Pharmacology (YDOXDWLRQDQG4XDQWL¿FDWLRQRI$QJLRJHQHVLV$FWLYLW\RI 7erminalia %elliriFa 5o[E, by Mice Sponge Implantation Method Vinoth Prabhu V1,2, Chidambaranathan N2, Gopal V3 1Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, PRIST University, Thanjavur, 2Department of Pharmacology, KM College of Pharmacy, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, 3Department of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences, Puducherry, India Address for correspondence: Prof. Vinoth Prabhu V; E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT $QJLRJHQHVLVUHSUHVHQWVDQH[FHOOHQWWKHUDSHXWLFWDUJHWIRUWKHWUHDWPHQWRIFDUGLRYDVFXODUGLVHDVHV,WLVD SRWHQWSK\VLRORJLFDOSURFHVVWKDWXQGHUOLHVWKHQDWXUDOPDQQHULQZKLFKRXUERGLHVUHVSRQGWRDGLPLQXWLRQ RIEORRGVXSSO\WRYLWDORUJDQVQDPHO\WKHSURGXFWLRQRIQHZFROODWHUDOYHVVHOVWRRYHUFRPHWKHLVFKHPLF VWDWH7KLVSUHVHQWVWXG\LVDLPHGWRHYDOXDWHDQGTXDQWLI\WKH$QJLRJHQLFSRWHQWLDORITerminalia belliriFa Ro[bE\ in vivo PLFHVSRQJHLPSODQWDWLRQDVVD\+HUHJHODWLQVSRQJHZLWKRUZLWKRXW(WKDQROLFH[WUDFWRI Terminalia belliriFa OHDI ((7%PJDQGPJUHVSHFWLYHO\ ZHUHVXEFXWDQHRXVO\LQMHFWHGLQWR6ZLVV DOELQRPLFHDQGGD\VODWHUWKHLPSODQWHGVSRQJHVZDVH[FLVHGDQGKLVWRORJLFDOO\H[DPLQHG7KHVWDLQHG VHFWLRQVKRZHGWKDWVSRQJHFRQWDLQLQJ((7%KDGSURGXFHGPRUHYHVVHOVLQJHOVWKDQVSRQJHVDORQH7KH QHZYHVVHOVZHUHDEXQGDQWO\¿OOHGZLWKLQWDFW5HGEORRGFRUSXVFOHV 5%&V ZKLFKLQGLFDWHWKHIRUPDWLRQRI DIXQFWLRQDOYDVFXODWXUHLQVLGHWKHVSRQJHVDQGEORRGFLUFXODWLRQLQQHZO\IRUPHGYHVVHOVE\DQJLRJHQHVLV ZKLFKLVLQGXFHGE\((7%,WDOVRPHDVXUHGWKDWWKHKHPRJORELQ FRQWHQWLQVLGHWKHVSRQJHV:KHUHDV KHPRJORELQLQFRQWUROZDVQHDUO\J((7%FDVHVWKHKHPRJORELQTXDQWLW\ZDVPDUNHGO\HQKDQFHGWR DERXWJ7DNHQWRJHWKHULWGHPRQVWUDWHGWKDW(WKDQROLFH[WUDFWRITerminalia belliriFa OHDIH[KLELWHGD SURIRXQGDQJLRJHQLFDFWLYLW\ in vivo. 7KHSK\WRFKHPLFDOVFUHHQLQJDQGTXDOLWDWLYHLQVWUXPHQWDODQDO\VLVRI ((7%UHYHDOVWKHSUHVHQFHRISURWHLQVDQG3K\WRVWHUROV7KHSURPLVLQJDQJLRJHQLFSRWHQWLDOPD\EHGXHWRWKH SUHVHQFHRIWKHDERYHFKHPLFDOFRQVWLWXHQWV)XUWKHUVWXG\LVUHTXLUHGWRGH¿QHPRUHSUHFLVHO\WKHPROHFXODU PHFKDQLVPVE\ZKLFK(WKDQROLFH[WUDFWRI Terminalia belliriFaOHDIPRGXODWHVHQGRWKHOLDOFHOOIXQFWLRQDQG JHQHH[SUHVVLRQDVZHOODVWKHSDWKRORJLFDOUHOHYDQFHRIWKHVH¿QGLQJV Key words: $QJLRJHQLFJURZWKIDFWRUVVSRQJHLPSODQWDWLRQDVVD\Terminalia belliriFa, WKHUDSHXWLFDQJLRJHQHVLV Access this article online INTRODUCTION Quick Response Code: Website: Neovasculariation is the growth of new capillary blood vessels ZZZM\RXQJSKDUPLQ in the body, and is an important natural process for healing DOI: and reproduction. The body controls neovasculariation by producing a precise balance of growth and inhibitory factors in healthy tissues. When this balance is disturbed, the 22 Journal of Young Pharmacists / Vol 4 / No 1 Vinoth Prabhu, et al.: Evaluation of angiogenesis activity of Terminalia bellirica result is either too much or too little angiogenesis. Abnormal Table 1: Endogenous angiogenesis inducers blood vessel growth, either excessive or insufcient, is now Type of angiogenesis inducer Examples recognied as a common denominator underlying many Heparin binding peptide growth VEGF factors PlGF deadly and debilitating conditions, including cancer, skin FGF-1, FGF-2 diseases, age-related blindness, diabetic ulcers, cardiovascular Pleiotrophin disease, stroke, and many others.[1] PDGF Non-heparin binding peptide TGF-a TGF-b growth factors EGF Angiogenesis for cardiovascular diseases IGF-I ,QÀDPPDWRU\PHGLDWRUV TNF-a Angiogenesis represents an excellent therapeutic target IL-8 IL-3 for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. It is a potent Prostaglandin E1, E2 Enzymes PD-ECGF/TP physiological process that underlies the natural manner COX-2 in which our bodies respond to a diminution of blood Angiogenin supply to vital organs, namely the production of new Hormones Oestrogens collateral vessels to overcome the ischemic state. A large Proliferin Oligosaccharides Hyaluronan number of pre-clinical studies have been performed with Gangliosides protein, gene and cell-based therapies in animal models Hematopoietic factors Erythropoietin of cardiac ischemia as well as models of periphery G-CSF GM-CSF artery diseases. Administration of a particular growth Cell adhesion molecules VCAM-1 factor [Table 1] to stimulate angiogenesis in the affected E-Selectin tissues (or) organ, and the protein therapy with single Others Nitric oxide protein agent was not a viable option to treat ischemic Ang-1 [2,3] Where, VEGF: Vascular endothelial growth factor; PlGF: Placental growth factor; cardiovascular diseases. FGF-1, FGF-2: Fibroblast growth factors; PDGF: Platelet-derived growth factor; TGF-a: Transforming growth factor alpha; TGF-b: Transforming growth factor beta; EGF: Epidermal growth factor; IGF-I: Insulin-like growth factor I; TNF-a: Therapeutic angiogenesis Tumor necrosis factor alpha; IL-8: Interleukin – 8; IL-3: Interleukin – 3; PD-ECGF/ TP: Platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor/thymidine phosphorylase; COX-2: Cyclooxygenase-2; G-CSF: Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; GM- Therapeutic angiogenesis is the method of stimulation of CSF: Granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor; VCAM-1: Vascular cell angiogenesis where it is required but lacking. This technique adhesion molecule-1; Ang-1: Angiopoietin 1 is used to replenish the blood supply to chronic wounds to speed healing and it prevents unnecessary amputations. the above three therapies there are few therapies that have New research suggests this approach can be also used to been used to induce angiogenesis. Hence, this study is aimed save limbs aficted with poor circulation and even oxygen to nd potent angiogenic herbal compounds. Terminalia starved hearts.[4] Therapeutic angiogenesis may even help bellirica has deep roots in Indian mythology as in Ayurveda. It to regenerate damaged (or) lost tissues in ways that were is part of a compound rasayana preparation of three myrobalan previously considered impossible, such as, with nerves and fruits, known as Triphala (or triÁa), which are important in brain tissues. The modern clinical application of the principle both Indian and Tibetan traditional medicine. The name of angiogenesis can be divided into two main areas: Anti- Vibheekaki indicates that regular use keeps a person healthy angiogenesis therapies with which angiogenesis research and free from diseases. It has been previously reported that began, and with Pro-angiogenic therapies.[5] Antiangiogenic the aqueous extract of fruits of Terminalia bellirica inhibit the therapies are being employed to ght cancer and malignancies Tumor Growth and Angiogenesis, and suggests different which require an abundance of oxygen and nutrients to components have different activity, hence, fresh leafs of the proliferate. Pro-angiogenesis therapy is being explored as Terminalia bellirica Roxb, belonging to the family Combretaceae, an option to treat cardiovascular diseases. One of the rst commonly known as Bellirica Myrobalan have been selected applications of pro-angiogenic methods in humans was a to evaluate its angiogenesis activity.[9] German trial using broblast growth factor-1 (FGF-1) for the treatment of coronary artery diseases. Clinical research in MATERIALS AND METHODS therapeutic angiogenesis is ongoing for a variety of diseases like coronary artery diseases, peripheral arterial diseases and Phytochemical evaluation of plant extract wound healing disorders.[6] The pro-angiogenesis therapies can be differentiated into three categories, namely, i) protein Plant material therapy,[7] ii) gene therapy[8] and, iii) cell based therapy which The Fresh leaves of Terminalia bellirica were collected involved the implantation of specic cell types. Other than from wild area near to Mannargudi, Tiruvarur District, Journal of Young Pharmacists / Vol 4 / No 1 23 Vinoth Prabhu, et al.: Evaluation of angiogenesis activity of Terminalia bellirica Tamil Nadu, India and the same were authenticated Infrared spectroscopy by Prof. Dr. G.S.V. Murthy-Botanical Survey of India Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is the study of the reected, (BSI), Coimbatore, India and a voucher specimen No: absorbed or transmitted radiant energy in the region of BSI/SRC/5/23/09-10/Tech-683 was allotted for Terminalia electromagnetic spectrum ranging from wavelength of bellirica Roxb. [Figure 1]. The herbarium was deposited in 0.8 to 500 nm. Frequency expressed in wave numbers is a our University laboratory for further reference. more commonly used measurement. It is usually divided into 3 regions near I.R. (1250 to 400 cm1), mid I.R. (4000 Preparation of ethanolic extract to 400 cm1 ) and far I.R. (400 to 20 cm1). The powdered Freshly collected leaves of Terminalia bellirica were shade EETB was mixed with potassium bromide and a thin disc dried and made into small pieces. These pieces were again was prepared in anhydrous conditions. That disc was used shade dried and pulveried to coarse powder and passed for the measurement of I.R. spectra against the potassium through the sieve No: 20, and retained on sieve No: 40. bromide disc as reference. The Fourier transform infrared About 1 kg of the dry powder of leaves of Terminalia FT-IR-spectra of ethanolic extract of Terminalia bellirica leaf bellirica were placed in a thimble of the Soxhlet extraction contains main absorption bands belonging to the valence apparatus attached to the mouth of a round bottomed vibrations corresponding to OH, C=O, C-O-C groups to ask containing 70% ethanol as an extractive solvent. aromatic rings vibrations as well shows in Figure 2. Spectra Some boiling chips were added into the ask to avoid examination reveals
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