iceland) through Altafjord Laks AS of Ranfjord Fiske­ private placement under the name produkter AS NRS Finnmark AS Foundation of the wholly-owned Acquisition resulting subsidiary NRS in 27.65% ownership Settefisk AS. of Ranfjord Fiske­ produkter AS The company converted from a private to a public limited liability company. The new company name is Norway Royal Salmon ASA 11 Key figures (NOK 1 000) 2016 2015 2014 Operating revenue 4 224 340 3 210 548 2 599 799 Volume sold (tonnes) 66 808 69 971 59 110 Volume of own fish harvested (tonnes gutted weight) 26 819 27 903 22 356 Operational EBITDA 1) 701 676 255 591 199 475 Operational EBIT 1) 640 613 201 894 158 064 EBIT 876 628 249 065 242 656 EBT 1 172 421 270 081 320 706 Result for the year 1 004 713 237 582 268 283 EBITDA margin 1) 16.6 % 8.0 % 7.7 % Operational EBIT margin 1) 15.2 % 6.3 % 6.1 % ROCE 2) 49.6 % 15.4 % 13.7 % Operational EBIT per kg 3) 27.06 9.64 9.98 Book value of biological assets 1 205 399 829 928 808 674 Total capital 3 713 382 2 870 245 2 599 462 Net interest bearing debt 282 160 498 541 639 383 Book equity 2 047 017 1 186 519 1 013 907 Equity ratio % 55.1 % 41.3 % 39.0 % Net cash flow from operating activities 628 302 340 196 95 455 Net cash flow from investing activities ­282 311 ­107 435 ­162 363 Earnings per share 22,72 5.28 5.85 Number of shares as at 31 December 43 572 191 43 572 191 43 572 191 Number of employees (full­time equivalents) 149 132 129 1) Before fair value adjustments, income from associates and gain on financial instruments 2) Return on capital employed based on 4 quarters rolling EBIT aligned for fair value adjustments / average (NIBD + Equity ­ Financial assets) 3) Operational EBIT for segments farming and sales Norway Royal Salmon 12 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Harvested volume HOG Operational EBIT Salmon price (tonnes) (NOK 1 000) (Nasdaq/NOK) 30000 700000 70 27 903 640 613 26 819 62.68 25 191 25000 600000 60 22 356 21 162 500000 50 20000 39.85 40.56 41.45 400000 40 15000 300000 30 256 002 26.95 10000 201 894 200000 20 158 064 5000 100000 10 20 416 0 0 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Harvested volume HOG Operational EBIT Salmon price (tonnes) (NOK 1 000) (Nasdaq/NOK) 30000 700000 70 27 903 640 613 26 819 62.68 25 191 25000 600000 60 22 356 21 162 500000 50 20000 39.85 40.56 41.45 400000 40 15000 300000 30 256 002 26.95 10000 201 894 200000 20 158 064 5000 100000 10 20 416 0 0 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Harvested volume HOG Operational EBIT Salmon price (tonnes) (NOK 1 000) (Nasdaq/NOK) 30000 700000 70 27 903 640 613 26 819 62.68 25 191 25000 600000 60 22 356 21 162 500000 50 20000 39.85 40.56 41.45 400000 40 15000 300000 30 256 002 26.95 10000 201 894 200000 20 158 064 5000 100000 10 20 416 0 0 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 13 Historical milestones Global Gap Certification Norway Royal Salmon reached several historical All sites at the farming companies of Norway Royal milestones in 2016.
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